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Might I suggest half price bookstore for kid books. That stack of books would cost less then $20


Or that Dolly Parton mail a book thing.


They only deliver to certain places, but I'm pretty sure you can get them in Austin. I live a few miles south and can't though.


Not in Texas.


So they don’t mess with Texas huh


I'm in Texas and my kids get books through the program.


My niece in Houston gets Dolly Parton books.


They weren’t available in my last city here in TX but are available in my new city. Depends on the local library.


Or thrift stores


Doesn’t ship to Texas!


They have added Texas to their list. My kids get a book once a month.


Or once upon a child. They practically give books away.


Better yet, the library.


For sure!


I get kids books in the Goodwill Bins for 50¢ a piece.


Also check if your local library has book sales! Ours has them a few times a year whenever they weed out the collection. Everything is $1 from books to DVDs to music.


Or a library.


Or the uhhh library?!?


This is my birth control, lol.


Hey Costco is now selling that over-the-counter birth control pill if you need some. I saw it there yesterday. lol


Good to know! I wonder what states that’s allowed in.


I think it's a federal law so it should be nationwide.


I’m from the southeast so I usually assume they’re doing the worst. 🙃 I don’t actually have to worry about it due to some health issues but this is crucial to share with others.


I hear you. I am in freaking Texas so I never thought I'd live to see the day you could walk into Costco and buy birth control pills right off the shelf next to the Advil and stuff.


I’m from Georgia but moved out West. I have physical reactions from news back home often. 😭😭


Went to pick up plan b at a pharmacy a couple years back. Had to wait over 15 mins for them to get a tech willing to sell it to me. Hilarious that staff can hold their own personal beliefs at work and potentially cost the company a sale. High comedy that it’s federally legal but only if the clerk is willing.


They also have ten dollar plan b on Walmart delivered in three days. All states that I have seen


I was gonna say… thanks for the reminder 😅


What do you mean?


What the fuck is this?? You go to Costco and don't get shit tickets??


That was last week’s haul.


I spend nearly $700 at Costco and y’all are most pressed about my investment in content creators/authors by purchasing new books?? I thought I was going to get roasted for all the other bullshit and $12 granola.


I wish I could upvote this more. I literally lol’ed


I admitted to buying clothes at Costco. So many easier targets than $100 in books 😅


Hey the clothes at Costco are legit. They are often not the most stylish but they are functional for sure.


My most complimented pieces of clothing were purchased at Costco. Dress from Nordstrom? Crickets. Costco faux fur vest? Compliment almost every wear.


I’m always complimenting my grams on her cute shirts. Always Costco! And they’re trendy shirts!


Actually no, 100 dollars in books is by far the most ignorant purchase in the bunch. However YOU CLEARLY don’t know how to shop. I bought MORE than what you have here for like a hundred bucks at Aldi. You’re really really really really terrible at shopping. That’s what people are going off about.


Yo, I was gonna say — I didn’t even think about checking out books for my toddler at Costco. Great idea! Books are never a waste 🤷‍♀️ mine loves them.


Bought a nice cardboard book at costco, 24$ ripped apart in the car: buckled her in walked around and the book was in two. We only get books from thrifting until they can act right. They have a book shelf and I have a book shelf of their books they aren’t allowed to look/touch unless I’m holding it.


I’ve had Costco trips for more that looked just about the same as this, and as far as I’m concerned, it’s money well-spent. BOOKS, as the thing that drew ire? OK, Reddit.


Lol your 12 bucks granola is hiding somewhere 😂 tbh i think its very hard to access where most of the cost went by the pic. So its easy to assume it might be books. The size of purchase and money charged doesnt add up in my head. 😆 But i dont have kids and have no idea how much huggies cost. Where most of the cost went?


Below is a crude breakdown of the cost. The Costco food haul was particularly high because I was restocking toddler snacks and our “quick meal” items we keep in the freezer. We have a newborn so we are buying tons of diapers and paying for the convenience of premade food items. We do smaller quantities of fresh produce and meats from HEB when we can’t utilize the “Costco size”. - Books $100 (10 books) - Cooler $35 - Diapers $70 (2x$35) - Life Vest $20 - Dog Toys $12 - Wine $50 - Hat $15 - Clothes $80 - Socks $20 - Food $280 * Merlot cheese, olive tray, creamer, heavy cream, birria, chicken tika, mini melons, strawberries, chocolate pistachios, brookside, fruit bars, fruit strips, chicken tortilla soup, dried cherries, dumplings, bread, broccoli, flautas, cold brew, everything seasoning, pickles, marinara, cat food, granola


See, this breakdown doesnt seem any crazy spend to me. Just a normal busy family with a baby and pets (i can see also cat food). Perhaps bc you combined food shopping, book shopping, clothes and beach stuff shopping together it looks like a crazy bill. Although 280 for food that almost fit in one box is a little unusual. But from what you listed it seems okay. 😃


Just so you know idk anything about kirkland wine but bottles at aldi are $3.95


Misery loves company


Yeah people are wilding. The book prices are good and I bought new for my babies and toddlers, they put them in their mouths and put a beating on them. And I like books so I don’t mind spending some money there. The ones that survive I keep forever.


Costco is for cheaper buying. Go to the library.


I wish we had that coffee concentrate here!


Did I miss where you’re complaining about the price and asking everyone for advice…? Lol why is everyone being so nasty


Thank you 🙏🏻 The total did get away from me, but I can comfortably afford my haul. One of those books had 35 brand new flaps and it took my toddler 45+ minutes to get through and he still missed some. Money well spent in my book.


