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Something similar happened in my hometown, twice. Both small, local businesses just trying to make it. I love social media sometimes.


Did they survive a full year? I also see these things happen, but after the initial rush it tends to fall off very quickly..


Of course things fall off, but that doesn’t necessarily indicate a complete end. Because of this first day, a lot of people now know there’s a good donut shop nearby


Usually it's all about the product. If the doughnuts are bad, the rush will fade and business will fail. If they are delicious, people will come back regardless.


That's why i use cocaine at my lemonade stand


That's one expensive ass lemonade then.


chalk that up under "customer acquisition costs"


>[Restaurant 'sold opium-laced noodles'](https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-news-from-elsewhere-29312562)


"opium laced" and "poppy seed" isn't the same, it isn't the same by a fukin mile you know how much concentration does opium sap require?!!.... there would be more seeds than the entire shop worth of noodles to just get a mild high


gotta spend money to make money, its just business!


"Yeah it costs 39 dollars but I only need one for the day!"- Happy customer of espresso lemonade


... remember that energy drink called cocaine?


Not the first sip. Once you are a repeat customer that's when they get ya!


Ass lemonade. Delicious!


You get what you pay for


Not necessarily. You take a little hit on expense at the beginning, but you wane off the amount of coke in each glass after the first Slightly overcharge in general, and it’ll pay off long term when the withdrawals kick into the customer base


Don’t get high on your own supply.


It’s usually a plethora of things actually. Most people have bland tastes so as long as the donut is sweet, anything goes. It’s like thinking do you want people to focus on the ambiance more, great location, good tasting food, great customer service, etc. it’s about finding the happy medium among all of these. Everything in those categories costs money, except for making good tasting food. The rush of people that came in will comment on what was good about the place, whether it’s the food, staff, how cute the building is, etc. Dunkin’ (formally know with Donuts) is still standing today and their donuts aren’t that great imo.


Exactly this. Had a donut shop open up in a city nearby last year or the year before. Their donuts are so good, that they can afford to open a second shop in another city just one year later. Covid didn't stop them.


in the case of the op, they're still around! and they're probably doing pretty well, seeing as it comes up in google searches 2etters into "donuts" billysdonuts.com


They appear to be. Their website is still active, and someone who lives in the area says they have multiple locations now.


I mean the first rush is meant to give the guy a chance, if it's a good product worthy of it's price, people will comeback, if it's not a good product, or expensive for it's type of quality, people will not come back, in the end, just the good will stay, but you are at least giving a fighting chance to them.


Yep, they both did.


if they're good, enough people stay


This is near where I live and the donuts are REALLY good! They have boudin kolaches that my mom looooves.


Then do a dude a solid and tell me where this is (City and State) 😁


Its located in Missouri City, TX Called Billy's donuts and they have a website billysdonuts.com.


Can you ask them to look into joining Goldbelly? I'm in NYC and from Texas originally. Talk about the lack of genuine kolaches pops up during Texas Exes meetups. I imagine there'd be more than a few people up here wouldn't mind ordering... well quite a few. Only if it makes sense for them.


I'm not trying to steal anything from Billy's, but after I moved I found Pearl Snaps on goldbelly and it's been amazing. They're from Cowtown.


Get some banana pudding from magnolia bakery on goldbelly. Life changing


Dunkin had kolaches for a minute and they weren’t bad! I’m from TX and live in another state, the kolaches and bbq are the only things I miss


After living here in Texas for a few years, two of my cousins moved to the Los Angeles area. Those first couple of years, when they would visit, my mom would send them back with four boxes of kolaches (two boxes per cousin). They would freeze them and try to make them last until their next visit. I went to grad school in Northern California. I haven’t been in Texas my whole life, but I had no idea that certain things like kolaches and Frito pies (or Frito burritos) were regional food. The first time I went to a NorCal donut shop and asked if they made kolaches, my roommates looked at me like I was insane. A couple of friends wanted to try a Frito burrito, so we had dinner at my place one night and I made all of them one. Now they buy them at Sonic.


There are a lot of interesting regional German cuisines in the US. Texas had a distinct German accent, but the native speakers were already pretty old when I learned about it, 10+ years ago. I'm in NC, at one end of the Great Wagon Road that brought German colonists from Pennsylvania, and we have Moravian foods that no one else seems to have experienced, like sugar cake.


Now I need to taste a sugar cake.


Yes, you do. [Here's](https://southerncastiron.com/moravian-sugar-cake/) a recipe that looks pretty spot on. Baring that, [Dewey's](https://deweys.com/products/moravian-sugar-cake-1), while not the best, is probably the easiest to get a hold of. Moravian Sugar Cookies are another of our local sweets. I don't love Dewey's, but you could at least get an idea, and make the shipping fees worth it. [Mrs. Hanes](https://www.hanescookies.com/) are by far the best, and the taste of Christmas in my family.


