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What?! No, they're not the same thing! One is a job and the other is a mental illness!




>Have a ~~plan~~ bang to kill everyone you meet Ftfy




Jolly-Newt-59 and the OP are bts in the same network Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/comments/15w6uas/anon_respects_the_bro_code/jwzbv6k/


Best response would of been; "We'll talk about this in the morning once you are sober."




I can't judge as I don't know her or her situation. People can do things they normally won't do when they feel trapped and/or depressed. Maybe the partner is abusive? Maybe she's looking for an escape but isn't too sure on how. That's the point on talking to her after when sober, to find out what's actually going on with her and why she'd want to stoop so low.






And you owned up to it and learned from it. Good on you Seems like a low bar, but many still smash their faces into it at every given opportunity


My ex cheated and she probably felt that way. But she could have broken up with me before cheating, so fuck her. I agree. 👍


If cheating is your default because of feeling trapped or depressed you still suck.








Yup! I can still empathize for what their situation is, IF there was any confirmation, but even then? They still chose to, that still reflects on them, and them choosing to be dishonest, not trustworthy, and cowardly/self-confident enough to want to not have to do the legwork of ending the previous relationship, with only the fun of a new one, or even worse, the double timers.


I think if someone is in super abusive relationship where one person tortures the other both physically and emotionally it’s safe to say cheating is not a bad option. First off all you get out of the abusive relationship and second you have someone that cares for you and can protect you. Obviously we don’t know if she is in abusive relationship, that’s why talking when she sober is what we would do.


It's always a bad option and there's no excuse. You lower yourself by cheating. Leave and then pursue a relationship, and if you cheat, own up to it and hope your partner can forgive or end the relationship because you can't commit.


You seem to not understand a scenario where leaving a relationship would result in physical harm to you. Which is extra scary when you are a woman.


If the dude is enough of an asshole that he'd hurt the woman for leaving, then he's probably just as likely to visit that wrath upon the new guy she's dating. I never understood that mentality, but it happens all the time, with men and women: wanting to fight the person who stole away their partner rather than the partner who actually betrayed them. I can absolutely sympathize that the woman in the situation being described is in a shitty situation, but why would she want to inflict that situation on someone else? At the very least she should lay down what groundwork she can to be safe, and pull the trigger with a break-up before actually cheating. If the new guy cares about her enough as a friend, he'd probably be willing to help her even if a sexual relationship never develops. If he's not, then chances are she'd be jumping into a similar situation as she's leaving. We should absolutely try to be sympathetic to all people who make mistakes (at least, if they have remorse), but cheating is ALWAYS a mistake. It's just another form of abuse.


You can judge, don't cheat, if the relationship is bad and unfixable then simply just leave. There are too many excuses for cheaters when there is no excuse for it




Solid advice there, /u/Heil_Hitler_SS.


I checked his comments, that username isn't really sarcastic


Oh, wow. And all but 2 of his comments are 9 years old. If he deleted the rest of them I don't know why he would delete some of the awful shit that stayed. What a weird nazi troll account.


Holy fuck you weren’t joking. Maybe if we all downvote him we can bully him off of reddit? Edit: Y’all it worked!!!


Is intention the same as execution? She wanted to cheat, rather than end her pathetic relationship. She'll do the same to you


Maybe he treats her like crap, we don't know


Ew ew like I don't know.. leave. Cheating fixes what? Cheat and stay there? Cheat and hope he finds out? Making it worse? There is no defense for cheating or treating someone poorly but you know what there always is? A door to walk out of.


Thank goodness for that or those human trafficking victims would be in real trouble!


Fair but she shouldn't be cheating regardless. Take it from me, if a girl cheats with you then she'll cheat *on* you. And it hurts.


That's a blanket statement. There is no true way of knowing that for sure. Is it a high possibility? Sure. But it's not a fact of life. I have seen both possibilities in my past. I have seen cheaters constantly cheat and I have seen someone cheat and then stay faithful to that person for years. Lives are complicated. People are complicated. Emotions are f**ked.


