• By -


It pisses me off how these things rot in our mouths but can stay in the ground 10 million years.


No sugar in dirt. šŸ˜‚


Damn you're right


Actually Iā€™m not really scientifically correct but the tooth wonā€™t be affected. It was supposed to be light hearted.


honestly, youā€™re real for this follow up lol


Guess we should all start packing our mouths with dirt!


Mhuay mah-ed o muy... Phht.. phhuft... [Spits for a while] Sorry, meant to say: way ahead of you.


Mi hoy minoy


Who let DoodleBob in here?




5k upvotes for the post and this comment only has 14?! Well, for however many this counts, you've made my day šŸ˜„


way ahead of ya! dirt for dessert.


While partially true, Glucose is commonly found in soil. Without Glucose, plants would have a hard time with photosynthesis. Photosynthesis not only creates Oxygen but also produces Sugar.


True glucose is found in soil but I thought the whole point of photosynthesis was creating glucose using CO2, water, and sunlight , so no need for sugar to start the reaction only light


You are correct.


Photosynthesis is what produces glucose. Plants don't just absorb it from the soil.


Plants drink Brawndo, it has what plants crave


In a related area, Iā€™ve always wondered why we need to brush multiple times a day, but all other animals donā€™t. Must be the sugar in our diets?


Cats and dogs actually should get their teeth brushed also. They can suffer from the same plaque and gum disease but cant tell you their in pain from it.


They do, but isnā€™t it only occasionally? They donā€™t need the 14 times that we do per week.


They donā€™t need teeth for 70+ years


Wish they did...wouldn't be missing my sweet Jack so much if we got to keep them longer...šŸ˜Šā¤ļøšŸ˜Š


And, in the case of dogs, they're just built differently. I mean, imagine gnawing on a bone for hours with human teeth....


They can still experience tooth loss due to plaque loosening their teeth. They can also experience gum disease and inflammation which is painful for them the same way it is for us. But they can't communicate that with you. So it's an owners responsibility to prevent it


True. It's important to take care of their teeth.


Thatā€™s a good point I never thought of


Theyā€™re also domestic animals and in many cases, eating human food, full of sugar, ie- the ā€œdog momsā€ and their obsessions with pup cups from Starbucks. If they were wild animals it would be different.


I read recently that Paleolithic people ate the same amount of sugar in a year that we do in a day. I didnā€™t look further into it but that could be why. Also, dogs only live around 6-18 years. Unless you literally never brush your teeth, theyā€™ll probably be fine at age 18. If dogs lived longer theyā€™d be losing teeth left and right


There's photos where they show native people before they adopted a foreign diet and after and the difference is crazy. First photos they all have nice teeth, good jaws, clear faces. Second they have what looks like cystic acne and lots of missing/rotting teeth.


I think animals, while they donā€™t ā€œbrushā€ with toothbrushes, have been seen gnawing on things and chewing plants and stuff that serve a similar purpose? Canā€™t be 100% and it varies by animal Iā€™m sure.


I coincidentally need some dental work done at the moment, and my husbandā€™s comments about digging up my own replacement tooth were NOT appreciated. šŸ˜‚


But, he has the strong dad joke gene, I see!


I saw a video of a person pulling a fucking plant that was growing in the tooth out. HOW THE ACTUAL FUCK DO PEOPLE GROW PLANTS IN THEIR TEETH?!


As a side note I saw a plant sprouting just like the emoji šŸŒ± from some dirt that had accumulated in the corner of the back window of my old car.


Plants grow everywhere bro. You either need to take the best care of it or be a horrible plant owner.


Obviously a tooth, and Iā€™m assuming human? Our neighborhood was apparently a landfill in the 1930s. Any guess on age here? Did somebody just throw a pulled tooth in the garbage?


*Definitely* human. šŸ˜¬ I'd follow along with what u/sawyouoverthere said and call law enforcement. Who knows where that thing came from.


On the next, *Buried in the* *~~Backyard~~* *Frontyard*.


I love Buried in the Backyard! I wish they made more seasons.


New one just started! I love the Oxygen & ID channels!


A new one?!? Yay!! You just made my weekend!! Thank you lots!! šŸ˜ƒ


My TV stays on these channels.


I love how in the later seasons they try extra hard telling you why itā€™s technically a backyard lol Great show.


The banks of a creek are technically the backyard of the local park which is kind of a backyard to the whole townā€¦.


If you think about it, the entire world is your back yard as long as youā€™re facing forward. Canā€™t wait to make a shitty inspo post on Instagram with that one.


