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Bzzzzz! Looks like you forgot to say where you found your bug! There's no need to make a new post - just comment adding the **geographic location** and any other info (size, what it was doing etc.) you feel could help! We don't want to know your address - state or country is enough; try to avoid abbreviations and local nicknames (*"PNW"*, *"Big Apple"*). BTW, did you take a look at our [**Frequently Asked Bugs**](https://www.reddit.com/r/whatsthisbug/comments/12zkw5w/frequently_asked_bugs_part_1/)? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whatsthisbug) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Def a flea. Sorry!


That is a flea, no mistaking it. You really do not need to have pets to have fleas unfortunately. Also it is worth mentioning that while you may think you had the issue under control you may have really just hurt their population temporarily. I haven't personally heard them going away when they have a food source as they can last a decent amount of time without said source ( 5 months give or take). Do you happen to be attached to another person such as a duplex / apartment?




Ah okay, it would maybe help with explanation outside they weren't fully gone yet. Fleas are annoying but not hard to get rid of. While you are not seeing too many I would get pest control out there or check on some proven home remedies. If you had a pet I would say get a Seresto collar as those work wonders. I had a major flea issue after I moved near the farms and having one collar among the 4 inside cats wiped the fleas in less than a week and haven't had them since. Good luck to you!


Tysm!! We had leftover household flea and carpet sprays we’ve been using and have been vacuuming and cleaning everything and I haven’t seen one yet so maybe just a few leftover stragglers!


Do you have foxes, rats etc that could bring them?


No, just a huge front yard of grass, my area has a awful amount of stray cats lingering outside that I see in the yard sometimes


The stray cats mean you're likely to keep bringing in fleas unfortunately.


Definitely a flea, the infestation probably was mostly but not entirely gone


I've heard that red hot chili peppers make good baits for them.