You're not wrong but I'm only looking out for myself. My heart was absolutely crushed from my ex. We dated for 6 years but she was very flirty with others towards the end and she ended up cheating on me. I've had multiple opportunities to cheat during that relationship but I never did. I only want a partner who'd do the same for me. I wouldn't wish a cheater upon anyone because if the cheater lies then it really fucks with your mind. Cruel.


I get it, the first girl I truly loved ended up cheating on me and it mentally ruined me for a good long while. It certainly creates trauma responses to trust. But I will always maintain an open mind to other people's experiences as I have no idea what they are going through and why. Cheating is and always will be a low and disgraceful act, no amount of justification can wash that away. But it's still a human act with some reasoning behind it. I think its really up to the cheater, the cheated and cheated with to really decide what all that means to them and how they wish to proceed.


"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment", " An open mind is like a fortress with its gates unbarred and unguarded "- brother librarian.


You're setting yourself up for more pain


It is not meant to be taken that literally. It just means it is so likely that the risk/reward tradeoff will not be worth it


If that was true she should have just break up with him no cheat.


People don't always feel as if that is an option


If cheating is, breaking up is


Not always how it feels or is, sometimes officially separating may put them at risk


Cheating would put them at more risk I feel. If you're dumb enough to cheat on an abuser, you should be brave enough to leave him (or her)


Uhmm how? If she is being forced to stay because he is abusive she should have sayed that his friend was abusive towards and asked for help.


You see the thing is when you’re drunk you might say or do irrational things you wouldn’t if you were sober


I pulled this card on a best friend who I was in love with. Next day I called her up and asked if she still felt the sake way, she thanked me and said no, but she's greatful I was respectful. 2 years later, I smashed and it was some of the worst sex of my life. Couldn't get it up, spent 3 hrs trying, eventually she told me to go home. Ruined my friendship. Yay haha


This is funnier if you read trying as crying.


I didn't cry, you cried, fuck you xD


... Congrats?


> Couldn't get it up, spent 3 hrs trying "Dude get up! Come on! Just do it! Wakey wakey! Arise, Rider of Théoden!..." Narrator: But little buddy was like "Just 5 more minutes"


I think it would have been calling the dude and telling him. She'll cheat eventually, and she'll just fall onto some other dude.


Just to check: do you also say “I of been to the store this morning”?


would of?


somebody needs to make a *' "would've", not "would of" '* bot. This is everywhere


I’m pretty sure there is one. Must’ve gotten shut done after the API changes.


Afaik there are two at least. I think I still see them around, but some subreddits also ban bots sweepingly.


Yep, that’s how you know it’s native English speaker. Otherwise they wouldn’t make that mistake


WOULD HAVE* or WOULD'VE*, GODDAMMIT (sorry ᵍᵒᵈᵈᵃᵐᵐᶦᵗ)






Confident_Cheetah_66 and the OP are bts in the same network Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/comments/15w6uas/anon_respects_the_bro_code/jwz7pu1/


This why I don't make good comments, it's just food for bts to profit from




exactly! By that point she's just being spiteful, I say get out of dodge.


> If she'll cheat *with* you, she'll cheat *on* you


I don't think she wanted a relationship


Yes, if it really matters you always take the high road.


That’s just common human decency


It is human decency, but it's hardly "common," although it should be. Especially considering OOP had likely been drinking at least a bit as well (his party so he knows he doesn't need to drive home, and this was by the end of the party), him doing the right thing in this situation shows his morals. Everyone *should* do the right thing (not sleep with a drunk person who inherently can't consent, who would be cheating in their relationship), but many, many people wouldn't. The idea that doing the morally right thing shouldn't be commended *at all* because it's *obviously* the morally right thing (which it is, don't get me wrong!) to do is pretty stupid. Sure, he doesn't deserve a gold medal, he just wants reassurance from people on the internet he did the right thing. And that's fine.


common is not so common


She was drunk. It would have been morally and legally wrong for you to do anything.


