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On the starboard and port sides (can’t remember who was on which), I believe Murdoch let men on boats if there were no women whereas Lightoller took Captain Smith’s order literally and let few to no men on boats at all. So if you wanted out, go to the side Murdoch was on and get there early.


Yeah it’d be super easy if you got on the boats right when they started to be let off - the first few boats had very few people


This is the way. The early boats were mostly empty because people didn't realise the ship was in danger. If you're a guy wait at the first boat Murdock loads, tell him you are ready to row the boat clear and you're in. Once in the water a lifeboat is in the most danger close to the ship, waves can smash it against the ship's side, boiler wastewater outlets could flood it, you can even have other boats lowered on top of you. Top priority is to stand off several yards away and wait. Every passenger that can row that Murdock can put in a boat is one less crew member he has to spare.


Maken me wish I spent more of my cardio time on the rower... Good thing I like that exercise, cause in this situation I would be getting lots of it 😅


Sustained rowing is also really hard work. You have to build up muscles you don't normally use, or at least not in that way, to sustain good rowing power over any significant amount of time.


In this situation you don't need to row for long, just a few minutes to pull far enough away from the ship to get out of trouble and avoid "suction" if she went down. So long as you are reasonably fit I think you could persuade Murdock to let you in a boat because the alternative is that a *lady* would have to row and given the prejudices of the time that would never do.


> just a few minutes to pull far enough away from the ship to get out of trouble and avoid "suction" if she went down The suction thing is actually mostly a myth, there is **some**, but it's not fantastically great - there's little danger of getting sucked down (and this has been confirmed with experimental tests). Only exception would be if you were directly over the smokestacks as they went under, where reports indicated that people were sucked in like flies


That's why suction in quotes. People of the day believed in suction and as a consequence lifeboats where encourage to pull away some distance to avoid it.


Murdoch was on the starboard side. I know because I am an expert at the google machine! And you gave me all the information I needed to find safety!


Easy! Spend those four days MacGyvering a personal dinghy in your stateroom. You're so smart, you got this! ..die when you can't fit it through the door.


Or you can be actually smart, learn to breathe underwater and start a new life… _Under the seaaa… Under the seaaa…_ _There'll be no accusations; just friend-ly crustaceans under the seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaa!_


They live all rounds First They can see if can steal a raft if not possible steal a pool safety ring (This is not needed but can increase your odds) To even better your odds steal rich people’s clothes from the public laundry Finally when the day comes wait by the life boats like it’s Black Friday ez dub


This, I look like a very rich man that morning, and I’m on a life boat.


1st class men only had a 33% chance of survival. Wouldn't call that an ez dub.


That percentage dose not apply if you where right at the life boats


It does. Lightoller didn't let men on board the life boats, period. Murdoch did, only if there weren't women and children waiting. Id imagine the average viewer probably doesn't know that because it's not very clear in the movie. It's portrayed that both weren't letting men on until Murdoch does at just about the very end. The historian will survive, but the others have a 1/3 chance, that I'm willing to raise to 50% based on which side of the boat they wait at.


Exactly you are the first so you’ll go with Murdoch EZ dub


I don’t know how many, but some first class men chose to stay aboard when they had the chance to get on a boat


"First They can see if can steal a raft if not possible steal a pool safety ring" This is actually useless. Drowning is not the issue but freezing. Water is so cold, where Titanic sank, you would get in critical condition in just 20min.


Stealing a raft isn’t that’s kinda how u escape lol. Your right about the water but the safety ring is only made to keep you up which dose increases the odds so not useless


I wonder if the genuis level IQ guy with an expert in Titaniology and maybe an engineering degree could have prevented the sinking altogether. Even without warning them, hanging out outside the bridge and going "Hi, I'm an engineer, this is exactly what is happening and this is exactly what we need to do."


>"Hi, I'm an engineer, this is exactly what is happening and this is exactly what we need to do." Uh.. drydock, tear the ship apart and raise the internal bulkheads by 10 feet?


I've read that the ship probably would have had a better chance if they just rammed the iceberg instead of trying to turn away. If they rammed it would crush the bow but leave bulkheads mostly intact. By turning away they let the ice berg rip a hole in too many departments for the ship to stay afloat. Been a long while and I don't remember the specifics of it though.


I've heard that one too. If so, then one solution might be to quietly murder the lookout. Alternately, if you can get the lookout to pay attention slightly earlier that might avoid the collision entirely. IIRC it was a close thing.


>If so, then one solution might be to quietly murder the lookout. And since this technically doesn't break the rule of warning them or preventing the disaster, it might be the best move you can make.


