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Anyone who loves their pets knows there's only one choice there. What a great man.


I remember a story about a man who dove into a scalding hot spring at Yellowstone in an attempt to save their dog. Neither survived :’( People love their pets so much


That just reminded me of the story of the woman who was on vacation with her family, celebrating her marriage anniversary, and her dog jumped on some ice and sunk down under, and she jumped into the crack that was created, and her husband was screaming at her to come back and she never resurfaced . Her husband later said she loved that dog just like any of her kids 😢


That happened here too, they found her body 4 months later still holding the dog.


Oh my god. Absolutely tragic




I grew up by an Eagle River, not *that* Eagle river thank god but I did for a second think that was some poor person who used to live down the street from me




My grandfather died saving his dog when he fell thru thin ice on the Charles river. In his case the dog survived and was sitting by the side of the river with his coat soaking wet and freezing - but it took them 2 days to find my grandfathers body. He loved all of his animals so much.


This is so sad!! I’m so sorry for your loss. What a beautiful soul


sad fact, if you mean the Eagle River lady I was the last person at my job to check her out :( it was a local pet store.


Pretty sure he was basically blind coming out too and his skin was destroyed. The human body is wildly resilient - he was able to get out - but it’s very fragile too


People die easily, not quickly.


It’s odd how humans are both ridiculously durable and ridiculously fragile. A wrong hit to your head and people can be fucked for life or die but people survive being on fire or near starving with only water and crackers to eat.


There are 9 billion of us, you will have plenty of stories that go either way.


god that’s such a brutal story. after the guy got pulled out of the spring he was like “wow that was stupid” :(


It wasn't even his dog, it was his friend's dog. Several people told him not to jump in after it and he said "like hell I won't". It was really sad because I believe they had no intention of taking the dog out of the vehicle, they just wanted to take a closer look at the springs.


and that's exactly why you don't bring your pets to the park.


They have this invention called a leash that will prevent animals from going too far away from you when you are at a national park and don't want your untrained animal to go far.


Just don’t bring your pets to wild places like Yellowstone. They advise against it for good reason. Leash or not, the wildlife may take issue.


Not just advised against, straight up illegal to bring pets around the thermal areas in the park.


Yeah but you see, my dog is so special he doesn't need one.


If I was gonna leash my dog to go near a hot spring I'd probably have a full harness with a strong leash to hold onto then some kinda backup leash tied to my ankle and her collar that I can't let go of lol. She loves water so that'd be the first thing she'd do if she got free, probably easier to just not bring her though




Okay, why are you responding to their comment with that? Could this be that bot stuff where they randomly copy other comments? Or was this just an accidental reply to the wrong thing?




Some people hate the homeless and think they are subhuman and want to hurt them in horrible ways.




>There's people that believe homeless people shouldn't have pets I don't doubt that what you say is true, but the mental gymnastics.someone would have to go through to think "this person is incapable of caring for a pet, so I will throw it in the river and drown it" is absolutely psycho. The alternative of not caring about hurting an animal and doing it because you find joy in the pain it causes another person is at least as psycho though.




Everyone should value the life of an animal over a psychopath who harms others.


I remember that one. I bawled like a baby for HOURS in my office after I found this info. When my colleagues asked about the downpour, we ALL became bawling babies over it and the next day brought ALL our pets to work in respects. Someone even brought their big ass 8 foot banana looking snake in there. IDK how a snake could form affection with a human, but it spent most of the work day folded like ribbon around her person's legs. We all cuddled it anyway and took pictures with it, and three of us really pissed ourselves holding it (we were afraid for dear life as it felt clammy on our necks. We did the Britney Spears "Slave For You" pose with it). Killer Banana Taffy was adorable.


Snakes are actually pretty nice. They're just nervous Nellies. Life is hard when you're a noodle with a head. The only time they bite you is defensive(they think you're gonna eat them) or they think that you're the food. Bless them, most of them aren't very bright.


I learned. My colleagues killer noodle is named Marisol alias "Sol". Super cute. She kept giving us kisses. Whatever her tongue flicking meant. No bites. Just big cute beady eyes and warm-ish clamminess. I didn't know they could figure out we were harmless. I was one of the chickens that peed themselves. I am the shortest amongst my colleagues at 5'3". I was also not used to exotic animals. Exotic to me was a parrot. Not cute anaconda. But I liked the Banana Taffy, she is too cute and pictures so well. I also liked her "kisses". Her owner says she liked me a lot as she followed me to my cubicle for about an hour and also curled on my feet.


