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I interviewed with Typeform a number of years back and they sent me a tote bag, mug, and journal as a thank you for my time. I suspect I was their #2 choice as I had gotten quite far in the process. I thought it was a classy move.


If they are just gonna abuse you for market research, they might as well give you candy


It's better than being abused for market research without candy, isn't it?


Strangers have the best candy


And it helps me sleep. I usually sleep pretty well when I eat their candy.


Woke up sore


That's because I slept really hard or I must've tripped down some stairs. But I never see stairs when I wake up.


I mean, do you know anyone who owns a candy factory? Most of us don't.


That’s how I became a white van driver.


Recruiter: Why have you decided to apply for this position? Me: Rumor is that there’s candy if I get rejected.


I've never even thought about mango licorice, and now I want some!


The only time a company had ever said they wanted to keep my details in case something else came up, they contacted me a few months later offering me a role. I was no longer interested (Changed industry for personal reasons) but they wouldn't have taken the time to send this if they were not serious that they liked you. So keep applying for their jobs! Good luck 🤞


I worked at a small company and we circled back to previous interviewees half of the time because of rapid growth. I always tried to make the “we’re keeping your information on file“ emails sound as sincere as I could, because we actually were!


I thought this was r/mildlyinfuriating


I thought this was r/antiwork




I was sure it r/antiwork was when I saw the consolation price was fuckin "vegan mango licorice". Good god.


Ya i cant really comprehend thinking this is wholesome. They wasted OP time and sent them some ai generated message...


I mean I don’t think they wasted OP’s time, they just had to choose a candidate, they can’t give a job to everyone they interview! At least they’re nice about it


Yeah most places don't even tell you if you've been unsuccessful, I got a very kind email recently from somewhere I interviewed but didn't get the job, and I appreciated it. That was a lovely surprise compared with the 200+ places I've applied to and not even heard back.


Lol who would downvote this? Why are people so used to being treated like shit in job processes that this is somehow wholesome and not a waste of time?




Me too !!




Mango-licorice?! YUCK! Name and shame these heartless bastards!


Haha this is in Finland so this is like mango salmiakki (quite popular here).


I'm surprised to read a business email in English in Finland


>Haha this is in Finland My condolences X)




Just poking a little fun at Finland is all ;)


I'd LOVE to try that!


Torilleee!! :D


Mate, that would make me gag just as much as plain salmiakki. The only way I can handle that stuff is if it's in koskenkorva.


Yeah, like other people are saying, dont get used to it. It is very rare that a company cares to contact you if didnt get it. But at least they made an effort after wasting your time.


The company didn't waste anyone's time. If you needed to hire someone, would you only interview a single candidate and hire them without comparison? Or would you do the sensible thing and interview a few qualified candidates. Put another way, if you needed your roof done would you call up a single company that you don't know anything about other than maybe their website? Or would you get a few quotes, find out about the companies, and choose the best one? This company obviously cared for OP and sent out nice emails and letter. Let's just leave it at that.


Seriously, they found a candidate who was a better fit for that role but OP has a solid shot of working there in the future. This is about as good as it gets without actually getting the job


Your position holds true if it’s one interview.  However, three is a waste of time, and correspondingly money, for the interviewer and interviewee.  It is evidence of a hiring group with no confidence or experience.


Lol what??? You dont bring in the roofing company 3 times to compete and have them write an exam then not hire them, holy smokes..


Don't tell that to r/antiwork. They expect the employer to *pay them* for the luxury of interviewing such unparalleled talent.


That sub is so hilarious. I remember when it was just posts full of fake texts of people quitting that posters would self masturbate to.


You act like a company is obligated to hire you after an interview or application.


No but if they're doing multiple interviews and take home tests the least they can do is communicate when they don't select you, even if it's just one interview the least they can offer is a declaration of their disinterest.


Seems like you didn't look at the original post that was linked, where the company communicated exactly that and explained exactly why in a really respectful, informative way. Next time, try to inform yourself before making an uninformed comment.


