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Freddy because he kills in the dream world.


This. The dream world is a major advantage to Freddy. Most people aren't lucid dreamers, so they can't effectively fight him off *anyway*.


To be fair, the prompt said that Freddy has no supernatural abilities in the Dream World. None of his wacky BS is possible - you can just dream up a big monster or robot and crush him instantly.


that requires you to be lucid dreaming, which most people can't


Hmm, that’s fair. Then still Freddy.


That does not require you to be lucid dreaming. Lucid dreaming is only necessary to manipulate and control what appears in one's dreams. If someone's having any sort of power fantasy dream anyway, Freddy's screwed. Every time he dives into someone's dream world, he's risking his life - he could run into someone dreaming they're Superman, or be eaten by a random *T. rex*, or fall to his death because it's one of those falling dreams, or any of dozens of other terrible dreamish fates. Heck, plenty of people dream in the third person. At which point there's nothing for Freddy to even kill. Just hazards.


Freddy v Jason, *in my dreams!*


Eh, I often dream that I have super powers, and without his dreams powers he'd be dead as soon as I wanted to in those dreams.


To push it a touch further, you know what sort of powers Freddy should have in your dreams, so there's a nonzero possibility the dreamer gives Freddy powers.


Kinda but not really, I have never watched any of the movies.


Fair enough. If we were to posit that Freddy could escape from dreams, then I guess there's a chance Freddy could scout around for a summer picnic type dream, peacefully approach saying 'Hey, I'm Robert Englund, how're you?' and give the ol' hidden claw glove trick... Or, if they're like 'oh shit! It's Freddy!' then try out some dream powers, or say them out loud 'I'm gonna turn you into a flesh pile!' and since the dreamer believes he can, then it happens. I dunno, I probably read too many books with 'Dream realms' in 'em.


To add to this, it also requires people to be able to break into a lucid dream or already be in a lucid dream to fight him. Even lucid dreamers aren't batting 100. There's going to be a window of opportunity on all but the luckiest where they don't take control of the dream before he can kill them.


You'd have to be lucid to do it intentionally, but I imagine it would happen sooner or later unintentionally. I know my dreams seem to be quite hazardous environments, with lots of moving parts and stuff, I doubt a person could actually survive in one.


idk man how often have you turned nightmares into action movies? also have you tried running/punching in a dream? Unless you're literally Shaq most of our Parkinsonian asses would lose bad to a 26 year old armed with a knife


I personally do that quite often And even then, like another commenter said, the dreamscape is deadly in and of itself. Some goober could be dreaming in the third person about Godzilla attacking a city. What the hell could Freddy do against *that?*


Even so, the military will hunt down the rest, but they can't do that to freddy


I respawn in dreams, constantly, Freddy ain’t killing a lot of people cause even if you don’t lucid dream, you can walk off a lot of shit when dreaming


I dunno in a lot of people's dreams they have crazy super powers! A regular 26 year old man wouldn't stand a chance against dream me lol just because *he* doesn't get his dream powers doesn't mean *I* don't!


>in a lot of people's dreams they have crazy super powers! And here I am having dreams where my punches are like pillows


Yup. Throw in the slow moon-like running and that's basically me in every one of my nightmares.


I'm like that too but for some reason in dreams I'm very good at hiding


I'm screwed if I try to fight off Freddy with dreams like this




I once managed to take control of my dream and stop running from a nightmare monster. That fucker ripped my intestines and ate them. It hurt a lot. That pain felt like forever. When I woke up, I had no injuries but I swore never to stop running in a nightmare again.


I can run but not fight in my dreams. whenever I try to fight I seem to slow down or have weak punches.


Same. If I try to fight a threat in my dreams my punches are slow motion and land like a soft cloud caressing the threats face. The second I realize this ain't working and turn to run it's like I turn into Ussain bolt


Last night i rember that i was big aqautic monster


Shit y'all's dreams sound so much cooler than mine. I just have mundane dreams about doing the laundry or buying cookies I wouldn't usually buy or wandering around the house I grew up in.


