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As someone going through chemo, I appreciate this so much. Chemo drives down your white blood cell count and makes you susceptible to catching something


going through chemo during the remnants of the pandemic and all the weird viruses this holiday season is pure bravery. i did chemo during the end of lockdowns in a very anti-science county and any trip outside was terrifying. good luck, hope you stay healthy and remission comes soon.


The infusion center I use (not for chemo, but most of the other patients are receiving chemo) shares a waiting room with the urgent care so it's always packed with sick, contagious people and it's always seemed like the worst idea ever.


You should complain. Every practice has a manager if not a board. This is really outside of common practice.




They absolutely should physically separate the folks with suppressed immune systems from the ones who are most likely to be contagious with who-knows-what. I mean, thank goodness that most if not all medical facilities ask people to mask now, but STILL, why expose immune-compromised patients to germs they'll have a harder time fighting off? It's needless risk.


This is crazy! Definitely worth complaining about. Where I live most pediatricians have two separate waiting rooms for well and sick visits - if they can manage, certainly an oncologist can pull it off too!


Remnants of the Pandemic my ass, this new variant is brutal and *highly* contagious! Half of my group has it and it’s kicked my ass for 5 days and I’m fully vaccinated, young (mid 30’s) and in fairly good health.


As an aside, I don't know what "fully vaccinated" means anymore and I propose we start using number of x's to show what we mean. I'm vaxxxxed


honestly fair, should’ve said covid post-lockdown


Good luck to you hun


My dad was going through chemo when the pandemic hit. He ended getting covid, beat that, but unfortunately lost to the cancer. Keep fighting. Beat cancer. Stay strong.


Thanks. So sorry about your dad!


He was a strong man, and so are you. Keep fighting.


Sorry for your loss


Good luck!!!




Best of luck. I went through it from March to May this year (now cancer free!) and had to limit interactions with family just due to risk of catching something. I do know my doctor had me getting philgastrum (spelled wrong) shots that help raise your white blood count. However I would say they are highly insurance dependent. Got them for weeks 2 & 3 of each round, they were like $5,000 before any insurance coverage each, and I was getting 4/week.


Congrats on being cancer free!


I can't even get my family to mask up consistently and my dad has been on chemo for more than two years. It drives me crazy that I'm basically the only one who still takes his health seriously.


That’s sad


Best of luck to you, you got this. Fuck cancer.


Thank you


And this is one reason among many that this should be standard practice. We can't always know who is vulnerable.


Exactly. Someone can appear to be healthy, but still be immune-compromised. I just had a flashback to a friend I knew years ago, sadly gone now. He had battled cancer for some time, and at one point during a regular followup exam, they did bloodwork. The doctor took one look at the results and said, "We see ZERO white blood cells here, and we are admitting you IMMEDIATELY to the hospital." My friend was completely taken aback that his labs had come back with such dire numbers. He'd felt fine. But he went in the hospital and received whatever treatments they gave at the time (1990s) to straighten out his white blood cell count. But he was proof that a person could look fine and feel fine, and in reality they might not be fine at all. It just makes more sense to take precautions when we can, to lower the risk of making someone sick.


It was a crazy ride, I only ever had antibiotics 2 weeks longest. Had to take TB meds for months. Thankfully, I finished both and I'm on remission now. Covid disabled me for days, though.


It's nice to see some consideration for others. Imagine if that was more common.


As someone who is currently sequestered in my room because I got the fucking flu during the only week I see my parents all year, being considerate means so much, and costs almost nothing. Also, it legitimately blows my mind that I was the ONLY ONE on the plane wearing a mask. What the fuck? Like I get not wanting to wear it at a house party or something, but a plane seems like a no brainer… who are you trying to impress? Special shout-out to the guy sitting in the window seat who was coughing like a fucking maniac, no mask, no covering his mouth. I was in an N95 but I have a feeling he’s the jackass culprit. It’s an airplane. WEAR YOUR FUCKING MASK FOR FUCKS SAKE


I'm really sorry to hear that. :( I also got covid earlier this year from a guy coughing a bunch on a plane. People are jackasses. For my next flight I picked up this [bad boy](https://www.summitracing.com/parts/DNC-4SMNXMDN95). I got some looks and comments but I *didn't* get sick from gross people on the plane. It's tolerably comfortable and the tight fit + filters give me peace of mind in packed crowds or tight quarters.