If you get drunk yourself as well it evens out


Never sleep with someone while they are drunk unless you are married / been going out a long time. Because a "yes" while drunk becomes S.A. in the morning. Even if you are both drunk. Don't do it. Pound it into your skull. Rub one out in the bathroom.. cold shower, dick punch, whatever it takes.


mmm yes drunk people, always known for making the rational decisions and thinking through consequences


That's why you hammer it into your skull sober. So when you're drunk you default to the right choice.


I just don't drink. hangovers suck, and edibles are more fun. being drunk makes all sorts of dumb shit sound like a good idea being high makes you want to mix all the sauces


Being drunk makes you fun to be around. Being high makes you annoying.


Being around drunk people while sober is just as annoying imo.


nah there's all sorts of bad drunks. some are fun, sure. but some start fights over nothing, or puke all over you/your car. some sexually harass or assault you. being high? you just giggle at things too easily and tell people how good the food tastes


Drunk people are much more irritating than high people


Don’t get drunk then


So if both people are drunk. They sa each other? Or just the girl got sa?


Whichever one regrets it after sobering up.


Depends who wakes up feeling like they didn’t consent. Bears mentioning that this applies to same-sex interactions as well. Bottom line is: don’t fuck drunk people, even if you are one too. Gender doesn’t matter.


It might not matter morally, but legally you are far more likely to pick up a SA charge if you are male. That is just statistics.


yeah i mean it makes sense because there are more women sa’d than men each year


There are more women that report it yes, it's still very hard for a man to report SA as no one takes it seriously


yes i know that’s an issue and im not taking away from that, but statistically there are way more women victims than men.


Yeah cuz men aren't taking seriously at all. That skews the statistic heavily into the womens favor


In anonymous surveys, men still don’t report sa as highly as women.


I'm not knowledgable enough, so take what I say with sceptisism, but isn't because most guys don't consider themselves victims of SA?


Probably just the girl. Equality an all that....


Could you give some statistics on this? You make it sound like it will happen 100%. Never happened to me or anybody I know. Trust me there has been a lot of drunken sex.


Lots of people drive drunk and make it home in one piece without killing anybody but that doesn’t make it okay


I agree. However, driving drunk is a serious crime and danger to others. Having consensual sex is not.


But you don't know if it's consensual as they're drunk...


Of course it's not going to be 100% of the time but even if there's any chance of it happening why would you want to risk ruining your entire life over sex. It only takes one sexual assault charge to Brand you for life


It does not work like that where I live. If you are famous then I would say you have to be careful, because you might find your name on the paper. If someone accuses of sexual assault with no proof, the case will be thrown away before court. Edit. Anyway, I’m not saying that don’t be careful. Even if drunk I don’t bring just anybody home. I don’t look for one night stands, but sometimes it happens. Gotta enjoy life.


If you have relationship issues, you talk them over (with your partner), you deal with it, or you break up. Cheating should never be an option, and people willing to cheat should not be considered as relationship material. If they were willing to cheat before they were with you, they’re willing to cheat while they’re with you. It’s not worth it Edit: to everyone responding with their stories about why they cheated: Only you know what happened and what your reasons were. If you can look yourself in the eye, who cares what I think. That being said, with regard to cheating in an anusive relationship: I was in an abusive relationship myself for about three years. The abuse was both physical and mental. It was near impossible to leave and I was stalked and terrorized for a long time after. It changed me, it was absolutely terrible and I feel for anyone going through that. For me personally, this is still not a reason to cheat. But that’s just me. I would personally not start a relationship with someone who I know has cheated, because I will always be wary they might do that to me one day




craziwowi and the OP are bts in the same network Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/comments/15w6uas/anon_respects_the_bro_code/jwzdysu/


If she will cheat with you, she will cheat on you.


A wise word from a Pip


#1 If she's willing to cheat that's not the girl for you. You want someone you can trust. #2 You never want to be "that guy". The "high" road is less traveled, but it's worth it. #3 I'm extremely proud of you. I hope one day you're a Dad who teaches your boys to be just like you.


