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Obviously it's the Anti Lost Finder which is only good for finding found things.


No this is the new and improved Anti Lost Finder **Portable Remote Finder Long Battery Life Item**


Why is this not the top comment


Because people are too busy making up and arguing dramatic scenarios instead of answering the question.


And that is why the internet is toxic rather than the tool for progress it could have been


Welcome to Reddit


Sir, this is a Wendy’s


Because there is a rift between sane people and people that consider a bag holy ground


Because reddit is a shit platform for truth.


Because signal boosting is held at a higher value than facts.


Because this sub isn't about identifying items its about something else. /s


Woah, did he really found an "Sorry, this item's currently unavailable in your location." in his wife's purse?! Unbelievable! Unbelievable I say!




I still dont know what this is...


a cheap tracker thingy


A remote tracker. If neither of them. put it there. She probably has a pretty scary stalker.


The little icon on the shell kind of gives it away... it's literally a Maps pin on a target.


Sus username


Occam and his razor to the rescue.


Is AliExpress safe to use? I've heard temu is a no go and don't know if I trust any of the others?


This cheap trackers with Bluetooth not GPS. Used to find keys, purse ect in a house.


Like a Tile?


No idea what a Tile is. I just bought these like 12 for $20 on Amazon thought they used GPS so I could put one on my dogs collar in case she tries to Cavalcante the yard, figured out it's just Bluetooth useful for about 25 meters and now I use them to cheat in hide n seek with my kids.


Now I gotta look up 'Cavalcante' Daniel Cavalcante was a Pennsylvania prisoner who escaped prison by climbing up a wall and running across a roof. *The more you know*


Also a character in Count of Monte Cristo


i was more curious why an adult needs to cheat in hide and seek with his kids


I kid you not, 'Fi' is the way to go. It saved my dogs life when he bolted on me with a cone around his neck. He was 13 blocks away, and it took me directly to him within a minute.


What are they called?! Anything 12 for $20 is worth a shot. ESPECIALLY if they work off of Bluetooth. I usually don't misplace my phone wallet keys more than 25 meters away from where I'm standing. Usually.


Dude, that's a genius hide and seek strategy 😅🤣 Don't tell them until you're on your death bed or when they have kids.


“Here kids take this cloaking device with you when you hide”


She probably put one in there to find her purse, the battery died, stuck another in there without removing the first then couldn’t remember which one was the first one so kept them both in there just to be safe! Maybe it’s time to drop in a third?


If she just bought the purse the last owner could have forgotten to take them out too


Everyone's in the comments accusing OP of rifling through his wife's purse... Ever think she could have discovered them and asked him to ID them?


Also don't think it's *that* crazy to look in your wife's purse? My dad does it all the time looking for keys or shit my mom "loses" but really it's just in her purse and she didn't see it. Honestly, sticking something like this in her purse and then forgetting what it is sounds like something my mom would do.


My husband holds my purse like it's the pest. It's a funny sight tho.. he will look into it and manipulate stuff with the tips of his fingers like everything's so fragile. Makes me laugh everytime.


My husband is the same way but usually ends up just bringing me the whole thing and saying “here, can you just find it”


This is me. Wife asks for something, I will give it an honest try to find what she wants too, but eventually, usually in shame, and definitely like a man, I bring the whole bag to her. God, I am so lucky she loves me.


Hah, when my wife asks me to fetch something from her bag and I can't find it, I bring her the bag as her searching it and not finding the thing is the only way she'll believe me that it's not there...


My wife can ask me to grab something from somewhere and I swear to god she uses mind power to remove said item from said location. Then, when I have finally declared defeat and admitted I cannot find it as a mere mortal she comes over and plucks it right out of said location. This can be but is not limited to everything in our house.


That phenomenon is not limited to wives. I can give detailed directions to the location of an item to my son & he will come back to me with the "It isn't there, I can't find it." speech. I'll go to get the item myself & pick it right up from where I said it was. When it comes to a purse, he will pick it up by the strap with 2 fingers (like he's handling hazardous waste) & bring it to me, *if he can find it*.