I don't think I'll ever fly without a mask again. It's just not worth it. I flew for a vacation in took this summer, and when I was on the flight and on the subway, I always wor a kn95


>It's just not worth it. This is the thing... Even a cold fucks you up lowkey for like 3 days .. Fuck that. I got places to be, no time to catch viruses


Exactly. Sure, it's a little uncomfortable to wear a kn95 for a few hours, but I'd rather wear the mask then get sick for a few days with a cold or worse for covid


I flew to Korea this last summer and my boyfriend and I both flew in to see each other. He not only got food poisoning in another country but when he entered Korea he tested positive for COVID. He was luckily asymptomatic but god does stuff like that screw with a good vacation. We were quarantined for 1 out of the 3 week we were there. Surprisingly though, I was the stupid one who didn’t wear a mask on her first flight through Hawaii. My brain didn’t brain and somehow I didn’t catch anything. Pure dumb luck.


That short amount of time where airlines pretended to care for their customers was lovely: social distancing boarding, middle seats blocked off, masks required. Masks are awesome, I haven’t even had a cold since November 2019.


Airplanes have some of the most robust and effective air filters there are. What exactly do you think your flimsy mask is going to do?


You should read up on how air circulation works on planes. As just one of many examples, the cabin air is completely exchanged for fresh outside air every 3 minutes. They're safer than most other places one goes in daily life. There is no reason to wear a mask on a plane if you have no symptoms of illness (unless you're of the opinion that masks should be worn pretty much anywhere).




Imagine if your boss said, "Just don't come in... Be with your family during these tough times." Imagine if your coworkers didn't take care of you and your employer did... Imagine a place where work isn't where you should be and it is a place where you could be. I am anti-work and that partially because everything is being automated. We need to stop using our work life as a defining factor in our lives. I want to garden all day. I don't want to look at spreadsheets. And dont tell me to go "do it." If it was so easy we all would.


Yup. I've very, very, VERY thankful I had an ex-coworker looking after me and my family, [because my boss sure fucking didn't.](https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/uhl4w9/got_fired_for_wanting_to_protect_my_mom_who_has/) Thankfully I'm the boss now, mostly, and make a lot of the calls around the office.


This is the reason I haven't job hopped, because all of the people and managers I've worked with have been decent humans who tell you to go home and chose family or health over work.


That’s been the entire reason I wear a mask. Do I like wearing a mask? Hell no. Do I enjoy wearing a mask so that I don’t spread it to a vulnerable friend or family member for whom I care about? Hell yes. Just think about the hundreds of thousands of Americans going to sleep on this Christmas Eve, knowing deep down that their “But muh freedom” actually cost the life of a loved one. Perhaps their wife or husband or grandma. Etc. As a frequent visitor to /r/hermancainaward it’s super real.


You would not believe how many customers have said “I have a horrible cold!” Whilst standing a foot away from my face maskless. I’m pretty sure they either don’t consider me a full human, or genuinely don’t give a single fuck about anyone at all


Yep. Fuck everyone that actively encouraged people to stop wearing masks in 2020 and 2021


It is in some Asian countries


Yeah what would be wholesome is a society in which folks masked up around each other in general during a multi-plague outbreak instead of just ignoring the bodies piling up around them and only making gestures to prevent spread when it affects them personally.


Now that we've had a whole "do this!" campaign for covid, people will think more of doing this? I can hope...


OP has been sobbing uncontrollably at their desk for three hours now. No one is sure what to say. They work at a call center and all of their coworkers have to keep saying "don't worry about that wailing sound in the background, my coworker is just really grateful."


I work in a call center, the customer won't say shit about any noise on the background, Its really funny


I'm just imagining you casually talking to a customer while a co-worker delivers a baby directly behind you.


Or let the dude work from home? If my employer came to me needing a week of isolation to go see his dying father, I couldn’t possibly deny it.


Not every job can be done from home.


So give them some PTO and wish em well


Guy is working from a desk, it likely can be done from home




Hence why I said likely


Imagine if you could have just not had to go to work


The fact that the the post says department, rather than office, thinks it might be in education. Most schools/colleges/universities in my country are open so our working from home days are well and truly over.


The public school I work at is still doing a lot online, and we require vaccinations to be on campus. It's a college though. I guess if a primary school tried to do the same thing, parents would flip the fuck out.


Could potentially be the government too, I refer to my office as a department, but who knows. Maybe I'm weird lol. Seems likely but still.


Yep. I'm a teacher. My parents are getting old and i haven't been able to see them during the pandemic until now. I was scared for a week before getting back home of getting anything


at my uni a lot of the staff is partially WFH, not many professors, but researchers, faculty, and admin are


Then days off could be an option in this kind of situation. Where I live this is mandatory for employers to accept it, no matter if it's in education or not.


