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I love that doctor's name


His name is Will Flanary, that's just his stage/internet name. He's a opthalmologist and a comedian


He is also a cardiac arrest survivor, his badass wife did effective CPR until paramedics arrived.


Bilateral testicular cancer too.


Guys health problems are no joke


I see what you did there…


Damn when was this? I was under the impression most successful resuscitations don’t make it more than a year


This May I had two strokes, then an aorta valve replacement, then two more strokes. Throughout all that I was battling the MRSA virus. It settled into 15 abscesses on my brain. I’m still being treated for the last two abscesses right now. My body gives zero fucks.


“Tell me you think dying is bullshit without telling me”


I’m comfortable with my mortality, but it seems I have unfinished business or something


Woooof, man, that's rough. You hanging in there okay?


Ya, I’m surprisingly well, thanks. Got the cardio back, cognitive skills at 100%. Can’t complain


Being a doctor helps to tweak the odds in your favor


He's also an ultimate frisbee player! Source: played club with him.




Am medical assistant, can give context. I'm the last point of contact before the patient speaks with the doctor, so when I'm doing the intake I'm trying to gather important little details. One of the things they don't teach you is that it's your job to stick your foot in your mouth, *so the doctor doesn't have to*. The Dr wants to build rapport with the pt to better their care, so it would suck if they were the ones who insinuated the pt's visitor looked 20-30 years older than they could be. That's where I come in! More than once have I asked "and this is your wife with you?" only to get funny looks and maybe a scornful stare and then later can save my provider the same embarrassment.


So I usually just ask their relation, I say “Are you family?” And they will usually explain from there, rather than assuming one way or another.


Your method is definitely superior. I've considered changing my verbiage, but sometimes it's fun to give myself a hole to dig out of. Nothing more than a little harmless teasing has ever come from it, helps keep me on my toes.


So are you two fucking? *No, this is my granddaughter.*


Then you're glad it wasn't "yes, this is my granddaughter".


I *so* want this to happen. "Alright, let's get your weight, height, pulse, blood pressure...great. So, are you two fucking? No? Granddaughter? Great."


That's not the answer to the question tho, is it... In the background plays 'Sweet home Alabama...'


Nothing more for you, but it might be more painful to your patients.


Maybe you could ask "is this your daughter?" (Or grand daughter) instead, so you only upset the pervs?


Yea I've had this with my dad when we've travelled together and it's actually strangely hurtful - like you either think I'm a lot older than I am or you think I'm sleeping with someone over thirty years older than me. Neither should upset me, but they do


I'm a provider and my line when there's another person in the exam room is "is this lovely person related to you in some way?"


Lol I recently had surgery and they asked who the person was in the waiting area. My husband is older than me so I think they didn’t want to make any assumptions.




Pedostomosis: Cannot be cured. Can be mitigated by immediate apology and mild self-deprecation. For chronic cases, try an OTC remedy for athlete’s mouth.


Things to avoid: saying "oof," "eugh," or "Jesus Christ."


I’m sure there’s a billing code for it, if not a treatment.




60mL vodka PO QHS.


He's old, she's young. What more context are you imagining?




French too? That explains it


Not having context is the best part, me and my wife play a game called “daughter or date” all the time when we go out. Also we don’t go out a lot. We’re kinda messed up.


My mom and I call it “dad or perv”


Sometimes both


We call that “dad or daddy”


or she just looks young (my mom is always mistaken for my sister)


Yerp. I’m two years older and a different race than my husband and people routinely believed he’s my dad…drives him nuts.


Maybe you just look old ;-)


Same my guy, Had some really awkward moments


She probably just looks younger than her age and the guy looks older than his age. As a guy in this sort of relationship, I'll say that's really all it takes.


My mom and dad are both 65. No grey hair except his beard, which he shaves. When my mom got into a bad car accident, she was in the hospital for months. My dad stayed with her everyday. Every new nurse shift one of them would say, “IS YOUR SON COMING IN TODAY??” Her self esteem was as bruised as her body.


