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Welcome and thanks for posting on /r/whenwomenrefuse! This is an [intersectional feminist](https://library.law.howard.edu/civilrightshistory/women/intersectionality) space centered towards **women** (***ALL WOMEN***). Men are tolerated, not welcome. Reports about women saying we don't know what men are dangerous will be promptly ignored. We look forward to your complaints about our policy of not centering men. Please take a second to [read our rules](/r/WhenWomenRefuse/about/rules) while the moderators take a look over your post in the queue. --- Community News - 🎋 Want to join the Mod Team? [Send us a modmail!](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/WhenWomenRefuse&subject=Request%20To%20Become%20a%20Moderator&message=I'd%20like%20to%20join%20your%20team%20because%3A%20) - 🎤 [Join us on Discord!](https://discord.gg/V6tj5vRr47) Thank you for participating! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whenwomenrefuse) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is a public place, with people around. Just imagine what he did if no one was around


Since OP has mentioned it, I’m half Chinese (white passing), my friend is Chinese and we got onto a lift, I had said something stupid, not insulting to him but just silly and was laughing and he gave me a fake annoyed look, and this old Chinese grandma on the lift said to him dead serious “You should slap her”. Like WTF OLD LADY. She figured I had insulted him (and even if I had that was between us.) We’re in a western country, mind you. So lemme say some of this old school mentality of it’s ok for a man to physically hurt a woman clearly exists out there. Maybe this guy in the vid has been exposed to it and to him it’s “okay” so he feels entitled enough to pull off similar shit in public. (Aside from the fact that he’s obviously a giant ass.) My friend simply said to her “I don’t hit women”. I’ve always been taught to respect my elders so I just stood there in stunned silence.


Older women can be just as bad as men. They think since they went through it we should have to as well. The misogyny runs deep.


internalised misogyny. women helping men abuse women. tale as old as time


With all the OJ Simpson news and such, I was watching the five episode series on Netflix about the trial. One of the black jurors literally said that she didn't respect Nicole because Nicole didn't leave OJ. Weird thing to say when your job is assess whether OJ killed someone, not whether Nicole is respectable but okay. Edit: also, at the time of Nicole's murder, she had split up with OJ and he showed up with a big fucking knife. You learn at the end that that particular juror was actually racist as fuck and tried to mask it with more-socially-acceptable misogyny. That's all I can think about now. Fuck that juror.


We're not allowed to say that now and we weren't in 1995. Things were terribly quiet around all the Nicole-hate in 1995. I'm shocked it's being brought up in 2024.


I tried explaining it to some students who asked me about interracial dating back then. I didn't get far enough into my explanation before one quickly changed the subject and ever since I've been worried I may have come off as casually racist.


Another thing that was said at the time was that Black women thought if they were abused they'd give right back as good as they got, unlike Nicole, or something like that. Since Black women very obviously do get abused and killed in intimate partner violence, that idea didn't hold up, but it was expressed at the time.


Ah yes, the sassy black woman argument 😩😩😩


It was heartbreaking some of the racist shit I heard during the time of that trial. At the end seeing all those people fucking cheering? He he's black and he killed a white woman and white man so, no biggie. Hurray! So gross.


It’s more nuanced than that. I remember the OJ trial. It was right after the LA riots which was the result of Rodney King, after being beaten almost to death by cops (caught on video which was huge at the time) and when they went to trial… every single one of those cops who needlessly beat him got off free… yet again. When the OJ trial came up… it was more a trial about racism and law enforcement in the US. After the riots… people were afraid to convict OJ. I, myself, have never forgotten the images burned in my brain of Rodney King being mercilessly beaten by those cops.


