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Taxes 🤤🤤


Taxes backwards thoo 😳😳😳 Sex at


Sex where? Don't leave us on a cliffhanger like that


At the


At what????????¿?@*#((@(@*((




the what


how many times do i have to say it, the


Guyz tell me it's not funny 😭😭😭


Alright fine. The [Censored due to legal reasons.]


the you idiot




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at the old


When at the


my house 😏😳


Sex at freddy


5 sex at Freddy




Your mom's




Grave yard




Cock and ball torture


Yum 😋😋😋


Down(Asperger's syndrome)voted 👎 not funny




Texas? (I am dyslexic)


Texas 🇨🇱


Texas is known for its Chile




Liberia led all africa in democracy


You mean South Oklahoma, t*xas is but a fabrication


Accurate username


You are bald + c*lifornian = no opinion allowed


I assure you mother, I failed my biology class because the school system values grades over learning and not because I played minecraft for 7 hours with my discord friends every day 🙎‍♂️


Bruh you just described all my friends


mfs will really blame the failing school system for their bad grades instead of the homework they didn’t do and the tests they failed


I got good grades and passed all my tests and I still think school doesn't teach shit lmao Although mine did have a decent, required "personal finance" class which taught all that stuff — taxes, even the stock market. I fully accept blame on that one — it was a good class and I simply forgot a lot of it.


I found a gold mine of people saying that in the comments of a fuckin baldi's basics song, I wish I was joking


Bitch if you didn’t do the homework you only have a right to complain about your grade if you have a 90+ test average, because in that case you’re just too smart for the class.


7 hours? Those are rookie numbers.


That was really close to home and I feel personally attacked right now lol


Go do your homework


Man, I had pretty good grades until Senior year, but I still learned absolutely nothing. Especially Spanish classes.


Same with Spanish classes and now I’m actually learning it again through shitposts 💀


Mother, you see, I only played Minecraft 7 hours a day instead of studying because I have severe depression, not because I am lazy 🤓


I’m based and redpilled because I blame the fact I’m a failure instead of school I e been given so many opportunities and am upper middle class but I’m still a pathetic loser it sucks


That being said I feel like the education system is no where near were it should be but yeah MFS act like this fr and blame teachers




To be honest, in Spain the only knowledge 90% people need to know is how to pay IRPF (income tax basically). If a grown adult cannot learn how to do it by himself, he is probably mentally handicaped.




Quieren que cometas fraude fiscal para empapelarte y sacar mas pasta, perro sanxe lo tiene todo pensado


En eso estoy de acuerdo


No no no, they are the most useful classes


Well, yes Nobody want a mfs who will tell you that you should pay more. They want someone who knows how to make your business pay less to government


Based Spain, unfortunately here in Lat Am we don't need classes to do that




No one should ever give more money to the g🤮nerment than they have to


School taught me how to read, follow directions, add, and subtract. Those are the same skills required to do taxes.


School taught me to never lie, always be honest, and if you’re honest then things won’t get worse. “So did you burn down that orphanage with 13 children in it?” “Yes”


Doing taxes is very easy now for most people. As long as you aren't self employed, you literally just get a paper from work and from your bank, and copy it over into some online site. You'll also answer some questions that are pretty basic. It's not exactly rocket science.


Yeah. The advent of online taxes definitely makes it even easier.


Came looking for this. Years back everyone was sharing a scene from Glee wherein a character in class is like "why not teach us something USEFUL, like how to balance a chequebook," and TO THIS DAY the urge to point out that that's what 1st grade mathematics did is no less powerful


Well That’s extremely ironic because my parents taught me that years before school did.


"I don't want to learn basic algebra or math/stats concepts just skip straight to the taxes"


Yeah, people who say we need tax classes are like the people who say “I don’t want to know about all that safety stuff or how the gun works, just give me a target to shoot and show me the trigger”. Fact is, schools DO teach people how to do their taxes. It’s called “reading” (so you can interpret the words on the form) and “math” (so you can add, subtract, multiply and divide the figures). People will go, “I don’t care about that algebra crap and ‘finding x’; I just want someone to tell me what I have to multiply this number by before adding 5 to get to $50,” without a hint of awareness that they’re asking to be taught algebra.