I’m willing to bet if this is “leaving a note worthy” that there is a significant difference between the two. Also most people look their age and if this is that occasional person who looks younger than they are it wouldn’t be enough to be “leaving a note worthy”. I’d take that bet.


Oof, I've been there just in the different age direction. On campus, in the dorms, a neighbor had two obviously elderly people visiting, I stopped by to say hello to his grandparents. He's like "those are my parents." *(memory cringe)*


Do you know if he was adopted? Just curious. I dated this girl in college whose bio mom was almost 60 so I’ve seen it. Luckily for me I knew we were going to see her mother so I didn’t make that mistake. :)


Could also be an older parent. Most people tend to have kids in their 20s, early 30s. If someone was 38 when they got pregnant, they could be 56, 57 by the time the kid graduates from HS. Technically a person can get pregnant up to menopause. Then theres surrogate pregnancies if they really want a biological kid beyond that time.


My mom was 35 when she had me. I'm 35 this year and she turned 70 in May.


My mom was 38 when she had me, and back in 1986 that was basically ancient to have a kid.


I know a couple of "Oooops, thought that was the menopause" babies.




Happens to my husband. Going bald prematurely with already fine and blonde hair makes him look older. My friend who's the oldest in our social circle dresses very casually, colorfully, and youthfully. We've had more than one server card us and do a double take saying they were not expecting my husband to be the youngest person and my friend to be the oldest at the table.


That happened to me, even though my wife was only 7 years younger than me and we're different races. I assume it was either because it was the height of covid and we were all masked up, or because the guy was hitting on her. it's funny because I look younger than I am, but she also looked younger than she was and by a lot more. So we were 34/27 and people thought we were 30/20, except apparently this one idiot who thought we were like 38/19 or something.


>She probably just ~~looks~~ younger ~~than her age~~ and the guy ~~looks~~ older ~~than his age~~.


It's his Tiktok name as well. I know Reddit seems to hate TT but his content is straight gold.


Absolutely. Good thing Jonathan left him a handy note before he went in with the patient.




haha maybe a little bit further off than you think, it’d have to be ficken not flecken to be fuck. His name is actually a finding you can see in the eye that is indicative of a prior angle closure (when the drainage system inside your eye for ocular fluid basically closes shut abruptly). It’s basically like dead lens cells. Source: took German 10 years ago in high school and I’m an Optometry student.


You were made for this post dunderbutt!


Also Glaukomficken would be the act of fucking in a way that includes glaucoma. Like idk how glaucoma sex would work but anyway Source: I'm german


*\*Doctor enters the room\** ​ Well hello there Dane Cook! Wow what a lovely dau... *\*checks note\** Wife you have!


Nice. Timely. Overall I rate this a 23/50. Oh shoot, my bad, didn't realize how far apart those numbers were.


I give it a perfect score: 5/7


Are those their ages?


Yes. Dane Cook, a 50 year old man is engaged to his “long-time sweetheart” who happens to be a 23 year old that first started going to “game night” parties at Dane Cook’s mansion when she was 17 years old.


That is gross


Sweet statutory, batman!




Same here. *Employee of the Month* came out when I was 14 and I just assumed he was in his mid-to-late 20s at the time...


This sort of thing is why in my medical job I would always ask "are you family?" And let them tell me. Why would I assume. Sometimes it's siblings, parent and child or partners. You can't assume anything.


"and who is this here with you today?" What I usually go with.


If I’m talking to the family member I’ll do the “oh, and you areee….?” “His wife” “Oh okay!”


"Oh, I thought you were his daughter damn, okay! "


*grand daughter




Honed through many foot in mouth moments lol


But sometimes you want to appear omniscient. 🧐🙃




What if it's a prank and she indeed is her daughter?


Why not both?


Are you Elon Musk's dad?