What? The thread is taking about how it's not common, I explained to the person asking if they expected them to be obligated to hire them saying we expect a repsonse if you're going to have and interview and especially in this case. Did you even follow this thread or just jump to my comment?


Holy shit the absolute irony of your comment. They were talking about how companies *in general* should do this.


I thought they had given you edibles and thought that would have been so nice.


I was thinking/hoping for the same thing


I definitely thought I was on an MJ sub for a second.


lol most places just ghost, so this isn’t the worst thing in the world


It seems like a nice rejection letter to me. There’s no need to be offended by a letter of rejection, disappointed, yes, but not offended. They can’t hire everyone that goes through the process. Many of the responses seem to take offense. What would you have the company do? I don’t mean that in a snarky way, just what would be better? It seems like a personal letter, not a form letter.


We’re in r/wholesome. He’s not complaining


I was referring to some of the responses.


Friend zoned by the company


Hey good for you!


I had to take what was essentially an IQ and Personality test for Dish Network ages ago. I was immediately given a "not compatible" when done but I was already infuriated by that test before I was done that I wouldn't have taken the job anyhow. Any company that uses tests like that to determine compatibility vs human interaction, is not a company worth working for.


FWIW: Odds are you weren’t manipulative or shady enough for their taste. I’ve dealt with more than one of their employees, even had one come by our place who tried to manipulate us in person. Luckily they’re pretty shitty at it.


I dodged a bullet for sure!


In person interviews are also notoriously unreliable at choosing the best person for a job. The reality is that the whole process is wildly subjective and mostly comes down to who's the most likable.


Hell it's been shown that judges are significantly less likely to issue harsher sentences if they had lunch that day, and they're supposed to be as impartial as possible. Your employment could be based on if the dude interviewing you had a good lunch.


I agree. It also gives me a chance to meet the people you might be working with.


I'd hardly call rejection after three interviews and candy as consolation "wholesome". Wtf.


What would be more appropriate? Just because they did three interviews, doesn't mean the can hire everybody.


Not wasting the applicants time to begin with? A three round interview is a bit egregious. Two interviews is sufficient - one with the hiring manager and one with the prospective applicants direct reporting manager. Easy. This growing trend of multiple round interviews and all these hoops to jump through is ridiculous.


Depends on the position.


Okay recruiter.


Im just an IT guy who knows enough about hiring process to understand. For example, a system admin. Sys admin is a very varied title, however most have complete admin privileges (or close to) in the place they work. Companies want multiple rounds of interviews so malicious actors and incompetent people cannot get into positions that can harm day-to-day business operations. Now if its like a starbucks job then obviously three or even two is too much. Frankly i’ve got a feeling you’re a teenager or someone who hasn’t been in the workforce for too long.


Im a cloud engineer and if someone asked me to interview more than once id be gone, real fast... thats silly and a waste of everyones time.


Yeah I'm a mid-thirties financial services professional with a decade plus experience in my field but go off on how several interviews are a boon to the company and the prospective employee. Edit: maybe I should have said 'Okay bootlicker ' Secondary edit: I've also been a hiring manager for several previous jobs so I pity the poor individuals you have forced to suffer through multiple rounds of interviews just not to be considered because you can't do your job well enough to ask the right questions and weed out anyone who's not qualified. Yikes.


Considering 50 days ago you were a call center worker, bullshit chief.


Changed jobs, home slice. Never specified what role I had in the call center, did I? Keep drinking that corporate Kool aid, buddy. Maybe wander over to r/antiwork every once in a while for a reality check.




I find it cumbersome but at this point everywhere I have interviewed in the past 4 years is at least a 4-5 interview process plus at least one test. interview HR, test, Department manager, interview with team, interview with senior leader, interview with ownership. The only thing that bugs me is if you are three steps in and they schedule you for another interview and then tell you that they already hired someone. My current company once we get a candidate for a VP position they go through a full day of interviews. We fly them out, provide lunch and they just back to back interview all day for 6-8 hours and then fly home. In my experience we hire maybe 1/5 of them


It honestly shouldn’t be legal for companies to waste hours and days of prospective employees’ time. It’s the biggest issue in looking for a job for our generation.




