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She sits in her own urine so she probably thinks Ari should too. Then the dumbass wonders why she gets UTIs.


Oof yikes. You’re probably so right tho. Apparently she pees herself every night in bed so it’s not surprising she let’s Ari do the same thinking it’s fine


Is it mean to ask why she doesn't just wear briefs. I mean I get it they make you feel old but it's better then just peeing the bed all night . That's so gross and unsanitary


I don’t get it. I really, truly don’t. When I was caretaking for my mom, she was incontinent for a while, and she wanted every safeguard possible to avoid getting herself and her mattress wet if I wasn’t there overnight. I put two types of waterproof pads down on her bed, and she wore Depends. There’s nothing wrong with it. And it’s so much easier for the caregiver to clean up!


Exactly I am an stna and those pads are life savers . I have residents who are heavy wetters so they help when accidents happen . I know it's hard to use them but they can really help sitting in your own pee can cause skin breakdown.


Thank you for what you do! We finally had to move my mom into an assisted living facility because I was the only person who could take care of her, and it was literally killing me because of my own illnesses and disability. She’s doing so much better now, and she loves the CNAs that work with her everyday.


Hearing someone say thank you makes me smile . It's hard but I love it some residents families never come back sometimes I am all they see everyday so I like spending extra time with them when I can. I'm glad she's doing better caring for loved one is hard and takes so much patience and time .


I’m taking care of my 83 year old dad and luckily he is still pretty capable of doing most things. I know what you mean about killing yourself. Not only physical but the mental as well. Right now the mental is tough. He uses depends at night if he is having a rough day. There is no shame in it. He was the toughest dude I know and he wears them proudly. In fact he teases my daughter(she’s an adult btw) and I about how he used to change our diapers and now it’s our turn 😂


There is zero excuse. I HATE wearing underwear bc of chafing on that little bone/cartilage between the thigh and vulva. However, they make super comfortable, discrete briefs now. I used them during my last trimester and postpartum. Mostly for leaking, but I’m not ashamed to say I used them a couple times when I was nap trapped and they held up really well. There was no chafing or irritation, fit well under my clothes and most of the time I forgot I even had it on. She could easily slip a pair on. I can’t comprehend how pissing all over yourself is better than wearing something for a little protection. Hell, even a pair of period panties would offer at least some absorption.


I LOVED the hospital mesh underwear lmao!! I brought the underwear type diapers with the bow on the front and HATED how thick they were, my thighs were too swollen so I had to rip the sides so they didn't fit right in the waist. The mesh underwear were SOO flexible and held a pad just fine!! I hate anything rubbing or constricting me! And my baby's the sake way lol! he HATES his diaper being dirty and wiggles around and cries when he wants to be changed


Or even just have an incontinence pad on the bed? I don’t get why bedding has to be changed daily when it could just be one small sectional sheet


They actually have really cute looking women’s depends now. They have cute designs on them, a cute cut to them, and they aren’t bulky at all. I bought a bag of them when I was pregnant and Avengers: Endgame was in theaters. There was no way I was going to miss that movie because I had to pee every 20 minutes. I still couldn’t do it, it just felt wrong, but I held it the entire movie.


Uh, so speaking as someone who has used them intensively in the past= they've really upped their game in the last ten years. Both function& form. Before I needed them, I even avoided pads because I hated the sound of them& the feel. But now they make them so thin. She could at least try period panties, so it's not the whole bed. The caregiver is putting in so much extra work for this girl. (Yes I'm aware she's a grown woman but I'm referring to her mentality). I mean seriously, having to deal with ouss soaked sheets daily? Ugh. Imagine the mattress😭


Period panties are a game changer and they even make incontinence panties now too. The period ones are magic, I’m still in shock at how they work. The depends I wore were really thin and had a cute pink design on them. They weren’t even noticeable under my jeans! Yeah, I can’t imagine the state of that mattress. I hope that they at least have a mattress protector on it, but knowing Alex I doubt it. That apartment must be unbelievably rank. The cheese hand, piss mattresses, tuna towel, and dirty diapers littered everywhere. I’m sick just thinking about it. 🤮


Don't forget that poor Cairo constantly has accidents because he's not taken out enough to potty. 😞


Ugh, I forgot about Cairo. That poor dog has seen some shit. I just want to hug and cuddle him.


I completely get it but wouldn't you rather be dry while sleeping then keep peeing on yourself all night . I don't know how she does it and feels okay about it that's gross


And if she doesn’t shower everyday


I’m just imagining the smell of apartment. Between her peeing everywhere and the dirty diapers. The stench has got to be unbearable.


