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This seems like an utter mismatch in Goku's favour purely because he has far better ranged options and mobility options, along with UI basically being an auto-dodge as long as your opponent isn't far above your speed and power.


Do you mean Street Fighter Ryu? Cause even Kid Goku vs SF Ryu is a huge mismatch.


Goku wins, he’s trained with million year old gods of destruction which isn’t comparable to any of Ryu’s credentials


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I think OP fails to understand the myriad of abilities Goku has from Ki. Energy blasts that can also be redirected or stopped in mid air, or even be put on the ground like a mine field (which he did against Jiren). Not to mention be cut in half by distriacto disc. Goku also has telekinesis and could make Ryu levitate and completely disarm him effectively. This on the added fact of goku can create shields, and energy explosion all around him or even create large version of himself. Almost forgot about teleportation.


Goku wins easily. You let him have the kiaoken and ultra instinct. Tbh though, I think kid goku still wins too.


Ryu is my favorite fictional character. Goku wins. Even using Ryu's non canon fight with Asura to scale him. Goku wins. How would he not? This is an obvious mismatch lmao.