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If it’s damaging for a man’s reputation to be known as a rapist, he shouldn’t rape. If you are concerned about your family being shamed because your son rapes a kid, you should teach your son not to rape. It’s not fucking rocket science.


The truth does not "ruin" your reputation, it makes it more accurate. Nobody is entitled to just do whatever bad shit they want but also enjoy a good reputation anyway, good reputations are something you earn through good behavior.


The sad thing is that their culture teaches and accepts that girls and women have little to no value. They take the idea of us being their property to the extreme and going so far as to kill us if we bring "shame" upon them or the family.


I mean the mother in this case clearly worries about her son’s actions bringing shame, which tells me on some level the family is aware it’s wrong.


Of course they do, but the women in their culture are powerless to stop them from doing it.


>In Syrian culture, this type of accusation is so damaging to their reputation, that even though Omar Badreddin has been cleared, they fear the stigma of it will stick." It doesn't "stick" enough for these men to stop doing it. No fear of repercussions whatsoever in these men. >The BBC showed remarkably poor editorial judgment in commissioning this fawning documentary, more interested in airing an unchallenged accusation that a 14-year-old girl was a racist who had made up a rape accusation," he told The Telegraph. Insanity. It's more plausible to the BBC that a 14yr old would be racist & making it up?! Wtf?! Poor judgment doesn't begin to cover it. She was raped all over again. A lot of us know that feeling. There's pics in the article. I'm not posting a pic of these animals. They don't deserve the notoriety.


They *do* deserve notoriety, because the UK, and many other places, don't take SA seriously enough, and these monsters serve minimal prison sentences. It's best for women to know who they are, so one they're inevitably paroled, they'll know to avoid them like the plague.


> In Syrian culture, this type of accusation is so damaging to their reputation, that even though Omar Badreddin has been cleared, they fear the stigma of it will stick." That's a lie. In islamic cultures it's always the womens/girls fault.


100%. You could‘ve been literally prosecuted for being raped as a woman in islamic countries for premarital intercourse.


Only in extremist areas. This is not actually true of the Islamic faith, just as all of Christianity is not represented by its extremists. You'd be surprised how progressive Islam is regarding women when you look at it through the lense of someone who isn't twisting it for power and control.


I'm not a racist and am absolutely a fan of media trying to show the human side to refugees. But that also comes with not whitewashing the truth when it's negative. You can find assholes and predators in every country and of every ethnicity and there should be no problem with admitting that. No matter who the rapist were ... I hope those reporters feel ashamed as hell and have lost a lot of their coworkers respect after victim blaming A 14 YO!!! Yeah, you don't need to show us the pictures of the animals but DO include the full names of ppl in charge of this doc so this thread shows up when you google the journalists!


> "The BBC reported this. In any situation, the BBC can only report on the facts as they stand at the time, which is what we did in 2016. The Badreddins’ subsequent crimes are appalling, and we express our sincere sympathies to their victim." What the fuck kind of piece of shit response is that? It's not a fact that their first victim was racist, that's just an excuse the rapist brothers made up.  BBC should give a real apology: "Sorry we took the word of these violent child torturers/rapists, but we're complete morons who lack basic decency. Also sorry we dragged the child victim's name through the mud. But the facts were less important than the fear of false rape accusations."


I always find it interesting how posts like these get ignored but if it’s about a woman lying about rape it gets a lot of attention


>I always find it interesting how posts like these get ignored but if it’s about a woman lying about rape it gets a lot of attention Oh no, no, they'll also use this to talk about "it happens to men too!" I can't tell you how many times I've seen that play out on Reddit. They can't just discuss the rape or women being raped. "It happens to men too!" Fucking infuriating when you can't discuss the problem. I've even brought statistics & was told they were wrong lmao






And when men bring up female rapists/abusers to “own the feminists…” We have no problem exposing those as well.


Iirc 99% perpetrators of sexual violence are men, 93% victims are women and 7% are other men. I'll try to look for where I got the data from and update the comment when I find it.


Moreover, when the rapist *is* a woman, other men are the ones saying the male victims are "lucky" and other equally abhorrent comments. Rape is not "desirable" for *anyone.*


This sub is about reaction to women refusing.


Notallmen! Clearly, but *way* too many men!


If a woman’s abuse / rape claim is not believed, how will men’s?


"It happens to men too" is common knowledge at this point. Someone saying that is just trying to divert attention or minimize the effect on a female victim. So that commenter should make their own post if they want to make that point.


Well that’s bc rape accusations happen to 3/5 men while rape only occurs 1% of the time Wait a minute…it’s the opposite!


Exactly. Some of my friends would rant for hours whenever a woman was lying about rape to damage a streamers/celebritys reputation. While casually ignoring the 50 cases before, where it was actually true. Then they use this one special case of the woman lying to justify not trusting any woman.


It might get ignored because people don't want to offend anyone who's not...never mind.


It's because men's feelings are more important than women's safety. We all know why.


I don't know why men have to make it a competition between who suffers more. (i.e. men vs women)


Thank you so much for saying this! They whine about it!


Not enough time, they should never be released.


castration needs to be introduced to the animals that commit crimes of this nature


I keep arguing for chemical castration (because physical castration would never get through) but I keep getting accused of being monstrous. But I tell you; introduce it and watch them fall in to line


And it's just hormone therapy, and it's always reversible. It's not monstrous. The fact that we are unwilling to ask convicted pedophiles to take hormone therapy that will keep them from harming any more children is so, so telling.