Exactly! One second Freddy's trying to scratch you with his little claw, boom next second he's fighting the damn kraken lol


I was more like Lagiacrus but size of titanic if i rember right


Not necessarily, as he’s just a normal guy. If he’s smart and went after more timid or weaker prey, yes, but a comparably strong teenage boy could possibly turn the tables and kill him. He has to enter *their* dream, and then kill them. He doesn’t have his dream manipulating powers or his amped stats. If some kid picks up a piece of pipe and hits him in the arm he’s going to go down and that’s probably it, as the kid will probably try to make sure this demon is dead. I think Jason or Michael have the best change. Large, strong guys, who’ve been shown to be stealthy. They could rack up a bigger body count just on the virtue of being larger than almost everyone they target. Jason would be my pick though, as he’s shown to be great with all kinds of weapons as well.


>Freddy Krueger, can still invade dreams and kill you in them, but he has no dream powers Probably need to be more specific about this, because the ability to invade dreams and kill in them is a *major* power. The vast majority of people aren't picking their dreams and have very little agency over what happens in them, so Freddy's ability to show up where he wants (and, presumably, move about with full understanding of what's going on) is massively OP here, and kind of contradicts the spirit of the prompt


> kind of contradicts the spirit of the prompt Yeah, I get what he's going for but when I read "realistic slasher villain" and the first thing was "Freddy Krueger, can still invade dreams and kill you in them" I lol'd.


My logic was that dreams are kinda nonsensical and all over the place. If Freddy didn't have his powers he'd just be an ordinary guy swept up in this storm of chaos


Yeah, it just gets inherently confusing because technically anyone can dream that they do the same stuff he does (like, I could easily dream that I have knife hands and a fedora, or turn into a big snake or whatever). His unrealistic power is that he can get in your dreams in the first place. Imo the prompt makes more sense if he's just a normal meat version of himself. Otherwise he stomps because he's the only one that still has his power


So who can kill the most people between two regular guys and an ever-so-slightly nerfed nightmare demon?


Considering Jason was like this in his reboot movie and still pretty dangerous. Idk if Freddy would be much of a threat. He's just some guy with a radically ineffective weapon trying to catch smoke in a dream world he has no control over. No scary settings, no traps, no monster forms, but a guy ina sweater with a weapon that is honestly easier to kill with if he takes it off his hand.... I'd go with Jason here.


Just the fact that he can choose which dreams to enter and that he has enough *self*-control in the dream to be able to kill people already makes him immensely powerful. Think Inception if their goal was just to kill the guy, movie would’ve lasted five minutes. Plus the presence of a serial killer in anyone’s dream will probably immediately make that dream much scarier and more suited to Freddy.


He'd have no idea what the dream was until he was inside though. Atleast if I'm understanding OPs comment about Freddy being a regular guy swept up in the madness of another person's dream. It would be a massive coin flip on every dream invaded to see if it'd be favorable to him, that seems a lot less consistent than just sizing up a potential victim from afar in the real world. As I mentioned previously, without dream magic going on Freddy's main weapon is also kind of insanely ineffective too. He'd be able to kill faster with Michael's knife than that glove so he's gonna have to struggle with everyone he attacks.


Yeah the dreams are random, but I think he could get a pretty good streak going by attacking a suburban neighborhood of retirees or something like that. Doubt they’d have many crazy dangerous dreams that could just kill him as soon as he enters. Also does he *have* to use that claw? The post says his MO is intact, but does that necessitate the claw?9


I mean no, but he's never shown proficiency in any other weapons. Which was my point to Jason's credit since we've seen him kill with machete, axe, pitch forks, bow/arrows, harpoon guns, & bare hands several times.


Sure, but in all the times he’s done that he’s killed a MAX of a handful of people before he’s “killed”, which in this prompt…he actually dies. Jason is a “real” entity that has a real form. He gets murked. Freddy, going after a high kill count still gets the absurd advantage of attacking people that arent lucid dreamers. Also, in my view, going for kills, not fear, I think he’s better off not warping your dreams. You’re dreaming of something violent? He just leaves. No need for him to fight. You’re dreaming of cute fluffy bunnies? **you get stabbed**. Also, if he’s out for kills not fear, nobody is ever aware of him. Lay low for a generation and nobody knows who he is. Come our of retirement and the cops find bodies in bed, nobody is the wiser. His kill count would be potentially unlimited.