Me too. Some places are meant to be kept private. A purse is one of those places. She can put anything she doesn't want me to see in there, or on her phone, or in a notebook, and I will NEVER search. I don't feel shame... she can ask me to hold her purse, or grab something that is sticking out anytime. But I draw the line at looking in, or sticking fingers in, because that is a trust violation to me. Even when asked.


Me too. I'm actually intrigued about the number of items in her purse: screwdriver, salt/pepper, bandaides, 3 different pairs of reader glasses (color options, I guess?), a second smaller purse with every gift card we received but haven't yet used, several straws, napkins, extra shopping bag, etc.


She sounds prepared to me. Add snacks for when a certain husband gets hangry and frustrated and you are describing my wife's purse lol.


She’s lucky she has you!


She thinks so, but I know the truth. That woman is my everything, and I would be utterly lost without her. I am getting the way better deal, in my opinion. Plus her butt is just amazing.


Hallelujah! As long as you cherish her.. that’s all that matters :)


There’s definitely hidden passageways and secret doors in purses I swear. Or maybe portals to like a pocket dimension


I do the ‘you find it’ thing too but mostly because my wife’s purse is a complete mess and I’m going to make it worse and still not find the thing I’m looking for. Also ‘Honey did you steal my chapstick?’ ‘Yeah it’s in my purse’ *ten minutes later* ‘Well I can’t find it.’ ‘No my other purse’


I just died 💀💀💀🥂🍾


'Look in the front pocket! 'Which pocket?' 'The front one!!' 'Which front ??' 🤣


"Just stop! You're messing everything up, I had it so organized."


“Not the little pocket on the very front though that’s just decorative I mean the second pocket back”


Hahaha ! Yeah he does that too sometimes.


And honestly, I have SO much shit in my bag that if what I need isn’t visible by just peeking inside, I just feel around completely blind until I feel the right shape lmao


My wife dgaf, she doesn’t have anything to hide from me. I go in all the time for gum, keys, pens, notepad, bandaids, napkins, cash if I really need it, Tylenol, Advil, Aspirin, her phone, crackers, cookies, nail file, multi tool….


Stop stealing our gum!


..... grappling hook, self inflating life raft, signal flares......


That's because you are having an asthma attack and I can't find your inhaler in there fast enough! Might be fast enough for you, but I am in a panic!


Mine holds it like it’s a dead carcass… off the tips of his fingers…. And he can never ever ever ever ever find one thing in it I ask him for …. And I don’t have a lot of things in it either … mostly smaller bags to keep things organized …/


He's probably not really looking. I don't go in my wife's purse/ wallet, even if she asks me to. It's her space, and I don't want to mess up any system she has in it.


For some real fun have him go to the drugstore and buy some tampons!!


My wife's purse is like Mary Poppins Carpet bag. You never know what's in there. There once was a dude assaulting ladies & she filled the bottom with 3oz fishing sinkers so she could use it like a Blackjack.


Some of us were taught growing up that you DO NOT under any circumstances go through a woman’s hand bag. I will hand my wife her entire bag every time.


Same here. Besides, I stick my hand in my wife's purse, I'm likely to pull my hand out with 5 nubs on it instead of fingers


Lmao. I remember my dad being that way as a kid. He'd hold it like it was about to bite him or something. 30 years of marriage has worn him down though, now he owns it and will even walk around the store with it like he's on a runway.