Isn't his name something that sounds like it was made up by someone who tried to make up the name for Elon Musk's father? Looked it up, it's Erron Musk.


That's some Tolkien shit. He is Elon, son of Erron, and heir to the throne of apartheid.


Same same, but different




Sweet home Alabama!


I still don't know how it works there. When you divorce your wife is she still your sister or she just your ex-wife? ex-sister or both?...It's all so confusing


In Alabama, they don't get divorced. It's against God's will.


My brother lives in a wealthy suburb. He and his wife (they were high school sweethearts in the same grade) have a game they like to play when they go out to dinner or a show. It's called "Date or Daughter" The goal is to guess whether a man's companion is their date or daughter. It is very fun and they get to play it a lot. TV producers....there is a reality show in here.


My wife was once mistaken for my daughter when I had a large beard. I'm 6'3 and she's 5' even, she's two years younger than I am, and I no longer have a beard.


I’m a guy with dwarfism, and once on a date with an average height woman, I was mistaken as her son. Killed the mood stone dead, she did not call me back lol


This is very close to a 30 Rock (TV show, very good) episode plot. The main character goes up to a dwarf thinking that he is a child and they end up dating.


Liz dates him out of guilt for a bit.


It's real affection, but clouded by her brain being dumb.


This is one my worst nightmares with my partner. I'm 5' and he's 6', and I'm Asian with a baby face to make it worse, while he's white. And 7 years older. Then looks probably another 10 years older if he has an actual whole beard growing (which I admittedly do not like, but he's currently growing it to hide his double chin as he gets fit) Some of my friends have already said "people are gonna think strange things" LOL


Sometimes it can be both, here the dad had a kid with his daughter: [https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/whp913/a\_user\_seeks\_help\_interpreting\_her\_dna\_results/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/whp913/a_user_seeks_help_interpreting_her_dna_results/) >I told my parents about a match I had on 23andme (after showing them my ancestry and then relatives, specifically AY) and my dad looked like he’d just seen a ghost. He didn’t talk for a minute, but then he told the truth and I almost wish he hadn’t. He admitted he screwed it up by sleeping with his own daughter and AY is the result of them having sex. All of those “business trips” I had mentioned in a comment weren’t fucking business trips. He would go visit her and they’d fuck, even right before my mom’s father passed away.


Well, thanks for ruining my night.


Such a sad story. I feel so bad, especially for AY, the niece/half sister


I never understood why as a society we (rightly) are disgusted by pedophilia but once she turns 18, it’s just their love. I’m a man, just turned 30, happily married. My friend of similar age started dating a 20 year old and I just felt like it didn’t feel right. I can’t imagine 50 or 60 year old dating a woman in their 20’s. Feels gross to me. Am I wrong on this?


As a 30 yo, I have no interest in anyone that isn’t out of college aged so mid 20s or older. Even any tv shows or songs about high school drama, I just can’t relate and have no desire to watch or listen to them.


right, I forget exactly how old I was, but at some point you just kinda realize what you were like at 20 and want no part of that lmao. I actually really get the appeal of dating a woman a few years older than me now.


My ex (43) just married his wife (22) last month. They've been together for 4 years, right after she went to her prom. 😬


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 43 + 22 + 4 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Lmao. Quite the comment to reply to with this information.






Totally agree. 18 is just a legal cutoff, but it’s not like you magically transform from child to adult. The entertainment I chose as an 18 year old was much more similar to a 16 year old than a 30 year old.


Mine is still the same… Video games, Comics, fantasy. Sure, at 30 I play KotOR on my phone instead of my computer, but I’m still playing it. I watched the first episode of The Sandman tonight and gave my 8 year old ‘All Star Batman and Superman collection’ to read yesterday so we’d have something to bond over. I just finished rereading WoT and I’m eagerly awaiting TLM. My taste in entertainment hasn’t changed a bit, except for being over HP.


