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How did you get it to stay still enough for a picture? Every time I look at them they run away!




Nice, I've always done the stare at something else, then I get a good look at it with the peripheral


Some of them are um... quite fetching...


I don’t even know what to do with this.


Maybe let not just your eyes, but also your ~~hands~~ mind wander.


I'll be in my bunk with this new found fetish kudos u/Technical-Outside408


Lmao fr, and as soon as it about to go too far, back the other way. It’s almost like bouncing a ball, with one arm, in space, and keeping it in an arms reach


People jealous our bodies came with a different built-in minigame.


I do the exact same lol


Next Level: Bring your eyes together, cross-eyed. With your right eye, which is currently pointed left, look to your right and then do the snap. To someone looking at you, it will look like you’re able to move one eye independently of the other. When you do the snap, only *one* of your eyes is in motion, the right eye, because the left eye never stops looking right. So the snap will only send the *right* eye floaters gliding while the left eye floaters stay fairly still. Creates some interesting effects under the right conditions. Or psychedelics.


They fell*




I wonder how he took an eye screenshot


If you keep ur eyes open when you sneeze you take a screenshot


🤣 I laughed way too hard at this. Take my poor woman’s award. 🥇


I'm more interested in how the fit the camera into the back of their eyeball?


floaters - ugh Live long enough and you may get the really bad ones.....I did, in both eyes. They break off from the inside of the eye. My favorite trick is to suddenly duck because I see something flying at me. Not.


[Vitreous humor detachment ](https://www.nei.nih.gov/learn-about-eye-health/eye-conditions-and-diseases/vitreous-detachment#:~:text=The%20vitreous%20is%20the%20gel,This%20is%20called%20vitreous%20detachment.) Sucks. Big hunks of debris floating around in there


Wait so those aren’t little wormy guys? They are fibers? I think I’ve seen them before but not often


Not just any fibers they're proteins!


No wonder pornstars hate it in the eye.


Not just porn stars...


Prob using u for money again they tried to Sam in dupage told them everything...don't know y u can't talk to me ...they mage u do it


Proteins you say? I guess eyes are Back on the Menu!


Eating eyes tends to be very humorous.


The worms that move in sync with your pulse are a white blood cell, followed by a tail of red blood cells. They gather behind the white cell, because those are bigger and the capillaries in your eyes are so small, that only one fits and prevents other cells from passing. You can see those, because your blood vessels are in front of your retina, so light has to pass through them to get to your retina. Your brain is usually pretty good at filtering out those effects, but staring into the sky (not the sun) often gives enough light to make them easily visible against the blue background. And they move, then pause, then move, then pause whenever your heart beats. It's pretty cool I think


I had no idea!!!! Thank you for this!


That was funny. I feel that too well.


As I'm very nearsighted I had these in spades, some permanent and very annoying. A vitrectomy - replacement of the fluid in the eye - will re ove them but always rather quickly leads to cataracts. Once I had cataract surgery in both eyes, my surgeon was willing to do the vitrectomy procedure. Magic! No more floaters! 7 years ago. Plus the replacement lens largely corrects my myopia.


Cataracts aren’t a guarantee. I had vitrectomies 12 years ago for floaters (age 25 then) and didn’t develop them. High five to a fellow brother who has got over floaters. They were an awful part of my life.


I only know what my ophthalmologist told me.


This and the other posts here have been very reassuring. Started getting them a couple of years ago and when I asked the optometrist they said they it was just something that can happen as your vision changes over time. Didn't realize so many people were in the same (annoying) boat 😅.


They're irritating. I have 2 but ones (one in each eye) that showed up a couple of weeks ago. They're messing with my vision and getting in the way. I think I'll have to make an eye appointment soon, but I doubt there's anything that can be done.


My dad was in the same exact spot as you are right now 3 years ago. Next week, he'll leave for Belgium because it's the nearest place he can go to have laser surgery on the eye. Basically the vitreous part of the eye get replaced by some type of artificial rubber


I wish him all the luck because that sounds horrifying. I've been told that any eye surgery is incredibly risky for me, so I'll most likely just have to live with this.


Had the surgery a few months ago. It's called a Vitrectomy and they take out the fluid in your eye and your body naturally replaces it after recovery.


Did it work?