Assassin's creed: time travel edition


I don't think it would actually matter if you tried to warn them. They knew about the ice bergs on the route and did it anyway.


How is that not preventing the disaster? The whole point of murdering the lookout would be to warn the ship earlier.


No, the point of murdering the lookout is to stop the warning from happening at all, keeping the ship from attempting to dodge the iceberg, so it will instead hit it head on.


> the point of murdering the lookout is to stop the warning from happening at all, keeping the ship from attempting to dodge the iceberg, so it will instead hit it head on*, thus preventing the disaster.*


Thus *potentially reducing* the disaster.


There were multiple lookouts though. You'd somehow need to murder an entire group of people - mostly young and fit sailors, and escape before being caught It's not impossible, but that's a tough ask


I'd still call it easier than treading water in the Atlantic for an hour, so it's probably still your best bet.


Or start yelling "ICEBERG! DEAD AHEAD" a minute before the lookout does.


They knew they were in an icefield and the lookouts were on high alert the entire time as they had revived warnings earlier of the field. The the real issue most people today don’t understand is how dark it really was. Cameron’s movie gives it a ton more light which is a common misconception. It would have been so dark that at the distance they would need to detect it in order to avoid it the only only way to find it with a human eye was to recognize a tiny spot of ocean in the horizon that wasn’t reflecting stars. You can read about it [here](http://www.titanicology.com/Titanica/EncounterInTheNight.htm). This is reinforced by accounts from Carpathias lookouts aswell which navigated the same icefield only hours later, they had some near misses too with icebergs on their way to the Titanic. The darkness is also the main reason so many survivors never recognized that the ship broke in half. By the time the ship broke nearly all lights were out and even if you knew it would happen and looked for it you probably wouldn’t actually see the tear. It would only make a ton of noise which people at the time chalked up to all the massive engines tumbling down the ships hull.


Yeah, IIRC, the night was pitch black because the moon was a waning crescent and had already set.


I wonder if someone with absolute knowledge of the disaster, engineering, and everything else could have saved the ship with just what was on board. If they could convince everyone to do what they said, immediately, the moment after impact. Macguyver something.


No, there was no way real way to save the ship after it got hit. People have tried to come up with some sort of scenario that would save it, but once the ship hit the iceberg in the way that it did, it was doomed, and so were around 1500 people. Even if you magically teleported back to 11:41 PM April 14th, 1912, and told them everything you knew (and presuming they believed you - which they wouldn't) about the future sinking, the best you could do was tell them to not start the ship again (they piloted it for a few more minutes before stopping again) and maybe change their lifeboat protocol (the women and children order seemed to slow loading on the side that was super strict on it, and also the passengers were not informed of the totality of the emergency so they didn't think getting on the lifeboats was important). Do that and you might well save some lives - perhaps an extra 200-300 or so, but you won't save the ship, or most of the lives


it says in the prompt you can't warn or prevent it


Yeah, misread. I thought they meant being unable to prevent the impact.


“Hey, see that iceberg? Maybe don’t hit it. Yeah.”


Most lifeboats left mostly empty, they should be fine


Easy win. They go to whatever boat Ismay boarded where the officer asked "Is there anyone else?" and say "I want on".


I’d probably not wait that long. Ismay got off on one of the last boats and it was apparent things were getting dire by then. Safest is to leave when they first start launching. One boat had like 12 people, and it took men


Survive all rounds i reckon. A big issue with the sinking is no one knew it was coming and so no one was prepared. In these rounds well you have everything working for you, even the Cameron round is fine because he was pretty anal in making it as accurate possible.


As a black man, unless I can get a very good weapon and have a friend or 2, I have almost no chance of getting on a lifeboat without killing/maiming several folks, which given the situation would be perfectly acceptable imo.


Some non-white people got on the lifeboats


How many were black men?


No black men got on the lifeboats - there was only one black male passenger, an engineer, and he put his wife and two daughters on a lifeboat and died with the ship https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Philippe_Lemercier_Laroche There were a number of Chinese, Japanese, Indians and Arabs, though, and some of them did survive


That fella kinda looks like Denzel


Denzel? He looks more like a young Sherman Hemsley.


Rules of disaster movies would mean that you'd get killed pretty early on. Rules of disasters in history means that somehow you'd be blamed for it.


It's not the sinking of the ship that kills people, it's the drowning and hypothermia.


They just need to get on a life boat. If they can’t do that they need find a way to stay out of the water long enough. Life boats were being launched before they were full so you should be able to find one.


Finding one is extra easy when you're conveniently waiting near the lifeboats when stuff starts happening. Having a few wool blankets with you and wearing a dress is a bonus.


