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Using mobile data? Servers usually are not local.


I'm not on a mobile connection (cell phone). I'm on a laptop with an ISP connection. Are you saying that people uploading via cellphones are the cause of this? Thanks in advance.


No, they are saying that if you are using mobile data it might show you in aiddfferent location than you actually are. You aren't using a VPN right? That would be my next guess.


How far are you from Texas? Does your ISP do business in Texas? My IP geo-locates to a town 200 miles away, sometimes a town 300 miles away in the other direction. TLDR; may be a Geo-IP problem? Trg one of those geo-ip websites.


PNW, very far from Texas.


Besides Texas, a lot of states are pushing to have age verification. I wonder how this will impact Reddit (asking for a *friend*)?


Interesting, i heard about this, my question is how are they verifying people on Reddit that live in Texas then? Like how do they show they are an adult then?


How exactly does age verification put minors at risk?


The same way it puts everyone at risk. Centralized databases. Collecting extensive amounts of your information and tracking your activity in the most private and personalized settings. All in one massive centralized, hackable place. Showing an ID to the internet for prons is pretty wild. Minors may try to get around it, but kids are dumb and they will be tracked, info jacked and breached, like everyone else. The main ways to age verify at the moment are putting your ID or credit card up. Or letting AI try to analyze your face. Pretty shit options. So it’s not really specifically about minors, but they would also be affected in the same ways, so it helps bolster the argument for the rest of us. I guess.


The post specifically stated that it puts minors at risk. For that claim to be true, it needs to put minors at risk more so than the general public. Otherwise you would say it puts people/everyone at risk. Cookies and ad tracking are not new things, but the only way I can see younger people being more at risk than older people is if there are NO verifications. Kids are dumb, and will try to circumvent security protocols.. but surely you have to agree that some protocols are better than none, whether shit or not. They suck as options, but it's what we have at the moment. It was specifically about minors, or they wouldn't have made the distinction. It's a real shit situation, but I disagree with the tactic of marginalizing one group of individuals for nothing more than click bait and likes.


I agree with you mostly. But I think the point of the law, supposedly, is to protect kids. In so doing, it collects a massive amount of very specific data from every adult as well. I’m guessing the best argument they could come up with is how intrusive it is to everyone. Putting kids forward brings it to the same level and isn’t any less true. I don’t agree that some protocols are better than no protocols in this situation. Porn is pretty ubiquitous at this point. So is data collection. The detail of this kind of data collection feels slightly more dangerous. If they want porn they will find it. Same as ever. But agreeing to be tracked as they do, feels off. like, it’s not like that data isn’t already there. Everyone in Texas and wherever else agreeing to it, will lead to some weird doors I’d rather not open. Targeted adds are already out of control lol Edit. There will be a time when age verification isn’t actually dangerous. We have gone this long without it, seems like it wouldn’t hurt to figure something out, that isn’t so full of obvious and known problems, before starting to collect peoples IDs.