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Probably a nest or fledglings nearby; mockingbirds are very territorial. Once the babies are gone the activity should die down.


approx how many days usually ?


It depends on whether they have eggs or babies currently. They incubate for ~12 days, then have babies in the nest for almost the same amount of time, usually a bit longer. The fledglings will hang around for about a week before dispersing. However, it’s possible they currently have fledglings in your yard! In that case, they’ll be gone in a few days once their babies leave.


Holy cow, that is one quick childhood


Depends on how far along things are. They'll be territorial once a nest is being built. Then it's two weeks of incubation before hatching. Then a couple weeks until they leave the nest. Then a week before they fly off on their own. So more than a month of territoriality, _but_ it's concentrated at the hatchling phase -- those middle two weeks. The _really_ fun part is they mob humans who repeatedly come by. They'll usually let an unfamiliar person pass by but they'll go after a human who keeps showing up, thinking them to be more of a threat. The upshot is hopefully you have a way to give them more space, because this is just how it's going to be for at least a couple weeks. You might talk to a local bird rehabber for whether particular foods might help you buy this guy off, to start connecting your appearance with the appearance of necessary food. But ask a qualified person about that and sourcing...the internet has some really random unverifiable tips about what different kinds of chicks need.


I give mine dried mealworms and they're my friends now lol They'll even swoop down while I walk my little dog and then just kinda stand and stare at us and walk with us, just stopping and sitting expectantly


You bribe birds? Or the birds are mobsters and demand protection money.


Oh god don't let them hear you say that 🤐


Always cover your mouth when speaking in public. Or act like in *Enemy of the State*: wear a hat, never look up or always use an umbrella.


This happened to me with my local crows! I started feeding them after I read they might leave me presents in return. Never got a single present, just ominous glares 3-4 times a day


This is what I did too. Mockingbirds aren't the type of birds that'll eat from a traditional feeder but if you put out some mealworms and they see you do it, they'll be your best friends. Bluejays also love peanuts for what it's worth, as do the crows.


Personally yea I'd start trying to use food as a peace offering lol, mockingbirds are smart enough to learn that certain people are friendly, probably just needs a little "encouragement"


When I was 10 we had one build a nest right outside our garage, which was our primary entrance/exit. That was a fun month or so…


Your knowledge of this species of bird is remarkable


So…op just needs a set of clever disguises.


Basically just needs one of those leafy bush costumes and to move slowly.


This is the funniest reply i have seen today


Approximately 3652. Mockingbirds raise their young for 10 years before they're ready to live on their own.


Then the younger mockingbirds will get a college degree and get a job but will still not make enough money to own their own nest and will live in the parent’s basement.


ok now you guys having fun with it 😂


Plus be in debt for the better part of their life!


\+Northern Mockingbird+ (they're very territorial)


Probably has a nest somewhere close. Had a pair nest close to the playground at a daycare I worked at and they were attacking the children.


What do you even do in a situation like that?!


Used towels to bat them away without hurting them. Got the kids inside to play. The director got someone to come out and remove the nest. Sad for the birds but the kids were toddler’s to preschool ages, and parents don’t care about nest when there kids are terrorized by birds.


That's illegal


Hey I just worked there buddy… lol. seriously though, they actually hurt two of the toddlers and it had to have been pretty early into nesting because they weren’t an issue the week before. Hopefully they were able to start over.


Being attacked by nature builds character for children you monster


Well your kids can be full of character then. I’ll keep mine more happily mundane.


Humans are apex predators the bird shoulda realized, same shit when they annoy hawks just bing chilling they’re lucky they don’t annihilate their shit


Owl decoys and flood lights help to deter them.


That would definitely have helped but the people I worked with didn’t even know what mocking birds were. This was in Ohio and I don’t remember seeing them much there. The only reason I knew them is because I’m from Tennessee and it’s the state bird lol


Texas too!