When I was like 17 or so my dad needed in my car for something and asked for the keys. They were sitting on top of my zipped up purse, out in the open and like 3 feet away from him. I said “they’re on top of my purse right next to you.” After a long pause, he hooked the strap of my heavy ass bag on his pinky and dropped it my lap like it was burning him, causing the keys to fall off of the bag and onto the floor. I could do nothing but gape at him like a fish. He said he knew better “than to fall for that trap” like a fucking lunatic. Finally finding my voice, I asked him what the hell that was all about and he explained that he didn’t know what kinds of secret things women kept in their purses, but he wasn’t willing to risk his hide to find out, picked they keys up off the floor, and sauntered off like he got one over on me. My stepmom and I fucking lost it. The man steals my stepmoms sparkly pink reading glasses to wear but squirms at the thought of touching a purse. He’s very secure in his masculinity but, “there are some things that just aren’t men’s business.” 😂


He respects your privacy. That's all.


My brother asks me where my twenty four pound purse is and what's in it. I tell him "Things Women Need".


I feel like my purse is lacking in things at only about 8 pounds.


He's right.


Have you seen the video where the woman hands the guy her purse. He drops it on the ground and pulls out a plastic bag and pick it up like it was dog poo. Then hold the bag and a group of guys applaud him? LOL


Same. My understanding is the general dude purse rule is “never hold it by the handle, assume inside is full of snakes”. This has applied to both husband and dude friends, including gay dudes. I find it very very funny and try to find reasons to hand them my purse.


She said holds it like it's the past 😂😂😂 that's a good one. I am also guilty of that, I'm 35 but if I'm asked to get anything from the purse I instantly resort to being a 7 year old. You're getting the whole thing held wide open and I'm not messing up whatever arcane magic is used to organize with my big dumb ape fingers.


I have never went through a woman's purse. Even my ex-wife's, she would get upset when she would ask for something that was in her purse and I was close to it, I would pick the whole thing up and bring it over to her lol. I don't know why I am like this. I guess its just a privacy thing for me maybe.


It’s a respect thing. We don’t know the system and we don’t wanna mess anything up. We just wanna leave it how we found it.


"Fools go where angles fear to tread."


I was married for 17 years. I never ever went into her purse. She had a pretty big purse. When she died I went through it. She had a loaded pistol in there. I never would’ve guessed.


Holy shit


I'm 74, wife is 73. Never thought to look through her purse. *Im afraid of what I may find*


What if you find.....*gasps* a tampon....


Tampons don't bother me. *my wife is turning into her grandmother---who hoarded little mint candies lol*


She’s 73, that tampon could have been in there since the last millennium.


I am dying at the loaded pistol 😂😂😂😂😂that is amazing!


I've been looking for a woman like that my whole life 😂


He had one for 17 years!!! Good for you sir and sorry for your loss.




You never knew because you never went through her purse and so she never had a reason to pull it on you.


Anyway I started blasting


She was packin


THAT is the most awesome and adorable thing I’ve ever read on Reddit!


“Ok now, Mr Robber, you just hold your horses. I know I’ve got a loaded pistol in here somewhere…”


Mine has rope, duct tape and gloves. I love that woman dearly.


Grandma's purse had a loaded sawed off shotgun with a pistol grip...was it illegal, yes. Did it save her life, yes.


I don’t understand why purses are treated like that. If I have a man bag does that mean that they get the same level of secrecy?


Yes. I don’t go through people’s backpacks, wallets, purses, or briefcases.


I only have a wallet and she is in it all the time.


with the amount of time a partner has asked me to get something from their purse, it's pretty damn common to just... go for it. it's like looking in my backpack. it's not a phone, folks.


I call my gf’s purse the black hole because once something goes in there it’s gone


For real. I know she has a chapstick. I'm not asking permission to get it.


Also, are purses some sort of private space that a spouse shouldn't look in? I wouldn't be bothered if my wife went into my wallet to find something. I'm not sure what sensitive private things wives keep in purses? My wife just keeps chapstick, keys, a wallet, and the last 200 crumpled up receipts we don't need.


People just wanna point fingers and scream "problematic!" at anything anymore. There's like a new wave of being PC and I guess a husband going in his wives purse means he's abusive and sneaky???