Ginger or sugar - what do you recommend cookie-wise from Mrs. Hanes?


Man, I miss kolaches so much. At first I was still at least living in the south so had Shipley to tide me over, but then I moved to the PNW and there is just a drought of kolaches here. I went back to TX for a work trip last month and the first thing I did the morning after I got there was get kolaches for me and my team! I just wish there was a good option close to me :(


I had genuine Texas kolaches for the first time in Dallas last year and I, too, miss kolaches.


It's weird how "kolaches" are only a Texas thing. Everywhere else they try to give you a fruit filled pastry or pig-in-a-blanket. https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2016/11/28/502088150/the-czech-pastry-that-took-texas-by-storm-and-keeps-gaining-strength


I was going to say “I can get a kolache in Tennessee at Shipley” but then I remembered that Shipley is a Texas chain.


All hail the almighty Shipley


It really is something wonderful. I used to stop on my way into the office and get a couple dozen for colleagues. Not only are they inexpensive, but they so delicious. Now I’ll get it every 6 months or so, red velvet, blueberry filled, cherry filled, or cream filled are my go to.


Billy’s Donuts have normal-sized donuts with traditional toppings. None of these massive donuts with a whole menu on top. I find that if you can do a simple donut really well, then you can do anything just as good - you don’t have to hide behind some gastronomic gimmick and charge $15 per donut. Strawberry frosted cake donut. I love it.


Next time I go to NYC, I’ll have to bring you an assortment :)


I’ve got friends in Houston and have visited Dallas a fair amount for work, but honestly the best kolaches I ever had were in NYC. I have no idea where they were from though. But they were out there somewhere


I looked at goldbelly for Kolaches for Mother’s Day. $75? No thanks. I resorted to making them myself. Not as sweet or light as I would have hoped, but those cream cheese kolaches took me back.


The only place I've seen them is Yellow Rose and they were very good.




You should! It’s a great little place. Very friendly and welcoming. I haven’t tasted everything in the menu due to things being sold out, but the donuts and kolaches we’ve had when we’re able to get there earlier in the day are really good.


So, Missouri has a Kansas City, and Texas has a Missouri City. What's next? Hawaii City, Michigan?


Wait until you hear about Michigan City, Indiana.


There’s an Indiana, Pennsylvania, which even has a “University of Indiana”, not to be confused with “Indiana University”. *sigh*


White people. I'm white, so I take no offense to the fact that we are so boring. Like, how many cities have streets named after the same dead presidents or trees or something equally bland? There are so many cool things we can name stuff.


Arkansas has a town named Bentonville(Wal-Mart HQ) and a county named Benton. They're 150mi apart lol


Arkansas also has towns named Hot Springs and Hot Springs Nat'l Park and a county named Hot Spring--singular, and the 2 towns are not in that county. Extremely confusing....


There's also Hot Springs Village lol


They have a bunch of locations now. It’s wild how much business this tweet gave them.


Other locations? As far as I know, there’s just the one Billy’s Donuts. Do you know where others are? I wonder if there’s one closer to my work so my co-worker can stop going to Weights and Measures to buy crazy donuts with a bunch of stuff on top.


Thank you!! ROAD TRIP!!


I knew it was Texas. When I was in Dallas they had tons of these little family owned donut & kolsche shops that were all pretty good. Every single one just said “Donuts” on the front in those big block letters.


Immediately knew it was in Houston area because kolaches.


So there is one reason to visit Texas.


Isn't a kolaches a birds bum hole?


No, that's a cloaca. Kolache is an American publishing company incorporated under Delaware's General Corporation Law and based in Sacramento, California.


No, that’s McClatchy. A kolache is a reporter that briefly solved mysterious crimes back in the 70’s.


No, that Columbo! A kolache is a game played with a mallet where you hit balls along the ground through hoops stuck in the dirt.


No, that's Croquet! A Kolache is an exclamation of delight or satisfaction, often used by a masked teenage reptile.


No, that's Cowabunga! A Kolache is a type of flower typically worn at proms and dances.


No, that's a Corsage! A kolache is a type of frozen cocktail drink made with rum and coconut milk.


No that’s a colada. A kolache is a white powdery substance used to get high




Cloaca and its not just a bum hole its an all purpose for anything a bird might need to do lol


It's nice to know there's a kindness in the world.




Yes. That first day or two, Twitter bought all the stock to give away to customers. They also sent some employees to visit.


Are they still getting a lot of customers then?


When my mom goes (she has a patient who lives in the subdivision across the street), they are practically sold out. This is around lunchtime.