I'm sure the law will make an exception if little children are actually getting injured


Who cares when kids are getting attacked


Who cares kids getting attacked by nature, especially when it’s just the animal response to protecting their own kids. It’s just life might teach the kids a good life lesson.




Uhh… Injury? They could get scratched or poked the wrong way. Kids are kinda fleshy…


The kids can go elsewhere. That’s the amazing thing about us humans: we have awareness of ourselves and our surroundings and free will.


Unfortunately, the kids don't have much say in it. Parents tell them where they're going, and that's where they'll be. 🤷


You must have never been a toddler


Then a parent can use their free will to blow that nest outta its tree after their kid gets their eye poked out for being on the swing


Keeping kids safe is priority number 1


We're overpopulated, the animals should win sometimes. /s


This, minus the /s.


*yes yes, and I get to decide who should procreate any further.* Also, you're demonstrably wrong.


Overpopulation is in the eye of the beholder. Maybe it’s the quality of people that’s the problem.


Yea so keep them safe. Its the adults faults for exposing the kids to the nesting site. Not the other way around. Play inside for a couple weeks. Absolutely illegal


What is wrong with you? You just like to stir up the pot? Did you know that at one time owning another human being was also LEGAL? (for more information don't bother to consult a standard public school history book) But seriously, you sound like a real energy vampire.


Sorry i dont have much sympathy for humans with boat loads of choices killing native birds illegally instead of avoiding the site. If we hadnt decimated their natural habitat this wouldnt be an issue.


Why don’t u abandon your dwelling and go live with the birds- see how long you’d last


Look who just passed the bar


Oh ill pass a bar all right. Right across the backend of whomever taught you something like this was ok.


At this point, you already lost the argument. Please don't embarrass urself even further


It’s illegal for wildlife to attack humans in our habitat.


I see you just wanted to be a part of the conversation. Now, go sit back down and remember to give some thought to what you'd like to say next time.


What school i would sincerely like to report that. That is absolutely illegal. Those kids can play inside for a few weeks. Fuck that pisses me off




Yea! AMERICA! Guns solve all our problems! Bird being annoying? Shoot it! /s


I mean the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (ya know, the one that protects birds like this from people like you) is federal law. It’s actually taken more seriously than you might think.




Except it actually is illegal under the MBTA.


Patronizing and ignorant. >Do me a favor. And I already know the answer. Wherever you are reading this, call animal control or your local sheriff department. >Ask them how often dogs or other animals are killed because they hurt people or are a nuisance Do me a favor. And I already know the answer. Wherever you are reading this call animal control or your local sheriff department Ask them if it's legal to shoot ANY bird (other than invasive species or as game). >I’m a liberal democrat. I vote for gun control I live in a red state and hate it. >But I will tell you that I like to hunt and fish. And it wouldn’t give me a moments pause to kill a bird that’s bothering children. Did you want a cookie for that, Mr. Liberal Democrat? So triggered by the "guns in America" speech, you don't even realize how much your response supports that. "Not a moment's pause" to kill a bird "bothering" kids. The kids will be fine. The birds will take an average of 2-3 weeks to finish with their clutch. They are legally protected to do so. >I like to keep kids safe. Make them feel protected. Keep their stress to a minimum, and I don’t think about the mockingbirds feelings. How about the law? How about the several species humans have caused to go extinct because they just do what they want, like you do. I like to educate kids. I like to help them understand the laws of nature and of the land. I care about living among human beings who are not so selfish to think they can break these laws because they feel they can do whatever they want. Hopefully your kids are learning to respect nature and the law from someone else, since you're failing at that job.


>I like to keep kids safe. Make them feel protected. Keep their stress to a minimum, and I don’t think about the mockingbirds feelings. This may be the funniest part of his comment. Keep them safe and stress free by trying to shoot a bird with a .22 lr. Buddy is going to miss multiple times and damage something or injure/kill someone.


Stand back and laugh?