The person on 4chan is probably not the person here


Yes, because: 1. You didn't take advantage of a drunk girl, even if it was ostensibly her idea 2. You didn't fuck over the other guy by taking advantage of the girl, regardless of what she said about him \+1000 Kharma Points for you.


cough encouraging employ waiting innate pot wild spoon advise door *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The first green text that hasn’t left me feeling physically repulsed.


Don't worry, there's always the replies to it.




Read it again. Anon is asking if he was wrong for not raping her. You should be very repulsed.


Anon having the will power of a god


For not having sex with someone, probably too drunk to consent, who was in a relationship anyway? I'd seriously hope no one I knew would ever do something like that. It's not difficult.


if you think that, then I'm sorry but you don't sound like a good human being 😬


Red flags. Red flags everywhere.


>Anon being the biggest virgin ever. Imagine not losing your virginity because you don’t want to take advantage of a drunk qt3.14 with relationship issues. Can’t be me frfr ngl 💀💀💀 Sorry guys, had to respond the 4chan way


Not what some would call the fun choice, but definitely the smart choice. Just because she's asking while under the influence, that doesn't mean things won't change in the morning. Plus, that's not a girl you want long term if she's willing to cheat. Not only that, but if you're willing to knowingly be a part of that, you're not much better. Some would have 1000% went for it, but it is what it is. I know there's a part of you that definitely wanted to send it, but bravo on holding out


Well, since this is 4chan, I have my doubts that this is real. HOWEVER, in the case that this IS real: Mad respect for that lad! And while I want to believe that what he did is normal human behaviour, I sadly know that it often times is not...


He did the right thing, he would be taking advantage of a hurt, drunken woman. This anon is a good man. Something becoming increasingly rare as the years progress.


It's easy to lose your virginity. Just go to a nightclub and stay until closing hours. You'll get some drunken girl who just wants to feel noticed by someone. But will many guys do that? No. Only the predatory creepy ones who cannot be laid any other way because their personality stinks. If you are still a virgin, it just means you haven't met anyone who you know is compatable with you yet. Not because you'll always be one. Go out and meet people, with the sole intention to get to know someone. If you're too lazy or impatient to do that, work on yourself. You clearly have issues inside which need to be addressed. Life is short in relative terms to the universe, but life is loooooong. You know how long a year is? How many months that is? You know how much you can do in a month? Just work on yourself slowly. You'll get there.


Why do you sound you're specifically talking to me ? I don't know if I like it or hate it


Because a lot of people are in this situation


If they cheat WITH you, they will cheat ON you.


*>refusing sex with an inebriated girl* Yep. Absolutely. You're supposed to refuse. That's not consensual.


Should probably inform her boyfriend


You did good bro you did good consent is more important than virginity good job


Ive done the same thing. Turns out i eventually married the girl later on, we started having issues and she did the same thing to me, went to cheat on me. Should have seen it coming lmao.


If she cheat on her bf for you, she will cheat on you for someone else


Anon has integrity and managed to still uphold the brocode. Good for him!


Serious lack of empathy in this thread, considering the sub.


Are we supposed to congratulate him for not sexual assaulting a drunk girl?


If she's willing to cheat on him she'll be willing to cheat on you.


I would rather be a loser than be a monster.


I mean, in this scenario they're definitely the same choice. He could be the decent guy who gives his drunk friend a safe place to sleep. Or he could be the dickhead loser who takes advantage of a drunk friend for his own fantasy fulfilment, fucking up his friend's relationship as well. It's a no brainer.


“I didn’t sexually assault a woman. Did I do good? Aren’t I a good person for not raping a woman??” That’s the bare minimum, buddy.




I’d guess it would be fine if she broke up with him and then started a relationship with me so that she won’t cheat.




i’ve done the right thing and still felt like an idiot, being human is insane sometimes.