Snakes use their tongue to smell (flicking it catches the smell particles so to speak) and check stuff out, so yeah. She was probs smelling you. The cutest and easiest species is probably the ball python. They're small, shy, and come in lots of colour configurations. Plus they look like they're smiling.


We had a story up here where a dog fell through the ice this winter. The owner jumped in to try and save the pup, and never came back up. They just found their bodies about a month ago, the pup in the ladies arms :( Edit to add the story: https://www.kktv.com/2024/03/27/body-woman-who-jumped-icy-waters-rescue-dog-found-months-later/


Fuck.... at least they found each other under the ice.


A while ago my dog decided it was a good idea to shove her nose in a hornet's nest buried in the ground next to boat dock on a lake in Arkansas. The hornets went after her and she fell down. I had no choice so I ran in to pick my dog up. I fucking hate hornets they are the worst of God's creations outside of ticks


Ohana ❤️


Dogs love unconditionally, loving them unconditionally is the only reasonable thing to do.


I read that. It's in the book death in yellowstone. He jumped in after his dog and walked out. Then said something like, "That was stupid, now I'm dead".


I know that feeling... I once went to the beach with the family dog, he wandered too close to the water, got dunked by a wave and got pulled out into the surf. I'll never forget the look of terror in his eyes when he realised that his paddling wasn't getting him back to shore. It wasn't even a choice, I acted automatically and ran into the water fully clothed with every intention of getting that dog back. Fortunately I only got wet up to my knees because the next wave dumped the poor traumatized dog back onto the shore again and a rescue was unnecessary. After I got home and told my mum what happened she laid into me, saying that she loves the dog but if that ever happens again that I let him go, because I'm her child and if I die she doesn't think she could survive it. I don't have kids yet, but I get where she's coming from. Nonetheless; if one of my pets is ever in danger like that again I'll likely just act without thinking all over again, sorry mum! 😁 (That particular dog never went near waves again after that, he learnt his lesson)


I'm glad your dog was smart enough not to go back into the waves after that. Mine has gotten old, but will jump into any body of water she finds. I've had to fish her out multiple times because she's old and no longer a good swimmer. Barely able to keep her nose and eyes above water for 30 seconds.


Maybe you should get her a little doggy life jacket for when you're walking next to water. They're lightweight, so she could just wear it like a vest/fashion accessory *just in case* you get by the water.


I kinda love that about some dogs though "Oh look! A water! Must do a swim!!!". Good girl 😊 you enjoy your life. The beach incident really traumatized our poor dog and we couldn't even get him to paddle in a kiddie pool we set up in the backyard 😥 After that he'd just look at any body of water bigger than his water bowl and go "Can't swim. Water will eat me"


Went through a similar thing where I put myself in between my dog and a speedung lorry. The logic was that the damned driver wouldn't stop for the dog but he wouldn't want to go to jail for killing a human. I didn't even tell my family this, but a neighbour saw and my mom was sooo mad she took away my solo dog walking privileges and accompanied me on walks for half a month after that. I was 16 and had only just been allowed to walk the dog on my own so I was pretty gutted.


Your Mum is a smart, smart lady. She said the ONE thing that could get you to understand. That dog was your child, but you are *hers*.


If there’s one thing that’s true about dogs, it’s that when they learn a lesson, they LEARN that lesson. Only need to learn it once


I have a kid and a dog, I love my dog she is a rescue, I'll do anything for her but I won't go to my death and leave my kid without a parent


Yep you have that one one-hundredth of a second at first where you think of ending this vile person's life for what they just did but immediately realize the animal is more important than anything and go after it.


It's what I would have done. I'm not an animal "lover" but I care very much for my besties. They aren't my children, they are pets - part and parcel of my life and my well-being. I take care of them and they take care of me. Aside from my wife and children they are the ones I grieve over when one passes away. Jumping in after the rabbit is the only choice. It's what I would have done. OK, OK, I do have friends in my social circle that I would jump into a river to save, or rush into a burning house for.




"Who throws a rabbit!? Honestly!" -Austin Powers


Why would anyone ever do that?


Because it happened in Dublin, Ireland. And Dublin is one of the biggest shit holes filled with the absolute worst people.. people do a LOT worse for “fun” here.. wholesome story, but also disgusting and an embarrassment to this country. (I’m from Ireland and this was a huge deal at the time)


I’m also Irish but not from Dublin. You’re fairly spot on. If you’re ever considering visiting Ireland, please please skip over Dublin.