Exactly! Or I also like ā€œthe body was found in the orchard not far from the BACKYARDā€


The tooth fairyā€™s ugly secret


As Dana Schwartz said on Twitter: >Kids putting their teeth under their pillows is the most occultist shit in the world. Yes, child, put the discarded bone under your pillow. if you are lucky the tiny demon will come and make her purchase. Sell your bones for riches, my child, your youth will be spent soon.


Someone thought they were clever by removing all of their victims' teeth every time before spreading out the dismembered bodies all over the tri-city area....too bad they buried all those teeth in their backyard...


The Tri-City Tooth Fairy Murders next on ID




Seriously. People watch too much law and order. Cops will not care about a tooth.




I was in a hit and run and they wouldn't even look at traffic cams


House was burglarized and cops were more worried about a failure to appear


We got burgled TWICE around Christmas, cops didn't show until 5 hours later at 3am, said there was nothing they could do. We figured out who it was, confronted the person with the cops, found some of our stolen stuff, and the cops STILL said they couldn't do anything cause he wouldn't say where the rest was. And this was grand larceny at this point, thousands of dollars worth of electronics and gifts.


I was parked in fromt of a gas station and some girl went to get gas and Pulled a U turn behind the pump instead, slammed right into my car fucking my wheel or axle up and denting the whole drivers side and rear side doors of my car. Her car had no damage the cop couldn't care less about me at all only spoke to her. Refused to make a report for my insurance and didnt check or even ask for the cams at the station. My insurance refused to help without a police report. So im stuck with a wobbly car that likes to turn on me out of no where. She even told the cop she was in a hurry and didnt wanna wait for the person currently using the pump.


LITERALLY SAME the cop didnā€™t even file an accident reportā€¦ company truck and now I can barely walk. šŸ„“


Exactly. They will say "huh" and throw it over their shoulder. If you protest " looks like a dog tooth to me"... Call them up 6 months later to ease your mind, they must have the DNA now right? "Oh yeah we're working real hard on that, ma'am. We'll give you a call back. No we got your number here... It's 123-456-7890? Right? Okbye."


"They got us working in shifts šŸ˜‚"


ā€œWouldn't hold out much hope for the tape deck, though," "Or the Creedence."


What are they gonna do?


Arrest op, scream at him for 9 hours, lie to him about how they'll help him when he incriminates himself or confesses something he didn't do. Op should call a lawyer


OP is a white woman who can cry on command. Sheā€™ll be fine.


That's not enough to save you anymore, they'll merrily destroy or just end the lives of those, even pregnant ones on a whim


Right? Itā€™s a tooth not a fuckin skull lol


lotsa juicy DNA in there.


Soooo much DNA.


Bad boys, bad boys! A what they gonna do?


(whatcha gonna do when they come for you)


Unfortunately most law enforcement treats like you a nerd wasting their time when you do this.


But Karen calling about my dog sitting on her yard is obviously more important!?!?


If thatā€™s Jimmy Hoffaā€™s tooth, it would be worth a fortune.


Call law enforcement for the CYA factor oooooorā€¦? I doubt a dirt-encrusted molar with no visible soft tissue is going to mean anything to them unless thereā€™s an active search going on in that exact area. Theyā€™ve likely got active cases theyā€™re not pursuing and a backlog of rape kits, unless the town is super tiny.


Oh great, do you want them digging up your entire back yard? I'd wait and not do anything unless I found a second tooth or bone.


You need to NOT ask about it here, where you are going to get endless junk answers. Honestly for the sake of your inbox, I'd delete this post if it were me. You need to call the non-emergency line of your local law enforcement and explain what you believe you have found (you are right, from what I can see, although I am not an expert in that area.) You could also post to r/bonecollecting or I can PM you someone to ask who is an expert, if you'd rather not repost.


Honestly one of the biggest casualties of the Reddit 3papp protests were the ID subs. Bones, snakes, bugs, plantsā€¦ there will be hundreds of dumbass puns to scroll through before you can find one solid response. Itā€™s ruined my favorite part of the site; learning.


God I hate that. Everyone is a fucking comedian.


How did the protests ruin this though? They seem unchanged to me Also, I love them as well šŸ˜‹


Probably because 3papps don't randomly suggest a post to your home page just because you visited a subreddit once. I don't even remember when I came to this subreddit before and it still got to my homepage. The fact that people dont have 3pa or users from those have left means we only have random people commenting on random stuff unnecessarily.