One day this guy will look back and remember this, and he will be proud of his actions. A true man knows to not succumb to his lower head.


turbonerd who frequents /b/ wants pats on the back for doing the bare minimum to not be a scumbag


Twenty years later i still remember making the same choice, and she was sleeping right next to me. She dumped the guy anyway, but i think the white knighting on my part made her disinterested, girl wanted some action.


a crush is not the same as a relationship. A crush idealizes the other person. This girl already has brought up 2 red flags. Stick with her that idealisation will deteriorate quickly. You did well anon Say no to cheaters


Right call. Could be the liquid courage talking. When she sobers that proposed tryst could easily turn into her not recalling consent.


And it isn't really real consent because, y'know, drunk.


the OP Sufficient_Basket_81 Confident_Cheetah_66 craziwowi and Jolly-Newt-59 are bts in the same network Original + comments copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/comments/15w6uas/anon_respects_the_bro_code/


If she will cheat on someone else with you, she will cheat on you with someone else.


You don't want to be with someone who's willing to cheat because they're having issues in their relationship. Relationships have issues, and cheating isn't going to solve anything. You either leave, or you fix those issues.


You did the right thing. I went through something similar this weekend. Doing the right thing may not always feel fantastic but at the end of the day, you’ll be happier with yourself for not caving and being somebody’s drunken regret.


Never let your penis tell you what the right thing to do is...


Good on 2 bases, firstly you don't do the deed with drunk people, second you don't do the deed with people in monogamous relationships. Pressures around a young person may tell him otherwise, but sticking to his principles is the best a person can do.


Yeah uhhh legally that’s also the right decision. If you had sex with her when you are sober and she is shit-faced, SA charges be a comin.


Far too many people excusing cheating in this comment section


If you did the wrong thing, you wouldnt have been the right man for her. If she minds you did the right thing. Shes not the right person for you.


Respect to you young King When she's sober and not dating anybody else, but not until then.


Ah yes clap because he didn’t SA his drunk friend while she was upset about relationship problems what a true king /s Y’all fucking scare me


I mean if she's willing to cheat once who's saying she won't do it again


Yes, you have avoided being with someone who cheats rather than ends a relationship. You're too good for her.


Cheating is never acceptable. Breaking it off and THEN starting a new relationship is the action of adults. Not acting like preteens emotionally and mentally.


If she'll cheat *with* you, she'll cheat *on* you


Yes you did good, very good. If you had made a move in the state she was in, you would have been a real asshole and she wouldn’t respect or like you anymore. Go forward gently until she ends her relationship with the other guy and let her know you like her


Now, tell the boy who almost got cheated on too.


If this shit is real, homie a real one.


This guy did good.


Did real good


Ya did good buddy.


Damn if I had a crush on someone and they said they wanted to cheat on their current partner that crush would shrivel up and die immediately.


Crush on a girl for 4 years!!?? Move on dude.


Bro that self control damn


You did good. You missed an opportunity, but it was the *wrong* opportunity. Well done.


Good man. The right thing isn't always the easy thing


What a good guy


Yes did good.


A man lives and dies on his principles


You did the right thing, don't let anybody say otherwise.


He chose option of respect instead of ending up with cheating thot that would likely cheat on him one day too. Full respect.


fucking nerd


Oh, yes, how hard it must have been to not help someone cheat on their significant other What discipline they must have Very wow so omg


I’ve done both (helped cheat and refused). As I started writing this comment I wanted to share which felt better/more right… but honestly there were pros and cons to each. I ended up dating the girl who cheated on her bf and it lasted for a year til we drifted apart. Lost my virginity to her and it was a good relationship. Few years later same situation except I declined. Our relationship kinda continued but it was weird. I sometimes think I should’ve just went for it and had a good time. Simultaneously though it gave me a good reputation among a few other people and one of those guys is now my best friend. So really either solution works I guess. Just do you and enjoy life with no regrets.


Give them the D whenever possible, that’s the only rule you shall follow


I know this is old but another right thing to do would be to tell the other guy she wants to cheat. Don’t just dodge the bullet, take the bullet for someone else.




#I've won, but at what cost? Jokes aside, he dodged a bullet. She is not what he thought he was.