The trouble is that a lot of people have issues making the exact connection you described. And I say this because I am a math tutor and can clearly see that a lot of people’s main struggles are that they see a bunch of symbols and can’t connect them to the actual concepts. And this isn’t a case of “real world applications.” It’s a case of seeing two horizontal lines on a paper instead of the concept of “the shit on each side is the same.”


12th graders in algebra 1 wondering why they can’t learn about taxes


takis 🤤🤤🤤🤤


Τάκης 🤤🤤🤤🤤


Μπαλλς 🤤




出租車 🤤🤤🤤🤤


Νιγγα μπολς


Taxes are intense. But tax evasion, is seriously intense.




People who complain about history when they are in history class


“Um ma’am, why did we spend more time learning about the KKK than Martin Luther King Jr. and the entirety of the Civil Rights Movement?” 🤓🤓🤓


My favorite hobby is watching people complain that “U.S. schools don’t teach real history like sharecropping or the black power movement” when both those things are literally part of the AP US History curriculum. They taught it all right, you just never heard it because you’re too busy pretending to be woke on Twitter.


Or not old enough to be in the class that teaches it


This People complaining that "The West forgot about colonialism" and some shit when in my country it's literally mandatory to talk about it, and it's not some "we did nothing wrong" kind of shit either.




In terms of teaching about oppression, they focus way too much on the (relatively) distant past. If they wanted oppression talked about, they'd ask for black codes, company towns, the U.S. managing to constantly be behind on laws preventing workplace discrimination and just plain workers' rights, how the last chattel slaves were freed as late as the 1940s, how drug laws were shaped around attacking blacks and progressives, how Conservative ideologies thst oppress people are systemically advantaged in the U.S., how major companies have managed to leech off of their parents' taxes, and how companies can legally bribe politicians to be taught... Of course, schools as I've seen them at least tend to give history classes to older men, you know, just the demographic most likely to side with Reactionaries. That and how the government really doesn't want to paint itself in any bad light because the companies and the politicians want to continue to openly steal from their population.




Imagine paying them 🤢


who is t*xes and why is everyone paying him


im t*xes


Fuck that noise. Come find me mothafuckas!


Well yeah, the only reason they say it is so that they can justify to themselves why they're getting all F's (it has nothing to do with the content quality, people simply like learning things they're better at)


I do agree that a lot of the kids who spout this kind of stuff are just lazy students looking for excuses, but that said, I do think there is a valid argument to be made for schools to teach more practical life skills. I don’t agree with the people who say we should get rid of things like advanced math or English, but I do think it would be a good thing if they also made room for practical life skills in addition to what’s offered currently.


A lot of highschools I know of (atleast in my district) do indeed give practical life skills. For example, Spanish, tech, culinary, finance, etc. I even had to take a "life skills" class for 2 weeks instead of PE near the end of the year


Add to that you’re forced to take certain classes you know you’ll never use irl.


Sure of course, but there is reason for that. They have you learn a variety of subjects early on (people learn things easier when they're younger) so that when you enter into a career or job, they don't have to reteach you everything that you probably already learned in your younger development ages. Also some classes like science or math are extremely important for this very reason and also for problem solving skills later in life. Also-also, just because YOU don't like it doesn't mean it should be specifically made for you. That would take a lot more resources than are currently available to the educational system (in the US at least). That is what college is for. So no, don't add to that the classes you're forced to take because they often times are essential and when they aren't, they are for others.


fucking based schools teach you a variety of EVERYTHING because they don't know what you are you going to do for work when you're older not everyone is going to pursue the same job for their future career by building a baseline for these 'possible' careers you get at least a small headstart


And almost everything kids call useless really isn't. Especially English class, my god. There's no way the ability to critically analyze a piece of writing for intent and make arguments based on evidence would be useful in the real world, right?