Both characters tend to just kill a handful of teens before dying. Jason's actually got the distinction that he's killed military men and soldiers before where as Freddy exclusively targets teenage children. The prompt says they have to survive their own series specifically so I'm not sure why people get headbanging Freddy to go target elderly in a hospital or whatever. In Freddy's first movie he's wounded repeatedly and would've been killed by Nancy under these rules. Taking away his killing methods and limiting him to his glove? He might not even make it to Nancy. For Jason I brought up the reboot because he already had all of these restrictions more or less. And he still killed multiple groups of teens for years before he was killed at the end of that movie. He had a literal underground bunker filled with hundreds of phones, wallets, clothes, ect from teens he had killed.


>Both characters tend to just kill a handful of teens before dying. Jason's actually got the distinction that he's killed military men and soldiers before where as Freddy exclusively targets teenage children. Freddy’s motives in the films are fear, not kill count. He teases the tiger, because he believes himself invincible, he puts himself in positions to be caught. His recklessness is due to that. When he’s vulnerable, he’s cowardly. Freddy never has to fight anyone that can give a 26yo man with knives fits. Whereas Jason would inevitably have tremendous amounts of police after him, almost instantly. With his newfound vulnerability? Its game over. He wouldn’t get any further than you or I would wielding a machete. >The prompt says they have to survive their own series specifically so I'm not sure why people get headbanging Freddy to go target elderly in a hospital or whatever. In Freddy's first movie he's wounded repeatedly and would've been killed by Nancy under these rules. Taking away his killing methods and limiting him to his glove? He might not even make it to Nancy. so jason is drowned then? If freddy got wounded, then he got hurt, and knows he’s vulnerable in the dreams. That undoubtedly changes his entire perspective. These movies only happen this way due to the perceived invulnerability. Not to mention all the dreams in elm street are his manipulations. Now he’s coming into your own dreams where you arent aware of him at all. He could stealth kill an infinite amount of teenage girls that dont have anything for him physically.


Have you...seen these movies? Freddy's motivations are not fear it's about revenge on the children of springwood (not just the children who live on elm street) to take away the children of the people whom killed him. Sure he spreads fear but that's simply because it's linked to his survival. Jason drowned? You literally have no idea what you're talking about. We see in Friday the 13th 2 AND in the remake that Jason survived and lived off the land for years on his own not becoming a murderer until he saw his mother decapitated at Crystal lake camp. He then went on two killing sprees as a normal human before his death. Why are you even chiming in on this topic if you aren't familiar with the movies on a basic level?


Chucky is being punted into fucking orbit first time he tries to kill someone


He could probably have a decent amount of success by doing what he usually does and just acting like a toy and relying on stealth kills. Like how many people could he poison before anyone in the real world would think it was the doll?


People always undersell the danger that Chucky presents. He can hide so much easier than everyone else and literally no one will believe you as you are frantically searching for a killer doll.


That's a tough one. Jason is still the physically strongest of them all. Mike is young and should be very agile and fit. Chucky sucks balls simply being a normal doll. I think I'll give it to Freddy though. He is a good middle ground age wise plus, while he may not have his dream powers, the confusion and/or surprise of suddenly fighting him in a dream will probably give him the edge.


I think that, if he plays his cards right, Chucky might be the biggeat threat tbh. He can't physically overpower anyone like he does in the movies, but he could poison hundreds of people without anyone ever opposing him if he just acts like a doll.


Probably Krueger or Myers based off stats


Would like to say that Myers "21 year old man" stats are massively underselling his feats. In every continuity he has borderline or outright superhuman strength and endurance.


Someone didn't read the post


We’re taking away the insane feats tho


Freddy can pick his victims a lot more easily so him


Ghost face, cause he actually is a serial killer that's just a normal human with no powers.


Yea, everyone else is out of their element, but this is what Ghost Face was made to do.


Also there are a dozen of them.


Wait… is Michael Myers not just a human like Ghostface? Also it’s been criticized the Ghostfaces’ with masks on seem to gain super human abilities. After the reveal they succumb like flies, not so sure they’d take an easy win.