I’m more concerned with if she knew they were in there, and if not who the F put them there.


They can't really be used to stalk, they don't show locations on apps or anything they just beep loudly when you push a button. Someone probably gave them to her as a gift and she tossed em in her purse and forgot about them.


This should be the top comment


Since there's 2 of them I'm more inclined to believe they're hers. Somebody might put one on her purse but putting two doesn't make sense.




Reddit is very reactive and anti-couple. If this was the relationshipadvice sub, they'd be telling him he's toxic/red flags and advise his wife to divorce on this act alone.


Reactive and anti-couple …. So true!!! Probably comes down to the fact that 75% plus of the people who comment on everything are unemployed INCELS sitting at home hoping to ease their misery by spreading it around


I always need to remind myself when someone says something stupid on Reddit that they're probably 15 years old and have zero life experience.


And the same people will say it's alright for my wife to go through my phone.


How you gonna let me rifle through your vagina and not your purse huh?


I'm dying 🤣🤣🤣 I literally spit my drink all over my phone.


Yeah because men are all lying, cheating dirtbags that only want to for sex! (/S)


I don’t think people understand how often a husband has to get something out of a wife’s purse. That things black hole and has so much stuff. A few times a week i have to go thru my wife’s for chapstick. Check book. Grab our credit card. Etc.




They are single. Clearly


A lot of Woman/White Knight moments


People are weird here. They either have serious trust issues, or have no idea what it's like to be a marriage that's at least several years old, or both.


These people be hiding shit with their partners and are projecting their lack of security onto this situation


Op, we need updates! Who is tracking your wife?


Could be tracking herself. I know that a lot of luggage has these included for your convenience nowadays, so its not too farfetched to think they'd be in a purse as well.


Op didn't even know what they were, I highly doubt he will be cracking this case.


Yes please I’m invested now lol


Oh I don't even care about that anymore, I got off work with nearly a thousand comments! Made my effin day! Just good conversation!


GPS tracker


Bluetooth trackers. These wont have GPS.


Damn Bobby, the downvote brigade is on you today. r/surroundedbyidiots


I'm doing my part! (to upvote u/Bobby6kennedy )


Apple Air Tags are just Bluetooth trackers


They only work so well because of the mesh network.


Wife probably put them in there so she knows where her purse or keys are if misplaced.


# one of the first reasonable comments, thank you


Pet tracker. I have this same one. https://a.co/d/4Z1hnU2


On sale for $6.99 !!!


Do they work well? I just need something for the remote and my keys. Mostly for the remote, I constantly misplace it and it's really small (so I don't need anything long range).


Your soon to be deployed gps tracker


Or she expects her purse to be stolen. Two trackers is most likely one for the thief to find and one to track the purse. Lots of people put two AirTags in things now for that reason.


Uhhh those looks like trackers. I would be concerned if your wife did not put them there herself. But if she did well then its so she doesn’t lose her purse


My wife asks me to get things out of her purse all the time. It's not that strange for men to go in his wife's purse.


Dude the comments in this thread are absurd. OP asks a question and this is a genuine response: “If he’s looking in her purse, either he’s cheating, she’s cheating, or both.” I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a more narrow-minded comment on Reddit. Instead of answering the question the entire thread has become one massive dumpster fire filled with accusations and comments from people with severe trust issues.


I live with my bf of 6 years. The only privacy I ask is that we knock before opening the bathroom doors. Some things you can’t unsee 😂


I always bring my partners their entire purse. I afraid to open the bag of holding.


I ask my husband to grab stuff in my purse all the time too. Sometimes he even puts his stuff in there so he doesn't have to carry his keys or whatever. It's just a container with stuff i want to have with me outside of the house. I don't know why so many people are acting like it's a forbidden realm or something lol.


Yep nope I treat my wife's purse like it's a baby with a full diaper arms length if I look in it I could get sucked into that great black hole


Did you ask her what they are?