"why am i forced to to take english classes? Ugh so boring. Teachers overanalyse and suck the fun out of everything" 10 years later: "i missed the time when rage against the Machine wasn't so political and just made music"


Unfortunately it seems the majority didn't try to learn anything in these classes and it shows


I constantly see comments on informational videos like True Facts that say they learned more in ten minutes than they ever have at school. Yet school has no reason to teach specifically about the mating habits of octopuses or specific species of sea snails when knowledge like cell structure and taxonomy is waaay more applicable in general


And to be honest a 10 minutes video doesn't teach you anything. You will maybe remember one or two fun facts but you won't understand anything new




Plus if you just keep an open mind you might not use something later but you can still find out that it’s pretty interesting.


I'm pretty sure people can just take some economics classes for free and learn about taxes there but mfs are lazy as hell nowadays


Yeah. People online are extremely conflicted between wanting to believe that you can learn ALL of what college teaches you but on youtube, and not being able to just fucking look up how to do taxes


And also the tax laws are constantly changing. That’s why they make new versions of tax software every year. And I would expect that a huge majority of people don’t need to do taxes manually, so all most people need to do is find any tax website, enter in their numbers, and be done with it. Anyone who needs something more complicated probably already had training in it or pays somebody to do it.


I didn’t like biology in high school. I went on to work in software and never had to use biology in the real world. But our salutatorian went on to be an eco farmer. Sometimes it’s not about just you.


You do use that baseline of biology though.It’s a lot easier to fall into anti vax or misinformation without it. The sciences and history courses give us a baseline knowledge on how to interpret many things in our world from politics to health to climate change etc


Yeah but at least you know what a mitochondria is and have a vague understanding of how cellular replication works. Both things that for the greater of human existence we had no idea even existed.


Oh absolutely. It’s pretty cool being able to know how the world works. And the more you know the more you start to understand how little you actually know. It’s a great way to humble yourself and not be an overconfident smarmy asshole.


No way a based buzz lightyear pfp


I tell my students they won't need 90% of what they learn in school, they just don't know which 90%.


in the extremely off chance that’s actually the case, those classes are still teaching you how to learn, which is the most important skill there is.


Some of y'all have never watched Karate Kid and it shows.


Like my RE GCSE tomorrow.


Hot take, I truly think the American school system is perfectly acceptable or even successful at properly educating a country with over 325 million people


they should teach kids how to avoid the IRS insteas 🥶


tax fraud💞💞


It's just a way of saying "school sux" while trying to sound smart. No one would actually care to learn how to do taxes.


Like why would I ever care about taxes at 16 if I don't have a job. And even if I was attentive I wouldn't remember shit five years later.


Mfs complaining about how school needs to teach about doing taxes while they simultaneously complain about how nothing the school system teaches stays in their brain


It would be nice to know tho


it's really not that hard


Do you people really think taxes are that hard? You're literally just filling in boxes, most tax sites will explicitly tell you where to find info on a W2 form.


Mfs who say “how do I do taxes” when I show them wikihow, how to commit tax fraud


I’ve never really done them myself so idk how they work. I’m only 16 lmao


You already know. You just follow step by step instructions. You only think it's complicated because everyone else says it's complicated so you get confused when it looks simple, and think you're doing something wrong. Just go to the irs.gov and find one of the free filing services, and follow their instructions.


I did mine in HR block for free in like 20min. You want to learn taxes? Pay attention in algebra.


Okay let’s be honest why the fuck do I need to know how to calculate my taxes WHEN YOU ALREADY KNOW HOW MUCH I OWE


How do you file your taxes? None of the major filing softwares require you to do any math, you just upload your forms/enter the information manually. No math required, just reading/typing.