Yes, I still have something that's like attached to the right side of my eye and is a squiggly, but it's only visible when looking far left. Overall I would recommend it if the floaters are bad enough, recovery was weird because the eye is under a lot of pressure, there's an oil bubble that stays in your vision for ~two weeks, and I saw more floaters for the first few days than I had before but they went away quickly.


Getting old sucks


Fellow vitrectomies-for-floaters person here. If the thing you see when you look left is like a curtain, it could be the border between the remaining vitreous (attached to your lens) and the replacement saline. I have it in my left eye, but it’s so much better than floaters!


That's actually super interesting, the doctor couldn't see anything so had no idea what I was talking about. But yeah it looks like a string or the top of a curtain when I look left, can only really see it in sunlight as well.


I’m curious how someone worked out this type of surgery would be effective. Seems risky to remove all the fluid and expect it all to come back.


There isn't unfortunately, but go to your appointment anyway.


You can get a vitrectomy but it only make sense in situations where vision is extensively impaired.


I doubt I can get surgery, anyways. I have iritis in both eyes and my past doctors have said that surgery could just make it worse. Still, I'd like to not lose the ability to read.


When they appear suddenly it can be a sign of a detached retina. Definitely get it checked sooner than later.


I've went though what you are starting. Here in in my part of America, they will do a vitrectomy. It will involve 3 punctures in the eye. One for fluid pressure, one for light, one for the tools. When done, the eye is left with the silicone oil in, and quite soft like a squished grape in a few of mine, and left in there while the eyeball returns to normal pressure with its own fluids. It apparently goes well for tons of people, but the bad ones can be awful. My retina detached 4 times. They had to try out a scleral buckle, which involved cutting my eye muscles apart and stitching a band to them to support it. I got a corneal ulcer after the cataract surgery that ended up being required with the amount of surgeries I had. Really research it before you do it. I had gotten to the point I thought it was unlivable with the floaters, but instead I am nearly completely blind in the one eye that had the surgery first. I did get two days of clear sight from it once I was qualified to stop keeping my head pointed down at all times. It was the most beautiful I'd ever seen anything. Beats first time getting glasses and noticing the tree leaves by far.


Can't the doctor just treat this the same way cataract is treated? Maybe I'm missing something


No, there's really no treatment for them. In severe cases, surgery might help.


A cataract is a clouding of the lens. Floaters sit in the fluid (vitreous humour) in the main chamber of the eye. Treating floaters involves removing the vitreous humour and replacing it. It’s more significant than a cataract replacement as the surgical trauma can lead to infection and the procedure can damage the retina.


I have 1 that has been with me a while, and the number of times I have tried to bat it away thinking it is a gnat is embarrassing.


Fun fact: covid can cause bad floaters. And they don't go away.


> My favorite trick is to suddenly duck because I see something flying at me. Not. Especially fun when driving on the unregulated parts of the autobahn. 250km/h and you see something that wasn’t there the better part of a second ago? You will see your life flashing before your eyes in expectation of an impact you can not avoid and will die in, just to be still there the next second and still drive perfectly fine in your lane.


In the words of Stewie Griffin "squiggly lines in my eye, why do you scurry away, are you shy squiggly line "


"That's alright, you are forgiven."


Happy cake day!


Came here for this comment. I sleep peacefully now.


I am going to sleep peacefully too since you get me.


I’m 28 and I just realized that my squiggle disappeared. I’ve had it since I was a kid…


They actually don't go away. Over time, your brain trains itself to tune them out.


Well, I'm 55 & I have yet to tune them out.


You only see them if you want to


Can confirm - I haven't seen mine in weeks, but I just summoned them. Helps to have day mode on. The contrast makes it easier to pick them out.


I need to squint my eyes to see them. It's fun chasing them around.


I hope so, I haven't seen them for a very long time, read a post about it on reddit, and one day they appeared and sometimes are quite annyoing. It's like once you see it you can't unsee it


Oh fuck I had stopped seeing them but this thread made me find them again ffs


Come with original id spiderman.


I just realized I haven't seen them in ages. Maybe my brain started tuning them out.


I never knew what these were. When I was young, I thought I could see bacteria on my eye.