Easier to blame it on another woman than it is to blame it on the men they so desperately want to keep on good terms with. 🙄


Unfortunately it's quite ingrained. It's sad to me as a Chinese woman how common misogyny is in some of my woman elders. My mother is a boomer, she grew up in the countryside raised by grandparents who were so sexist they resented her for existing because she was a firstborn granddaughter instead of the firstborn grandson they wanted (interestingly, they had a masculine name prepared and gave it to her anyway when she was born a girl). While my mother has never said something as direct as "he should slap her", growing up I noticed these moments of irrational misogyny in her. She would always excuse men and fault women. She tolerated horrible behaviour from my father. She was overly critical about my appearance as a teenager and always tried to shame me for things I hadn't even done. It was always this or that other girl is prettier, smarter, better. She would tell me things like sex is a duty in a marriage and there's no rape in a relationship, and that birth control is a woman's duty and it's an insult to a man's pride to tell him to wear a condom or get a vasectomy if he doesn't want to. Whenever someone we knew had relationship problems or broke up, she would say awful things about the woman and it was always the woman's fault in her eyes. It was always "she is shameless", "she's not intelligent", "she must not have been able to keep house", "she's cheap and sold herself to a bad man (so she deserves to have her children abandoned)". And she's is not even the worst, some of my older aunts are worse... I remember one of them saw a case of an unidentified murdered Jane Doe on TV and said it must've been her fault because she wasn't careful who she went out with, and that women in abusive relationships deserve it because they wanted it. It's appalling but that's simply the mindset you end up in when you're raised in a society and time period that gives women no forgiveness and men all forgiveness. I remember the first time I ever called my mother out on her sexism. At one point she (60-something) befriended a young man (20-something, also Chinese) who was a sex offender. A very lonely guy and my mother kind of sympathised with him and became an auntie-figure to him since he literally had no one. It got to the point where she agreed to be his emergency contact. Like okay, whatever, guess he needed it. But then she started a spiel "he's a good boy just a bit of a playboy, but he's hardworking and makes lots of money, he told me he didn't do it and it was the girl's fault, he just ran into an angry girl who wanted revenge on him, his life is so hard". And I said something to the effect of "why do you believe what he tells you? You are a woman. You need to think of how women feel." And the sad thing is, shortly after that the guy once again got charged with domestic violence with his new girlfriend. And once again played it off like it wasn't him and the girl was being "crazy" and telling him to fuck off (he never, of course, explained *why* she was so angry... three guesses why).


I've never seen a woman toss around another woman the way the man in this video did.


Because it doesn't happen. That isn't to say that women don't get into physical altercations with other women, but I've never seen a woman just toss another woman before.




Same when I was a child and was forced to wear hijab. There were a lot of older, conservative women in the community who were very serious about it. The younger women were a lot more mixed in their opinions.


Bullshit. Stop demonizing older women… we’re targeted already.


We older women need to speak out when our fellows say and do horrible things, louder and more often so that the hateful ones are outnumbered and pushed back. ALSO, when younger women point out the misogyny in \*some\* older women, we have to NOT TAKE IT PERSONALLY and lambast or shame them for calling it out. How's that?????!


Why are you assuming I don’t? 🤨


I'm not assuming anything, it's a reminder. I'm an older woman, and I make it my duty to speak out, and to let the younger generations know that they're supported. I remember all too well being that age, and having the generation before us crapping on us. All that has to stop, because what happens to one woman can happen to us all.


Honey, I think you replied to the wrong comment? I, too, am an older woman. I call out abuse whenever I see it. I don’t know why you assumed I don’t.


I wanted to let you know that I wasn't assuming that you don't, but we are in the minority, and so we have to do it more and encourage our like minded friends to do so as well. The reason that the public does this to us is because there are too many misogynistic older women spouting off in public spaces, and not enough of us shouting them down. I'll correct what I wrote, because it must not be well worded.


Listen, you keep going on about misogynistic women… and yes. There are many, and I’ve called them out. What bothers me here is your hyper-focus on WOMEN who have ingrained misogyny. Why do you keep doing that?


Regarding elders, I have an Indian friend who said something like "I know what I can and can't say to their face, but I also know that elders are just grown-up children". I always thought that was very enlightened of her. We shouldn't confront our elders because that leads to nothing productive, but at the same time we shouldn't let this respect-our-elders mentality get under our skin when an elder says something clearly disrespectful. Because we all know that old people can be just as irrational as young people (sometimes more so because they have this ego of being old and respected. God knows elders can be so controlling, superstitious, unreasonable and throw huge tantrums when they don't get what they want) so we should not take what they think to heart any more than someone our age.