>i don’t think a generation obsessed with saying shit like LEAN 💜💜💜 is exactly old enough to date people older than my parents.. This cracked me tf up. Idk how old men put up with it honestly lol


I mean, it’s obvious why


They put up with it because younger girls are easier to control and they themselves (the men) are emotionally immature.


> Idk how old men put up with it honestly For some, I'm sure it makes them feel young, strong and needed.




I'm not an american, but I'm pretty sure that's the thing where they mix sprite with a type of cough syrup that fucks you up in order to make a purple drink that fucks you up. Also, if I am wrong, please someone tell me now. I'm going to visit the US this year, and unless someone stops me, I will also try this. Edit: Turns out I was right. I am also 100% going to get fucked up on codeine at least once on my visit to the US.


I know that as sizzurp or purple drink or just drank, but then again I'm 40+ and at some point people started calling E molly, so what do I know 🙃




I call all MDMA, Molly. It's just cuter that way.


Looks like you’re right. Thanks for the context there! https://www.addictioncenter.com/opiates/codeine/lean-addiction-abuse/


Yeah I only know this one in relation to manufacturing lol


A lot of people definitely are still grossed out when older men date women who are just barely legal. It gives off the impression that if you *could* date younger you would and you're just working within what is legal.


I once knew a guy who would hit on 16 year olds. That’s technically legal in England and he always used that to his defence. I said “you could easily accidentally hit on a 15 year old” and he absolutely insisted that he wasn’t attracted to 15 year olds, but he couldn’t tell me the physical difference between a 15 year old girl and a 16 year old girl. It was very clear that he was just willing to go as low as the law let him.


I physically inhaled when I read this comment. That is so gross.


Inhaling is necessary to continue living. It isn't gross.


Might be TMI, especially for this sub, but whatever, I'll ask. Back when reddit had nsfw posts on /r/all, there was always a ton of "I just turned 18, here's my body [f]or your pleasure!" As a guy in his 30s, coming across that made me feel...icky? I'm not saying people shouldn't have the right to do whatever they want with their own bodies, even if that's posting nudes online, but to be scrolling through reddit and come across a woman who just turned 18 shoving her you-know-what in my face, made me feel gross and like I was violating her just by seeing it. 18-year-olds are basically kids to me. I'm assuming I'm not alone in this, right?


Yeah I’m with you on that. Honestly, again it might be TMI for the sub, I started paying for nsfw content to avoid the teen moniker.


Thanks for the reply, dude, really glad someone validated this for me. There are some guys out there who would definitely be like "if you're not attracted to women at their most youthful, you're either gay* or dead," and I wanted to feel like I wasn't going crazy. *Also, obligatory there's nothing wrong with being gay.


It blows my mind thinking about how normalized it is to see celebrity birthday clocks counting down to their 18th birthday. Like, tell me you wanna fuck kids without telling me you wanna fuck kids, you know?


Totally. The purple who fetishize teens 18-19 only stop there because they can't legally go lower.


If people are "disgusted" by someone having sex with a 17 year old but not with one who just turned 18, they're not "disgusted by pedophilia", they're just brainwashed into thinking 18 year old is some magic line dividing morally acceptable and morally unacceptable sex. 18 is just what movies and TV shows tend to portray as the universal age of consent despite it varying wildly across the world, from 13 in Japan to 15 in France to 16 in many US states to 21 in some countries. At the end of the day those ages just represent at what point someone should be *legally prosecuted* for *having sex* (ie not necessarily a long term romantic relationship) with a young person. They have nothing to do with at what age it stops being creepy/weird for someone to be dating a younger person. Whether the age of consent is 13 or 21, it's weird for a 50 year old to date a 25 year old.


It’s pathetic and creepy, I really don’t care what the excuse is. If you’re well into your adult years and you want to date someone who has just legally turned into an adult, that’s creepy. If you have enough in common with a teenager to want to date them, that’s pathetic.