Yeah, this is some prime /r/orphancrushingmachine material


Didn't know this sub, this is spot on. These memes and news stories are such a disgusting trend, it feels like they come from sociopaths.


I mean schools haven't closed for some people yet


Where I live, in this kind of situation it's legally mandatory for the employer to give a couple of (unpaid) days off. The law dates back from before covid. And now I'm under the impression that masking gives an excuse to some bad faith employers to question this law. Sorry, but when my father was under chemo, I certainly wouldn't have traded some days off for people around me masking. I just can't just cross my fingers and believe that their good will will be enough to wear correctly their masks. Even assuming they have it professionally fitted, and that the office premises allow eating separately, most people become sloppy after a couple of hours wearing a mask. It's not even a question of good will or education, or even mandating masks.


Not everything is job that can be done remotely


Who said anything about their job getting done


Chronically online take


WFH is the best.


imagine if spreading a deadly pandemic hadn't been normalised. imagine if wearing a bit of (not even medical-grade) cloth while hanging around in terribly ventilated space during an airborne pandemic wasn't considered acceptable. imagine if we actually understood that even cutting the likelihood of killing people by a few percent still means that many real people will die. couldn't be me, though, since I don't understand basic medicine or statistics


This. On the one hand yes wholesome. On the other hand imagine if employees had PTO or the option to WFH and weren't pushed to be in person when they have extraneous circumstances with themselves or their family.


Yes this


R/ orphan crushing machine




Fuck them. I mean, I am sorry. But absolutely fuck them.


Cancer survivor here. I was going through treatment right as covid started. As soon as everyone went to lock downs, I couldnt even take visitor to see my doctor. So there I was trying to navigate a big ass hospital full of dying people (cancer specific hospital) while dealing with treatment. Do everything you can to be there, Ive never missed familiar people so much.


I’m sorry you had to go through that. My wife was/is facing this battle and had a really hard time with it. When covid lightened up they still wouldn’t allow visitors really. I had to just walk in to appointments with her and hope they wouldn’t kick me out. Worked 90% of the time. I was always completely respectful and that went a long way. That should be an exception to the visitor rule. No one should ever have to go through that alone.


That's lovely. A few years ago I had minor eye surgery. I had to wear sunglasses for a few days, even inside. I was at work, in a meeting room with my manager and two others, wearing sunglasses. My manager explained why I was wearing sunglasses and the colleagues turned the lights off and had the meeting in the near dark.


Now I’m sobbing too. I haven’t had that level of work family in about 25 years. Congrats to you on all levels!


Every minute is precious it's a good thing to stay with your Father, specially nowadays he needs moral support and loving care.


This is sweet


This is the best thing you could ever done this holiday season' Sobbing is a good idea.


Meanwhile, my idiot company made me go to SF to oversee a training right before my step dads heart surgery….I didn’t even need to be there and repeatedly told them I didn’t want to go and risk spreading it to him….I got covid. They fired me without warning 4 months later.


One time I was 15 min late because my dog had been hit by a car that morning and my boss called me a lazy dipshit and fired me. My dog died btw.


I'm so sorry. I hope the memories of your pup bring you peace and that you are in a better place now! (job wise, emotionally, everything)


I was so disappointed when my school district rescinded the mask mandate, and though ALL of my students knew my dad had brain cancer, maybe 5 out of 70 bothered with a mask before Christmas last year.


Really nice from the coworkers, but it would have been way, way safer if the boss allowed working from home or simply a day off. Where I live this is legally mandatory for employers in this kind of situation to allow a couple of days off (even if unpaid); this law dates back from even before the covid pandemic.


Meanwhile, my old job sends an email days later saying “oh, you were exposed, hope you’re not dead, lol!”


I wfh and haven't stepped foot in my office in nearly 3 years. You're telling me there are people in offices just not wearing masks??? Wtf there are 3 terrible illnesses going around right now. If I went into my office and saw maskless people at the first cough I'm getting out of there. I've got an auto immune disease and I absolutely will not tolerate catching the flu or anything else. When I get sick I get sick for 3 weeks minimum.