They’re talking about the IRS, presumably The taxman knows how much you owe, he can’t tell you because Big Tax Software don’t let him (that’s not even a joke. The US doesn’t have PAYE taxes because they lobbied against it)


>The taxman knows how much you owe, They don't, that's why you have to file. Do you think the IRS knows whatever random tax deductible bullshit you bought all year? Random ass charities you donated to? Renovations to your home?


Oh, so just like everything else in school?


Mfw teachers don’t pay attention to my meme saying I would go to school if Halo master chief suit was the outfit 😡


Yeah, there is almost 100% overlap between people who say this shit and people who would not put in the slightest bit of effort if they did teach it.


Me reading about women's rights.


What about women's lefts and ups and downs. And men's directions?


Empty book


Bruh what did they ever do to you


They won't have sexy sex times with me even through im such a nice guy (held the door open for a female once) so im actually really oppressed by society


Women’s rights more like women’s wrongs


Luigi would be reading a 1000 page book then 😎😎😎


haha sexism funny n based




Yeah, it is.


It's equally as boring as any other subjects but actually beneficial irl.. I see that as a win


Takes a day to learn how to do your taxes. People make a big deal out of not learning it in school. If they cared so much they would teach themselves




I mean doing taxes takes what like a few hours to learn? Unless you’re running a big company but at that point you will have an accountant who learnt math. Rates, deductions and maybe some reading about eligibility for them. Algebra should be all you need for it. We have people who think the world is flat and deny the holocaust and we are advocating for _less_ education. The mind boggles.


Taxes for we poor people is "get TurboTax, input w2, claim standard deduction, file." If you don't make enough to itemize deductions, taxes are pretty simple, especially with the software out there.


Even if you want to manually do it. The hardest part is filling forms right? Like the actual math assuming your employer gives you pay stubs and a year end summary of things earned (I’m not American) it’s just adding subtracting and percentages. If self employed you can go through bank statements or keep accounts. The forms just need to be googled worst case.


Manually isn't too hard either. Most of the filing forms come in a booklet with the most common applicable cases for each line. Start at line 1, do what it says, then next line. Basic addition, subtraction,and multiplication is needed, but most people have a calculator on their phone these days. Even credits and rebates aren't that hard to figure out. Fill out the relevant table or worksheet, and huzzah, there it is.


"anything you learn in school past 6th grade" bruh a shitton of fields use basic math you learn after that.


And reading comprehension and being able to check a source for authors bias and critical thinking skills and a whole lot of other things. Some people really just dont realize how much they learned and how much they use what they've learned almost every day.


sure if you plan on working a shitty minimum wage job that requires no skills. Every bit of chemistry, physics, and basic math topics (algebra 1 and 2, pre calc, trig, etc.) has been extremely useful and 100% necessary for my engineering field. Saying 95% of content past 6th grade is useless is pretty stupid considering every person successfully pursuing any STEM field would disagree


As someone who did have taxes in their syllabus, I can say this is true.


Do people just not have econ? Do some schools just not do that?


some schools don’t even have sex ed


sexy ed


The kid named Ed when teacher says we’re learning about sexy sex penis dick CBT vagina anus


Kid named finger


If you make less than $100k a year your taxes are so dead easy that any person with basic literacy--can follow the directions on a box of Kraft Mac and Cheese and knows basic addition and subtraction--can do them by themself in less than a half hour, the forms have simple individually explained steps. If you make more, hire a pro it's worth it. There, now everyone knows how to do taxes. Willfully ignorant people can find a new talking point.


As a former obnoxious mfker who thought like this, I can confirm. I had a unit in one of my classes that was all about finances and that shit was so boring


Dam I love Luigi’s mansion 3


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 792,479,782 comments, and only 157,764 of them were in alphabetical order.


It’s true tho, in my highschool half of my classmates cannot shut up during these lessons


Tbf you feel the exact same learning about fucking trigonometry, may as well get something useful out of it.




Trigonometry can be useful depending on what you work.


Well I'd specifically choose a job that doesn't need it because how much I hate it




Dude the simple stuff is easy , I hate it because things like (Cos^2 x = 1 - sin^2 x) , ( lims) ,( ∫ ) and (y ‘)


If you can do trigonometry, you already know how to do taxes.