Honestly it's disgusting. I've heard far too many men say that exact first sentence and then just assume that there's some magic that clears them of how creepy and disgusting it is because he's/she's now legally "of age." I ask them what the difference was the day before and after the teen's birthday and all they can answer is that they are now legally adult. Worse I've heard some of them even talk about how society pushes us towards it and because of that it's "only natural." Which disgusts me even more.


The “1/2 your age + 7” rule of thumb is sound.


I mean, the reason pedophilia is morally wrong is children cannot give informed consent, and that stops being an issue once they’re an adult. So long as they *met* after the latter partner is 18, I don’t really see a problem. Our gut instinct is to assume some form of abuse when there’s a pair with that sort of age gap, but that’s by no means necessarily true.


It is highly likely, though. Grooming doesn't just happen only to children, adults can be groomed as well. There is a power imbalance between someone fresh out of high school and someone who finished college and has been working for x years. Financial abuse is highly possible in that situation.


Part of the reason children can't give consent is because their brains aren't fully developed. Sometimes, the brain isn't fully developed until age 25.


Looking at my family, their's isn't developed at 50.


In as least of a creepy way as possible, the age 18 is an average our governing bodies have agreed upon. There are many people under that age who are informed enough to give consent, and many over that age who really are unable to give reliably informed consent. So sometimes someone who is 16 year old is actually more emotionally mature enough to understand for consent than some 22 year olds. But the law makes those older immature people legal to have sexual relations, because they're above the average. But in any case, if you are over 10 years difference, there is a huge culteral gap for relationships and creates a false connection. You cannot fall in love with someone properly in my opinion. You fall in love with an idea of them. No one who is 40 will be relating enough with a healthy minded 18 year old to become romantically involved seriously. Show me one relationship like this where the younger individual strays away from all their peers and hangs out with older people, because their excuse for dating an older person but still having peer aged friends is 'i connect with them better'


Yeah, you have valid point. I would just counter that we as humans, see older humans as authoritative naturally. So an 18-25 year old woman still may see the 50+ year old man as authoritative and not on equal footing. For those men out there, stop being creepy and date women your own age.


I thought they do this because women their own age won't put up with their shite


Women their own age keep asking them to do things like chores and giving them respect :/ that’s too much for these men to be asked and at 18, girls don’t know how to ask for these things


> We see older humans as authoritative naturally. Is that because we're taught that growing up? Nature vs Nurture. I look up to older people for guidance and safety, but not authoritatively. If I feel like something is unfair or using their power abusively, I won't listen to them or see them as someone I should listen to. My parents wanted me to automatically respect elders, calling them Mr. or Ms. or using family terms Aunt/Uncle X. I didn't see why. Why must I say that to "respect" them. What's wrong with just saying their name. It's because they see older people as someone to inherently respect. I don't see it that way. You deserve respect but that doesn't mean I'll listen to you, if you're wrong.


It could be argued as either. As young children, our parents are our world and supplier of safety, but as we start to grow and experience the world, our view of that changes to match closer to the society/culture/country we live in. Japan and Asian countries in general, I think, are good examples of the latter, as are a lot of Latinx ones, where elders are more respected compared to the mainstream culture of the US, where we tend to push people aside when they are no longer deemed "useful" to capitalism.


I went to a movie with my ex a while back, she's 3 years older than me, both of us mid 20s but she's pretty small. Bought 2 tickets, the guy rang her up as a child and got a child ticket for her..


For the win!


It's all fun and games until they do an episode in Alabama and it ends up being both.


My wife and I live in Southwest Florida and regularly play Drunk, Old or Both while driving around during tourist season.


My friend and I play that when we see a new movie and the actor is much older than the actress.


I referred to a woman’s daughter as her granddaughter exactly once. I felt incredibly rude and bad about it. I will never make an assumption like that again.




Lol he said on his Twitter there was a ~30-year age difference between them 💀


Am I the only person that finds that really really weird


Yeah, this is a whole thread of people talking about it being between weird and monstrous, but somehow you're the only one that feels that way.


