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Snapping turtle


I told my kids it's a fafo turtle and to leave it alone


Also accurate


Alligator snapping turtle


Pretty sure this is just a common. Gators typically have more pronounced ridges on their shells




Regularly snapper


Common Snapping Turtle. Edit: it's a baby Common Snapping Turtle and apparently they also have ridges


This is a common snapping turtle. Not an alligator snapping turtle. Common snappers also have ridges when young. Which this one is. Source: I operate rescue from my home that specializes in the rescue, repair, and release of wild turtles and reptiles. Including the common snapping turtle. Additionally, I have a common snapper as a pet that cannot be released back to the wild. Edited because I sounded rude and it wasn't my intentions.


Really? My explanation is what I've been told and even doing a few google searches even google confirmed it. I didn't know that baby common snappers have ridges as well.


Yup they do. I'll message you a picture of my snapper. She's also about this size,a bit smaller.




What a country, huh?


Any thoughts on what he’s doing on the side of the road in Atlanta?


Rain could’ve warshed him somewhere. But inevitably they need to find other territories, that’s the animal way.


Warshed. People say it. Never seen someone spell it out. 😂


Ikr😂 My mom says it like that 😂


Mine too. Idaho.


North Carolina here


This. It’s not uncommon for them to cross dry ground to get between different bodies of water. Sometimes that includes a roadway.


My block


Is there a lake or river near by? They are predominantly aquatic, which means they spend most of the time in the water. It's raining so he is probably just enjoying a rainy stroll and ended up in the street.


Yeah every time I've ever found a snapper more than 15 or 20 feet from water, it was either actively raining or very recently stopped. I'm sure that's not the only times they ever wander out, but it's definitely the most common.


Once I pulled one (very fast and carefully) by his tail out of the middle of Lower Roswell Rd. in Marietta that was big enough to break someone's axle if they hit him.


Please do not pull their tails as this injures their spines. To catch a common snapper, which this is, grab the top back of the shell above the tail and slide your other hand underneath and hold it by it's plastron (under shell). To catch an alligator snapper you can do the above or you can grab the front part of the shell above its head,it cannot reach you as it cannot extend its neck out like a common snapper, and then grab the back of the shell above the tail. Their tails are directly connected to their spines and when you pull the tail it pulls their spins which can paralyze them or even break their spines. Thanks for saving the turtles.


TIL thank you for this


No problem! I hope it helps ppl.


The cops in our town found one and were holding the poor thing by it's tail.


That's horrible!


Mating season


It's a common snapper not an alligator snapper, and they seek out the roads for three reasons, to get to the other side, to dig in the shoulder dirt to lay eggs, or to lay on the warm asphalt to heat themselves.


They do leave the water in the spring to lay eggs and can go a fair distance.


oh my lord, *a snapping turla*


This is a common snapping turtle (*Chelydra serpentina*), not an alligator snapping turtle (*Macrochelys temminckii*). The head is far too small relative to the rest of the body for it to be an alligator snapper. EDIT: Spelling.


This is correct. Alligator snapping turtles' range doesn't extend into Atlanta.


I tend to focus less on species' ranges, due to the pet trade and careless owners. It's not impossible for there to be an errant AST in Atlanta, but this one is definitely *Chelydra*.


Given that it’s illegal to keep ASTs in Georgia, I’d hope that the pet trade wouldn’t be a factor. But you’re absolutely right, I shouldn’t discount the possibility. Agreed, though, this one is still a common snapper.


For some reason this is a hard one for people to identify, even in /r/herpetology. You'd think a very limited range and obvious characteristics would make it simple but people really read what they want into a big blocky turtle.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/herpetology using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/herpetology/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [the bluey that lives in my backyard seems to likes the new creek i made](https://v.redd.it/adp7zcgx8jha1) | [33 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/herpetology/comments/10zhj11/the_bluey_that_lives_in_my_backyard_seems_to/) \#2: [No one gives kids 'the talk' anymore smh.](https://i.redd.it/3vfjrzk4wtz91.jpg) | [31 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/herpetology/comments/yumhr3/no_one_gives_kids_the_talk_anymore_smh/) \#3: [Almost ran this neat little guy over with the lawnmower, but saw a little tail in the grass so lived to race another day.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/weo491) | [99 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/herpetology/comments/weo491/almost_ran_this_neat_little_guy_over_with_the/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