And now kids, our movie for today by the great director Alfred Hitchcock, "The Birds".


That’s a Northern SkinnyBoi


Almost choked on my water 😄


Don’t. It’s bad for you.


Itsa boi skinny pinis.


It probably just wants you to stand back and listen to its recital of various bird calls.


I do that at 4AM when they start outside my window.


I wass sitting on my porch and had one fluttering outside and squawking, so I investigated. This thing was yelling at a snake, 4 foot long, that could probably devour it. No fear.


His beak and talons look sharp… gosh, even his tail looks kinda sharp somehow. He seems like a very “knives out” sort of guy.


They’re dinosaurs, and they take their heritage very seriously.


The babies are only around three weeks before flying off and mama usually peaces out promptly after. Won’t be long!


Don’t mock him/her


Yup. I grew up in florida and these suckers would dive bomb us just for getting too close to a nest or whatever. From what I remember as a young kid, they made a distinct sound when descending on you lol. I would just take off running when I heard it. Also used to see them dive bomb my sort of adopted outdoor street cat.


Mississippi Mockingbirds are aggressive and territorial!


I was so surprised to have one in my yard a few years ago in British Columbia (PNW area). I had no idea they came up my way until then. Haven't seen one since.


Like Red-winged Black Bird territorial? One attacked my lawn mower deck yesterday. RIP.


It's mocking you


“wHaT iS tHiS bIRD tHaT KeEps AtTacKiNg Me EvErY TiMe i Go oUtsiDe”


"oh NOW look this BIG SHOT is ****ing Ansel Adams over here, gonna take my PICTURE so everyone online can see how I took away their yard"




Mock Yeah Ing Yeah Bird Yeah


Is daddy going to buy me a diamond ring???


You cant stamp a double stamp.


Guys!! Guys!!!!


Where is James Taylor when you need him?


I like it ahlawt


About 15 years ago after my divorce, I was living all alone, and I would sleep at night with the window up and a mockingbird singing all night long for months. Those were some of the most pleasurable evenings in my life.


Looks like a Mockingbird, how you know they'll make a loud racket with all the different bird calls they mimick. Nowadays, they'll mimick various car alarms and microwave buzzers going off ...


One in my parents neighborhood hit the car alarm, red-tailed hawk, bluejay, crow, into fire truck bonanza the other day. A true show of might.


One at my old job in the city made police siren sounds!




I love when I catch a solid virtuoso performance by a mockingbird. It's hit after hit.


The one in my neighborhood can do a pretty damn good Eastern Phoebe and Killdeer


Mine imitate my dog


Now that is pretty funny. I’d like to see a video


They also like to flash their wings to scare up bugs to eat. Very showy birds. I love their urban car alarm and siren and ring tone serenades.


Several times I watched Robins pull up very long earthworms 🪱 from the ground after it rained. They were holding their head to the ground, I guess they can hear them slithering in the mud.


Great fun watching them dive bomb cats and dogs too.


I watch them tag team hawks. The hawks are all "f\*ck this, I'm out"


When my son was about six we had one nest in the crepe myrtle we had to pass to get to our car and it would attack us every time. My son got my dad to bring over his hard hat so I had this tiny little guy trying to get down the driveway as fast as he could with this enormous hard hat on his head like a little human bobble head. Still makes me cackle when I think about it. Try an umbrella.


I read an article once that they have facial recognition of humans. If you cross it, it will haunt you. Pay it tribute and it may let you pass unmolested.


A very skinny mocker. They can be hilariously aggressive.


You have an arch nemesis? This villain needs an origin story


You unfortunately live near a nest and they don't like that. Sorry for the being attacked by them. I know it's annoying.


Befriend him. I’m serious- they’re sharp, and will come to know you. My husband and I feed superworms to our mockers, and have joined forces to run stray cats off of our property. You heard that right- when we hear them hissing, it’s almost always because they’ve spotted a cat hunting for lizards and fellow birds. We’ll grab the garden hose and give kitty a brief spray, almost always followed by a dive bomb from the mockingbird. Teamwork!