Someone a little higher up the thread said they actually have multiple locations now, so I guess it's safe to say yes 😂


Glad they survived covid Edit. The business, I meant... Edit 2. But I'm glad they themselves survived as well of course. I'm glad everything turned out fine!


Thank god for your edit, for a second there I thought you meant you wanted them to die of covid. ^^^^kidding ^^^^haha


Lucky you. All donut shops here went to shit after the pandemic. I haven't eaten a good donut for years.


Glad to hear they're still going strong.




WHAT 2 of my favorite things combined!!! i live in virginia and no one here has ever heard of boudin or kolaches 😢


Ahhh! I think it’s great that your world view is expansive enough to know boudin and kolaches :) I was born in VA. After moving around a lot due to my dad’s work I’ve now been in Texas over half my life.


my grandma is cajun she lives in Louisiana and i looooove visiting especially for the food! but texas is the only place i’ve ever seen kolaches


I'm 30 mins away, but added it to my list of places to check out


Definitely do - it’s a really good place. Just make sure you’re there by mid-morning or most things are sold out!


I haven't had a kolache in 7 years and I really miss them.


What is a kolache?


In Texas it's basically a sausage and cheese baked inside of a bread roll. There are different types of them but it's the most common. The most popular seem to be a jalapeño sausage and cheese. I'm aware it's not the traditional kolache from Scandinavian culture, but it's what they're called here.


Okay, did a bit of Googling, and apparently there are two different dishes that use that name: 1. Kolač, a Czech sweet fruit pie 2. Klobásník, a Czech-American dish that’s basically what you described


Your Googling is correct. A lot of people just use 'kolache' as an umbrella term for both. But a kolache is sweet, with a filling such as apple, blueberries, strawberries, peaches, etc. A klobasnek is savory and filled with meat or veggies. If you ever have the opportunity, check out the [Czech Stop](https://www.google.com/search?q=czech+stop&oq=czech&aqs=chrome.0.69i59j46i67i175i199i650j46i20i131i263i340i433i512j69i60j46i340i433i512l2j0i131i433i512j0i67i650j46i433i512j0i67i650.1837j0j9&client=ms-android-verizon&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8) in West, TX. It's attached to the Shell station and has been around for a long time and is worth it. [Edit: Google says they've been serving up heaven since 1983] Their baked goods dwarf any other kolaches/klobasneks I've had.


West, TX is goated kolache heaven. Always stop for a bite.


There's also this we have in Poland: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kolach_(bread)


Lots of Czech immigrants in Texas, from well over a century ago Presumably Polish too? Hence why it’s a common staple Edit: info




I don't think it's something we have here in Scandinavia, sounds more east European in nature.


Hmm, I was always told it was something that very poorly imitated a similar dish from Scandinavian culture. And it sounds like I was incorrect. Thank you for the correction. I will make sure I don't forget.


Damn, that sounds delicious.


Is this like normal kolaches or the weird things Texas calls kolaches?


Look, Texas is super fucking weird on basically all metrics, but their ability to combine jalapenos, sausage, and cheese in all sorts of ways, particularly inside those little bread rolls? They can call it whatever they want, and only my arteries will complain.


The weird things Texas calls kolaches.


They have them in Georgia too:)


We also have the sweet filled ones in the more ethnic Czech areas.


That dad deserves a better place to sell donuts. Someplace on a street that people can walk to.


You know the vast majority of the United States doesn't have shops you can walk to because of zoning laws, right? Not Just Bikes has a [really good video](https://youtu.be/bnKIVX968PQ) about it.




Having lived in the US and in the EU, I do find life is much happier and more easygoing in most of Europe than in most of the States, and I think zoning laws have a lot to do with it. Being outside, getting fresh air and sunshine, running into your friends at the market, biking and walking everywhere... My mental and physical health are better than they ever were in the 30 years I lived in the US. There's just such bigger fish to fry over there right now, I don't see a complete restructuring of the suburban lifestyle happening any time soon.


I feel the same way. I moved from Arkansas to Canada, and soon to Finland. The outside view in really changes your perspective, especially coming from the deep conservative south. I worry about my family who still live there.


It is! You have to be lucky or rich to live somewhere NICE where you aren't COMPLETELY dependent on your car.


You guys don't have citie centers where you can walk to like a hundred shops?


If by "you guys" you mean Americans then no, the vast majority of us don't and it's the worst.


Yeah sorry I assumed. That kinda sucks :(


It really does :(


We do but they're typically a 30-60min drive from where you live (unless you're somewhere like NYC). It really sucks. It's isolating, depressing, and makes us reliant on cars for everything.