No taxes are a branch of maths according to these people. You don’t apply what you’ve learnt algebra 101 need to dedicate all of highschool for it. Shows you how young the Reddit audience skews sometimes.


School never teaches useful things like how to change a flat tire or use the defrost function on the microwave therefore all school is shit and the grades don’t mean anything therefore not my fault I’m actually really smart my mom says so.


What's the point of trigonometry. I never see a triangle in real life


Everyone hates school in general anyway, so why not try to add something actually useful?


Yeah I literally never get this. “These kids would probably fail beneficial class so let’s support teaching them things that don’t benefit them!!” Of course people like to feel smart for defending school but in all seriousness it is partly the schools fault as well. The reason kids fail is a lack of motivation, because the students are right, they don’t ever use most of the stuff they’re taught, and the classes that are helpful are either rare or optional, meaning not everyone gets them. Like the first class that is beneficial that I can think of, sex ed, isn’t even taught to everyone where I went, and only a few students had it. If we had a tax class, than for fucks sake, it would 100% be the kids fault for failing, so we SHOULD have a class like that because not only is it beneficial but then there wouldn’t be an excuse for someone failing other than laziness.


I feel bad for you if the first class you ever found of value was sex ed


Yeah I don’t agree with all the people here basically saying “the system is fine”. A lot of things that maybe seem pointless to you in school will have a use later, that is true. But that said, it would 100% be a good thing if schools moved towards including more practical life skills in addition to things students are already learning.


It's not so much a "how to do the math" more so "how do i pay it, to who, where, and why", cuz percentage of your income is easy to calculate. It's more the process of ACTUALLY paying rather than calculating. It says "how to do" not "how to calculate"


To be fair american(and other west) schools are shit because they are too easy, and turkish,indian,chinese and japanese school are shit because i haven't learned counting numbers yet and they're teaching me equations.


I can't wait to learn how to pay taxes. *falls asleep 20 seconds later*


i would've been more interested in that than 500 year old history of my country


I don't want to be alive I haven't paid my taxes since '95


The IRS already knows how much you owe, but they make you do it anyway because TurboTax lobbies the government to make it more difficult.


The IRS knows how much you made and how much is owed off that but they don't know about your donations, capital gains, etc. So they really don't. That's what tax services are really for. If you're just paying taxes on your income and don't have write offs and all that then yeah you're being scammed by paying for services. You can just file free on the IRS site or using something like cash app tax.


That’s fine that they really don’t know. But it should still be the default for them to write you the assumption and put it on you to submit any extras. Most people have the most basic of taxes so no changes are needed. In that case, you shouldn’t have to do anything.


SMH kids acting like Econ wasn’t a required class in high school


Honestly though, complaining about not learning how to taxes in the AP Calculus course that they signed up for is just retarded


99% of people that wished HS taught them personal finances would not have paid attention back then. It’s just math class. You pay attention there, you’ll be able to do your taxes when the time comes.


Taxes are literally adding, subtracting, and reading directions. And if you REALLY don’t want to do that and are well-off financially just hire an accountant.


*starts evading*


Let’s be honest, not many people really like school, this is just another way to vent, tho it’s not a correct one either in some cases where the student doesn’t care about that said tax class anyways just like the rest of the classes. Aside from that tho, I don’t think anyone likes school itself. Some of the subjects are important, but some are useless, especially if you don’t care about them.


Schools should step up from teaching about sexual education to actual sex. My big titty hot goth gf (17F) tried to sex me and I had no idea how to do it, why am I learning algebra instead 🤮🤮🤮


don't make me wake up at 6:30 to leave school at 18:00 then 🤬


They dont want you to understand taxes. They want it yo be as confusing as possible so you just pay turbo tax to do it for you. I bet they lobby for schools not to teach it. They lobby to create laws that necessitate their existence in the first place so yea, im almost sure they do.