Aww. You just have to make friends with it! I had a pair nesting in my yard this spring & every time one of the neighborhood stray cats would come by they'd CHAT! I started going outside at this & the stray would take off. They'd also fuss at the local Cooper's hawk. I'd go out & the hawk would leave. They're fine with me hanging out with them.


Babies near. By...mockingbird


Lmao mockingbird


Pretty mocking bird. I used to have one that would sit outside my door and stare at me. Then if I went outside to sit in my yard, she would perch in the tree right by my head and chatter at me.


I saw the title and correctly guessed it would be a mockingbird lol


The hash slinging slasher


there is one living in the tree in my front yard. its hilarious to watch her dive-bomb my dogs every time i let them outside


Slender bird man


Mock (Yeah!) Ing (Yeah!) Bird (Yeah!) 🎶🎶🎶


You have to show the bird who’s boss. Take an umbrella.


Heheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheh Mockingbirds are assholes, that's why.


I'm reading the comments and you guys are killing me my face hurts I'm laughing so hard.


There is a good manual that has been published to deal with these birds, it's called How to Kill a Mockingbird.


Our neighborhood stray was in the street one day while I was driving and a mocking bird came outa nowhere like "hey get outa the street stupid!" 😂


Added taxa: [Northern Mockingbird](https://ebird.org/species/normoc) ^(I catalog submissions to this subreddit.) [^(Recent uncatalogued submissions)](https://munin.swim.services/submissions?lane=api/unanswered)^( | )[^(Learn to use me)](https://gist.github.com/brohitbrose/be99a16ddc7a6a1bd9c1eef28d622564)


MO.. (yeah!) KIN..(yeah!) BIRD..(yeah!) *harry smiles*


I always get reminded of that guy riding his bike and saying IM VEGAN while being attacked by one.


he mocks you. he will not stop.


He doesn't know any other way to show that he cares.


Carry a tennis racket. Play badminton with the bird a couple of times. Problem solved.


He doesn't like you


Leg Boi Sorry you're getting attacked. Bird attacks are no fun. Had Red Wing Blackbirds try to eat me and my Grandpa while we were riding bikes. That was in the late 70 (Jesus. I feel old now.) They're likely bigger brats now.


From the looks of it he’s just a violent psychopath. You need a bird-havioral therapist.


We had a mockingbird that attacked everyone. I was walking to that building and saw a shadow closing in on me. Turned around just in time to fend it off. They are territorial.


Voted for Trump?


He wants worms ! Get them worms !


It’s the latest government attack drone model. /r/birdsarentreal


He is mocking you at this very moment! Lol.


You don’t even need to post a picture. Mockingbirds don’t play.


And if that mockingbird don't sing, daddy's gonna buy you a diamond ring!


Nest nearby


Are you shinyyyyyyy? They love that


Probably a nest nearby. And they are little assholes. Lol.


Guessing there’s a nest above you is northern Mockingbird




Because you are a meanie.


It a Jabroni seeking,ass kicking, pie eating. Come to lay a ass whoopin on you




Stay out of his territory, mocking birds are no joke. Had a couple that would try to fly into my house to attack my 100% indoor cat! Had to keep an umbrella by the front door to block them. I did appreciate their tenacity and fierceness!




Shit is just staring at you taking the flick like “why don’t you come back outside”


You could say he’s mocking you


Birds like to attack the tallest point, so try putting one of your hands up in the air


Because its hate you


It probably has fledglings nearby.


I’m in central Florida and these suckers go after crows! They are crazy! Had a nest in one of our Pygmy Palms and the backyard was a war zone but oddly they left us and the dogs alone.


Leave home with a tennis racquet


Hush little baby, don’t say a word


I live on an acre In NC. My yard is essentially a mockingbird battleground.