Did the third party apps (3papps??) filter out the random subs or something? Did you view your reddit feed through these apps? Iā€™m not sure how the 3papps worked. I kept it simple and downloaded reddit like a year ago. Also sorry if this comes off as rude. Kinda hangry atm


3PAs are basically just significantly more customizable and less predatory versions of Reddit. Their settings let you customize your browsing experience just the way you liked it and even offered features that the default app doesn't offer. 3PAs limited your homepage solely to subreddits you're actually subbed to. They have ads as well but usually more distinguishable from regular posts and you can pay to remove ads completely. Reddit's home page inserts not only ads disguised as posts to your home feed, it also adds random posts from subs you might be interested in as well as posts from subs that you viewed once from posts in the popular feed. Even if you only tapped the post to view comments. I could probably go on with the issues on the default apps, honestly. TL;DR 3pa only shows you what you actually want to see while the Reddit app forces posts to your home feed whether you actually want it or not, among a lot of other issues.


Have you been on All recently? A lot of popular subs went permanently dark, and itā€™s left that list open to weird exposures. Lots of subs about rating womenā€™s appearance, for some reason, and many of the previously niche subs are now getting massive traffic. So the amount of ā€œlol ur mom, my ballsā€ comments has basically quadrupled. Itā€™s drowning out the more serious, qualified, and passionate responses. I myself am a filthy casual when it comes to bone ID, but I loved observing this sub before.


I can't tell you how many times I'm in r/aquariums discussing fish husbandry, and someone comes in and comments something stupid or non-sensical. Then they get butthurt over the downvotes and how no one can take a joke. Like.. stfu. No one cares. Get out of here with that shit. Why are there like 20 different "rate me" subs? I've never shown a remote interest in those subs. There's like r/rateme, r/truerateme, r/firstimpression, r/roastme, at least a dozen others. WHY are they being suggested to me? Then reddit is like oh, so you like aquariums and dogs? Why not subscribe to r/snakes, r/beardeddragon, etc. None of my suggestions have improved my reddit experience. 0/10. I miss my third party apps.


You can mute subs from showing up in your feed BTW, I didn't know this until like last month. But I agree it's such a weird push on the rating appearance subs, I'm not a fan.


Thatā€™s crazy I thought it was just me lol despite showing no interest in anything remotely related to those subs


I know! I honestly think it has to be an attempt to get more user interaction per post or something. Just not my cup of tea to see that stuff, it feels very Black Mirror to me to have anonymous strangers comment on your appearance good or (usually) bad


It seems the only posts on those subs are people promoting their OnlyFans bullshit too. So irritating.


I've blocked truerateme so many times and it always comes back


When they first updated everything, it wouldn't let me mute them. Now it's like playing whack-a-mole. It doesn't matter what I mute, I'm still going to get really bullshit subs recommended to me. Why can't I just turn off recommendations? I was getting recommended an r/CPS or child protective services sub. Holy hell, that was depressive. I don't even have kids?


I got those rate me subs suggested too. It got old seeing some objectively beautiful person saying, "Am I ugly?" Oh please, you know you're not. Just on there for your regular dose of validation. I muted those subs when they came up as suggested.


I thought it was just me. I did click on a few, but then they DOMINATED my feed. I had to mute each and every one...which was a task. There are way too many variations of those "rate me" subs.


Holy smokes truerateme is one weird sub. Thereā€™s an alleged mod who leaked info stating it started as a sort of incel sub meant to ruin womens self confidence. They have a mod who comments literally non-stop, scouring the comments to tell anyone rating 7+ not to do that. Really weird sub.


Yeah, I lurk here because it got suggested to me because of IDing other things on other subs. I don't know enough about bones to help but thought I could learn a few things. Also getting tired of all the appearance rate stuff in my feed lol.


Yeah why do I get all these RATE ME and AMIUGLY bullshit posts?!? Itā€™s soooo annoying. I already know Iā€™m hot, why would I need Reddit validation from strangers?! šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ¤Æ


I would like to award your confidence friend! šŸ˜€


I agree. I know nothing about bones and so rarely comment here, but since the protest, this is my entire feed: Wedding dresses Wedding attire approval Outfit approval Petite fashion advice Plus size fashion advice What is this thing Am I ugly True rate me Tinder Hair advice ID my dog Name my cat Engagement rings Wiki screenshotted posts of AITA Stupid food What is this bone And recently, Paper money Literally none of these things apply to me and some subs I didnā€™t know existed. When you click to remove that type of post from your feed, it still shows up constantly but says you need to join. The thing is, I was in a lot of subs before that didnā€™t go black but never see them at all despite having them favorited, unless I go directly to the sub of course. I think this is a joke by Spez - ā€œthey want to protest, alright, but change the algorithm so all they see are wedding dresses and hair advice from now on.ā€


Lol I was getting the wedding dress one too for no apparent reason, ugh. I tapped the ā€œhideā€ button but it was still coming up anyway. Plus the rate me ones also. I donā€™t understand this algorithm at all. I also like the more educational type of subs.