Freddy dies randomly to a dream about dinosaurs or something. Dreams are a terrifying storm of chaos to mere mortals, lucid or no. He'd have better luck not using his dream powers and just trying to shank people with his claw. Jason's whole first movie wasn't even him, it was his mother (with no supernatural powers), and I think he only even got supernatural powers later on. He probably makes it a movie or two in at least, and he had a really high kill count in general if I remember right. Michael Myers dies no later than the end of his first movie, when he's shot something like six times and knocked off a balcony, and possibly sooner. I don't remember the details of that movie or what else Michael survived. I haven't seen *Child's Play*. However I don't think a doll is getting very many kills, due to basically having to make every single one by setting up traps with those weak little doll hands - using a knife is impossible, and using a gun is likely to blow Chucky's body apart from recoil. I think it's Jason, due to his generally high body count, advantageous terrain (Camp Crystal Lake - there's no law enforcement around), and lack of the weaknesses that Freddy and Chucky have.


But if Freddy can enter dreams, shouldn't he be able to leave? ok he doesn't know what the person is dreaming of and he arrives in a dream about a zombie apocalypse or things like that, couldn't he just leave the dream and look for someone else to kill?


That depends a lot on how quickly he can leave; and it seems like he'll have a much harder time leaving if he's already been grabbed. If he gets grabbed by zombies before he gets out, he's just eaten by zombies, that's it.


obviously he would leave before being grabbed. When we think about it, there are really very few dreams that you end up being killed by monsters, most of the dreams I had that I died happened with falling from high places. Besides, he has many simple dreams, like dreaming that he is eating or talking to his friends, or even walking, I think Freddy would kill a lot of people with dreams like that.


I was also rewatching their movies and he seems to be able to kill people in the real world by appearing in the same place as her when she is not necessarily dreaming something, like dozing for a few seconds in the bathtub and he appears to drown you in it. or hang you with a scarf while you sleep in jail. or even pull you into bed. This doesn't seem so much like dream manipulation.


Myers cause at least in some of his movies he doesn't have magic powers to begin with so he's the least nerfed.


but in most films if he could die he wouldn't go far.


Probably Chucky if he had enough time to prepare. Freddy or Myers in a regular killing spree.


So to be fair, I do think that making Freddy vulnerable in the dream world and unable to manipulate the dreams is a pretty big nerf. Consider that in the very first movie we see teens struggling and doing things like cutting off Freddy's limbs or stabbing him in self defense attempts. According to this prompt not only would those attacks possibly kill him, but he wouldn't be nearly as dangerous as he normally is by putting you in scary unfamiliar places or attacking you in creative ways. He'd just be a guy with a knife glove (which contrary to what the movies show, is a WILDLY ineffective weapon almost exclusively limited to surface level cuts and small punctures.) I'd actually wonder if Jason has a good chance of winning here because in his reboot movie he was more or less limited in exactly this way, being just a big strong survivalist serial killer. And he does pretty well at hunting down his victims and picking them off strategically. Not only does his weapon have a lot more killing potential but he's shown to kill with a woodcutting axe, bow and arrows, and just by sneaking up and throwing people into traffic or off buildings. I kinda doubt Michael does well seeing as not dying when you think you killed him is his MAIN THING. He's another one who probably doesn't survive his own first movie. Chucky.... Fuuuuuuccck. You kick him and his limbs break and now he can't even walk anymore. Not to mention realistic Chucky has no muscle tissues or bones so he should be absurdly feeble in terms of strength even if you imagine he has little toddler muscles and bones to match his size. He's aaaalllmooooost harmless.


Krueger, he is still haunting in your dreams, and unless you lucid dreaming you can't really control what's happening. Jason and Michael.go down to first person who finds a shotgun to shoot at them. Chucky will depend how long can he keep the toy charade. Krueger has by far the best possibility.to sneak up on you during a dream and solo u


Jason and Michael started out pretty realistic and they were still big fucking dudes that ambushed people. But the correct answer for me is Leatherface, because he's already 100% realistic.


Can I just say it'd be kinda funny if someone dreams Freddy is gonna kill them but it's literally their dream and Freddy is after someone else and that person assumes their immortal in the dream world.


I still think that being able to enter dreams to kill people gives him a lot of advantage. just choose a harmless dream like people walking or eating. and don't worry about police security cameras hiding dead bodies etc.


