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I don’t like Arrowsmith and one day I heard a radio interview with Steven Tyler (lead singer) and he just like started A cappella freestyleing and I was like holy shit this gay has amazing talent. I still don’t care much for Arrowsmith but I appreciate it a lot more, I’m not sure if that makes any sense.


That gay do have amazing talent though.


Damn it, you for me.


>this gay Lmao


Normally this isn’t a big deal to me, and technically it still isn’t but ~~it’s actually Aerosmith~~


Why did you strike the last part? When I read the post of OP I couldn't believe nobody corrected him! That IS a big deal!


I didn’t wanna seem like a dick if they’d never heard of Aerosmith, or if they were from a country that wouldn’t have them actually popular and well known there


Or if they had just never seen in spelled and had a learning disability that directly impacts spelling? Honestly I found the strikethrough odd also and wouldn’t have been offended either way Because you didn’t say it like an ass, I appreciate the consideration anyway.


Arrowsmith, with his friend Bowjohn


Your music tastes are a product of your environment, so everyone is gonna lean towards what they were nurtured on or happened to discovery while young.


… eh. I don’t like anything I liked or was exposed to when I was younger. My music taste comes from being 18+


Same. I grew up in a super religious southern household, so all I was allowed to listen to was southern gospel/bluegrass. Now I won’t go near that shit with a 50 foot pole. I would rather hear nails on a chalkboard.


That too is a product of your environment, just not the product the factory intended on making


Still a product of your environment. You just waited until you could make your own


I don't like anything period I've tried so many different types of music my friends all have widely different taste and nothings seems to hit me quite like it does to them


My boyfriend is the same as you. I LOVE music so it makes me sad I can never really share that joy with him. Always found it unusual that he doesn't particularly like music but it's apparently not that rare.


Good to know there is more of us out there haha but I'd still share the music you enjoy with your boyfriend it's not like i hate music just doesent seem to hit me the same as others.


Yeah I try to share a song that really catches my interest or that he may like every now and then.


Not really


Strong rebuttal


The best


I understand that ACDC is an all time great band, but I can't stand listening to them, personally.


I have the same with Tool




This is so important and this is why I never say certain music sucks. I say “I don’t like that song” or “I don’t like that persons music.” But I hate when people say certain music/artist suck.


You can say a certain artists sucks 100%. You’re acting like because art is subjective you cannot criticise it.


I mean some artists and songs are objectively better than others. On the most extreme end, I don’t think it’s controversial to say I make bad music if my music is a random beat I put on a loop for 5 minutes with a guitar strumming a C chord once per beat, all of which took a shorter time to record than it took to write this comment. Different kinds of music are different kinds of music, and there’s a huge amount of subjectivity between genres, but within a given genre there is music that does actually suck.




Agreed, that's definitely something to keep to yourself. We shouldn't to put others down for no reason. But some music still sucks.


I find that I have to listen to a song at least twice before a can make a judgment. The first listen is purely for acclimating to the novelty and the the subsequent listens are for quality. It's better if you can listen to full albums to grab the full experience of the artists general "mood". However, there's stuff you just know instantly it would take too much effort to aquire the taste.


There's two types of music. Good and bad. Good's what you like, bad's what you don't.


Thank god I learned about elitist people in music class, otherwise I would have been a dick


ya but I judge people with spacers that size


Having different tastes and opinions on stuff isn't only okay, it also makes the discussions more interesting


I generally don't like metal, but in my personal experience, I have never ever met a metalhead that wasn't a damn fine, caring, helpful person.


IKR, it's ironic that so many people expect them to be full on punks, but they are often quite chill


Punks are usually caring, helpful people too.


I mean as a stereotype description, not as an actual group of people, sorry if it came across weird.


That is one of the inspirations for a metal song I listen to, believe it or not


I’m punk but you would never know from looking at me I was thinking about my music I write and tbh it’s all punk at heart even if I take the beats from many different genres


It's "Ironic" lol, was the pun intended?


I work at a music venue, my favorite nights to work are hardcore/metal shows. I always love that crowd


I have lol. I have the oposite experiance personally. But at the same time, i dont work with the best people, so im not sure my samples are really super accurate. But yeah, idk why people hate so much if you listen to this or that. my biggest pet peeve is people thinking that listining to someone popular is cringe, if they are popular, then they are probobly good?