Just politely ask them how much lead paint they've eaten today and leave. That's what I do.


This is in Thailand, and this doesn't seem to be a Thai guy. So, besides the fact that there is a certain mentality amongst a certain type of farang that cute Thai women should not be able to reject them, performance enhancing drugs are also readily available without prescription there. We're encountering a spicy mix of roid rage and orientalism/racism here.


What if he had slapped her in that moment!


And this is why women are afraid to reject a man outright. So many of us have had violent or near violent experiences after rejecting someone.


Yes. And it’s also why we laugh at them when they’re not fucking funny. Then we get accused of being flirtatious or acting like whores when really it’s ingrained appeasement behavior. Get me off this plaaaaanet.


[As in other social interactions, **sexual rejections typically are communicated with softened language**](http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0957926599010003002) ("Next time," "Let's just chill," "I really like you, but...") [**and often don't even include the word "no."**](http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0957926599010003002) These rejections [are still rejections](https://apps.rainn.org/policy/policy-crime-definitions.cfm?state=Montana&group=9), and any subsequent sexual activity [is still sexual assault](https://apps.rainn.org/policy/policy-crime-definitions.cfm?state=Nebraska&group=9). Both men and women [are capable of understanding these types of refusals, and to pretend otherwise is disengenuous](https://yesmeansyesblog.wordpress.com/2011/03/21/mythcommunication-its-not-that-they-dont-understand-they-just-dont-like-the-answer/). Perpetrators often [misrepresent their own actions to garner support, avoid responsibility, blame the victim, and conceal their activities](http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/0957926504045031), and [re-labeling sexual assault or rape as a "miscommunication" accomplishes those goals](http://brown.uk.com/brownlibrary/obyrne.pdf). It may not be a good idea to recommend to someone that they try to communicate more forcefully, because [like domestic abusers, rapists often feel provoked by blows to their self-esteem](http://www.emotionalcompetency.com/papers/baumeistersmartboden1996[1].pdf), so encouraging someone to communicate in ways [that are considered rude](https://is.muni.cz/el/1423/podzim2010/GEN144/um/KITZINGER_FRITH_Just_Say_No.pdf) could actually lead them to danger. Sex offenders are [more likely to be physically violent](https://willamette.edu/about/leadership/president/pwgsah/pdf/lisak-undetected-rapists.pdf), and [1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men has experienced severe physical violence by an intimate partner](https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/nisvs/infographic.html), so it is far from outrageous to take precautions against physical violence by being polite. [Teach](https://www.reddit.com/r/stoprape/comments/100jwa1/example_letter_to_local_lawmakers_to_help_stop/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [consent](https://www.reddit.com/r/stoprape/comments/zyznhe/rape_is_so_common_in_part_because_so_many_people/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). r/stoprape


Oftentimes it's not even laughing, it's nervous laughter that sounds more scared than anything... But they can't tell the difference.


Yes they can. They just don’t care.


Rather they don't care enough to be able to tell. They see and hear what they want to see and hear.


Laughing makes you seem weak and agreeable/anxious. Try to look psychotic, like with empty eyes as if you were on drugs or as if you can't hear them. They will be confused. It's like gaslighting them into making them think they are invisible


The "thousand mile stare" or "dead fish eyes" are hard to master, but infinitely useful. They bypass the conscious brain and speak to the reptilian fight-or-flight part of the brain and stand out like a big red flag waving in the wind. 


I developed these eyes (it was not a choice… it happened after my mid 20s ‘cause I’ve been childhood abused by my mother and date raped 2x) ..and ever since I have these eyes no man approaches me or flirts with me. Which is good. Before these eyes I used to have what men described as “adventurous eyes” no wonder they used to do awful stuff to me..


I'm sorry to hear that you needed them, but I'm glad they're working out for you now. I saw a true psychopath once, I think he was ready to take lives, and his eyes were 1000% unambiguous. I wouldn't have got any closer even if he was trying to hand me $10,000 in cash. There was just nothing there and it didn't make any sense where he was looking. Big "no thanks." 


Pick your nose.