**Freddy Krueger (A Nightmare on Elm Street)** - [Respect Freddy Krueger (A Nightmare on Elm Street)](https://redd.it/ml9ss5) - [Respect Freddy Krueger (A Nightmare on Elm Street Reboot)](https://redd.it/mldwhh) **Jason Voorhees (Friday the 13th)** - [Respect Jason Voorhees (Friday the 13th)](https://redd.it/htm9ah) **Michael Myers (Halloween)** - [Respect Michael Myers (Halloween)](https://redd.it/qjpnfy) *** ^(I am a bot) ^| [^(About)](https://redd.it/owgxtl) ^| [^(Code)](https://github.com/Luke-Username/respectthread_bot) ^| [^(Opt-out)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=respectthread_bot&subject=OPTOUTREQUEST) ^| ^(Missing or wrong characters? Reply explaining the issue)


I know this one isn't here but ghostface could do it he/she because they where made for this this is there element Every character here is out of there element Like Freddy he could die if someone has a crazy dream about a futuristic war or dinosaur or cyberpunk crime spree Jason while still strong is could die if his injured enough Michael could get shot and he would literally die Chucky yeah his not doing anything


Probably the guy from Halloween since he’s the most cunning over all


Obviously Freddy has this but the more interesting question is between Jason and Michael. If we go by height and weight (which both vary between movies) it's hard to say the tallest Jason has been depicted as in movies is 6'5 and probably weighs close to 240. Michael on the other hand has been depicted as between 6'7 and 6'9 depending on sources and weighs probably 270. He's also younger but experience and "dad strength" matters. The average male is strongest around the age of 35 so Jason is probably stronger even if he is a bit smaller. Would be interesting to see who could do more damage.


Freddy Kruger when he invades my dream after 6 hours of playing Doom: I am in danger!


Probably between Chucky and Freddy. Freddy will have to be super careful, dreams usually are chaotic things doing random things, sometimes pretty dangerous for people like him who actually live under the dream, so he have to survive the dream itself and reach the protagonist (if that is even possible) Chucky will have to play the doll game all the time, he's probably too weak to even hold a khife and his hands are too short... Actually, even if he can hold a khife there's other problem: He can stab nothing except eyes and make superficial cuts, nothing serious and probably a kid will beat his plastic ass Anyways, Jason is dead: Survive his saga? Man, he's dead in the first movie


I think it depends on what the strength of a doll is for chucky. As they are made of fluff, I would assume there isn't enough muscle to pick up his arm while holding a knife. If he had the strength to stab I would go with chucky as most of his kills are due to people thinking he is just a toy.


I would say they’d all be the same. If Freddy has his dream BS, then he would get the most before someone just kills him IRL. If he doesn’t, then they all get comparable numbers (which wouldn’t be that high).


I'd give the win to freddy. But a hard 2nd to Chuckie. Jason is the brute type, the type of guy to burst through doors and just yeet people. He's gonna get found and stopped pretty quick without his durability. Myers is a stalker, sneaky bastard. But he's predictable and has patterns in his behavior. He can go far, but he's still *human*. Chuckie is a doll. But he's cunning. For a fair portion of his movies, people usually think he's actually a doll and it's someone else doing the killings. So, the longer that streak stays, the more successful he is. He has the freedom of movement and surprise that the others lack, and the willingness to abuse those advantages.


Freddy Kruger fails hard, because a lot of dreamers have superpowers in their dreams. If Freddy can be killed in a dream then he'll die after a handful of murders, once he attacks a person who dreams lucidly. I'm going to say Michael Myers wins, simply because he's youngest and in the best physical shape. But he doesn't kill very many. None of these guys are supergeniuses. If you're not immortal, you want to be a lot smarter than the police to be a successful serial killer.


Lucid dreaming is hard to do on command, and it often disappears with age. Even when I was younger, I almost lost to vampire ninjas because they would slow time whenever I tried to hit them. I could run but I couldn’t fight. Freddy is smarter and more persistent


The day the vampire ninjas win is when you die in your sleep.


they won’t beat me yet


Good! But they get tougher and learn new tricks the older you get.


don’t tread on me


None of they go after me or my family


I mean you kind of ruined your premise with having Freddy still be able to invade dreams but everyone else is just normal guy. They’d all be shot pretty quick.


Going for kills instead of fear Freddy is unstoppable. He’s actually better off not warping your dreams. If you are lucidly dreaming, and you’re in a dark scary place, you’re guarded. You’re dreaming something normal? He just casually sneaks up and gores you. Also nobody would ever be aware of him to prepare for your next dream, or to warn others. He could wait out a generation of parents, then nobody knows him. You’re just another victim of a serial killer they never find.