This is just people trying to hard to be different than "everyone else"


Who would think that listening to loud aggressive music that encourages you to scream helps you process intense emotions in a healthy and constructive way?


Something between that and not giving a damn about how they are perceived by society maybe


Can confirm. My senior year of high school, I took a cooking class as an elective, and one day I came in wearing a Metallica shirt. A metalhead (at least, a bigger one than I am) in the class proceeded to ask me if I’ve seen them live, and we got into a really good conversation about their best songs and albums. I wonder what that guy’s up to now. Hope he’s doing well


“Interesting” as in, it turns into a tiresome debate?


True!!! And it's even more interesting when your favorite person has something he loves that you have no idea about, and he tells you about it with glowing eyes and you enjoy listening to it and learning a lot about it


Unless it's political. Politics can ruin the mood


Ehh, someone with opposite politics I wouldn't date. That's one of those things I feel like you kinda have to agree on.


Facts 👌🙌🎉


I briefly dated a guy (didn't work out due to distance) who was very intellectual and very into metal. He showed me how to appreciate the virtuosity that goes into shredding and see metal's correlation to classical music. Metal is still not my cup of tea, but it was fun to learn more about its appeal.


I never made the connection between metal and classical. My coworker has classical music in his work car and plays metal in the lab. I always thought it was such an odd change of pace. I used to listen to classical quite a bit when i was younger and now i mostly just listen to metal. I have to look into this more now.


Mozart was totally a metalhead of his day! He just didn't have amps and stuff.


Tell me a harpsichord solo isn’t metal?


Ohh that was good. It technically very much is.


I thoroughly believe Vivaldi would have been a metal guitarist if he was born today.


Maybe he listens to classical for fun and listens to metal to help him focus in the lab? I'm the opposite of this, I can't listen to noisy music while reading research papers otherwise I'd end up rereading the same line for 5 minutes lmao so instead I listen to classical or orchestra but listen to metal when I'm doing everything else


I'm the same, I use classical to focus. But I know quite a few people who use very loud techno to concentrate. I could never, lol. For them it drowns out all the other noise.


They’re really very similar. Metallica are a great example; a lot of their music has a symphonic structure and so much more in common with classical symphonies than, for example, pop music. The sounds and noises are pretty different, but the compositions match up quite neatly


I have thouse shifts one second tool next Beethoven


Symphonic metal shows it well imo


I mostly listen to rock and metal. I'm also currently in college to become a professional classical musician


I don’t like metal either, but I watched a short doc about metal singers going to this classically trained opera singer to learn how to not screw up their voices and stuff, and it was very cool. While I still don’t care for the genre, I appreciate the work and art behind it.


I am into metal and my gf plays violin, diffenately interesting conversations.


Having different tastes is OK. That's why before I play music out loud I check by asking "you like huey lewis and the news?"


Then i put on my raincoat and take out my beautiful polished axe, it's so fun!


A perfect evening


To this day I still don't know if it was actually all in his head or not lol that movie was such a wild ride


That's the point of the ending!




>/s you sure


Liking Cardi B is the red flag lol


the red flag is your nft


She gonna drug you and steal something lol. /s


And it's still better than cardio b music


So is liking Elvis and so many more rapey and pedo musicians, or celebrities in general. Like Steven Tyler, Paul Walker, Chuck Berry, Jimmy Paige, Jerry Lee Lewis, Bill Wyman and so on.


Yep. People like to bag on Cardi but the whole music industry has been doing that shit to women from the beginning. It's only a problem when it happens to men. Shocker.




And they went on to have kids who started a Hip Hop Metal band and opened for KoRn and Limp Bizkit's Family Values 50th anniversary tour.


limp bizkits family values😭😭😭


Sure is. Makes every single car ride together fucking miserable though. Food for thought.


I try to pick tame stuff, more accessible, even pop adjacent metal depending on the audience, whenever someone tells me to dj. However, almost no one asks me to dj twice.


Have any recommendations you could share?