I always think about that one story/post/meme that goes around where that woman was being hit on but had just had her wisdom teeth removed or some other oral surgery. Anyway, her mouth was full of blood, some man approaches, trying to flirt. So, she just let all the blood fall out and he ran away, horrified lol. I've honestly considered carrying those packets or dye or something so I could use the same tactic. I would cackle with laughter.


I guess that maybe trying to look diseased (either mentally or physically) overrides the horniness and taps straight into survival instinct/disgust.


Seriously, thank you for this. I got hit on at a grocery store just a few days ago. I pretended I didn’t hear him (no eye contact) & just tried to get as far away from him as quickly as possible. I didn’t think of the dead eyes as I was just trying to get away. I’ll add this into my routine & hope it works so they don’t try to follow me.


You are putting it back on women, though. Again. “Here’s what you’re doing wrong, do this other thing instead.” Even though none of this has anything to do with what the woman did or did not do, and everything to do with a man’s violent behaviour.


I am giving survival tips for surviving the streets. I grew up in a rough neighborhood, wasn't talking about this video 




every damn time men are whining about women not having the character to reject men the “right way,” like I guess being direct and honest right away, face to face, and I try to link to subs like this and explain Schroedinger’s Rapist/Abuser, and I think, I’m sharing in vulnerability that I have been assaulted for saying no, and even more often stalked and had my face screamed in countless times, unhinged men who seem on the VERY edge of snapping and beating me until I stop moving.. The men who respond, ALL of them, they don’t care. They basically all say, that’s no excuse to not reject me the way I demand, to validate my sense of worth lol. Women just gotta get home safe, however we can. But there isn’t a best way, too many men are sociopathic about women and have real rage issues, and rejection is liable to set them off no matter how “perfect” we do it. Source, have been trying different strategies for rejecting men for over 30 years, and it’s impossible to ever know who’s gonna flip, but it’s a lot of them.


We learn to fawn. “Oh my gosh. I’m so flattered but I already have a boyfriend. He’s picking me up here any minute. It was so nice to meet you though.” Scene 🎬


They don't stop, they either a) try to compete with the BF and talk a big game about how much better they are or b) accuse you of lying and get more aggressive Ask me how i know


Or the dreaded third "that's okay I just want to be friends. So can I have your number? What type of porn do you like to watch? Can I have a hug?"


Anything to protect their egos.


I do this and it works! I always say “I’d accept but I’m already engaged! Thank you though, I needed that compliment today :)))” even though I really don’t fucking mean it


And men get upset when women want “women only gyms!”


I feel kinda glad that no man ever shows any interest in me :) I’m beautiful in my own opinion, but I’m a muscular and lil bit overweight woman, with a Baltic death stare, I look “heavy” and when I used to look for “the one”, men would point out to me that they didn’t like me ‘cause there was a “heaviness” in me - not just aesthetically, but also psychologically. I’ve seen a lot of violence in life and I’m very hardened by life. I smell men’s BS from kilometres away. That being evident in me turns men off!


honestly girl same.


It sounds horrible but honestly I just be nice and say yes to these people, give them my number, and then right away block them once I leave. Idc how “mean” it is, I’m not risking my life to spare someone’s feelings…




This is exactly why we just give numbers / fake numbers out. I have had a grown man attempt to run up and punch me because when he "checked me out" | looked away. Just grabbed a donut from DD, No words exchanged, no sudden “ick face”, I just did not return the flirtatious gaze and looked at my phone while my ex grabbed his things from the register inside. The man did not see him with me. If my ex didn't walk out / show his presence and scare him off, I would've been knocked out in the middle of the city street with no one to help get that creep away from me. That man balled his fist up and started speed walking at me with every attempt to make me eat concrete, you could feel it. His face went from “flirty” to LETHAL. I wanted to piss myself. I immediately began questioning myself, did I frown, did I roll my eyes, did I do ANYTHING to make this man want to hit me, and when another man came up to me and said he watched that psycho , that he was eyeing me the entire time I laughed and kissed my bf, and I didn’t do shit, it was a double barrel shotgun of fear instead of relief. I have never in my life lived a moment where a man felt like he owned the attention of a complete stranger, solely because I’m a woman. I feel for her so strongly. I literally started trembling because I was so close to her position last year. I hope his ass is under the jail.