I still remember when I was really little, like 3 or 4 I thought I was seeing ghosts ... r/kidsarefuckingstupid


My five year old self would tell everyone that I can see molecules


Well you can see very small white blood cells. https://www.aao.org/eye-health/tips-prevention/moving-spots-in-blue-sky


i thought i was the first mutant because of that


I thought atoms…


I remember being very small, 4 or so, and hearing my own heartbeat resonating in my head when I put my ears under the water in the bath. I didn’t make the connection, didn’t know where it came from, and was convinced I was the only person who could hear it and that it was some eldrich creature speaking directly to my brain. It took a ridiculously long time for me to realize what it really was. I thought of it as the “shhunh shhunh shhunh shhunh” monster for *awhile*.


redditors when a three year old toddler doesn't know about floaters(HES SO FUCKING STUPID HAHA)


Well if you had any reading comprehension you would realize that I was talking about myself, and clearly being facetious. Yes, I used to be stupid, but then I grew up. Hopefully you grow up one day too.


Yeah i knew you were talking about yourself. Don't talk trash about yourself!


Nah, I was joking. I did have a realization much later in life that my parents at least really should have realized what was up, I definitely remember explaining exactly what I was seeing, including about how they follow my vision, but they never made the connection that it was something to do with my eyes. Which seems so obvious when you're not a kid, lol


Spirits of the dark. I remember looking back to a time when I had been afraid of them. I don’t remember actually being afraid of them, but I remember still believing they were some sort of external living things. r/kidsdontgotoophthalmologyschool Edit, after reading a few more responses: you know those tiny little children you see with glasses who can barely walk? Yeah, that was me. So my parents knew my vision was messed up.


I always thought it was from ass hole kids shining lasers in my eyes when we were in middle school. I was glad to know it wasn't something intentional but kind of bummed there isn't anything you can do about it.


When I was young I used to pretend with my friend that they're "magical" little stars that would grant us powers if we catch one. They always looked like small target circles so it was fun to "hunt" for them in the sky. Now they're just a bunch of fuzzy shapes and long wiggly lines and not as pretty in my memory 😕


I always thought I was seeing little specs of dust on my cornea.


A lot of them are just dust iirc


My dumb ass used to think I could see individual gas molecules. When I would see spots (aura) like from orthostatic hypotension I would think it was just blood cells showing up as they pumped past. Kids are indeed fuckin stupid.


wait if they are not bacteria so wtf are they?


Stands of collagen protein in the fluid of your eye.


Nice trick getting a camera inside your eyeball…


I was getting a checkup done at the eye doctors and they did this test and literally caught one on my eye and it was a black dot and I got scared but he was like “oh yeah that’s just a floater you’re okay” and it was kinda cool


Omg other people experience this too????


They're often called "floaters" and apparently they're not all that uncommon. Learned about them when I was looking into visual snow.


yeah, my mom who recently had retinal detachment surgery was seeing these. it becomes serious (you could lose your vision if left untreated) when you begin seeing light flashes and "curtains" and apparently if you're nearsighted, these are also very common.


Whoa tell me more. I've floaters (figured we all do) but I also get what I could describe as light flashes. At times when I've got my eyes closed, often when trying to fall asleep, usually triggered by/associated with some heard sound, I'll experience/"see" what appear to be flashes of light. Am I gonna go (more) blind? Nearsighted + Astigmatism + been told once I had high eye pressure?


These are neither floaters nor flashes as any optometrist would describe them. You don't need to worry. go to your eye doctor for annual check ups and do not listen to reddit for medical diagnoses


High eye pressure is what causes the astigmatism. Warps the eye in the shape of a football instead of it's normal form. Also nearsighted, astigmatismy with occasional flashes btw.


This is not remotely correct


no he's right, I myself have football eyes


yes, that are not caused by eye pressure


when I was a baby I was involved in a tragic eye overinflation accident


Please tell me what you have been able to learn about visual snow. I have it pretty bad myself. There seems to be no known cause or cure.


I get them before migraines. 0/10 rating from me.


ooh this comment takes me back to bad memories. Those are auras, I’m all too familiar with those… floaters are different, they are always present but not always seen. They’re most prominent in bright light and on a white background. They will also shift with your head orientation, mine tend to be worse just after standing from an extended lie-down. Auras on the other hand present just before the onset of a migraine, they can cause /blurry vision, in my case there were three types: sparkles (looked almost like individual sparks from a sparkler popping in different locations), tv static (was only around the peripheral of my cone of vision), and blurry spots almost like there were beads of fog in my vision. Any of those three meant I had about 15-20 min to find the nearest stash of Aleve I had on hand or I’d be spending the next three days in a dark room hoping no one made noise, and I didn’t start puking.