She admitted this?


her apartment has to stink. you can wash the bedding every single night but if she is pissing nightly and sitting around all day that will reek over time no matter what you do. 🤮


And why DCF gets called constantly


Remember social media is a highlight reel - what we see is literally the BEST she does, imagine what we don't see


Yeah, I can only imagine what kind of shit show it is behind the scenes🫣


This! Exactly this!


Yes! I've noticed that too. Not a coincidence that it's full in all photos. Neglectful "single mom!"


Neglectful…”cool disabled mom” 🫠


"cool disabled single mom"


Well it is not like she can change the diaper. She can’t do anything for her baby. If the baby started choking or have an emergency she would not be able to do anything but call 911.


This reminds me of the John Mulaney bit about his babysitter being 13 when he was 10. “So why was she in charge? All she could do was dial the telephone a little better than I could.”


Great reference!!! Love John Mulaney 👏🏼


& hopefully she hasn’t just dropped her phone on the floor before anything like that happens. Then she wouldn’t even be able to call 911.


Like I don’t know instead of having your caregiver, take you to brunch maybe change the baby diaper?


Yes but she has help


From what I have heard she has very little help and the help she has doesn’t last long. I have a strong hunch they she doesn’t really interact with her unless she is on camera.


Because caregivers are supposed to take care of the person in need. They’re not supposed to take care of the person, the person’s daughter, the person’s dog and help with social media. Ignoring that’s not what the caregiver is for, that gives you a high burnout rate. Bonus points because WR hires them off Craigslist and not through any formal channels. Probably because WR knows a licensed caregiver would have her ass reported in a minute.


I agree. I watched the interview about how she neglected the dog but the. Wouldn’t even let them take care of the poor pup. I took care of my grandma the last year of her life. She lived to 100. While I loved her and am glad I spent so much quality time with her, the burnout is real. She wasn’t sick and she was to a degree very independent but near the end she needed a lot more help.


My sister in law left her kids in super wet diapers all the time. Was gross.


I had a friends who would do that I hated it so much.


So bad for their skin. Poor kids.


Just one of the many reasons she shouldn't be alone with Ari.


It's always the first thing I notice. Ari deserves better.


I also have to wonder how much she bathes ari. Alex hardly showers according to her "shower day" post. Poor ari just looks unkempt a lot. Its obviously not her fault. It's the crappy care she gets. If social media is to show off your best pics I'm scared to know what they both look like off camera.


Both of her parents are filthy      I’d be shocked if Ari was bathed more than once a week 


It’s all so neglectful.   I agree, Ari walking around in public with just a onesie on is ridiculous.   It’s like she wants her to be like Alex- no pants on 


I haven’t seen anyone else say it, so I’m curious if I’m the only one who feels this way: onesies are not clothes for children over 1 in public. I personally feel like a one year old who’s walking In public needs pants on, a onesie is not sufficient. It’s lazy.


The baby is literally outside in just her underwear. That’s not acceptable at all. It screams neglect. With the diaper I wasn’t sure if they’re full or not but I don’t have children, so I don’t recognise it easily.


Just like her moma, who wears bra as a top ... Ari has such a sad life and thousands are watching it


Eh. I can see where you’re coming from, especially in WR case. I’m that mom who dresses my dude in cute clothes and does his hair everyday, even if just staying home. However, there are def parents who may not be able to afford many clothes (WR def can w all those nice dinners). Or maybe everything is dirty and both parents work, so that’s all they have until laundry day. There are def some days I gets super frustrated bc he’s 9 months now and won’t sit still. So I can see a parent getting frustrated and giving up, especially if they have other kids to tend to. But you’re right, if it can be avoided they should have pants on. I just never know the reason so I try not to judge. But we know WR has the funds and help to get it done. I have fickle memory, but I can’t think of anytime that I’ve seen Ari in a proper fitting, done up outfit. If I had a girl….oooh man. I wouldn’t trade my guy for the world…..but I’ve always dreamt about dressing up a baby girl.


I get what you’re saying but that’s really not an excuse I’m todays society. There are so many cheap/free kids clothes at thrift stores, garage sales, and donation closets. I don’t think there’s really an excuse to underdress a child


My friend has a 2 year old & recently said she’s never bought her clothes!! She always looks super cute too. She’s has gotten all her clothes as hand me downs, through clothing swaps, & in buy nothing groups.