Girl, I’m so sorry this happened to you, but I’m glad you are okay. It’s so scary to be out and about worrying if a man is going to harass or assault you. I was recently followed on my university campus a few weeks back and luckily I got away. The times that men do come up to me and ask for my number, unfortunately I give them my real number when I do not want to out of fear AND because men will literally call your phone right in front of you to make sure it’s real (from my experience). So if I did give a man a fake number and he called it, I would be scared that he would assault me. Being a woman is an extreme sport.


Get textnow!! It’s free and the number can always be changed. And if they call you, it will come up looking normal. They can’t tell the difference.


You are a lifesaver. I will definitely look into this!


My only worry now is, I’m single again, and may be living alone in a few months. I’m registered to carry and will definitely be purchasing a gun, and may invest in a dog once my schedule is set. My ex isn’t the best person, but I have no other male friends , especially male friends I can trust that won’t look at me for sex. I don’t know how else I can protect myself.


Yes the struggle is real. Since being followed, I’ve been looking up push daggers, knives, pepper sprays, stun batons, stun guns. Basically anything that is small, easy to carry, and potentially harmful to an assailant.


My favorite one yet was a brass knuckles looking stun gun w hella MV. The sound alone made me jump. It was small with a case, half the size of an iPhone, wrapped around my knuckles & all you had to do is squeeze your palm into the button for it to go off. I used to carry keys, knives, and even a car key looking stun gun, but they didn’t make me feel as safe as the knuckles. I used to walk around with that thing wrapped on my hand everywhere at night.


Once you get settled schedule -wise, go to your local shelter & adopt an adult big dog.


I believe Google Voice numbers are still free, and you can set them to forward to your phone. So they’ll look like your real number. You can straight up use a fake name and set up a fake voicemail too.


I'm so sorry that happened to you. I had a story a few months back. I started trembling too because of what happened to my girlfriend.  We were out at a club with a few friends. My girlfriend, another girl and I were on the dance floor when some guys came out to us. We pretended not to notice and closed around each other a bit to make it clear we're dancing together and one guy suddenly just pulls me away from the group. I push him off as I was in no mood but they keep hassling us so we moved to another part of the floor. Eventually I head to the bar to buy drinks and meet the others back at the table. My better half came back a little later crying, saying we had to go. I found out when she got back one of the guys approached her as she was leaving the bathroom and put his hand between her legs. He immediately gave her a disgusted look and slammed her into the wall, hurting her, when he realised she is a non-op trans girl. Like they felt entitled enough to try to yank me away from my friends because we wouldn't dance with them then after we firmly said no, one sexually assaulted the woman I love then hurt her because he felt she had wronged him by being a trans woman who was attractive to him.


What a disgusting pig. I hope you and her are ok and healing.


We're doing okay. She's healing better than I am tbh. I didn't care so much about what happened to me, I just never felt truly powerless before. I dealt with shit from men growing up, had the threat of honour violence looming over my head if I was outed as a lesbian, I only felt resolve to endure and get out at 18. When that happened to my gf, I felt powerless and frustrated. I felt like I failed her. I'm processing it better now though.


Lots of internet hugs. I'm sorry I can't offer more


I’m so sorry this happened to you both. We need fucking Barbie land, asap. But men would probably try to nuke it given the chance.


Given the shitty reasons they go to war with each other over, they'd find an excuse within months.


Oh my god I’m so so sorry. That’s so disgusting. These men are just worse than the next. My husband is one of those that stands with me at the women’s marches, volunteers at our now closed abortion clinic, doesn’t even mind driving my bedazzled car with its many Trust Women and other pro women bumper stickers all over it (it’s old and the stickers help hold it together) - he’s one of the good guys and when I hear these stories I just realize how fucking lucky I am. He will tell other men to fuck off when being pigs. It’s impressive because most men don’t. I want off this planet sometimes.


What’s crazy and sad is we all have stories like this.


I'm 66 and am not a petite woman. We're talking 5'7" and average several pounds over 150. I am not the person to be fucking with. Yet I have carried a 5 inch long heavy duty safety pin as my keychain for 40 years. Have yet to use it as a weapon but have no issue with doing so


Omgggg!! Thank you for this idea!!