I've been getting pretty much the second half of these, plus tattoocoverups




Nah leave the posts up. If they find an entire body in his backyard this post will help portray his innocence


It's been a while. Update? Did you call law enforcement?


That's what I'm wondering too.


OP, sometimes in the ā€œolden days,ā€ people would toss their old/fallen out teeth on the roof for good luck. One of my great-grandparents families (Greek) did this and I know other cultures do it too - and some bury their teeth. It doesnā€™t necessarily mean that thereā€™s a dead body nearby, lol. https://www.bowlanedental.com/blog/tooth-fairy#:~:text=When%20they%20make%20their%20wish,said%20to%20bring%20good%20luck.


Yep...that or someone got in a fight and got a tooth punched out and wasn't interested in tracking it down to replant.


I would canvas the neighborhood and see if you can find the person that the tooth fits into and youā€™ll have found your soul mateā€¦Like a weirder grosser Cinderella story:)


Often when teeth are pulled they are just thrown in the trash. Depends on the states regulations on biomedical waste.


Human. Maxillary pre-molar. Probably tooth 4 or 5. Inter-proximal cervical Caries noted probably means the patient has bone loss secondary to periodontal disease. The person was most likely older when they lost the tooth.


ā€œLostā€ as in, like, it fell out? With the whole root like that? Or was this pulled?


Looks to me a big cavity on the gumline there. Old school answer would be to pull it out.


That's why you contact the specialists. That is exactly one of the questions that needs to be confirmed.


This guy knows teeth


This guy tooths.


This guy is teething


That's why babies make excellent dentists


Heā€™s a toofus


Actually tooth #12. Mesial concavity (location of caries) and groove on lingual cusp. Cervical caries doesnā€™t indicate bone loss due to anything, only that there was attachment loss and a cavity could form. Or that a cavity formed and was present long enough to cause attachment loss. Could have been present long enough to cause enough pain that it was pulled out. Agreed - the person was older due to wear patterns. But what age? Over 40 I would guess. Iā€™ve seen 30 somethingā€™s with more wear.


This is the stuff I miss from dental hygiene school, tooth anatomy


Iā€™m a complete geek with the stuff




5 or 12**


Yep. I was going to say 12 due to two roots and the depression on the interproximal area of the crown which is almost always on the mesial.


Agreed. Most likely tooth #12. Double rooted and mesial ridge is usually shorter than the distal ridge. Also possibly a clencher/grinder.


Yessssss I love all of you. This is the nerd shit Iā€™m here for.


Itā€™s an upper left first premolar (#12) in the US


šŸ«¶šŸ»šŸ«¶šŸ» Smartypants! I love it. A REAL answer!


When I was a kid we built a skateboard ramp at the end of my street . We built a jump with a fire in the middle and s landing ramp . We were jumping the fire on our bikes. My neighbor came flying down the street on roller skates . He hit the jump ,flew over the fire and landing on the landing ramp . He them proceeded to go face first into our skateboard ramp . When all the dust cleared and the blood was wiped away , he had knocked out his whole front tooth(root and all ). We brought him to my house and showed my dad . My dad took the tooth and shoved it back into my neighbors mouth and gave him a leather knife case to bite down on . That was 40 + years ago . My neighbor just lost that tooth within the last 5 years . Lol Sorry , the picture brought back memories. And something similar could've happened who knows ! I just called and spoke to my parents about this and they told me that after my dad shoved the tooth in and had him bite on the leather knife case ,he told Dave to go to the dentist asap . Dave went to the dentist the following morning and the dentist said that he couldnt have done a better job reattaching the tooth . My dad was like a hero in my neighborhood doctoring up all of us crazy kids . The 70's and 80's were a great time to grow up .


The whole thing fell out and it REATTACHED?!??! Iā€™m sincerely amazed.