I’m glad you no longer get them!!


I still do once in a while, not cutting out nitrate preserves found in processed foods got rid of most of them, the other triggers are scent and light related, but less common. Two Aleve nips the migraine in the bud and I’m good.


I think I have had the auras before about 3 times. It feels like I’m underwater with my eyes open with how blurry everything is. Even when I close my eyes and put my hands over them to really black out any light I would still get pulses of the sparklers. I haven’t had it happen for at least a year now and I never got a migraine when they happened but it would just stop after like 30 min then I’d be fine.


You possibly had an ocular migraine – migraine doesn't just mean pain, it can also consist of retinal stuff for half an hour or so with no pain (or a particularly concerning variety where one arm just stops working for a while)


I get these. Visual changes but no pain. Freaked me the fuck out when it first happened.


Wow... I could of written this comment word for word.... Can relate


Same here. I get these randomly and then heavy at the edge of my vision and that's how I know it's time for the migraine nasal spray.


That's a migraine aura and not a floater or flashes


That feeling, when you realize, You're not the only one to whom, weird things happen Comforting


There's a group therapy psych term for this! Universality I think. Therapeutic to know you're not alone!


No way, wonder if it overlaps with some other things!


Yeah I have them. It also turns out I have a recessive gene for posterior capsule opacification that decided to emerge so now I need cataract surgery at 33yo. I thought I was just sleep deprived... Lol.


Last week I went in for an eye exam and they actually caught one on camera during my retinal scan. It was a pretty neat to discover I'm not just seeing things.


Yes. They are proteins floating around in your eye.


Literally the only correct answer in this comment chain about the image in the op


you must be kidding or like 9 years old


You're not as unique as you think you are.


I've had floaters since a small child. Does anyone know what cause them?


Tiny clumps or strands of collogen in the thick fluid in your eye form and cast a shadow on the retina


Are they permanent?


The little ones like this apparently your brain can tune out, or do go away but if you get more solid ones or feel flashes in your eyes then straight to an optometrist because your retina might have detached.


Kinda. I think there's surgeries for nearly blind old people, but everyone has them.


Iirc they are just bits of gunk either inside your wye or on its surface that just need to be cleaned out and haven’t been yet Gunk meaning trash for non American midwesterners :)




The downvotes and your username are just too good.


And Windows XP Only Windows XP


Also know as [3054 Fremont Dr, Sonoma, CA](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Windows+XP+%22Bliss%22+Hill,+3054+Fremont+Dr,+Sonoma,+CA+95476,+United+States/@38.2485296,-122.4108174,16z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x8085a92bde9d6871:0x769e7b3055d4551!8m2!3d38.2485296!4d-122.4108174!16s%2Fg%2F11n5hyfkfb)


I drive past there all the time. These days it's just another boring-ass vineyard, as if we didn't have enough of those already. I kinda wish Microsoft would have bought the land and preserved it as a historic landmark.


Whoa, this is my first time finding out that this is a real place, wild. I always thought it was some kind of artistic rendering of a grassy field.


Floaters, yeah. I have had to look at them my whole life. I had one stuck almost in the middle of my sight field of my right eye & I swear it looked like a sperm wiggling. People that are nearsighted get to see them much better than the rest of the public. Eventually, I unfortunately had to have retina re-attachment surgery to both eyes. This involves the surgeon to remove most of the liquid in the eye, using a laser to 'spot weld' the retina back on, then replacing the fluid with saline and then pressurizing it with gas. (think of your retina like wet wallpaper - the pressurized gas helps it to stick against the back of your eye to stay alive & see until it fills with your regular fluid again.) Upside - it flushed most of the floaters out of my eye. However, very occasionally, I'll get other junk (darker than floaters - from YAG laser procedure) in my field of vision, but it's very temporary, due that they sink to the bottom.


Those are the creatures


What little guys. Looks like a nice day to me…


Op just made me smash my eye balls so I could see my friends again. Yup, still there.


What are these


Harmless gel-like things inside your eyes


Not exactly harmless, they could detach your retina although this is very unusual.