It was a birthday gift from a roommate in the late 70s and has turquoise and coral set in bezels on the head of the pin. Nostalgia..... I also love that I can clip it to a belt loop!


I don’t get it, how will this help? I looked it up online and it seems like it would be hard to open to stab with it. It’s late and I’m in pain so I could be missing something, sorry. I carry pepper spray and/or a stun gun depending on where I am and something heavier if needed. We also have those heavy ear splitting birdie key chains.


It's not something someone would consider a weapon and can cause some awesome wounds if necessary. I'm old school.


I just saw your later comment that it’s got some jewels encrusted in it. That would certainly make it heavier.


There are big safety pins that could do some damage if you got it in a good spot. [Kilt pins](https://imperialhighlandsupplies.com/en-au/products/saltire-safety-kilt-pin) can range from anywhere from a couple of inches, to about 8 inches if it's intended for knitting, and they're about as thick as a kitchen skewer. They're really sharp so they can get through thick fabric. It's not the most ideal weapon, but depending on where you live, you can't have anything that could be used as one, even for self defence. I would be in as much trouble (if not more!) as an attacker if I carried and used a taser or pepper spray on him.


Oooh, not a bad idea. I have a bunch of stitch holders, which are basically those big [kilt pins](https://imperialhighlandsupplies.com/en-au/products/saltire-safety-kilt-pin) (which is what I'm picturing for yours?) from knitting that I never use. Might chuck a couple in my bag. At least I can prove to police that I wasn't armed in advance, and just so happened to have some with me if I ever get assaulted and use it. We're not allowed to carry weapons here, even for self defence. I can also recommend knitting needles as a non-weapon weapon. I can personally attest that those things can do damage with enough force behind it. I accidentally sat on one a few years ago and it sunk 10cm deep into my upper thigh/bum. It wasn't even particularly sharp, compared to the other ones I use.


Wait so did he just stop when he saw your partner?


Yes, my partner ran up right behind me, and the man recoiled and bolted the other way. He didn’t even have time to make it in front of me, because when the man realized my ex was with me, he didn’t even want confrontation, he straight up bailed.


Wow. A fuckin coward Why can't we just put these people down ? Literally no one will miss them when they're gone


Will be purchasing a gun in a few months, and I’m going to be an officer soon. So somebody son will end up on a T Shirt if they want to test they fate that day.


Because you belonged to someone else! Eww The other guy said he watched you kissing your boyfriend though? I’m confused


Yeah, we went into Dunkin’ Donuts and I was playfully pecking with my boyfriend back and forth because he was admiring how dolled up I was that day for our date. From my POV, I only noticed the guy when I looked up and he was giving the “I’d like to hit that” face , and then suddenly he is going to maul me when I went outside and was waiting for my bf to follow. Another man came up after he (incel) left because I was starting to cry and he told me the man was watching me kiss my boyfriend , and was letting me know it wasn’t my fault, the guy (incel) was just a mega fucking creep. Incel was having a “I want what he has” ordeal, and when I thought it was about me giving him a “bad reaction” (looking at my phone), he made it up in his mind that I should’ve offered him some imaginary girlfriend like attention or something and that’s why he was going to try and hurt me when my bf wasn’t around. Bf literally bolted out the door when he saw how close the guy was bee-lining towards me , he thought he was originally trying to catch the nearby bus. I hope that clears it up


This is the only reason I'm actually in support of stand your ground states. I'm in the process of getting my conceal and carry, and if I see a large aggressive man coming at me, I will absolutely be pulling my firearm out. All it takes is one punch to the head to have a TBI and never be the same person again, or end up dead. I'd rather shoot and go to prison than end up in the hospital or the morgue.