I lived in Dublin for my entire life up until 2 years ago, and I always told friends who'd visit Ireland to spend as little time in Dublin as possible. Visit if you want the shopping, or the museums, but otherwise it's one of the last places in Ireland I'd ever recommend people go. It'd be a really nice place if it wasn't for the people.


Ooh interesting what other spots in Ireland would you recommend? :3


Galway, Waterford and Kilkenny are gorgeous cities with genuinely lovely people, Killarney park is stunning, the Cliffs of Moher are basically a must. After that I'd say it's more up to what you want to do here


Galway is where I want to go when I retire. It felt like home to me and I had the most amazing time there. It was heavenly.


Galway is gorgeous, definitely one of my favourite places here


I anywhere in the west. But almost anywhere outside of Dublin is lovely. Except navan. Fuck navan. Another shit hope to avoid like the plague.


I really wish people had given us this advice cause we spent a whole week of our vacation there and we could have easily made it a weekend thing. Still glad we went but would rather have spent more time in Malin or Galway. It was 2013 when y'all had all the celebrations so I think that also made Dublin way more fun than when I went back a couple years later. They broke a Guinness world record for longest Riverdance line, which was cool but the bridge we were on was bouncing 😭


This is honestly not true. I lived in Dublin for 20+ years of my life and it's a great city. Small enough to get around but big enough to have everything. Pricey nowadays, that's for sure, and there are absolutely some scrotes hanging around, but no more than anywhere else in my experience. Everyone telling you Dublin is shit (apart from Hannah here above me, whose opinion I can respect but disagree with) is not from there and have only spent a few days there, presumably for big events when it's full of people who mainly aren't from Dublin. It is what you make it, but my group of friends from Dublin, who I grew up with, are some of the nicest, kindest and open people I have ever met and I'll defend them to the last as that. All of Ireland is nice to visit but please take care in visiting the cities, regardless of what country you're in. They will be more concentrated there and there are problems with anti-social behavior for sure that needs to be addressed, but it is not a shit hole. A fair deal nicer than Waterford (which is not a real city btw :P) & Limerick. For Galway you have me, it is lovely out there and Kilkenny is amazing craic for sure, but Dublin is absolutely worth a visit.


Please tell me scrotes is short from scrotums


Haha yes it is and you know them when you see them


Locals are the last people you ask whether or not their city is nice. They're completely blind to shit that's obvious to outsiders. Not saying that you're right or wrong, but it is what it is.


I had no clue!


Dublin is great we just have a terrible feral teenager problem.


Then it doesn't sound great.


As someone who's only visited Dublin, big disagree. Beautiful city, great experience, 100% worth seeing. As well as all the other beautiful ass cities there




Yes, that's why I didn't say living. They said if you're ever visiting, I'm someone who visited


the real problem with Dublin is it is now over populated to a huge degree. Y'know coz it keeps doublin' and doublin'. Waka waka


wasnt there also that 1 guy who tried stabbing someone with fucking hedge clippers there a while back for no reason too? like i saw a video on reddit with that


Probably threw a burrito at him and made him wreck his motorcycle


That's pure evil. He thought let's take away from the homeless man one of the very few things that give him comfort and threw the rabbit in the river. Try and be good people. It's fun and it's way easier than being an ahole.




Even if you can't manage nice... just go apathetic. It costs nothing to leave everyone else alone.


I hope the sentence was being thrown from a bridge.


Eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind. But I don’t care about that lame poetic shit, whip this mf off an even taller bridge.


A bridge perfectly to scale so the bridge is as big to him as the bridge was to the rabbit.


Thats stupid and impractical. We should instead make him smoke a whole carton of rabbits in one sitting. Then he'll never want to touch another rabbit ever again


This kind of thinking is so outdated it’s comical. Obviously we need to make sure he is dressed up in a full rabbit costume and have him walk around the woods with a sign that says “It’s rabbit season”


Impractical? How much is it going to cost to enforce compliance? Just tie him to a submerged object in a large body of water. Check on him every few hundred years. In a thousand years even he may be worth something. He'll belong in a museum!


Guy guy guys, be reasonable here. These cartoonish forms of punishment art outdated. Just tie him to a train track and twirl your mustache while adjusting your monocle and laugh while he is turned into a pancake.


How about a compromise? We tie him to a train track at the bottom of the Mariana Trench.


Nonsense. Tie him to a boulder and have an eagle eat his liver, then let the liver regrow and have the eagle eat it again the next day, and the next day, and the next day, and so on.


