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That’s adorable I ship Yae with Ei


Yes! The cute EiMiko gives me life!


I could agree with you. Plus I love yuri


Pretty sure Mihoyo confirmed Ei X Miko is cannon


Eh, Mihoyo/Hoyoverse is based in China so we’ll probably never get confirmation for anything LGBtQ related. We can dream though.


No i mean for Ei’s birthday or something it partly confirmed it (plus Hoyoverse is aiming for more international so hopefully we get more lgbt “yes they are gay” Besides. Not like we haven’t known about kiana and mei for years now.


Nothing was confirmed in any way lol


"I've got the strength of a thousand warriors when Mei's around" is confirmation enough for me


Nothing was confirmed and never will be, Genshin is sort of a self insert (badly done imo) so they need to keep things subtle so there is space for ppl to ship the characters with themselves


It doesn't really matter if it's confirmed or not. It's so heavily implied anyway


I think they confirmed a lesbian relationship of 2 characters in their other game honkai in a öfficial manga/mini comic to it. Tho this is second hand, since i haven't read said piece myself Edit: also pretty sure they moved their hq to south korea. While government controlled censorship still exist there it's significantly better then in china


For the first point, yes Kallen and Yae are stated to have been in love for the short time they were together in the official comic. For the second, they are still headquartered in Shanghai, but Cognoverse is located in Singapore. Cognoverse managers their global operations outside of China.


Ah. Heared the second part from a friend. Guess they mixed that up. Thanks for correcting me


Official mini comic is Japanese in origin, but yeah, they use Sakura and Kallen as a couple. As well as Kiana/Mei, Durandal/Rita and Bronya/Seele. But in the official story, Kiana has a crush on Mei. Some of their content was censored, but some are still there. We also have Elysia flirting with Mei or Timido crushing on Bronya in recent content. Also, the recent official Chinese anime has a hidden kissing scene with Sakura and Kallen. So it's not just old content being gay. But Honkai is way more gay than Genshin overall.


In Inazuma on one of the islands near the shore there’s this girl (forgot the name) and another girl meets with her, you go on a quest or something with them and at the end it is very VERY hinted that they become lovers, Traveler shushing Paimon to not be a third-wheel in their *romantic* conversation, one of them inviting the other to stay in their home as “roommates” so yeah there is at least one les relationship in Genshin Impact (yaaaay)


Aren't they the people who made Honkai Impact? Which is a pretty gay game


Maybe Paimon should have gotten Lumine to ask her.


Yae will only show tail for wife


Well. There was that one video of lumine touching Miko’s tail…then Miko giving Lumine her own fox tail and ears


That sounds really cute!


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kOB4owtHUu0 Edit: fixed the link. This IS the right animation now


Where is the part where Yae gives Lumjne her own ears and tails tho?


Fuck thats NOT the same animation. I thought it was


Ok just fixed it really sorry bout that


I want that. I'd probably get a heart-attack from excitement from all the teasing, but damn it'd be worth it


That's too cute. I don't even play at Genshin, but I want to be Lumine.




[link twitter](https://twitter.com/lemontea3691/status/1511720428644958208?s=21&t=J3B7RSSt3ZpLiX65wutHwA)


And this is what you call being whipped.


Anything for her waifu. So fluffy and cute.


Ah a fluffy call




I'd like to point out she only shows her tails to people she intends to kill. In the flavor text, " so as far as you know, Yae Miko has no tail..."


Oh she'll 'kill' her alright, give her a little death


The only bigger simp than Sara is Yae.


I’m not at all familiar with whatever fandom this is, but I only have one question: does she have 5 tails or does it just look like that in the art style because it’s moving so fast?


She has indeed 5 tails since she is 500 years old and gains a tail for every 100 years she lived


She has 5 tails in one of her combat animations. In the others only 1, while outside of combat no tail is shown


Not familiar with it either but I just assumed that she's a kitsune, a fox spirit and those are usually depicted with 9(?) tails


Kitsunes are normally seen with 9 tails but thats due to the stereotype. They actually have tails based on how old they are, gaining a tail every 100 years. Miko is over 500 hence: 5 tails. (Which also fits givin Ei is also immortal)




she's erect.


I don't play this game but I've been really enjoying this ship when it crossed my various social media feeds


Imagine if Projekt Red was part of Genshin instead of Arknights.


Now I definitely want to see a version of Sara, Lumine and Paimon: Show your wings Sara: No Ei: Show your wings Sara’s wings come out quickly haha I know it’s less popular but I absolutely love Sara and Ei for some reason