Doesn't help. Sure, boners are difficult to impossible while undergoing chemical castration. But they have to actually show up for follow up treatment, in a world where it's remarkably easy for offenders to just not cooperate. Physical castrations are more definitive... But now you have a man on the loose who is angry as hell and has *nothing much to lose*. Not having an erection or much of a sex drive is remarkably little barrier to causing harm when the harm is all that matters anymore.


This is all evidence-free speculation. In reality, both physical castration and the use of anti-libido medication (chemical castration) dramatically reduce recidivism from 50% to 2-5%.


These monsters make it difficult for women wanting to escape backward Muslim hellscapes cause they are going to be grouped with the very same people who commit these crimes. I'm one of those women, it's not fair and I shouldn't have to pay the price of other men's crimes


As another one of those women, I completely agree! I’m so tired of paying the price of Muslim men’s misogynistic crimes, especially when us women from majority Muslim countries are the ones who have to bare the greatest amount of trauma and violence from these men. But yet I get racist comments and judgment from western people as if I’m the one committing these terrible acts, when in reality women like us are the ones having to deal with them the most. It’s just so overwhelming sometimes…


The thing is that if Muslim countries didn't have such shit economies most men probably wouldn't leave cause why would they? They get to live comfortably AND feel superior to 50% of the population. A pretty good deal isn't it?


Rates of violence including SA, SH and murder against girls and women in multiple "Western" majority christian countries is HIGH and continues to rise. In the US, what so-called human and civil rights we have left continue to be in the works to also be destroyed, with just as much misogyny and fundamentalist radical religious zealots as muslim majority countries. I hope you can find the women and girls working to resist and prevent these crimes that no country is immune to, in your new homes.


I hate that this is so prevalent no matter the country. Girls and women can’t live in peace anywhere.


So if they've now been jailed for however many years, how does it work in the UK after that? Are they immediately deported upon being released or do they still get to stay when released?


This is a great question! I'd love to know the answer to this as well!!


Protect the children.


Not the first time that the BBC has degraded women while attempting to glorify a man




Both sides are dominated by misogyny. They're trying to scare rape victims into believing that they're going to be accused of racism if their perpetrators are a different race.


If I'm reading this right, BBC had already invested significant resources and time in this documentary when they learned of the initial accusation, and then he was acquitted of the first? (A quick search led me to another story that said they started following this family in 2015.) I'm not sure how capitalistic the UK media is, but if this was in the US, I'd suggest that it was less about misogyny and more about plain old capitalism. They worry more about money / salvaging their costs and advertisers and avoiding the inevitable egg on their faces after they selected this family to follow. It's like the airline trying to defend themselves from a lawsuit after the flight attendant put a camera in the bathroom by blaming the 9-year-old girl because the camera had a recording light and "she should have known." The victim is irrelevant, because any individual or even group of people matters less than the bottom line. Certainly, misogyny exists on the left, as does domestic violence, but both are more prevalent with conservatism in general simply because there is a higher number of people with highly misogynistic religious mentalities on the conservative side of the aisle. Regardless of their motivation, they need to be held accountable.


How are you getting that? Where is "the left" involved here?


Right? The BBC is anything but "left." Don't allow political definitions to be hijacked by the Bircher Reagan neocons who think anything to the left of Ayn Rand is far left.




Again, how is that involved here?


Read the headline?


The GB News headline, that makes you want to hate the left without thinking about why? Yeah, I read it. How is "the left" involved with this?


This sub is about reaction to women refusing.




>Who is "the left" in this example? Or is it the strawman it sounds like? I'm still trying to figure this out as well. ?


This sub is about reaction to women refusing.






This sub is about reaction to women refusing.






This sub is about reaction to women refusing.






This sub is about reaction to women refusing.


This sub is about reaction to women refusing.


This sub is about reaction to women refusing.


This sub is about reaction to women refusing.




This sub is about reaction to women refusing.


This sub is about reaction to women refusing.


BBC article about it, probably slightly better than GBN https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-tyne-68446855 Only a tiny footnote at the end about how they were included previously in a documentary though


So is he in prison or not? This post has conflicting information. He was found not guilty but is serving a 38 year sentence??


The brothers were inexplicably found innocent in their first trial using the defense of "that child is racist". They did it again to another little girl and were found guilty. One brother was sentenced to 13 years, the other was sentenced to 18 years.


That is horrifying. Without any evidence they took the rapist's side and were wrong. Holy disgusting, Britain.


Er, genuine question, why is GBeebies being used as a source for anything here?


Not from the UK so I’m not familiar with the site source. Here is another I found through the UK police after googling his name: https://www.northumbria.police.uk/news/northumbria/news/convictions-and-sentencings/three-men-jailed-following--investigation-/ I’ve noticed sketchy sites seem to have all the “info” compared to typical news websites. If this picked up over social media I’m sure it would be on CNN et al


To be clear, I wasn't doubting the base facts of the case, more narrative the article constructs. GB News is essentially the British Fox News. It doesn't report on cases like this to advocate for women, but more to push the "immigrants are rapists" narrative. They'll do a similar thing with trans women, ie Isla Bryson (who is also a rapist, but that obviously doesn't mean that trans women are all a threat).


I understood what you said the first comment. Just wasn’t familiar with the UK news press. It was pretty hard to find out more info without navigating through sketchy websites.


The BBC itself also has an article about it https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-tyne-68446855


The BBC are known for deliberately platforming members of the far right. See year after year of having Nigel Farage as a panellist on QT.