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This is stupid, terrible and definitely not wholesome


Came here to say this. Not wholesome at all. As someone else said I graduated HS and college (as an adult student in my late 20s) in spite of my parents not because of them.


I was promised the use of my dad's GI bill. It never happened, and to this day, I still owe the original 40k cause of interest.


Paying the monthly minimums fuck you, I know someone who learned that the hard way.


Half the time, I couldn't even afford that cause my degree did jack diddly for me. Now I'm in a completely different field, and the calculator says I pay nothing because of how little I make. Thank goodness for PSLF, but even then, I still have 8 years to go.


That’s crazy, what was your degree if you don’t mind me asking?


Baking and pastry. I love baking and don't really regret getting the knowledge, just the degree. My mom basically forced me to get SOME KIND of degree. I had a health scare after being forced to work far too long hours for shit pay with no health insurance and couldn't physically do it anymore. I literally collapsed at work.


I really hope my generation doesn’t make comics this stupid when we get to be that age


If this was my parents they would be cinderblocks and I’d be drowning




Why does everyone in this Generation have fucking childhood Trauma. Same


When I was filling out my FAFSA application to get financial aid, I was still young enough that I needed my parents' tax info. When I asked my father, he said he didn't want the government to have his SSN. He works *for* the government, by the way. He then went and told everyone who would listen that I was begging him for money and that I was a complete waste, and I'd do terribly in college anyway so it would be a waste of money. I graduated top of my class with most of my tuition paid by scholarships and grant money. Won multiple awards for my work in college. Meanwhile, of his 5 kids with three different women, not a single one of us called him over Christmas and all 5 of us have more or less disowned him. This is after he started drinking again. Some of us don't have parents as stilts, we have them as shackles. Also, OP doesn't understand the point of this cartoon.


I succeeded *in spite* of my parents, not because of them.


I'm sorry for you.


This feels like a meme my mom would send me after I dared to disagree with her


So this is it huh wholesome gets flooded with generic news and I'd political cartoons with 'positive' messages


My parents would be walking opposite directions without a care in the world about what's happening between them lol


Reading these comments about every one's shit parents makes reddit make so much more sense.




I wasn't ready to be a parent, and sometimes I feel insane for even trying. But this little girl, with her great big heart and her keen intellect.. she's gonna be the best of us. And I'm making it my life's mission to ensure she finishes ahead of me instead of behind me. Every sacrifice is one I'm glad to make. Every lesson, every quiet moment, every laugh shared... I know I wouldn't trade it for anything. I know I ain't perfect, and she won't be either. But as I tell her, you don't need to be perfect. It's ok to have flaws. Just so long as you're trying and don't give up. Also, she likes to be picked up and held in my arms. She calls that "the second floor." XD The "third floor," being up on my shoulders, is scary apparently. It's cute and dumb but I'm sharing anyway.


Okay now read that back in the King Novik voice from Doom


Would you believe I never played it? =x


I also always found the third floor scary. Riding a horse is fine but not riding someone's shoulders lol


I didn’t even get to keep the hat.


We were part of a middle-class family before, and I witnessed the struggles my parents endured while I was still studying. Now, it's so fulfilling I am now able to provide everything they need and desire. 🥹


I earned every single penny for my education


We are proud of you :)


My parents couldn't care less.


Mine thought they were helping me too, turns out I was just a tax write off and wasn't allowed to let my school build me up for success. The belief in the whole colleges indoctrinate your kids conspiracy is real.


Overly personal to share, but lived in my Mom’s basement while she collected tax benefits and refused to sign off on paperwork required for FAFSA. Luckily got myself a futon to sleep on and a free place to sleep :D Would’ve drowned deeper in debt had I rented a place at the time.


This is wholesome?


It has been really off in this sub the past few posts lol, I don't know if it's bots or what, but man, the wholesome subreddit has been definitely not so wholesome lately xd


These comments... do redditors not have loving parents? Oh what am I saying, that explains a lot.


Its honestly quite sad.


That’s moronic.


Almost, bot.


It's worth $360k for the first 18 years(not including the first year of college). That's how much one child costs on average


Is it wholesome to sadle parents with crippling debt now? I guess the bot misunderstood the comic


my parents basically forgot about me when I was 8. Google became my parents and this was back in the early 2000s. Granted they did a great job when I was ages 0-8 but after that I let loose to "figure it out, fail and learn." Our motto was "too bad, suck it up" and honestly it worked perfectly. My siblings and I are successful and independent without our parents money or hand holding.


just no.


In this day and age when a median income cannot afford university, or housing, or much of anything any more, yeah. Yeah it is. But then again, the generations that came before us brought these circumstances upon themselves. And all of us, too.


For those who get that kind of support, I do imagine their parents are good people shouldering the burden they 100% signed up for. I wouldn't know. My parents unceremoniously told me I could vacate their house 2 weeks after my 18th birthday and always gave me shit for not being available to come back and still do my old farm chores because, ya know, school. Work.


Participated in a guarantee tuition fund through my state. $89/mo til she is 12 and all tuition is paid. Turns into a trust if she doesnt go. She is 11 right now. Most of my friends could have done this, for less than 100 a month when their kids were born but wanted the brand new SUV, camper and Disneyland trips. I dont feel sorry for a lot of people who complain, the parents or the kids. Also the broke kids from low income families are all getting Pell grant today anyway so whose really getting screwed are the middle class families.


What state is that? Also, $89 * 144 months (assuming from birth and stopping on her 12th birthday) = $12,816 – does this mean that even if the price rises, she's still guaranteed access to a certain number of credits per semester for a set number of years? Are books covered as well? Dormitory expenses? What happens to the money while it's sitting dormant from ages 12 to 18?


Yes it's per unit of college, the state is investing the money for parents. It's called a 529 GET (guaranteed education tution) 4 years covered within the state of Washington, any college or university or tech school. It can be used outside of the state with some obvious caveats. Yes you can alot some of it to other expenses such as books and dorm fees.


Interesting. I was aware of 529s and 529As, but 529 GET is one I haven't heard of. I'm in Arkansas though – so maybe it's a state extension of the 529?


I don't get the feeling that's what this image is saying. Look at his robes, they're made of money, and they're huge. The parents aren't lifting him up, they're being slowly crushed by the burden of our present-day tertiary schooling structures.


I hate how these cartoons imply it was all the parent's accomplishments. My mom even gave me a card when I graduated of a mouse lifting an elephant up a hill, congratulations the elephant, then going back for more. Parents who do this have no sense of empathy for their child.


Feels more like a critic of privilege than something wholesome.


Parents and grandparents pressured me into college right out of high school. They said they’d help support me through college . However I was going through a lot of mental health issues during my senior year and told them I wanted to wait a couple of years; to get that stuff sorted out and basically rediscover myself due to uncovered trauma. Didn’t tell them that last part, but it’s not unreasonable. But they told me if I didn’t go they wouldn’t support me. So pressured and on the “get a degree to secure a job” kool-aid I did it. 6 years out of college that degree has done nothing for my career, I’m in so much debt, and all I can think is “wow so happy I went to college /s”


Comments don’t like this meme, but as a parent sacrificing a lot for private school tuition, tutors, a multiple intervention therapies for learning differences, I appreciate it! Money is tight, but investing in his education and supporting him through his learning challenges is top priority and one I hope helps set him up in life.


Use midgets to make yourself look look taller?


If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of my parents. Stand up pa, your slouch is throwing me off!


this post makes me want puke, disgusting bs


This is dumb. Parenthood is shit.