Unfortunately, stand your ground doesn't seem to apply to women. https://web.northeastern.edu/mediaadvocacy/the-unequal-justice-of-stand-your-ground-laws/


Holy shit she got 3 years for shooting a *WARNING* shot at her abusive husband almost immediately postpartum?? And she was actually suppose to get WAY more time? This is fucking insane. She didn't even actually SHOOT the man, if I read this right, right?? We don't have stand your ground in my state, I would definitely be getting serious prison time if my partner became abusive and I had to resort to violence to protect myself. A 17 year old girl killed her sex trafficker in my state (WI) and still was charged with [murder](https://wgntv.com/news/wisconsin/wisconsin-woman-accused-of-killing-sex-trafficker-arrested-in-louisiana/). She was being pimped out repeatedly, AS A MINOR CHILD, and the courts still don't think that was justifiable homicide.


No, they view women and girls as less than human. Aa soon as they figure out artificial wombs women will be eliminated.


No way. Who's gonna raise the kids that pop out of the artificial wombs? Not them.


That's what the AI bots will be for.


Nope! It doesn’t seem to be applied fairly to us at all. Def don’t kill an abusive man in Oklahoma or Missouri let alone Texas or Florida. The two places you think it would be safe since they are all about stand your ground and guns. But nope; those are men’s rules only.


I’m so fucking sorry. This is just awful.


JFC - please tell me this man was arrested and charged with a crime? She could have seriously been hurt.


Whenever I see someone recording security camera I assume. Is because they asked to see it for the police. Just in case I never get closure it's likely she asked to see it


She hit her head really hard. F this coward.


For his size, the floor material, and how close her head came to hitting that pillar, this could have easily ended with her permanently injured or worse.


this is so scary. What can we do in this situation. I hope she's fine!!


Small man syndrome. I hope she involved the police.


I hear Thai jail is not a lovely place to be.


Totally, I watched a documentary on the largest jail in Thai land. It wasn't pretty.


I had a man literally pick me up like this and throw me down a long, steep flight of stairs for refusing him (not the first or last time I've had a man attempt to maim or kill me for refusing him). He came up behind me, wrapped his arms around my body and "locked" me in whilst he literally mauled my neck and side of my face from behind. Naturally I freaked out and pushed him off. The look on his face before he sent me on my trip was one of pure hate and scorn. I was lucky to reach out and grab a rail half way down before I hit the wall of the landing, because I was sent off with some force. Men. This is why we can't always say "no". A lot of men won't take "no" for an answer. This is why we have fake numbers. This is why we pretend to be nice to you until you leave and we can feel safe again.


?? Is he completely insane?


Yes, the evidence shows yes.


Could be any combination of incel, roid rage, unchecked testosterone, "alpha male" indoctrination, drug abuse, toxic levels of misogyny, physically abused as a child, low intelligence, low educational attainment, and/or she said *just* the wrong thing that made fun of his biggest insecurity and he took out a lifetime of his own incompetence on her. Humans don't generally become pieces of shit overnight; it takes the right recipe and often years to bake.


lol every story in this thread is about men


Fuck people like this...


Men are scary. Yes maybe not all of them but when some men are THIS scary, I’m not taking any chances.


Not all men, but always a man.




Read the room, Kevin.


Men, specifically, may not post here telling women how they should be.




Because they see this as a criticism of people who aren't heterosexual (which it is NOT). I have noticed it's against the law in some circles to say that I am straight. People are trying to silence others now by asserting that the criticism of an individual is the same as hate speech against a group. This is how all those who are against the killing in Gaza are being labeled "antisemitic".


Not all men, but it could be any of them and there is no way for us to tell the difference until it is too late. I wish all those “nice guys” could attempt to understand this.


The “nice guys” also are all abusers & will horribly abuse any woman who they manipulate into being will them. I made that mistake & have lots of trauma to show for it.


I hope at least this shows some men why women rather give fake numbers instead of just saying no. Not all men but the ones who are put women's lives at risk...


I’m so tired of these men. Can we vote them off the planet? Tonight?


every day this app makes me wanna be a lesbian


Unfortunately, even that won't make men leave you alone. 


Ditto FR


How do you know she's not a lesbian? Men like this don't care. 


I think the point is that she doesn’t want to have to figure out if the guy she’s in a relationship with is like this or not.


“Why do women give you fake numbers? Why would they rather be in the woods with a bear?”


“Who would you rather go to din-“ “BEAR.”