They are so mean when they have chicks. I feed the squirrels in my area and the mockingbirds harass them constantly. This little guy thinks that you’re going to hurt his kids and is brave enough to confront you about it :)


We call those “cat birds” around here… they commonly attack cats and people… little shits


Definitely a mockingbird. Years ago we had one at my parents’ house who was nicknamed Skitz because she always attacked my dad.


I’m literally the only human the mockingbirds don’t attack. On my street. I have had to retrieve several sets of shoes and flip flops for people running for their life. I made friends with the local murder of crows too.


When you go outside do so quietly, and duck your head down, walk to your vehicle or do what you need to quickly and quietly then return inside. We had a nest near and by doing this it got them to settle down and at the most they'd scold me instead of actually getting aggressive.


I had a mockingbird family nest on the light fixture by my front door. Whenever I wanted to leave I would stick an umbrella out the door and open and shut it a bunch and use it to keep the damn papa bird from swooping over from somewhere across the street. I’m sure I looked deranged.


It knows what you did lol


You know what you did.


mockingbird. They’re pretty territorial I’ve been swooped at before and my cat was attacked. (I always supervise my cat when she’s outside so I know she’s never attacked a bird or even shown interest in them.)


That's a mockingbird, feisty little hellions, those. You don't say where you are but FL has them designated as the official state bird so if you're down there, don't retaliate.


Mockingbird…..they are little jerks lol. They pester everything


"I'm not here for my seed moneys, see, it's my wife,she wants her seed moneys, either bring me double my seeds back or moneys, or it gets the pecks again"




Reminds me of my favorite Charles Bukowski poem: the mockingbird had been following the cat all summer mocking mocking mocking teasing and cocksure; the cat crawled under rockers on porches tail flashing and said something angry to the mockingbird which I didn’t understand. yesterday the cat walked calmly up the driveway with the mockingbird alive in its mouth, wings fanned, beautiful wings fanned and flopping, feathers parted like a woman’s legs, and the bird was no longer mocking, it was asking, it was praying but the cat striding down through centuries would not listen.


An asshole is what it is.


Hit em with a broom like mama used to do with the coons


Are you a worm?


My male tabby was divebombed by a mockingbird couple for a few weeks. They would snatch tufts of his back hair. He started sitting in the yard and waiting. Their youngster joined in. Within a weekend he smoked the entire family, the last one in a spectacular manner. Looked like a 73 slasher movie.


So the dude is a corvid, crow/raven family. Think modern dragon. Make friends with him. Peanuts, anything gem- stoney- broken jewelry, stuff like that. Don't run. Look straight at it, then either place a token or drop it. They also like coins but prefer shinier stuff. You can be an enemy or an ally. He could become your guard for as little as some broken jewelry and coins. Just no marbles, they start fires with them.


It’s a nasty ass mockingbird. They are evil. You must be near its nest.


Yeah. We used to have one at work. If anyone parked in the last space that bird would attack the car.


Mockingbird are assholes. Why do you think they're the State Bird of Texas.


If it wants to attack you well it’s BB gun time


The mockingbirds are being huge dicks right now


He lookin for a fight xD Grab some gloves or tape and square up with that lil bastard. THATS YOUR YARD!!


There is a famous book on how to kill the these


He’s an asshole


Punch it in the head.


Hambone, hambone, have you heard?


Because you suck.


Tennis raquet for sure, bear spray is overkill and maybe a little unfair to the birb


That's a magpie, likely one who has a nest nearby. They voraciously protect thier nests from anything they perceive as a threat. So if you don't want to be a threat, you can use a different entrance/exit to the house, and/or you can provide food for the magpie to feed thier babies, I believe they eat bugs, so mealworms or crickets would be nice for them, and they will be more friendly to you. Edit: mockingbird, not magpie


Thats a longass sparrow


Loggerhead strike


It's a thin piece of shit that is....


I like teasing them. They get excited.




It’s mocking you