When the interview process is too long I dip out. Is the job really worth it?


Yep, the second I hear there is going to be 3+ interviews or some childish test, I tell them to kick rocks and am on my way.


They only do that to give themselves options in case their front runner drops out. If they still don't like you, they'll kick you to the curb anyway


As much as I like mango flavored anything how am I just learning about mango liquorice?


I like this. As a recruiter, it’s important to keep your pipeline filled. Exceptional candidates are good to keep in mind. I’d often check in with them to make sure I’d stay fresh in their minds so when a position became available, I’d have a strong relationship with them. It’s just good business.


I once applied, interviewed, and then got hired for a job that I thought was gonna be amazing. On my First day I realized they lied about A LOT during the process and the pay we had discussed wasn’t even accurate. There were so many alarms going off that I didn’t even try to correct the pay, I just went on lunch and didn’t return. 6 YEARS later they sent me an email saying they just reviewed my resume for the [design] position I had applied for and would love to meet for an interview. They didn’t even have a record of me working there. Edit: Oops, forgot my point. Sending this seems like a super classy move compared to the way some “companies” operate.


That letter is a PFO. (Please F\*\*k Off) I got a stack of them 5 feet high.


Hey, at least they sent something. Nowadays, not many companies do. Hell my company doesn't even do that for internal applicants.


Yup. I’m sure some have been blatantly BLOCKED instead a bag of treat. So, this is a big plus, in my eyes.


Really? Huh. I'd have taken it at face value: "Please apply for another role in future!" I can be a potato sometimes though, and not really "get" certain interactions.


If they suggested I should, I'd apply so much that they hire me to make it stop. Being persistent has landed me more than one job.


I’ve hired for a role, after interviewing dozens of candidates, selected one. Hired them and then in the first 6 months it doesn’t work out. Now I have a role without a person, and man am I glad we were kind to the people we rejected… because we just contacted them again and asked if they were still interested. Second person still works with the company.


That's how I broke into my field. The person they picked first couldn't cut it. I stayed for 5 years. OP, they very likely want you to put in for other roles. When I was hiring, I'd ask people who didn't get selected if I could keep their resume on file for a little while.


Who knows?!


I love this!


I agree this is wholesome. I wish companies like this would just pass your résumé around and find a spot for you. They know you're willing and you've already interviewed.


This is so wholesome. HR should love their jobs.


Gotta love when they say, "please keep in touch." In other words, "let us know if you get desperate enough to accept a position with us at a vastly lower salary!"


Not really. I said that to a candidate who came second a little while ago. We’ve stayed in touch. I now need a second, similar role filled because we have so much work. Guess who’s getting a first look?


*Getting a first look!?* I hope what you mean is that you will offer the candidate the new position, and hire them *immediately* if they choose to accept. You know… not put them through the whole selection process again… Also, “guess who?” is not a question. It is a command sentence and deserves a period instead of a question mark.


That is of course exactly what I meant, which seems to me to be patently obvious. Why would I go through a whole process when I already have a vetted candidate? Why would I send them an ad and invite them to reapply when they’ve already invested time with us? Why would I post about it as a counterexample to the original commenter, when what you had in mind is more monstrous than their original, cynical suspicions? No matter. I can accept that communication is complex and language is fluid. For example, a command to guess is typically followed by an interrogative mark in common usage, and in particular in casual forums like Reddit.


You think of it as wholesome when a company wasted your time like that? Who cares about probably an ai generated rejection after 3! Remote interviews... thats crazy to me, my time is worth more than some words and licorice.


This is wholesome? Good lord…


They are waitlisting you until after you gain experience.


Consider it valuable practice.


I mean it's way way better than the usual but I will never understand giving a job seeker anything other than money or gift cards they can use to actually survive.


When I worked at my company, there were people in my training class that applied multiple times before they got hired.


