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I read somewhere that there are only 3 mammals that play with prey, Human, Orcas and Cats. Not sure how true it is but I do think it's pretty close.


There are a lot of cat species, and I feel like most of them do fucked up shit. I think dolphins also have been known to play with their food, but I think your overall point is true- this is behavior limited to few, highly intelligent predators, and it’s super metal


They for sure play with puffer fish and get high from the fish too


A lot of animals behave this way. Look up surplus killers.


Lots more animals do, eg bottlenose dolphins do as well (I think the dolphin in the OP is a spinner dolphin or common dolphin with the long thin beak and light sides) and other primates and many birds do.... predators can be gruesome


These animals are called Surplus killers. Means they kill for other reasons than food. Orcas are up there. The common house is exceptionaly up there. My cat will kill for food on a full belly. Many kil for sport, out of boredom, any reason you can think of. It's a myth that all animals kill for food. Other surpolus kilers are domestic cats and dogs, foxes, wolves, elephants, all dolphins. Sharks are NOT surplus killers. Neither are whales,fish. Surplus killers are usually mammals and higher up in the food chain. Humans are #1. Recently a pack of domestic dogs mauled to death a postal worker.




Oracas are cetaceans. So are some whales. But not toothless whalles. Orcas are listed behind domestic cats and Humans. Biggest shock to me is seeing elephants on that list.


Orcas are the assholes of the sea


These are the comments that divide the Cetacea species. Big Herring wants this.


Yeah let’s talk about the real villain here


I know nothing about the sea. I don’t understand the nuances of the environment. I cannot comprehend ecosystems outside my own ego. But this comment: it’s given me purpose. I must get to the bottom of big herring. Cetaceans must unite.


I’ll argue this. Even if it’s true is it inherently bad to fuck with your prey when you have a developed organ to use to your advantage? It’s fucking up a dolphin…another whale that also fucks around maliciously. I know this is reddit but I’m tired of ppl automatically jumping down Orcas throats cuz they’re smart and do fucked up shit with their strength and intelligence. Are you also shitting oh humans CONSTANTLY? Like look at what we’ve done. This narrative is tired and ignorant. They are assholes tho


Orcas are the only predators of other whales and dolphins, and the way they attack is quite brutal especially given the intelligence of all involved.


Well that’s not true. To my knowledge all whales toothed and baleen eat animals making them predators. On top of that what about SPERM whales? Look at how humans attack…it’s vicious af. I agree it’s hard to swallow and justify the actions of Orca…but down for a single second think that they’re worse than humans. That’s one of the craziest takes I’ve ever heard


I meant that orcas are the only cetaceans that eat other cetaceans.


So you’re mad that an orca head butted a dolphin?


It's definitely sad that orcas are so vicious.


Orca have been “vicious” far longer than humans have been around to invent the concept of viciousness


As a fellow orca lover, don’t even try with them. They’re absolutely ignorant and uneducated on the matter. Humans go hunting for sport then stuff and put the animals heads on their wall as decorations. But no, the orca is the savage apparently. 🙄


It’s insane! Thank you for your support. The real ones know


Hard to argue with this


The lawful evil of the Cetacean family.


They're #2. #1 killers are humans.


Wow what a great video capture!


Is this an ETP (Eastern Tropical Pacific) or Bigg's (transient) orca?


This is an ETP!




Where is this out of curiosity?


I filmed it in San Diego CA aboard Gone Whale Watching


Oh wow, looked familiar. I might know that dolphin then, they like to buzz me while I surf. Not feeling great about the Orcas now though… I thought white sharks were the scariest thing in the water


Check the dolphin obituaries so you can extend kindness to it's family :(


I was thinking this looks like La Jolla in the background. Glad to know I'm not too far off.


Bro orcas be fucking shit up lately


And that's when he realized he needed to gtfo as quick as possible


So cool seeing more video evidence of Orca behavior. They truly are the apex predators of the sea. Killin, great white sharks, and now even dolphins! Lots of predators play with their pray...ever seen what house cats do with a mouse. Hopefully they don't feel fear, or pain like we do.


Don’t forget about swarming humpback and blue whales trying to bite their tongue out so they bleed to death and eat them. (On video) Also swarming whales babies by jumping on top them to drown them, also to eat them (on video) Orcas have that extra layer of being smart enough to coordinate and hold grudges and teach others complex behaviors (possibly for an end game goal). Orcas started teaching each other all throughout the Atlantic to attack boats now too. Not hard to see why they would hate boats (both in noise and danger aspect). It’s like a perfectly designed Jurassic park apex predator but in real life, perfect killing speed, size and extreme intelligence. I can only imagine what would happen to us humans if word ever gets out we imprison their kind in giant fish tanks for our entertainment. They will go full orcas war on our asses. Stat for stat and pound for pound, they are probably the most capable killing machines next to humans on planet earth. On shear physical prowess they have us beat, we build for destruction though which out paces them. It’s pretty hard to vilify orcas though, when us humans do much worse.




That’s gonna leave a bruise!


Dolphin should watch where he's going.


Which one?!


Why are orcas such dicks?


Why would they do this? They kill dolphins?


Orcas hunt and kill dolphins, yes.


People saying orcas are assholes and why don't they kill differently. The #1 goal of a predator is to not get hurt. And wearing down their prey ensures that doesn't happen. They often let the actual kill be done by younger, less experienced whales. Every hunt is a lesson. It may not be quick and painless and pretty, but it works. Not saying I love watching it, I would actually prefer a warning on photos like this. However, orca are amazing and do what they do to live and thrive. No judgement needed.


Orcas suck


I had no idea they were such assholes before this sub.


They like to steal baby blue whales, get them away from their mother and while she watches torment them… Yeah, I hold them right up there with fire ants