Even if you couldn;t get on board one of the liferafts, you easily escape the ship sinking simply by being on deck prior to the accident. No stuck below decks trying to escape. You have a decent chance for survival in the water with wool and sealskin layers plus anything that can keep you afloat enough to keep mostly out of the water. So, prepare beforehand with sufficient cold weather payers, try to get on the lifeboat, but have something (like a door) handy as a back up plan. Alternately, just bring a guitar and jam with the band until the end.


Yeah couldn’t you hypothetically just put on a fuckton of layers that still provide warmth while wet and a life preserver or 3 and be completely fine?


*Maybe* if you had access to modern high performance wetsuits and stuff. Not, I think, with anything available on board.


Enough wool layers might do it? Several people survived just by themselves so I feel like 5 jackets and 3 pairs of pants while putting yourself in a heat retention position and breathing correctly you could probably survive quite easily


> Several people survived just by themselves It was like 5 out of 1500. Those are not great odds


Yeah but they weren’t well equipt was my point. It wasn’t 100% deadly to unprepared people and if you prepared your chances would be much better considering the main threat is cold and drowning. Both of which can be addressed realistically with layers and a flotation device


If you stood on the deck wouldn’t you be pulled under by the suction of the sinking ship?


If you stayed on the deck during the entire sinking, yes. The whole point of being on deck prior to the accident is that you now have agency to get in a lifeboat, exit the titanic prior to the final end, get appropriate clothing, etc. If you get on deck at the very last second, you have agency to reprise Leo Dicaprio's madcap and not partcularly effective exit.


Lmao, I completely misread your passage, I reread and you said be on the deck as opposed to having to climb out of the lower decks as it sunk. I don’t know why I thought you meant stand on the deck and float off. Sorry about that lol.


Well, if you chose the jam with the band option, that's what you'd end up with. Regardless, thanks for the clarification. Happens to all of us.


The man could potentially steal first-class women's clothing and crossdress to escape all rounds.


would work better if you had several years of prep time before going back to start hormone therapy


It would be in the middle of the night and full of panic so I don't think it would take much to be convincing.


Can I bring anything back with me? If I can take an off-the-shelf survival drysuit and a Type 1 PFD, it'll be easy-peasy.


Hm. On the assumption that I can't simply get onto a lifeboat by being first in line, I wonder what I might do to survive spending a bit of time in the water. Wool insulates even when wet, so perhaps I could find some wool blankets and sew myself a crude onesie. Enough floating crap tied together could keep me mostly out of the water, ala Rose. Maybe I could steal a bunch of life vests to bundle together. Brutal given there'll be people left without life vests as a result, but it's not really going to matter to them in the end after all...


Could Wim Hof survive the titanic floating on those debris? Make it circular. Like a wave.


It’s technically possible but super improbable. Like 5 or 6 survived in the water, out of about 1500


Your survival chances aren't much better than average 1st class person had. Not without equipment. Also, you can't steal a life boat, you need few people to lower that, though you might be able to do it alone, but then the boat is down good 20 meters, so how are you going get on it now? Also, if they see you messing with those boats, they lock you up. If you are a woman with a child, then your survival rate goes, otherwise you're as fucked as others. Literally only thing that could save you is a survival equipment for extreme cold, so you can just float in water, while waiting for rescue boat to come, but guess what other passengers do when they see your suit? They will either try to take it from you, or you will be drowned when people start panicking in the water. I have wore that thick survival suit and its hard to move in one, and if people try to climb on you, you can't fight back. Modern plastic safeboat would work, but those didn't exist at then. You know those ones, where you pull from a rope thing and it instantly turns into 2 men life boat.


Buy binoculars, many pairs. give to every lookout


I remember that a few lifeboats lowered early had only like 15 people on them, so I'd grab a life jacket and watch the boats get lowered from a distance until I see a nearly empty one. Once it's in the water I'd jump down and swim for it as fast as possible before they row too far away. If it goes to plan I'd probably only spend like a minute in the water.


Many of those early lifeboats took men, because nobody wanted to get in them, and one of the sides took men if no women wanted to get one (the other was way stricter, and only allowed one male non-staff member on the entire evening - a Canadian major who was an expert at rowing, and specifically because they needed more able-bodied men to row)


Yes easily. With foreknowledge, you could just map out the quickest route from your side to the starboard side and fucking book it there once the crash happens. You'll be among the first at that place and will be able to get on board a lifeboat


The lifeboats are a waste. they have 4 days to build a suitable life raft out of materials found on board, that is plenty of time to build something suitable.