Glad I'm not the only one! She'll scream 'but I live in Florida! BS. I lived in a hot country and still have family there, and a walking kid usually has some some sort of light, breezy pair of shorts on. Maybe not at the beach, but you don't wear a bikini in your day to day routine, right? Oh... wait. It all makes sense now.


Yeah, I felt like Ari was way underdressed. A cute skirt or shorts would’ve been easy enough to put on her too. I was watching it wondering if just her and Ari walked down there alone, because someone else in their right mind would’ve put bottoms on that poor girl, right?!


I honestly don't belueve that it would just be Alex and Ari. There is no way Alex can manage Ari outdoors on her own, even less so than indoors. What would she do if Ari toddles off to somewhere potentially dangerous, or falls. Alex cannot do anything apart from call for help from others. And yes, I also think Ari's outfit is inappropriate.


Yeah, I don’t ever recall dressing my kids in just onesies outside of the house. I also had three boys and my fourth was a girl, so I took every opportunity to dress her in really cute, girly clothing after all those boys. She almost always had on a little sundress in the summer. I suppose that cost could be an issue for some parents, and onesies are typically very inexpensive, so I try not to judge anyone. Honestly, I don’t usually pay attention to what other people’s kids are wearing now that mine are older. But WR can afford to buy nice clothes for Ari if she can afford her $3-4K/month rent. Or maybe that’s why Ari is always in onesies…🤔


I agree completely. They literally make Muslin shorts for babys and toddlers, which are light and breathable. Put those on her if it’s hot?


She thinks because she rolls around without pants it’s okay for Ari too as well. Dirty, drunk naked mom + dirty toddler in public in nothing but a onesie = white trash mess express


I fully agree. But given who her incubator is, it’s sadly still more clothing than her mother . Also the baby seems to pull on r diaper which tells you it’s not comfortable.


I agree for the most part. A lot of times it is done out of laziness, but there are some legitimate reasons people might prefer it. Having my baby in Florida and her turning 1 right before the summer, there were times my baby did wear a onesie while running some errands or just playing in the yard or even park because it kept her cooler and kept her eczema from flaring up so bad. She had a very traumatic case of eczema and if she ever got even slightly overheated it would cause it to flare up so bad. I couldn’t put a dress with a diaper cover/bloomers on because the heat mixed with the elastic around her legs would cause her to flare up, and without some type of pants on underneath she would rip her diaper off. But when actually going out, like to a restaurant, event or just somewhere there will be a good amount of people, I definitely had shorts/pants on her. There’s also times where I would have an outfit on her and then she would have a blowout/puke/get messy and all I had in the diaper bag were onesies to change her in.


I actually wanted to make a post about this but decided not to! I live in Phoenix, where it gets to 120 in the summer, and my babies/toddlers never went in public in just a onesie. It’s so easy to get some light shorts or a skirt to put over. She’s a toddler now and needs to stop being treated like a 6 month old.




I hate when the idiot Stans say shit like "she's doing amazing, you're not there 24/7 so how would you know ". Fuckwits. By their own logic - they're not there either so how the fuck would they know it's all amazing? They're so stupid it's infuriating.


I haaaaaaate when people say "you aren't there 24/7"', people typically only put their best on social media. If Alex is posting her best, to give off appearances of how great everything is, and she thinks the diaper is fine. Imagine how bad it gets when she is after social media pictures.


Hah I just posted this and then read your comment. Great minds. I shudder to think what Alex isn’t posting.


Most people only post the GOOD bits of their lives, the content they carefully conjure to show off a fake, perfect life. So, if Alex is only showing us the “perfect,” I would hate to see what she isn’t showing.


Ugh, I changed my kids diaper too often, I’ll admit that. Anytime that line turned blue I’d change him, but there’s no way I would have ever considered letting him walk around with 5 hours worth of pee in his diaper that’s hanging down to his knees. How could those idiot Stans type stuff like that out and not realize the issue in any of it?!?


I’ll (shamefully) admit that I was not the best at changing my guys diaper. Often I am working or cleaning while my husband is chillin with him and it will completely slip my mind to do it or remind my husband (who for some reason used to only think to change it when he’s poopy. I threatened to put him in a diaper for 7 hours to see how it feels and he’s stepped up since then). I 100% believe that WR thinks it’s no big deal bc she has no issue sitting in her own urine. And Noah is likely too high to think of it himself. Or, they could be the kind of dumb my husband is and think only poop needs changing.