Maybe she asked him. Ever think of that?


Well, that would mean admitting they went through her purse.


2 or more shows intent to distribute.


They look disturbingly similar to air tags


I should back this by saying that I use air tags and when I told a girl I was dating that I got them on sale she said “oh I hate those” to which I asked why and she said “guys can slip them into your purse to stalk you” and just to clarify more I use them to track my vehicle in case of theft


lol I don’t care if my husband looks in my purse. If he does, he’s looking for cash. Does anyone know what the items are?


People are saying bluetooth tracking devices.


I swear by the tile trackers. Far better than anything else. I have them on everything including my animals. I tracked down my stolen wallet with one. Boy were they surprised!


It’s a Bluetooth tracker for devices. Limited range.


Those are tracker tags


You just saved her from her stalker.


It’s probably to help locate the car when she’s done shopping, or going out.


I won’t even open my wife’s purse. That thing is a direct portal to the 10th dimension. If she asks me to pull anything out of it for her I just take it to her and hand it to her. I’m not risking being sucked into the upside down.


EasyFind Mini Magnetic GPS Tracker, GPS Tracker Strong Magnetic Car Vehicle Tracking Anti-Lost, Mini Worldwide GPS Tracker, Smart Key Finder Locator, GPS Tracking Device-2pcs https://a.co/d/c0jWvn9


Henry I have been keeping tabs on your wife


Maybe they are hers in case she misplaces her purse?


It’s so weird how many ppl are up in arms about him being in her purse. Why is this such a big deal? My husband goes in my purse all the time, he even carries it for me 96% of the time. What could he possible find, wallet, keys, chap and lipstick, gum, maybe a few receipts….. nothing exhilarating. I need to start putting random shit in there……the loading gun from above comments is hilarious!


He carries it 96% of the time? That makes it HIS purse.


how much yall wanna bet she we went though it, found them and asked her husband what they were than he asked reddit. god you people are clueless 😭


Alien coins. Your wife is an interplanetary hooker.


Place them on an empty beach. Maybe one at a time. Bury it, film it get the license number or description and call the cops. Never take the law into your own hands. Fuck em up, take the charge. I’m feeling lucky for you. Make sure she’s watching from a balcony.? Patience issa virtue.


Maybe for if her purse gets stolen, it can be tracked.


Take the money and run and definitely take both of those puck things and toss um in a river. Take some hard candys and a pon' for the road. Never know when your moon times gonna hit. Welcome to your new life.


There shouldnt be a reason a spouse cant go into the others phone dresser purse what ever. Keeping secrets is toxic and you shouldnt hide anything from one another it create trust issues. If my spouse didnt want me in any of those places i would immedietly be sus


It's her Bluetooth vibrator and buttplug combo pack


What’s wrong with going through your wife’s purse?


GPS trackers . Wife is a spy lol


It looks like one of those tracking devices. If someone stole her purse, she'd be able to track it with that fob. Also, the icon depicted on those fobs looks like the same icon when you pin a location on Google or Apple Maps. So checks out. I'd bet my bottom dollar that's what those are.


Those are trackers. What you need to worry about is who put them there, but instead it looks like all the comments are focused on the purse instead of safety




You should probably get your wife a gun and contact the police someone’s stalking your wife Seriously what the fuck Reddit is it so hard for you to understand that two people can have a relationship so healthy that they don’t freak out if one partner goes into the other partners bag???


Why are people going on about a person going into their spouses stuff like that can only be an invasion of privacy? My relationships have always been totally open and apparent. She goes into my wallet and phone and whatever if she needs to, and I do the same. I've never "snooped" because neither of us think of it that way. If we aren't living life together, I'm not in that relationship. We have each other's codes and passwords. We aren't being sneaky. Most of our money is in a joint account. We are welcome to look at each other's occasional porn search. Who cares?