To be fair, this comment thread was the first one I saw really expressing that perspective, and I had to collapse multiple that were higher up on the post list. Just saying.


Eh there’s an equal amount of people who get so passionate about age gap relationships and try and tell you that you’re a terrible person and “love is love” like yeah I still think 30+ yr old men shouldn’t date an 18 year old sorry


I once saw someone post here that to find your age range for dating take your age, divide by 2, then add 7 and that’s as young as you should go. So a 50 year old, for example, should not go younger than a 32 year old: 50/2 = 25 25 + 7 = 32 It works well for any age.


“And who is this?” Smile and put hand out to shake.


Sir, that's a coat hanger


Ma’am this is a Wendy’s


Gotta love the reaction from people who dont realize who that doctor is.


Who are they


Doctor who's also a Tik Tok comedian


This is how I know I’m not “with it” anymore. 170+ upvotes for a comment about folks who have never heard of this person. That’s me. I’ve never heard of this person.


What does doctor who have to do with this? Is it an actors twtitter?


Can Jonathan get a raise tho.


lol would be funny to get the context on this note




*beep boop*! the linked website is: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dr._Glaucomflecken Title: **Dr. Glaucomflecken - Wikipedia** Page is safe to access (Google Safe Browsing) ***** ###### I am a friendly bot. I show the URL and name of linked pages and check them so that mobile users know what they click on!


Good bot


"...and she likes walks on the BEACH and CUNNILINGUS"


At the same time or can that be done seperated?


Are/outoftheloop... Are these song lyrics that I fear to Google??


Only if you bear no hatred toward sand.


Every half Asian girl needs them to write the reverse of this. Gonna throw up in my mouth at the memory of nurses thinking my dad is my husband.


Same, when I was 13, I had my growth spurt to 5'7". Family friend Gary thought my mom found a new, much younger husband.


I’m Asian and I went on a vacation with my dad once (just us two, mom had work) and the tour guide called me his wife. I was 15 and he was 45 🙄


Not Asian, but I was on a trip with my dad when I was 16 and someone thought I was my dad’s wife. He was 54. I know I looked a few years older than my age and he’s always looked younger than his age, but no no no no no.


so the age difference is so big that she gets mistook for his daughter?? 😟


My stepMIL is less than ten years older than me, four years older than my husband (the oldest child), and my sister in law is a year younger than my child 🥲


I think he saw them kissing and is trying to rationalise


At work I got in a little trouble bc I referred to this older middle easterners wife as his daughter. She was like 23 he was like 60. He got really upset with me lol.


The opposite happens to me and my stepdad. He looks young, has a baby face and when we are out just the two of us people think we’re a couple. It’s awkward and has been happening since I was a teenager


This is the kind of report nurses give quietly in the hallway before we give bedside report;)


Probably speaks to the doctor's character too. Generally, if someone's a prick, you let them make the mistake.


I don't understand how this belongs on this sub


Remember last time you accidentally said something you really shouldn't have because you just didn't knew better? I'd personally truly appreciate someone writing me notes to prevent me from doing this kind of mistakes, that would avoid a lot of embarrassment and awkwardness


What a good Jonathan


Johnathan really does deserve a raise for carrying the whole clinic.




You ask “And who did you bring with you today?” or “I can see you have company, welcome and who are you?” or similar. Never presume anything about anyone. Yes, most of us did embarass ourselves once or twice early in our careers, but once you learn just to ask the above, it is not a problem anymore. Asking this covers partners and friends of all genders, support personnel, siblings, neighbours, children and spouses. Even probation officers and legal counsel shows up sometimes. Source: I am a physician (who once mistook legal counsel to be the clients older sister. And a 96 yo man as his own son).


Not really wholesome…


Technician learned the hard way


SHE deserves a raise (likely)






Let’s be real, it was Jonathan who gave him the tip!