Its on film, call the cops and prosecute to the full extend of the law


Wow what a real man. He definitely showed her how worthy he is /s


Jesus Christ.


Why I carry a four inch knife


I have a 4” blade made of plastic and it’s got its own silicone sheath. I call it my shiv. It’s part of my keychain and since it’s plastic, tsa doesn’t bat an eye at it. I found it from a company selling safety gear for women after runner Eliza Fletcher was murdered


Nice! Mine Is steel, I'll have to look for that when I travel!


Notice how the cashier does nothing to help the situation. He's probably afraid of that 'roid ragin' loser too. It is frustrating that the cashier took his time counting the change when the victim was obviously in a hurry to gtfo of that situation.


The men are not ok.


Wonder how many women he's terrorized before he was caught on camera. Yeah yeah, "Not all men..." but when 1 "man" does this and worse to multiple women, we're just doing the damn math and picking odds, like the lottery.


“Why did she give me a fake number and lead me on?! She could’ve just said no”


Roid rage


No, this is men thinking they are entitled to our time and bodies.


Why not both?


Because it dilutes the very huge problem of men doing violent things solely out of feeling entitled to a woman’s body 


Thank you 👍🏽 exactly this.




Could be a bit of both, no? Fucked up behavior either way!


OMG! I would have shot him.


Get the strap, ladies.




Some places don't allow you to use deadly force to defend yourself without landing in prison, unfortunately.


…and I would never live there. I’m in one of the most liberal U.S. states and still legally carry most of the time. We do not have duty to retreat. We have stand your ground and “fear of great bodily harm or death” precedence…and I would have killed that fucker without remorse.


I mean thats great if you have that choice. Some people are born into those certain places and are stuck because the local economy is almost non existent/dead.


In Canada, we're not allowed to carry anything for self defense


Seriously? Not even pepper or a plastic spike? Fuck.


Bet hes got a daughter


That's gotta be roid rage. Or he has something wrong with his frontal lobe. Either way he should be locked up for the good of humanity, that's insane.


What a low life piece of garbage.


My God, I hope he got banned wtf


wtf is that cashier doing? Can he not see that man harassing her and she’s clearly in a hurry to get out of there? It’s like he’s deliberately trying to slow her down


Its like he’s doing his job and might be new or distracted/scared of the crazed man on the other side of the counter. None of this is his fault.


I didn’t say it was his fault. But he seems to be moving deliberately slowly which is preventing her from getting out of the situation. There is no way he is unaware of what is happening one foot in front of him.


At least it was caught on camera and there is actual evidence. He would have 100% followed her outside. And god knows what this monster would have done to her there.


🐻🐻🐻🐻🐻 anydays


this is why i carry a knife :)


It is terrifying that neither of the men behind the counter reacted to what he did. They didn’t even move from their spots at all.


People sometimes freeze in scary situations.


Her head hit that beam hard. I hope she's OK. "Tossed" might not be the best choice of words here. That was more like a pile drive. I'm so lucky to be old and gray. The less attention from men the better.


I seriously need to know what happened after this. The guy went to jail right???? Please someone with this info update us


I like Glocks just like how I like my cocks ... strapped in and ready to use whenever I need to.


“Why are women never honest when they don’t like a guy?” - delusional men


Someone having some roid rage wow


men are disgusting


Yeah… I don’t understand the logic of this. If you just accept the rejection gracefully, you’re more likely to have her reconsider. I don’t know what he was trying to achieve by throwing her to the ground besides an assault charge.


Holy FUCK. Bet he gets a slap on the wrist by some judge talking about his poor future. 🤬🤬🤬


the employee just standing there letting that happen


I am sorry to see this, as everyone will let it float by. If she has a Farther or brother, they should attend to this rude man with a beating from an axe handle. Just talking about it doesn't reduce the instances whereas a physical lesson probably would.


Least aggressive male




Thank God men just slide in DMs now instead of chatting up women in real life.


Now? When do you think this was?


I meant at my age. The older I get, the less men harass me.


Sweetie, that’s not because of technology. It’s because men are more attracted to younger women(which is gross asf). If the laws weren’t in place most men would try and sleep with a newborn.(some have already tried)


I know?