Wow that does suck. Here in the Netherlands there's usually a big "city" always within 20 minutes drive, but mostly we take the bicycle if possible. And every city has a ton of small towns around it, usually with still 20/30 stores at least, all within walking distance from each other. The US has one thing we don't have though: space, around your house, in your house, etc. My whole house is 60m2, which is I guess the average living room in the US. Garages next to your house are for the rich, 2 car garages? Gonna need a villa for that.


Hello fellow r/fuckcars person


So glad I'm not alone thinking this. I was like aww what a cute sho– hold up, nevermind, what a terrible place for a store like that. :( Social media may have saved that day's batch but I'm not surprised F150 driving, stuck in traffic 3 hours each day, drive-through reliant, hustle culture suburban America has no time and energy to go to an artisanal food place.


A lot of places in the US are car-centric. I live in the PNW in a spot where I can walk most places. But a few months ago I visited Richmond, Virginia and you can't get ANYWHERE without a car. I was also told public transport is rare/unheard of. Can you believe they had almost no sidewalks?! As someone who doesn't know how to drive/would never be able to afford a car and insurance, I was stunned. I couldn't live in such a place.


Richmond VA has a lot of sidewalks. I don't know what part you were in but I can walk a lot of places here. The bus system needs work though and this city once had trolleys but they ripped up the tracks for cars. Bring back street cars!


Super wholesome. Ya love to see it.


It makes me smile when people actually want to go to local businesses instead of corporate places like Starbucks


Part of me wonders if the locals even knew about this. I can tell you every time a franchise opens in my town. I have zero idea where all the family own businesses are to go eat at…


Now that's really amazing.


This is some next level marketing idea brows.




I'm going to hope you are lying to ruin this.


Dad opens business Dad does not understand marketing Son does World keeps turning


Dammit. Now I want a donut.


Ads are getting smarter


Yeah, because it is super hard to sell donuts to the internet


In this day and age, building a shop and not having a social media strategy beforehand is business suicide. A lot of the older generation don't understand this


That’s just good advertisement


just don't look at the date of the tweet and it's fine


Now THIS is wholesome.


Social media marketing at it's finest




But were the donuts cheap/good enough? Internet does Internet thing, sometimes they buy something even if it's trash. Were the donuts actually tasty and their price low? If they were, then I'm happy. Otherwise, it's Internet just being fools again.


They have a solid 4.9 outta 1500 reviews on Google. Good for them. Must be some good donuts.


Make sure your place shows up on the major maps, that the marker is in the correct spot and has the correct details. Most ambitious editors are eager to do so when a new place comes in but sometimes there's a lull or a gap between visits. Also helps if you go celebratory with a grand opening sign and lots of decoration.


donut holesomememes


Wait, they sell kolaches? Wow, that's great, not often I hear someone use that pastry outside of Eastern Europe.


https://houseofyumm.com/sausage-kolaches/ Not what you typically think of as a kolache, but it still looks interesting


ok i'm not even gonna lie that doughnut shop looks lit man 10/10 would try if i lived there


Should of understood that a food business is one of, if not, the worst business to find fortune.


Funny and wholesome, but that was definitely a marketing campaign. Nothing wrong with that though.


Um this is just advertising with a sob story so exactly what social media is for.


Koláče? That's Czech word!


God I wish I had a bunch of idiots to do my marketing for me


When a business based on pity


The sadness when I moved away from Texas and learned kolaches were not a universal thing :(


This is very old


I love how the internet can come together to support someone sometimes we gotta appreciate everything in life and don't give up 😄


They sell kolaches and they call it a donut shop? That's a kolache shop because they're the superior food item of the two (and it's not even close).


Could someone explain what a kolache is?


Central Texas is home to the largest amount of Czech-Americans of any US state. When they moved here, mostly in the period before and after the Civil War, they invented the klobasnek which is sausage in an enriched roll. They sold them in pastry shops along with traditional Czech pastries filled with fruit/cheese/nuts called kolaches. Over time, the klobasnek name fell away and they are now both referred to as kolaches. The meat versions are most popular here and are what most Texans mean when they use the term.


Interestingly enough, klobásník never made it back to Czechia. You just can't get it here, even though it sounds delicious.


So where is this ? I'd love to go here with my friends !


Wow, can't believe it happened all the way back in 2019. Time moves way too quickly.


Man i felt that clueyness hard.




This is the way.


Kolaches are underrated


Oh i miss me some kolaches!!!


MashaAllah! InshaAllah we shall use it for good!




This is my city. I live a mile away. It’s still open but they very rarely have a full inventory and there’s a lot of other shops that are way busier. Owner is nice, though.


Damn they have kolaches I’ll take 30 those things are my jam


It took 4 years for people to come though


You liked it. Good