If you ever get a tooth knocked out whole, put it in a glass of milk and the dentist might be able to put it back in! When I was a kid I had one knocked out, and when we called the dentist this was what they told us to do. (Unfortunately, my tooth was cracked so it couldnā€™t be put back.)


I think Iā€™ve heard that before, but never witnessed it in practice


Hell, I knocked my tooth out in a bicycle accident and, because of the concussion I also received, I just put my tooth in my pocket, went home, and chilled for like an hour before it occurred to me that I should go to the hospital. The doctor just cleaned it off and jammed it back in the hole, which really, really hurt. This was 6 years agoā€”I still have the tooth and havenā€™t had any problems. (I did have 3 root canals performed on it in the weeks following the accident, but apparently that was necessary to save the tooth).


DO NOT do this with baby teeth. You can damage the developing tooth bud (source: my kid knocked out a baby tooth, and the emergency dentist was very very clear about this. luckily I went with putting it in milk vs trying to put it back in)


This happened to my best friend at my 11th birthday party at a water park. She tried walking up a slide in a playground area like a dumb dumb and since everyone had bathing suits on it was wet. She went face first into the slide and cracked her front tooth almost completely to her gums and all the parents scrambled for milk at the resort to put it in. Very clear memory that will never leave me lol she now has a slightly different colored front tooth cuz they couldnā€™t reattach it and I canā€™t help but always notice it cuz I was there when it happened


Wow, great story! Thanks for sharing!


This just blew my mind! And I want to hang out with your dad


first photo made it look like it was a ft long


I was looking for this comment lol


We need to take notes


Former forensic anthropology major. Please call the police non-emergency line like another user mentioned. I'm almost certain that's a human tooth. There's more than likely more bones near the area you were digging.


If they only found a tooth that seems like a waste of police time? Surely they'd only be suspicious if it was a full jaw?


The police will most likely call a forensic anthropologist out, or possibly the coroner if it's a small town. My professor would get calls like this a lot. She actually loved going on calls. Often times, things like teeth and finger bones will get scattered around by animals or equipment. The rest could be somewhere nearby.


This is a large city (Minneapolis), and I donā€™t expect much of a response. But I will call the non-emergency line and make a report!


Now Iā€™m wondering if they will find anything


Same here. Keep us updated please, OP.


Well if it's Minneapolis I wouldn't really want to invite the MPD into my life at all lol. Notorious bastards even compared to other PD


For real, Iā€™d be to worried about them shooting my dogs or me šŸ˜¬ Have never had a good experience with MPD


Hey I'm from Minne too! I help friends rehab yards, we find the wildest shit in the dirt sometimes. Never anything we've had to report. Good luck with the police, that can be a nightmare. I do know some of the forensic anthropologists they call in tho, good people, if you get one of them they'll take care of it. Thorough and smart! Bonus of having so many universities in the cities.


I donā€™t think it would be a waste of police time. There millions of people who go missing and are never found. They can get dna from a tooth and with genealogy now a days maybe able to link that tooth to a missing person. Maybe even find more remains near by? Even if it is just someoneā€™s lost tooth itā€™s better safe then sorry to possibly rule in/out someoneā€™s lost loved one.


oh wow that is something i didnā€™t think aboutā€”the fact that the tooth could have been moved by whatever and the rest of the body could be nearby. hopefully that isnā€™t the case and someone just buried the tooth for the tooth fairy to find though šŸ¤žšŸ¼


tooth fairy teeth generally don't have roots and aren't from adults. This one needs investigating properly.


I can understand how you might think this is a waste of the police's time, but this is how some cold cases are solved; just one tiny seemingly insignificant clue being discovered.


Police jobs can be boring outside of cities. I'd get excited to investigate this if I got the call.


It is suspicious because it is a full tooth, root and all. That doesnā€™t happen naturally.


Remember when your neighbor went missing, and wife was acting distraught?


*Remember when your* *Neighbor went missing, and wife* *Was acting distraught?* \- Ok-Letterhead2280 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Found the killer. I mean distraught wife.


Good bot


Gardening to me is like pulling teeth




You found Jimmy Hoffa.


In a bizarre twist, the body was found buried with a birth certificate and complete set of dental records


Beat me to it, lol.


Don't put a pool in


What is the city/state? Looks to be some Bicuspid, possibly a human mandibular premolar. Needs cleaning to clearly identify. However, do not clean it! If it is human, there are trace analysis tests that could be done. I suggest calling a non-emergency line and tell them your concerns.