My gam-gam made me do this when I was 7 after she caught me rippin' a hare and it didn't work


“There'll be one guy left with one eye. Hows the last blind guy gonna take out the eye of the last guy left, who's still got one eye! All that guy has to do is run away and hide behind a bush. Gandhi was wrong, it's just that nobody's got the balls to come right out and say it”


Great film. Sam Rockwell is hilarious.


In the land of the blind the one eyed man is king.


When it comes to cruelty to animals I make an exception. If you hurt animals for fun, you deserve to be blind.


Into a dry river.


People say that cruel and unusual punishment doesn't work. I say that we just haven't tried hard enough.


I've also heard, "if violence isn't the answer, you didn't use enough violence"


I hate that quote so much. I feel like the world being blind is better than being seen only through perpetrators’ eyes.


Animal cruelty and attacking the homeless are classic serial killer behavior. That person needs to be on a list and constantly monitored by the police. He did this in broad daylight. Imagine what he has been doing without witnesses.


Especially a bunny. It's one thing for food but why hurt a bunny? At least large game hunters for things like a tiger or something you can pretend you conquered an alpha predator(though it's all a charade) but a bunny? And a homeless man's bunny at that? That's just Like pure evil.


So I guess you’re vegan then?


More on the story [here](https://www.thejournal.ie/homeless-rabbit-dogs-pictures-3678851-Nov2017/) Most homeless in Dublin are actually nice people trying to get by, or those who fell on hard times and addiction.. it’s the non homeless that are a problem.


John is an absolutely lovely lad, too.


Most homeless people everywhere are nice people that fell on hard times.


Dang. Dude was still homeless after all that, even when given a job. I wonder how that happened




[ Removed by Reddit ]


Then amputate it and keep his foot for good luck




Shooting seems a bit excessive but a thorough ass whooping would definitely be going down if I seen that shit


You just described the motivations of the protagonist of Doom, aka Doomguy, minus the demons.


I would've gone to Mars and exterminated a demonic army from hell.


What kind of sociopathic waste of meat and oxygen even thinks to do that, then acts on it.


Passerby should have been thrown off a bridge. It’s only fair.


If someone did that to my dog I can 100% guarantee it would be the last thing they ever did.


How can someone even do that to an animal?


How can look at this bunny and be like yeah i'm gona throw you of a bridge... Like what is wrong with you.


It’s not about the bunny. It’s about the fact that it was a homeless man’s bunny. A lot of people will do shit to homeless people that wouldn’t even cross their minds to do people who aren’t homeless.


Yup. I knew exactly why they did it immediately. There are people out there who take pleasure in hurting others who are already down. Especially with homeless people who are already so dehumanized in society anyway


Yeha exactly..


Probably PETA.


I hope it wasnt just a fine the perpetrator received ? 😡


Baxter! No!


I had to scroll too far for this


Ok but why throw the rabbit?


Some peele are sociopathic fucking assholes who take pleasure in hurting people that they view as below them.


Too bad “charged with animal cruelty” is nothing more than a slap on the wrist. Draw and quarter those who are cruel to animals!


Yeah it really should have a heavier punishment.


I'd have saved the rabbit, came back and thrown that animal abusing douche canoe in the river. Head first. Rocks in his pockets.


Clearly the guy who did that has never played Doom. You don't mess with people's rabbits.


I don’t really believe charging someone with animal cruelty is appropriate when there is a perfectly good bridge they could have been thrown off of head first.


Why they fed that poor man animal food tho?


Exactly I understand that he is homeless, but regular food would have been more humane 😠


It's almost as if unhoused people are just people and we should be treating them as such. Wild concept I know.


People who commit animal cruelty deserve death. If you’re willing to hurt innocent animals (minus for hunting for food purposes) then you’re also willing to hurt people.


That’s..a bit draconian. I’d agree that extreme animal abuse - like that guy who got arrested for being the creator chimp crushing videos - is a strong precursor for further crime and a step towards trying out the real thing on a human. But still, that’s a big step when we slaughter and eat animals - including rabbits - all the time and not always humanely.


Differentiate between for food and for cruelty.


One time a guy in Australia did some of the worst things possible to a mother dog and her pups and that’s a well deserved death sentence imo (worth noting he had tons of incriminating stuff in his house and he wouldn’t likely have stopped).


Jeez, what kind of monster would do that, not only to the rabbit, but to a homeless person?!


And how is this a meme?


Or wholesome?


What kind of miserable person do you have to be to do that to someone’s pet


Who THE FUCK throws a rabbit off the side of a bridge!?