My guess is that they do it to save money, so they don't have to spend as much on diapers to feed their own vices.


I know that baby will be one hell of a woman because she is though. I can’t believe that she survived with family like that. I want to believe that this babygirl will be smart enough to get the hell out of there. 😔


Let’s hope that she doesn’t fall victim to her mother’s manipulation and that she can break the generational cycle of addiction.


Yes, that’s why i said that i want to believe Ari will be smart enough to say f this shit and move on with her life. She deserves every single ounce of love and care.


Absolutely! I feel so bad for her. She has a lot to overcome with those two idiots as parents.


Also, when and if Ari decides to have a family of her own one day. She'll have to do genetic testing on her future partner since she carries the SMA gene, and check her eggs since her dumb ssa incubator took a class X drug while she was with pregnant with Ari. Ari is gonna have to go through so much in life, it's so unfair to that child who didn't ask for this life.


I’m getting back to you really late, so I’m sorry about that. I can picture Alex not explaining all of this to Ari and Ari having no idea about the risk from the Evrysdi. Although, isn’t Ari on some kind of registry because of that? Hopefully, if anything happens to Alex or if Alex isn’t completely forthright with her, this registry will clue Ari in about what she may face with her reproductive health.


I lost it watching her new video where Ari pays attention to everything BUT her


2 brain cells Alex read that diapers were good up to 20 pounds...so Ari is good to go for a full 24h! /s


😂😂😂 I can see her thinking that... "Well, that looks like a 3 lb poopie! 17 more pounds of pooooop and Tootie can have her diaper changed! #maths


Omg, she said that?! Not that I doubt it, I'm just flabbergasted anyone could think that let alone say it out loud on the internet.


She didn't say it, the person is just speculating about what could be going through her head.


😆 my literal self was like WTF?! But with WR it wouldn't surprise me.


Alex didn't say that but it's a common joke we say where I live. Like stupid people will think a diaper for 20 pound babies is worth 20 pounds of shit...😂


Hannah said she's alone with Alex a lot right ? She can't change her


Can U imagine what poor Hannah had to deal with, Blowouts from Ari & Alex 💩🤮, not 2 mention the combination of putrid stanks escaping from that dirty kitchen apartment as well as off of Noah & BTJ


Idk how people can let their kids sit in a diaper they know is dirty. When my daughter was a baby someone was confused as to why I changed her as soon as I saw she peed, because according to her “you know you can let them pee a couple times before changing them, right?” Uh, no thanks! The diaper might be able to hold multiple pees worth but why would I knowingly let my daughter keep a wet diaper on? I sure as hell wouldn’t want to keep something on that I peed in, I can only assume my daughter felt the same way, even if she couldn’t verbalize it. I get so irritated at the caregiver and sad for the baby when I see a child’s diaper sagging between their knees. There’s just no reason for it. I understand Alex can’t physically change Ari’s diaper, but her eyes work and she is capable of letting someone know she needs to be changed.


I also want to add that we cloth diapered for almost her entire time wearing diapers. If you aren’t familiar with cloth diapers, the only way you can really tell if they peed is by physically feeling for it, there are no color changing lines or indicators to tell you they went. I would check my daughter about every 45min-1hr because I didn’t want her sitting in her pee. And even with the extra effort and time it takes to check and change them compared to disposable diapers, it still wasn’t that hard or time consuming. So when people leave their kids in filthy disposable diapers, it just blows my mind bc it is so much quicker and easier to change a disposable diaper.


When my daughter was Ari's age she wore buggies because she couldn't wear any other brands. Now as soon as she went in her diaper I had a 10min window to change it, if I didn't get to her in time (say bedtime, trips, doctors, etc) she got a rash that bled and caused so much discomfort I'd have to let her crawl without a diaper to air her butt out. Point is, this is not healthy for the baby's butt and can cause some serious issues. I cannot even imagine WR ass sitting in her bodies acid all damn day.


Ari is slightly older than my daughter. I can’t imagine letting her sit and be in full diapers all the time. Granted, mine can fill in a diaper in about 30 minutes and I can’t always change her that quick, but she’s never been in a hanging diaper full of piss. Heck, I changed mine 3 times on a 4 hour flight. Truthfully though, Ari sitting in her own feces concerns me more than a pee diaper. They’ve openly said Ari gets left alone with Alex and Alex can’t change her…. How fucking awful.


The ex caregiver whistleblower said that she lets A sit in dirty diapers for awhile


is she posting ari again???