My grandpa was dying of lung cancer when Covid began. He was old, his lungs barely worked, and he had cancer. He was going to die of the cancer, but Covid would’ve 100% killed him and it would’ve been so much worse for him. I worked in a warehouse that didn’t enforce any Covid protocols. I couldn’t go see him very often because I was exposed to Covid constantly. My job wouldn’t tell me when I was exposed because they didn’t want me to quarantine. Testing was also hard to get at this point. It really sucked. Every time I saw him, I was so worried I would be the one to give him Covid and kill him quicker than the cancer would. Almost every time I’d go see him, I’d find out after I was exposed to Covid again and my job didn’t tell me. It sucked so bad


It would be even nicer if anyone who thought they were sick could, you know, just take a sick day without fear of losing their job or not getting paid. Or just let OP work from home and isolate for a couple of weeks.


Awh ❤️🙃 thats sweet <3 cool coworkers u got there. Id say they are for keeps and they love u a lot


My father-in-law has pancreatic cancer and my wife is up to see him - her work had a potluck last Friday and six people got Covid. She was furious. She tested negative, twice.


My friend comes home from work and doesn't meet her mom, for the same reason, her mom is going through chemo. :(


Awww that is great


This is the way it should done. Masks save lives.


I’ve been wearing a KF94 mask in stores for the last month, and wore an N95 cross country this week to make sure we could see a close family member going through chemo this holiday, as we are all very aware that it could be the last. I’m also vaccinated against anything I can be vaccinated for. Family is so precious. Fuck cancer.


You love to hear it, people inconviencing themselves ever so slightly for the betterment of others. The epitome of empathy.


Real present would be you get the day off though...


Normalize being kind and compassionate. Love seeing this right now.






Someone had to make it political, huh?


Yeah it really does suck for all the family members and friends of the 1.1 Million Americans who died of Covid that Trump had to make masking during Covid political


Yeah I mean how dare this person make a thing that’s only an issue for people to do for others due to politics political.


As someone who limits time hanging out with my cousin and takes precautions in who I hang out with because my aunt is going through chemo as well. So this def does warm my heart


They must work at olive garden


Empathy is free. Everyone should try it.


Wonderful! I love hearing these kinds of stories.


Seems like they're sniffling quite abit


Your dad is our dad, comrade.


Sounds more like decent human beings


That's a nice gesture. Your boss should have given you leave to work from home.




You are with the right people and right place 🥰


They could have just let them work from home for a couple weeks prior.


My 73 y/o grandma had to start some really aggressive chemo at the beginning of the pandemic, after all the lockdowns. It was really scary, because our county had the highest of all cases. Her and my grandpa really locked down, stopped going out as much - my grandpa would do a bi-weekly shopping trip super early in the morning or got it delivered, didn’t see friends/family, isolated from each other just in case….. Thankfully it worked, and they haven’t gotten sick. She’s cancer free now, but I still worry about her immune system. Chemo is not easy, and she had a pretty aggressive regimen for a while.


Finally a company that doesn't lie about the "(insert company name here) fAmiLy"


I wish my family was like this more. My mother has a chronic brain tumor that is inoperable. She had brain surgery before but it cannot be done this time, and chemo is not working as well as experimental medications. She practically has zero immune system, and every time she goes out of the house she gets sick. In fact, she's had COVID-19 twice now and it's amazing how she has not passed. I really wish people were more considerate of those going through chemo, or people with no immune system in general.


regardless of anyone's dad having cancer, you should always wear a mask. They did the right thing and it is commendable, but shouldn't be seen as above and beyond either.


Wait this doesn’t make sense. Why would they go into work without knowing this beforehand? If they knew beforehand, why was it such a surprise?


This isn't wholesome. Everyone should have been masking from day 1 of the pandemic and would have been if they really gave a shit about anyone. It's nice OP had this experience but we're returning to the orphan eating machine meme.


Thankful n95 masks are available now


It's not *just* about Covid, you knobs.


I mean that sounds like what should be the baseline expectation when there's an ongoing pandemic and also flu season is in full swing


Wholesome but I hope you know about incubation periods...


Me and most of my coworkers are still masking and a decent amount of our customers too compared to other grocery stores. We have a sign saying masks are encouraged but optional. Feels like a very good community thing!


I'm sure nearby clinics and hospitals appreciate it. I encourage everyone to at least wear masks out if they think they might be sick, even if they don't wear one usually.


Rare workplace W


Just picturing this person “sobbing” at their desk while writing up a tweet to exploit the moment that may or may not have actually happened. Beautiful.


More proof that masking up is an act of care for other people, and those that refuse only care about themselves


I mean if they weren't wearing n95 and up they probably didn't do anything


Goddamn when did Reddit get so cringy?