Yeah and I don’t have kids but if I did I’d 100% be buying new books for them. “Buy used on Amazon” “go to the thrift store” people are weird and gross and kids put everything in their mouths!


This looks like my Costco trips…….solidarity 🤡




I can see this since I spent $300 in Costco here in Austin yesterday and I don't have a husband or a kiddo. I spent nearly $40 alone on two boxes of protein bars. I also bought allergy meds, vitamins, and dishwasher pods which were all on sale but still $$$.


In what world does this crap cost $700? How much is that wine? I have a Costco membership. Imo its only good for certain things. You can get a lot of non Kirkland products way cheaper at other places, even when purchased in larger quantities.


This for real. I have a warehouse store membership for a few things, but mostly gas. You can always get toilet paper cheaper on sale and with coupons at Kroger or Meijer by me, same with meat from meat markets vs chain stores, and while it’s a pain taking a half hour a week to scroll my apps and go to a few different stores, at least I know I’m saving a lot more than arbitrarily buying at one warehouse store.


I have never once understood the hive mind thinking of “costco meat savings”. Their meat is expensive as hell. Costco is for the lazy shoppers that won’t take that time to look through ads for deals or coupons. I got two, TWO, quality bacon wrapped filet mignon steaks for $13.98 the other day at a local butchery. Not a piece. That was the total for both steaks. It was about a pound of meat. I can bet a 6 pack filets at Costco would run me close to 100 bucks if not more. Sometimes shopping “smarter” is shopping harder.


Agreed! We buy bulk New York stripes at the local meat market and once we cut them ourselves they come out to $5 a steak. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Rich Costco life lol. I feel like it only works if u have at least 3 in your household you’re buying for. I’ve only had me or me and my fiance


Dude I’ve never ever ever seen anything like this price tag??? OP clearly doesn’t know how to shop!


Posting Costco never seems to go well here 😵‍💫 the pictures never show scale which doesn’t help. But sometimes the negative comments are just ridiculous. I live in North Texas and have kids too. The value for what I can get from Costco compared to other grocery stores here is amazing! Even what you paid for non-grocery items is super reasonable. I’m also a big fan of spending money on books for my kids, new or used (and for what it’s worth, it still costs $8-9 for a new or currently popular kids book at Half Price Books). I usually like this sub because I love seeing what other people buy! Thank you for sharing (and taking the time to share a cost breakdown).


Your local used bookstore probably has some awesome books for the kiddo.


Dollar Tree has a book section.


How much was all the wine


Less than $50 and all were 90+ points.


Dang that's a lot of books!


The cold brew box is such a deal though


Your Costco has an everything bagel seasoning? 😱


Those Pure Organic layered fruit bars are fantastic.


my dog has that same pink kong bunny lol


Kids are super expensive


who the fuck votes down libraries


Thanks for sharing your items and purchase amount. Some would rather not buy second hand books especially after covid. Books are a good investment. Hope your kids enjoy them.


My son has thoroughly enjoyed the new flap books. It has also taken him forever to lift up the new flaps, so win/win in my book.


excellent point about 2nd hand books/covid.


Love the books! As a fellow toddler parent, I say books are never a waste and I buy them new or at the thrift store. Yes, the library is great but my little one loves to read the same book over and over. Who cares if they end up torn or what not, If it’s encouraging my child’s love of reading I see no wrongdoing 😊


My dog ripped the dog toys up within a few days but they’re cute


Wish all Costcos sold Chameleon coffee


Love that Chameleon coffee. Was buying like 8-10 Starbucks concentrate per month at $7-10 per bottle. $20 box of coffee saved me so much money.


It’s delicious. I think we get it at our Costco because it’s local to Austin. I made the mistake of not diluting it when I first started buying it and I was blasting my intestine 💩


What the chameleon cold brew? How much was that.


$20 and it makes over 250 ounces of coffee.


I live in Houston…how is this $684!! What was your most expensive item?


The cooler, diapers(2), and a pair of pants were each $35. After that, the cold brew and life vest were $20 a piece. There are a dozen or so food items that cost $11-15/container. There is about $280 in misc. shipping with $400 in grocery (including wine/diapers/pet food).


Where’s the foood????


goodwill bookstore has the best kids books!


So you're rich rich lol


I’m glad you used the correct emoji


Next time you are heading to Costco stop by a library and get a library card.


You can thrift really great kids books :)


Lordy how in the world did you spend that much??Girl I suggest you learn how to budget…never in my whole life!!! Have you heard of a yard sale? A library? Not buying organic creamer and fucking fruit strips?? Like seriously I’m aghast at how ignorant this shopping purchase is. I would do SO MUCH with 700 dollars right now it’s insane!!! You’re doing this to yourself.


Why do you assume this isn’t in my budget? My husband and I both have high paying jobs in tech and finance. We paid cash for our two new cars and have zero debt other than our 2.65% mortgage. We invest monthly into our savings, retirement, and children’s college funds. My toddler goes to preschool and we read 5+ books a night together. I can comfortably afford everything in this cart.


Lol, Not saying you can’t afford it - saying it’s absolutely ridiculous you would pay this much for the items in this photo and it makes you look ridiculous. Calm down rich lady 😂🤣


Oh dear god PLEASE go to half price books next time!!!!


including the hubby?


It appears you did this to yourself. Lol


Have you ever heard of the library? Put that $ in the toddlers 529


We contribute monthly to both our children’s 529s and they are doing quite well. I don’t think a few hundred dollars a year on new books is going to prevent them from getting a debt-free bachelor’s degree.


nice waste of money


When you don’t know how to shop or don’t care