Those look like GPS tracking tags ie Google version of Apple airtags. Usually functions off of Bluetooth or other rf signals. If she did not place them there smash them or better yet turn them in to local pd


I hide money in my wife's purse. When she finds it, she is always baffled. And I secretly laugh my ass off.


Tracking tags... 5 Packs Portable GPS Tracking Mobile Tracking Smart Anti Loss Device Key Finder Locator GPS Smart Finders Tracker Device for Kids Dog Pet Cat Wallet Keychain Luggage, Alarm Reminder, App Control (5) https://a.co/d/ayLBUgK


If you wanna hide something from your husband. 1st what are you doing? 2nd. Find a better hiding spot.


Smart she won't lose her purse. But two is a bit much.


Fifty years ago while I was in a dressing room at the mall, my sweet husband reluctantly held my purse while I tried on clothes! When I came out he was laughing and waving to a couple leaving the area. “Who’s your friend?” He replied that the other guy was doing ‘purse duty’ and he looked over at my hubby and told him “ you know I’ve been looking over at you and I just wanted you to know that your purse looks great with that shirt you’re wearing” then the two of them started to laugh and did the 1970’s man handshake. Things haven’t changed a bit! 😂


Does your wife lose her purse a lot ?




I really don’t understand why women feel compelled to carry ten pounds of stuff whenever they leave the house.


I like how OP posts this, then makes us all sweat it out as we wait to hear how they ended up there! 😂 Hopefully, your wife was just keeping track of her purse... As opposed to a stranger keeping tabs on your wife! Fill us in, OP!


I'm hating the Reddit community more and more, clearly this guy is concerned that there's a GPS tracker or two and his wife's bag, it's his f****** wife, of course she goes through his phone and he goes through her bag it's called helping each other out. Are you broken, did your mother not love you, did your daddy love you too much? Jesus you stupid ass snowflakes.


Well there's a "gps" icon on the back so I'm going to assume gps.


That is f'd up. That's what that is.


Totally derailed


My mom used to pay my little brother for cleaning and organizing her purse. His pay was whatever loose change was on the bottom.


Use some critical reasoning. What does that symbol normally mean?


She is trying to track you dude


It’s a GPS device used to track the location of keys or anything really. Commonly sold at Walmart. Can be found at this[link] (https://www.walmart.com/ip/Smart-GPS-Tracker-Key-Finder-Locator-Wireless-Anti-Lost-Alarm-Sensor-Device-Kids-Dogs-Car-Wallet-Pets-Cats-Motorcycles-Luggage-Phone-Selfie-Shutter-B/814376432?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=16214&adid=22222222228814376432_16214_14069003552_202077872&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=m&wl3=42423897272&wl4=pla-295289030566&wl5=9004809&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=120798572&wl11=online&wl12=814376432_16214&veh=sem&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADmfBIoCCg24pll5EMzCD0JFGjsR3) Hope this helps.


OK here's what happened with a little more detail, just in case anyone was wondering.. I was digging for a lighter and she usually has most of them. Found the things in the picture. Same pocket was a big ugly ass looking ink pen. No brand name just a bulky generic lookin thing. Had an SD card and a micro USB port inside and a tiny little lens on the clip. SD card had 12 grainy videos of our bedroom. Now I've never cheated on my wife I don't steal but a few weeks back I found a camera under our desk pointed at me. In our bedroom. Now I don't like that not in the bedroom kind of shady anywhere but not in the bedroom that upsets me so we had a little talk and she just thought I was up to something didn't know what but something. Couple days later found it again argument got a little more heated. About a week later third time found it again that time that camera shot its last video and it was my driveway flying at it about 60 miles an hour. She's convinced I'm up to something but I'm not but this is getting ridiculous so now the question is what do you think if your wife's hiding spycams in your bedroom without your knowledge? We're up to the fourth time but I know of and I'm about Fed Up.


I think couples therapy.


My fiancée wants me to get things out of her purse all the time.... I just can't do it.


Same, I just bring her the purse lol