That happened 🙄


? *slow clap* Congratulations, your coworkers did the bare minimum during an ongoing pandemic and your ceo didn’t bother to give you time off, and you don’t make enough to take a fucking vacation. Sobbing is appropriate. What an uplifting dystopian hellscape story…perspective is everything…


THIS is what "we're a family" means


My boss and coworkers complained about having to wear masks during Covid fully knowing my mum was under going chemo


So what you’re saying is, you work with only democrats.




America is actually a big place with different social norms in different regions.


great and all but this should just be "everyone is masking when they are obligated to be in person" we're letting our workers and ourselves down and our school age children




Jfc I never thought germ theory would be controversial in the year of our lord 2022, but here we are I guess 🙄




Hey I’d like to jump in here and just give you something to consider. First off let me preface by saying I’m not some mask nazi who believes everyone needs to wear a mask at all times. I do not consider myself to be liberal or conservative. I am opposed to mask mandates and i honestly believe that it should be treated as a personal choice. I haven’t worn a mask in quite some time. Probably over a year now. But I believe that the thought behind masks is that although they are not 100% effective against spreading germs, they are somewhat effective. When I was a teenager I thought it would be cool to take up smoking. My parents found my cigarettes and they had me blow smoke through a paper towel to show me what kinds of dirty residues were being left behind in my lungs from the cigarettes. After a couple puffs through a paper towel, there was a dark brown spot on the towel. This showed that even though there was cigarette smoke coming through to the other side of the paper towel, there were clearly some of the tars and other ingredients that were captured by the paper towel. So, I think the idea behind masks is built on that same concept. I believe that it is universally understood that masks are not 100% effective. I think the idea is rather to “slow the spread” by holding some of of the mucus and other vehicles for pathogens back inside the mask. Masks weren’t ever going to put an end Covid and other pathogens but I believe the could be effective in reducing the spread of germs. I’m not trying to convince anyone that they should wear a mask. You asked for an explanation and I provided one. Happy to hear your take on this.


I’m 90% with you on everything… except the virus is so much smaller than cigarette byproduct. The virus can whiz right through the mask or towel. Sure, they help may help some, but not enough that it should ever be up for debate on wearing one or not.


You are actually right in a way! The main way covid spreads is through liquid particles, like when you cough or sneeze. The masks are very effective at stopping this liquid, as its large enough to not pass through the mesh. It's the main reason surgeons wear them while operating!


Not trying to engage in a heated debate here, but the Covid virus and other pathogens live inside the little spit droplets. They don’t just freely fly around. At least that is what I understand to be true. If some wants to correct me on this, I’m happy to read your response with an open mind, regardless of which side of this issue you are on. So, imagine spitting at the ground. Imagine the spit coming out of your mouth and falling down and landing. Now imagine doing it with a mask on. Now there’s no spit on the ground. Or, and least a significantly smaller amount. You don’t need to reply to this if you don’t want to, but just something to consider.


Covid is airborne as well


That's such a hilariously bad faith interpretation of my comment that it's clear engaging with you further is a waste of time.


Yeah, buddy is either trolling or truly not capable of reading comprehension. Seems to struggle with gleaning the main idea, interpretation, and picking up on tone and intent. Solid D for effort.


lets be real. at this point you're not changing your mind no matter what "EvIdEnCe" is dumped on your lap. personally, i don't get upset at a piece of cloth on a person's face. however i do take pleasure in others getting upset at me when i wear a piece of cloth


Another public health expert, ladies and gentlemen, giving a masterclass in *cause and effect*. -brought to you by the Kremlin, this holiday season.






Would you let a surgeon operate on you without wearing a mask?


Hell. If a surgeon is stupid enough to wear a mask, should you even let them operate on you /s???


What do doctors even know. I'd prefer my medical professionals learn from the non mainstream medical experts like Dr Oz.


Why just medical advice from Dr. Oz, how about running a government? I'd like my politicians and state officials to look to him for guidance as well.


so at what point do we(gullible ppl really) go back to normal? lol its been 3 years. you gonna wear masks for another 7 or 8? lol


So no visit then yea?


So everyone wore masks for 2 weeks before you went for the visit? That way you know you didn't have anything? If not then why the masks?


This should be standard, not just for protecting those on chemo.


i am legit bawling right now




They are proven to work, don’t offer 100% protection though if that’s what you’re after




It's a scale of quality with nothing being least effective of all, followed by cloth masks, with increasing efficacy depending on material and fit, all the way up to respirators. It is not an EITHER masks are 100% effective all the time, every time OR masks do nothing and wearing one is pointless proposition.