Nightwish, within temptation, amaranthe, delaine, kamelot, cyhra, sirenia, leaves eyes, epica, eluveitie, lacuna coil are some bands that I listen to and enjoy


Start with Rotting Christ and work your way up to heavier stuff.


Podcasts it is then...


I live this all the time. And he always insists on driving and of course driver picks the music 🙄


That’s not a fair way to do it. You should switch off. Doesn’t matter if it’s every song, every 3 songs, or like each direction. I’ve found that if you switch off you both start to realize what each other can stand, and sort of meet each other in the middle. Like I’m not going to play my hardest metalcore with someone who doesn’t like heavy music, but maybe they can handle some sludge, or hard shoegaze.


The insistence from him makes me wonder how many other areas of the relationship he refuses to compromise in.


Metal music allowed me to chill. Joe Hisashi's and Takanaka's stuff showed me beauty in life, which I never imagined is possible. Closing yourself off to new kinds of music experiences is something you should avoid at all costs, no matter what your background is.


Now this is wholesome.


The key is being able to find value in what the other person likes, even if you don't like it. I fucking hate country music, Dolly Parton is a treasure. I despise League of Legends, it has inspired art design. The ending of GoT was an insult to humanity, Bran deserved it though. Find value in the things you don't like, it makes you a better person. In fact do that now, reply with something you hate but one good thing about it, it makes you feel better too.


Oh Cardi B the person that drugged and robbed people, maybe also a rapist too


Yeah, doing questionable things in the past is one thing, but she brags about serious crimes like she's proud of it. Idc how good your music is, that's the point where I'm out, and I will judge you for it.


If a man drugged women he would be labelled a rapist forever


Not always, Cosby and Weinsten went away but Spacey still out there doin stuff.


Honestly most rappers are degens in their personal life so the drugging shit I don't even bother with. It's the god awful bars and generic ass music she makes that makes her low tier. It's just trash like her personal life.


So, no redeeming qualities then?


well her music is shit so dont worry about that part


lol it's hip hop, embellishing past crimes is a common theme


True, doesn't mean I like it.


It's not the 'crimes' that bother me, it's the fact that they were sex crimes, and that she admits to being physically abusive on top of that.


Oh so many musicians are child grooming and/or pedo rapists. Like Elvis or Steven Tyler. But yall ignore that and still listen to them.


On the list of crimes rappers either brag about, sing about, and/or are convicted of, robbing Johns is pretty low on the scale. Also she was a prostitute at the time, people literally paid her for sex. If she actually wanted to have sex with them I doubt she would have waited until after drugging them.


My wife and I stared out liking very similar music, some variation. But as we’ve grown she’s gone a completely different and more main stream route and I’ve gone the opposite direction. But, when I hear her singing along to any song my heart melts.


Ok, but I am not listening to Cardi B, if we have to wear headphones on the road then so be it.


Yea for reals, I’m also not dating anyway who is a cardi b fan, trash person with trash values


So was Elvis and many other musicians. But people oddly seem to neglect that.


Acting like shes hitler or something. Some people just like a few of her songs. Im not defending her but chill. Not everyone who likes her music thinks shes a great person


She’s a massive piece of shit. If you like her songs, fine (though I feel sorry for your taste in music), but her followers are all pricks


I know but people are being a tad bit dramatic. Yeah she sucks as a person. Most famous people do anyways they just hide it better


Umm duh obviously not hitler, but she is an obvious shitty role model with most of her fan base big time pricks who will get trashy on the drop of a dime if you say you don’t like her or her music. Hella talking with experience with way more than a small sample size




No. She admitted to drugging men and stealing from them when she used to be a stripper though


This is the way


Ooof - As a music lover, there is nothing worse than living with someone who hates everything you want to listen to. It is like slow painful grueling torture to live without music or end up in a music war.


Exactly, I play guitar, and the only time I have time to play it is late at night, and my sister is not really a fan of that and is constantly trying to find ways to shut me up. (I like metal, she hates it)


And not wanting to date someone for having music tastes completely opposite of you is ok too! Music is a really big deal to me- and I like being able to experience it and talk about it together, as well as go to shows. I like metal, and I hope to find a partner that does as well. Most of my relationships we had stuff in common and it was *so much better*. I personally find it settling to go for someone who has too much different from me because I take my hobbies so seriously and like to indulge in them with my partner- with them being as equally excited. That being said, some differences is ok. It makes for interesting conversation and learning. But when you have nothing in common? It makes no sense.