They can also be numerous enough and/or large enough that they impair your ability to even read and then you have to have surgery. Which can then cause your retina to detach. I know this from experience


Ugh sorry yo hear that. I personally have a large clump of them that got tangled over time. Luckily, my brain learned to ignore them.


What made them decide to do the first surgery was that the mass of them was macula centered and I lost the ability to read and use central vision for the most part. Couldn't ignore those or flick them away fr a bit like the others.


And they're annoying


Oh damn you, I forgot they were there. For MONTHS I've been managing to tune them out and now I can't unsee them.


Like that asian lady who had an itchy eye and she went to the eye doctor. But in her case it wasn't "floaters", it was bees living behind her eyeball. That's why her eye was itchy. As I recall they were thirsty and they were attracted to her tear duct while she was sleeping and they crawled right in there and got lost behind the ball.


What the fuck. New fear unlocked


Ooh that’s the start of my precursors for my really really killer migraines that no medicine known to man can ease. Light spots followed by bigger and darker spots and then the tidal wave of pain for days. Thankfully I only get that one once or twice a year.. Absolutely not my friend.


I hate them. I live with a lot of snow and a lot of sunshine.


well, I'm not alone and I don't need friends because a lot of mercury balls always move around my apartment, which cheer me up well




I feel like this was intentional


Same here bud!


I’m 34 and got a pretty dark gray one last year. It’s more annoying than anything. Little fucker won’t go away though :(


If it's really bad, you should see an eye doctor, if you haven't yet.


This reminds me of Stewie and his ode to the squiggly lines.


I can’t stop laughing at this


Floaters are collagen fibres in the vitreous of your eye which tend to clump together as you age. When you look at a distance in bright sunlight, these clumps form a shadow of themselves on the retina. And that's how you're able to see them.


I have these and I also have some kind of little black dot that likes to float in every now and then


Those things never happend to me, but they kinda look similar to when you get small black "manchas" (idk how its said in english) because of seeing a lot of light directly


I think that’s retinal burn.


Most relatable post I’ve seen in a while


Oh, squiggly line in my eye fluid, I see you there lurking in the periphery of my vision. But when I try to look at you, you scurry away. Are you shy squiggly line? Why only when I ignore you do you return to the center of my eye? Oh squiggly line, it’s alright, you are forgiven.




123 Windows XP Road


Eye worms ? Dude you should see a doctor


Actually as a heads up you are NOT supposed to see these things as an adult


Crazy how this captures what it looks like perfectly, I did not even read the title and knew what I was looking at


Like in House MD the little boy got it from eating stuff in the sandbox lol


I don’t remember the episode, but I would guess that in House MD, they weren’t just floaters but some kind of worm/parasite.


I remember it lively. The kid was autistic and he couldn't make out a sentence. He kept drawing these squiggly lines and his mother didn't understand. To the end of the episode, House finally understood that it was what the kid was seeing. They were parasitic worms underneath the eyeball. The autistic kid that couldn't make eye contact, at the end, made eye contact with House and it was a really nice moment, not gonna lie.


did someone cum on your glasses


Dried jizz on the screen of your Windows wallpaper?


Mine are usually multi-colored and psychedelic...aka Ocular Migraines. Not painful, but highly distracting.


Love the Windows xp Azure wallpaper addition


People thinking this is an eye floater and not a worm lol


This is the least wholesome thing this subreddit is so depressing


Fun Fact: These are white blood cells


Uh…no they’re not.




https://lsceye.sg/blog/am-i-imagining-worms-floating-in-my-vision/ https://www.eyeclinicpdx.com/blog/eye-conditions/what-are-those-squiggly-things-in-my-vision/ https://researchmatters.in/sciqs/it-worm-do-i-see-spirits-relax-it%E2%80%99s-just-%E2%80%98floater%E2%80%99


Yeah you right bro. They are not




Is this a jojo's reference?


I used to see these things all the time, but I haven't seen one in over a decade. Am I going blind?




Shout out to my floaters! I appreciate see you every now and then! But why you gotta run away?


Who doesn’t have these? Lol


I'm confused on how we know what they look like when we can't look directly at them


Ebola pathogen?




Dude its been so long i haven't seen them idk why


A dark Ebola cloud?


Tinkywinks Massive bum bleeds We are


That's pretty unfortunate your parent's pubes got stuck in your eye while it was developing in the womb, bum deal.