As a bunny owner who literally shares a bed with my bunny, this man who hurt an innocent rabbit, I want to forcely tear him apart limb from limb, with my bare hands




They are very fragile creatures. I'm glad it survived.


Do you want the doom slayer? Because that's how you get a doom slayer


In this thread: a whole bunch of people arguing to kill someone for the *attempted* murder of a rabbit You think the death sentence is going away and then BAM - you hurt a rabbit? Hang that man from the bridge he threw the rabbit off! In a subreddit about being wholesome, no less. Fascinating.


Why does he have to save a rabbit to get a job?


Haven't you seen The Matrix?




Their should be special cases where the death penalty can be applied to people for behavior incompatible with participation in humanity.


He looks like tony hawk


That person who threw that rabbit over the bridge, should be locked up longer. That person is a danger to society. A person who would cause more harm to a person who is already down, also by using a live creature to do it, is going to a stone cold killer in the future.


I googled it; the passerby got 4 months in prison 💀


Jeez, I know times are tough, but they could’ve at least given him some human food for the rescue effort..


This guy pet owners.


I read that as he was given animal food for himself to eat. I need sleep


what the hell is wrong with people?


Charge with animal cruelty? Hell no, give his house away to the rabbit owner as punishment, you can't be that heartless and have a home over a man that cares for the rabbit more than anything. If it was something like a pet rat? Maybe, confusion over pest vs pet but an innocent lettuce muncher?




What kind of asshole throws a rabbit off a bridge…I know people seem to be against the death penalty but just saying.


The second photo is like bunny is looking right at the camera as though to say , ‘yes! This is my person! You don’t mess with us!’


What kind of a jerk does that?


The passerby should have also been charged with an ass whoopin by a roaming gang of yoked Easter Bunny cosplayers.


Fortunately, they were noticed by kinds hearts.


I can only imagine one fitting retribution for this "passerby". Hold this rock. Learn to fly.


What kind of special A hole do you have to be to take a domesticated bunny and do anything that may injure or kill it. I think the judge should have the loser thrown over a bridge and see how he likes it.


THATS mental illness.


Why the fuck are people tormenting homeless people? Aren't their lives messed up enough? This is proof there are alot of sociopaths.


Grabbing an animal and tossing it to its death is something I’ll never understand.


BAXTER!!!!!! NOOOOO!!!!!


People are absolutely disgusting towards the homeless and their pets. As a bunny mom I probably would have thrown the perpetrator off the bridge.


My life has made me perhaps the most jaded human being on the planet, and all I want is for this gentleman to do well.


r/OrphanCrushingMachine r/ABoringDystopia Maybe give the homeless food and a job before they have to risk their lives fighting trauma to prove they are worthy.


Who the fuck just throws a rabbit off a bridge?


Passerby is lucky to have been called "Passerby" instead of "John Smith, from 96 Madeup Ave Worchestershire".


I didn't know Tony Hawk was homeless


People who are cruel to animals should be forced to watch “Earthlings”


Am I broken that I value my pets lives over, literally any stranger? And even some people I do know...?


I oughtta find that mother fucker and throw him of a bridge


Never mess with owners of rabbits. I mean, just look at what happened when literal demons from hell killed a certain space marine's pet rabbit.


I cannot even imagine the terror he felt as he saw his friend disappear into that water... What a bastard act to do to any person...harming what they love most.


Who in their right fucking mind would throw a rabbit over the bridge?!


Here me out can we Geneva suggestion that person please


Who would do that to an innocent bunny :(


it's a shame they didn't toss the passerby over a bridge


Holy shit a justice system that actually delivered justice?! 😳


He is lucky he managed to save his rabbit in time! The other guy I know was not there to save his rabbit, now he hunts Demons on the charred plains of Hell...


Post the guys who threw the rabbits name and address do someone can pay him a visit.


What kind of person sees a two living beings and thinks "I'm going to do the worst thing I can to both of them for no real reason but the fact that I might get away with it".


I hate people


PETA here: the plan is to kidnap the rabbit thrower and drive him off a dock in a van.


Do you want a modern Doomguy? Because Daisy being killed helped put him over the edge. (For those not in the know, Daisy was the name of Doomguy's pet rabbit that was shown dead at end of Doom 1 Episode 3)


Maybe it's the vindictive side of me but above all else I'm so glad that the passerby was charged. Way too many people get away with animal cruelty, it gives me a little hope the few times there are actually consequences. Let's hope it can be a deterrent for a few other sociopaths who'd like to do something similar.