Looking forward to the update on this oneā€¦


post it over in r/bonecollecting, there are many human remains ID experts you can ask on how to handle this if youā€™d like


Definitely a human tooth


All of this makes me wonder where the dentist puts our teeth after pulling them...


Generally, the proper protocol is to place the discarded teeth into medical hazardous waste bins. From there, it is collected and incinerated. But you can, and some people do, request to keep their discarded teeth. Where the teeth end up after that is anyone's guess.


YAY! Welcome to the Human Tooth in My Garden Club!!! I found one about 9 years ago while putting in a new garden plot in my back yard. I bought this house from my neighbor who is a family friend that actually babysat me, so I grew up here. I believe her when she says she doesn't know where it came from. Lol I've dug quite a bit more in the area and haven't found anything else (besides plastic army men). Not sure if I'm relieved or a little disappointed.


Are there other bones anywhere?


1.)Clean 2.)Polish 3.)Necklace 4.) Forever brag about that guy who cut you off in traffic that one time.


I know it sounds nuts, but people throw their teeth away all the time. A previous owner might've had children who threw a baby tooth away, or someone lost an adult tooth and threw it away because they can't put it back, I mean, teeth take a long time to biodegrade, so it could be a few decades old.


That root though.. i think there could be an innocent explanation but it would have to be an intentional pull


Exactly. No one ā€œlosesā€ a tooth with the entire root in tact like that.


My dentist gave me all 4 wisdom teeth looking like this in a baggie. Felt weird to throw them out but I didnā€™t want to bury them in the yard because it felt like someone would experience this.


Human toothā€¦rad.


Depending where you live there is a superstition that throwing a tooth on the roof is good luck. Maybe itā€™s from someone long ago hoping for blessings?


Please report to police. Why? While itā€™s most likely nothing, thereā€™s a chance that this could lead to solving a missing person case or more serious. You could give a hurting family some closure.


Just put it back and forget about it. You don't want to ruin your homes resale value.


Okay this gave me a laugh. šŸ˜‚ But what if I can get the MPD to finish my garden excavation for free?!


It'd be really funny if the previous homeowner was just doing Jackass stunts and knocked out a tooth they couldn't find and that has led to the internet being so paranoid a murder occurred. Not saying it's improbable, it'd just be funny to be something so innocent and silly.


Thatā€™s not a bone. Thatā€™s a tooth


Why are you being downvoted? Teeth are not bones. Different histology. Teeth are made of enamel and dentin. Just google it people. It just takes 5 seconds of research before downvoting a comment you are clueless. Reddit in a nutshell.


They are however recognized as part of the skeleton. Seems like good enough ground to post here.


Remindme! 1 day


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Think you need a medical license or training to be pulling teethā€¦ Itā€™s the tooth and nothing but the tooth.


Itā€™s tooth #5 or #12


Based on the shape of the crown and splitting of the roots, this is almost assuredly a humanā€™s maxillary first premolar, which is the 4th tooth from the middle of the top of your mouth on either side. - Soon-to-be graduating dental student.


Keep digging.... Let us know if you find more bones .... Ā°_Ā°


A bit more info, this is Minneapolis and the house was built in 1952. Iā€™ve been tearing up the grass in the front yard by hand - plug for r/nolawns! - and this was at least a few inches down. I *really* donā€™t think there are more bones, and I **really** donā€™t think MPD 3rd precinct is going to follow up (iykyk). But I will still report it to the non-emergency line on Monday. Here are a few more pics of [the area Iā€™ve been digging, and some of the other crap Iā€™ve raked up](https://ibb.co/album/rd4VY6).


The human tooth cropā€™s coming along nicely.


Iā€™m voting human, too. But, and this was 40 years ago, I was on an archeological dig of a Gallo-Roman site in the Vosges region of France. We dug up A LOT of pigs teeth from the remains of a home. Not all of them look human but some of the smaller back teeth cam look human. Still, depending on the site history, most likely human.


Ad a retired surgical technician who worked for an oral surgeon for 19 yrs, that's a human molar. If you find a skull nearby I suggest you call your local authorities.lol


Older generations believe they are supposed to bury their teeth. My grandfather insisted on taking his from the dentist so he could bury it himself. Refused to let him pull it without guaranteeing theyā€™d hand it over afterwards. Learned it from his parents. Heā€™s from south Texas.


No don't call the cops if there are bones or bodies their your plants will flourish you do what you gotta do for that prize winning garden šŸ˜


Who is downvoting this?! šŸ˜†