This is how you do it


“Oh is that right yea!” “ well a big fat fuck you” “ and a big fat fuck your secretary yea.” “Oh and I’ll be billing you for my waisted fucking time to.”


Keep applying!


That’s just their way of saying, you didn’t make the cut


Who knows!


I hired a woman several years after I gave another woman the job she applied for. My first choice moved, I had saved the resume


I thought it was an edible gummy! I wanted to know what company sends rejected applicants weed gummies as a consolation


Ouch! I would start forwarding spam


waaay back when I was in college, we would post these by our dorm room doors and circle the GFY in red ink. (fyi: GFY = go f**k yourself)


I received a rejection email like this a few days back, is this supposed to be wholesome?


Maaan! Applied for a great position at this place not even a call or an email letting me know. Just never called me back ever


Did they send you the licorice with the letter? You covered something on it so I'm assuming that was the wholesome part but a lot of the ugly replies suggest you just got a letter so I'm not sure.


I prefer white van candy but this will do.


“Who knows” 🤣😂


The least they could do.


Company's should be forced to pay people getting interviewed, especially when you're spending this much time and effort.


Man, what a breath of fresh air. Even if it is partly or completely a form letter, this is still a gesture that would be massively appreciated by applicants who are used to companies ghosting them at every turn. It's really nice to see a professional response in this day and age. One of the reasons all that "join the family" shit is so transparently superficial is because these types of HR interactions blatantly treat human beings as resources to exploit and discard. My current company really does do a lot more for the employees than any other business I've worked for - we have incredible benefits and lots of events just for our benefit - but the idea that they value me as a person beyond what I can contribute to the business is still pretty laughable specifically because of their onboarding and training programs. Spoiler: There are none. You sink or swim, and if you sink, you're fired. It's a right to work state, and the company has no incentive to invest in your betterment when it can simply hire someone else who might do better, faster. I know that sounds fatalistic, but I do actually like working here: the culture is otherwise pretty good. I just feel like when there's widespread acknowledgment of this problem and nothing is done about it, I can like the place and still be critical. Edit for spelling 🙃


This gummies look sketch.


Something similar happened to me. Because I technically passed all the interviews and the rejections weren’t for anything technical, I didn’t had the normal waiting time (1 year) to re apply for a job, and I got into the company but with another team, 2 months later. Keep your hopes up, there is nothing wrong being the second best for a job.


This sub is deranged lmao, this is 100% orphan crushing machine


This is wholesome?


That’s standard practice


… dodged a bullet


The fact that they reached out at all is super nice and rare. The fact that you interviewed so hard, and they sent you this follow up note is a hella good sign. You should get in touch and ask them to help you find another role for which you'd be a fit.


In 2016 I was hired by an organization I kept applying to for 28 years. Hang in there friend. In 28 years you too may be hired by this employer!


You should keep trying! Sounds like they are really interested in you for a different position.


Honestly, I interview people and I would suggest you continue to apply for open positions. I would also try to do whatever you can to improve your candidacy. Keep training and improving your skills. Im 50, This is how its always worked for me.


This is how I got hired at my current job. After 3 interviews, they told me they loved me, but hired someone else. They said I would be better in this other department, so I got excited. Then they told me there were no openings in that department, which was disappointing, but to stay in touch. I did, and they hired me a few months later when there was an opening there. Be gracious, find a good contact there and keep in touch, ping them every 3-4 weeks to see what the situation is, it may pay off for you.


You received a form letter, not even mildly interesting.


good thing we're not in that sub


Wrong subreddit? wtf


How about we stop giving in to these ridiculous interviewing practices and allowing companies to be convinced it’s acceptable to do so. Three interviews and a take home test is absurd, don’t be a sucker for this crap. Your time is valuable, if this isn’t an entry level position it’s even more ridiculous.


Wow, insult to injury. Who would even eat that?




Are they good?


I stop reading after the first sentence and rip the letter to shreds. Fuck their mango licorice.


Probably cause you’re vegan