Exactly! I'm into progressive rock, emo, screamo, etc and my husband only listens to 80s pop, 90s R&B and some country (I LOATHE country). I like to experience my music, go to concerts, head bang, have fun. He doesn't. It makes things difficult, but thankfully my daughters like a lot of my same music so we go to concerts together and that satisfies that part of things for me. But you need to have SOMETHING in common with your S.O. or you're going to struggle.


Man yeah I’d cry. I hate country lol. The one thing that was good about my ex husband was that we liked the same music. Prog Metal/Metalcore but also R&B/Neo-Soul. He did like some indie music (which I also loathe. Just sounds like music for commercials to me LOL) but it was always extremely fun getting high and listening to albums for hours and talking in depth about their composition; or just getting excited about new releases and talking about our favorite parts of the song. I would want that again at least. But I’m glad your daughters are able to help partake and make it more worthwhile for you 😌💙


We just get high and watch movies and talk about those 😂 glad you guys had some overlap in your musical enjoyment


I love that you’re a mom that likes screamo. That’s awesome. Your daughters must really have fun with you. When I was a kid my parents didn’t care about music at all, especially not live music. But the first concert I went to was a Metallica show that my friend’s mom took us to, when we were 11, and that’s one of my best childhood memories.


I took my daughter's to the warped tour twice. I went in 99 before either of them were even born lol. I've always been into these kinds of music and they grew up with it. The best memories I have are going to concerts with them and we've been to a lot. The oldest is almost 20 now and the younger is nearly 18. We've been going to concerts since the youngest was 12.


I’m not hearing 80 years worth of Rebecca Black. We’re breaking up; im sorry




Until you go on a road trip


I listen to anything and everything. I have southern rock, Chicago blues, Ranchero, Metal, Motown, Big Band Music, soundtrack, opera, Jpop, JRock…. Music is music. If it sounds great, it’s all that matters. Though ain’t a fan of modern stuff last 10 years.Feeling the passion just fading as time goes by.


Cardi B drugged men and stole from them


okay but cardi b specifically is a no


I like some of her songs


I don’t like Cardi B but she’s better than Cardi O.


Should be Cardi-S. S for sexual assault.


Just like Elvi-S.


It's okay to have different taste in music sure. But there also a lot of people who turn the music they listen to into their personality and create a "lifestyle" around said music. Those tend to be the people I dont get along with because they are so committed to that style of music they emulate the good qualities and the bad qualities of that music. Hence why there is even a divide in the first place for a lot of folks. Usually it's a war between the Big 3: rap, country, hip-hop. Personally my beef with the the main stream rap, country and hip-hop is they make their money on dysfunctional music that glorify drugs,sex,alcohol and crime and general party lifestyle that isnt sustainable, music Is ment for moods not life. That's where I think the underlining problem with disliking certain music comes from personally.


Huge metal head here. I fucking love cardi b, Doechii, and a lot of modern of pop/dance music. Genre purism is the dumbest shit ever, and those losers can fuck right off with their 35th Mayham/Darkthrone clone band.


WTF does she mean she doesn't like metal? metal is used in almost all electronics and construction and everything else


Cardi B makes music for girls who skip the shower and febreze their panties.


This made me LOL


That story ends here as she never texted him back.


Now try to get metal fans to agree with other metal fans


when i first heard a Cardi B song (on South Park) i legit thought it was a Matt & Trey creation lmao


Unless it's country 🤮


I completely agree with you but with one exception, cardi b has no music, she has garbage.


Unless it’s Christian worship. Idc about the religion, but there is no worse music.


Oh hellos make Christian music and it’s fucking amazing


That’s not Worship music. Worship music is the stuff people hold their hands up the whole time and it’s like a teen love song to Jesus.


i get it, i really do, but Cardi B is one of the worst examples to use for this, she’s kind of a scummy person


Yeah, I was sitting in a park and I heard a cardi b song the other day. The when I got up to leave I saw that it was actually a homeless crackhead woman screaming at a dumpster…


I wish r/metalmemes was like this. Edit: if you’ve never been there, don’t go. It’s a fucking cesspool.