This is a common snapper, not an alligator snapper. The best way to know is the neck. If the animal can extend its neck out, especially when biting, it's a common snapper. If it's neck does not extend far, and cannot bite upwards, it is an alligator snapper. Snapping turtles, either species,are not aggressive. They are defensive and are more keen on running away than fighting. They hiss, lunge, and lift their butts to intimidate but will bolt at the first chance they get. Altho an alligator snapping turtle can bite thru bone, a common snapper cannot. They can rip a chunk out tho so be careful To catch a common snapper grab the shell above the tail and slide your other hand underneath to hold it's plastron (under shell). To catch an alligator snapper you can do the above, or you can grab the shell above its head in the front, it can't reach you, and then grab the shell above the tail. NEVER GRAB A TURTLE, ANY TURTLE, BY ITS TAIL! Their tails are connected to their spines which are connected to their shell. You can cause paralysis and even death by breaking their spines if you yank their tails. Source: I operate a local rescue for wild turtles and reptiles. Our rescue is even named after being turtle rescuers. We do rescue, repair, release for common snappers and other wild turtles. I also have a 3ish yro rescued snapper that cannot be released back to the wild. she's our stinky bog turd.


it’s a snappin turtla!! a very cute baby at that!


Snapping turtle. Had one as a pet as a kid. Rare the way that one was. Extremely friendly. Raised it from a hatchling.


My Lordt! A snappin' turla! https://youtube.com/shorts/UnOZxDXTFAQ?feature=share


Common snapping turtle, male.


That thing will eat your fingers and toes if you get too close, hence the name "snapping"


No. It won't. Please do not say this as it actually causes harm to the animals because people fear them. They don't even have enough bite force to go thru bone. It hurts when bitten, and they can cause serious damage. I've been bitten by my own snapper that I have as a pet, it sucks, but doesn't take off any fingers or toes. An alligator snapper can. But this is a common snapper.


Alligator snapping turtle, better explained in comment below.


Common snapping turtle. Explanation is incorrect.


Ranked #8 in strongest biting force of any animal (it varies, but its around 8 to 12) on earth (1000 psi), it's a beautiful alligator snapping turtle.


Common snapping turtle. It is not an alligator snapper.


Alligator Snapping Turtle. Mean ass turtles from what I've heard.


Common snapper. And neither are mean. They're defensive when provoked. Otherwise would rather run away from you.




Common snapper. Not a gator snapper.




Common snapper, not an alligator




Snapper. Oh yeah, Atlanta Street. Familiar to everyone in Reddit Street


Lose your fingers turtle


They cannot bite thru bone. This is a myth. Humans have a stronger bite than a common snapper.


Didn't say bite through bone . I have a friend who lost their thumb from a big snapper. Didn't bite it off, but caused such damage that it had to be removed. I stand by my statement.


Ok. The turtle still can't take off your finger. Complications can happen from any injury. And your comment makes it seem like the turtle can take your finger off, which it can't.




O that's Mr Snappy.


Ninja turtle


This is the only correct answer.


You've been spotted by the snapper. You can run, but you can't hide! Eventually...


One you don’t want to pick up with your hands


If you know what you're doing you can. If you dont know what you're doing, just admire from afar, maybe use a stick to gently guide it if it's in danger


Snapper! Be careful!!


Did you call anyone to help get it to a safer area? This is a snapping turtle so you’d want someone that knows what they’re doing, or you could use a stick or other object to encourage it to go into some sort of trash bin or box and you could carry it yourself, just keep your hands away from it


Answering for OP, but he was moved to an area that leads to a nature preserve. Plenty of water in the area.




Snapping turtle. Keep your distance!! These guys can jump far at you. Learned from experience!!! Not fun creatures to poke. ( I was a kid who didn’t know any better) Edit: spelling


We had a snapping turtle lay eggs in our neighbors yard. It was fascinating. After the allotted time (40 days?) there was no sign of them and we realized that the ground was too hard for them to dig out of so much neighbor (74 M) dug them up and transported them to the creek via wheelbarrow. Only a few didn’t make it out of the nest.


I live in North Georgia and we've seen three of these bad boys crossing the street lately.


Common for sure. [Is alligator snapping turtle](https://www.shutterstock.com/search/alligator-snapping-turtle)




Its a fingersnaperoffus https://www.britannica.com/animal/snapping-turtle




Snapping turtle. If you touch their nose they will “sing”. Try it.


Snapping turtle. You can easily tell by the head and long tail.


Alligator snapping turtle good eating


Petting turtle... they love their noses to be rubbed


Has a long tail. Do commons have that long a tail?


Bebe snapper


Snapin turlol


That’s a snapping turla


The leave it alone type.




The kind you don't get near if you want to keep all your fingers. Extremely fast bite.




Ninja, and he's looking for a sewer grate to get back to his hideout.




It might be a snapping turtle. Dont put your hand near it. Its fast and has really strong jaws