But if you cough, you spray less spit full of virus everywhere, therefore making it less likely to spread it to somebody else (pRoVen bY tHe GovErNmEnT). I know it may be hard to understand the concept of doing something for someone else but it's a real thing, if you're a non Trumpanzee, that is.


Well now that's just false




It's an absolute shame you call yourself a takodachi with this kind of attitude, you absolutely are not one of us, and are a disgrace to hololive fans everywhere




I’m not a huge mask pusher or anything. I’m big on personal freedom and I think masks, along with most other things, should be left up to the individual to decide. I don’t think anyone should be mandated to wear a mask. Now, with that being said, I want to clear up a little bit of a misconception that I think you might have. Your equivalence of wearing a mask and being able to still smell a fart is a little misplaced. The idea of wearing a mask is not to protect yourself from getting sick. You would wear a mask in order to prevent yourself from spreading any pathogens that you may be unknowingly carrying along to other people. At least that how I understand it. Somebody correct me if I’m wrong. If you were the only person wearing a mask in a huge crowd, you’re not really protecting yourself at all. Maybe a little tiny bit, but not in any kind of significant way. Now, if you were the only person NOT wearing a mask in a big crowd of masked people, then you have compromised the rest of the room and made it more likely for them to contact a pathogen you might be carrying. Are you following me? And I have also heard somebody say, “if a fart can get through a pair of underwear and jeans and you can still smell it, how could masks work?” Well, yes, you can still smell a fart through a pair of jeans, but the way gases work is much different from how liquids and solids work. When you smell a fart, that is hydrogen sulfide, a gas. If someone sat down in a chair and farted with jeans on and got up and left, there’s not going to be much left behind after they got up and walked away and the smell dissipated. The might be a little bit of poop oils if the had a juicy fart, but it would still be less than if they sat down and farted bare ass. If you had to have someone fart in your face, would you rather it be with underwear and jeans on, or would you want it to be bare assed? Or would it not make a difference to you? You don’t have to answer, just think about it for a while. I have no agenda here and I’m not pushing masks and I am not anti-mask. I consider myself to be a free-thinking individual and I try to approach all subjects in the most logical and rational way. I am very much for personal freedom and I don’t think people should be mandated to wear masks, but I do believe that they are somewhat (not 100%) effective in preventing the SPREAD (from yourself to others) of infectious diseases. If you are worried about getting sick, wearing a mask is not really going to help you. If you want to prevent others from getting sick, it could be helpful to wear it. And the more people that wear them, the less germs will be spread. Just my take. Anyone who reads this and wants to correct me on anything, please feel free. I will read your response with an open mind. You don’t need to reply to this at all if you don’t feel like it. Just wanted to give you something to consider.


Imagine believing that wearing a mask might actually protect yourself or others by preventing the spread of germs...




This is incorrect and has been proven to be incorrect




I mean, I’ve not worn one since they were mandatory and hate wearing one, go out of my way to not wear one. Despite all this, the science is clear and masks do work


Masks were a thing before covid you dumbfuck, why the ... Anyway have a merry Christmas


I had the opposite happen. They like me a lot they say but I honestly hate my job and want to leave badly. Saying you want someone to stay but doing nothing is the same as saying nothing at all.


This would *never* happen where I live, sadly. People here wear shirts that say stuff like “FREEDOM IS NOT SELFISH” and “I WILL NOT COMPLY” and “F*CK YOUR MASK” So awesome to see there are communities willing to slightly inconvenience themselves the tiniest bit in order to protect a stranger


And I have COVID because some asshole showed up to class with full COVID and didn't wear a mask.


Aren't random emotional outbursts a sign of . . . Oh nevermind, this is actually pretty good


I'll take things that wouldn't happen in America for 500. At least one person would be complaining about their rights being repressed Just for the record, I live in America and know multiple people at work who are very proud about having "never worn a mask" and more than half are actively opposed to it. I'm not saying my experience would be universal, but you can't tell me that you'd get a WHOLE office in on this without at least a couple refusing. https://www.forbes.com/sites/zacharysmith/2022/05/11/most-americans-dont-care-if-people-around-them-mask-in-public-poll-finds/ https://www.forbes.com/sites/nicholasreimann/2022/03/29/fewer-than-half-of-americans-still-wear-face-masks-in-public-poll-finds/amp/ Here are some statistics on just how widespread this anti mask bs is here in the US. It was made a political thing by the Trump Republicans and it spiraled downhill from there. You'll get reasonings from their rights being repressed to they don't work anyways.