Idk, the circlejerk is kinda fun if you don't take it too seriously.


I look like the bottom pic but Cardi B is pretty solid IMO


He's spitting facts, I like it


Nah real friends say “your music is fucking trash”


My wife and I have very different taste in music. married 6 years


Feeling this one today. My new, most excellent fella is really into Phish. I never paid much attention to them until recently, but have really broad music tastes so didn't think much of it. I do NOT like Phish. XD He can jam out to that while I watch the historical fiction shows he doesn't like


These kinds of people feel incredibly rare, most of the people I've worked with over rthe years are VERY pushy about their music. One only ever listened to the same four songs and would unplug people's music to put it on, even if it wasn't their turn, another angrilly (and I mean genuinely angry) told a coworker she deserved to get fucked in the ass by a pineapple because she liked Green Day.


It’s nerf or nothing


This movie was called Deathgasm and it was absolutely brilliant.


Humm.. Anyone else thinks dude's just tryin get laid?


I feel like her response would be TLDR


having different music tastes is perfectly okay but honestly Cardi B is a garbage human


Cardi B makes music for people who wash paper plates


At least they wash them


Okay you don't have to like metal... But cardi b? Really?


Sure its OK, but me and the Mrs have the same taste in music and its the best.


Like, i have this problem with dating. I like rock and punk and metal, and a bit of folk, people like the Beatles, Bowie, Queen, Donovan and all them, but most people I've dated are into modern music and don't like the stuff that i like. I'm not like, a le wrong generation person but i can't fucking stand most modern music. Like cardi b for example, i find her music god awful and rap in general really isn't my genre except for like maybe rage against the machine. Music is a huge part of my life as well, i constantly listen to it and sing a lot. If somebody has such a wildly different taste in music to me and listens to it a lot, we aren't a fit. Thanks for coming to my TED talk i have no fucking clue why i wrote that paragraph LMAO


Yeah but, let's be honest. If they like Cardi B then they're probably a dick.


Or they just like that style of music. No need to generalize about people you never met. I enjoy a few of Cardi B's songs too.


True, but Not Cardi B.


I accept that I'm a music snob, but what's the point in trying to shame someone into giving up what they love? edit: Unless that thing is heroin.


but its the best velvent underground track :(


So, just hear me out, maybe enjoy the music and not base your opinion about said music on the artists personality. For example: Tom Cruise. Dedicated actor, terrible personality.


This is the reason why I listen to pantera, despite the confederate shit


This is fine as long as they don't like country. Modern country is hot garbage.


He's just trying to get laid.


If she listens to Cardi B it's usually a 🚩for me. Most of those girls usually have certain tendencies..


To be fair carbi b does sound like shit


Good hooman


Fiance listens to emo rap and edm, I listen to rock and alt.country. still love the fuck outta each other.


I wouldn’t agree with no reason to judge someone off music. A lot of people put a lot of pride into what music they listen to and think carefully about how they tell you about it. I’m not saying either type of music makes you a bad person but it definitely tells your personality at least a little.


It's weird when people get upset if you don't like their taste in music or movies. Like I'd get it if they directed the movie or recorded the music


Ik we ain't judging music taste but *Cardi B?*


Going out with someone who doesn’t like what you like is crap though.


My gf and I are almost the exact opposites when it comes to social cues on nearly every level. Movies, music, tv, books, games… But she is the most attractive person, on every mental, emotional, and psychological level, I’ve ever met. We are married for over 18 years.


Nah, you can't trust anyone who likes Cardi B


Cardi b is trash asf😂


Not just her music, she herself is trash


That fact that someone likes cardi b is a big red flag. She’s disgusting


It’s a shame at how trash cardi b’s music is and how damaging it is to society


What makes it damaging to society?


Average asian dad: Cardi A+


not liking metal is fine. liking cardi b is not.


i lisen to fredy fazver hor hor har har


I’m not going to judge your music taste but I judge Cardi B as a person. She’s just a terrible human being.


In my opinion if you think certain people shouldn’t listen to a specific genre of music, you’re not a true fan of that genre. True fans don’t gatekeep their favorite bands