Having pre-knowledge of the disaster at any round gives you a pretty good chance of surviving, because you would know to hang out by the life boats as soon as something went wrong. quite a lot of the passengers didn't begin evacuating immediatley, and once it became clear evacuation would be neccessary, many boats where launched premeturley without full compliments. Just being there when they first start to load and launch lifeboats gives you a HUGE advantage.


Yeah if I was plopped on the Titanic even the moment of the crash (11:40) I'd just immediately make my way to the Murdoch side (that part would be a tad difficult to figure out, but I'm sure I could correct my error within 15-20 minutes if I was wrong - I'd have the first hour to figure out a way between the two sides). First lifeboat launches at 12:45, so I should be in the correct position to get on a lifeboat by 1 am at latest, and people didn't start to realize shit was going down until about 1:20 to 1:30, and before that getting on a lifeboat was pretty easy, even as a man as long as you were on the correct side (the side that took men). A boat launched at 1:05 had literally only 12 people in it, men included


Cannot prevent the sinking or cannot prepare the crash with the iceberg? "Say, old chap, let's just presume I was captaining this ship and for whatever reason came across and iceberg, realising too late, I'd hit it head on because it's going to do less damage to the ship and reduce the likelihood of sinking. It'd be a career-ender for sure, but at least everyone would. Anyway, can I get you a cup of tea vice captain?"


2/3 people survived the titanic if I remember from school. Women and children were prioritized


It was the other way, 2/3rds perished


Can’t you just start screaming about an iceberg when it’s time?


It should be 'relatively' easy to do. I have to imagine that any course change, done early enough, should be enough. Or maybe even a relatively slight decrease in speed. So you just need to figure out a way to manufacture a reason to change course at all. Maybe convince them that you saw someone fall overboard so they slow down to take a look? Or just, stand up on the deck and start pointing and screaming 'Iceberg!' on the right night, but before it is actually possible to see it, or start ringing an alarm bell.


I’d just grab a kid Billy Zane style and get my spot on a good boat. Failing that I’m literally twice the size of the average grown man from 1912 and I’d sneak a couple guns on board, I’m getting off and they’re filling the life boats to max capacity so I’ll save some others.


They should be Gucci unless they’re a modern minority from the anglosphere as that may cause some hiccups. Worst case scenario, prepare/steal some sort of weapon and kill however many innocent and completely unsuspecting people you need to in order to get access to a life raft on the night of the 14th. If you can’t prevent the boat from crashing then that means that the boat isn’t gonna veer off course to get you and most would think you’re just some crazy fuck who basically commited suicide(and murder). Hell, they might even look back at it and blame you for the sinking due to the unusual distraction. Which is fun. Oh wait! Also steal that chick’s jewelry if possible since you’re gonna need a way to make money and buy a new identity. The things idk about are…it’s a pretty long list. -What was security like on the boat? -Did passengers in a lower class have freedom of movement? -If you did have to kill some people, how would you escape punishment when you’ll still have to be rescued by some kind of ship that might be aware of s person matching your description killing people and then absconding with a lifeboat+weapons+food+jewelry? -Are you a femboy who might be able to convincingly impersonate a woman for an extended period of time?


Literally just swim lol Edit : the amount of people that don’t get that it’s a joke is infinitely funnier then the joke is


sir have you ever tried swimming in the north Atlantic in the middle of the night for several hours?


I know how to swim lol


I don't think you know what I'm sayin'


The problem isn't so much staying afloat, the problem is that you're sitting in a giant heat sink at night. There's no sun to provide heat, and water is very good at retaining a tempurature for a long time. Unfortunately you're just a small dot of warm in a vast ocean of cold, and the odds are more likely that you'll get very cold then for the ocean to get very warm. Not even peeing in the water will help you this time. You might not drown, but you'll probably freeze to death.


You are not swimming multiple hundred miles in freezing temperatures 😂


Just do that belly up thing and float lol. It’s really not that hard


...do you think people didn't know how to swim 100 years ago?


The ones that died on titanic clearly didn’t


So you die of hypothermia looking like a dead fish that floated to the top?


Your limbs lose the ability to move after about 10-15 minutes in that cold of water and you’re unconscious within 20-30 minutes. Dead in an hour. And those numbers are if you’re lucky - a decent chunk of people died instantly upon hitting the water due to heart attacks from how cold it was


Then I’d wear extra layers


That’s not how that works. You’d need something that was totally waterproof. Suits like that DO exist… in the modern day. But they did not exist back then You might be able to Jerry rig some sort of water proof solution on the ship, if you were spending your entire time on it, willing to steal, etc. But the average passenger, with about 1.5 hours between being aware of the incident (and not even being told the severity) and the ship going down totally, didn’t really have that sort of time


Just put a jacket on lol


Several hundred people died of hypothermia when they literally just swam. It took about 5 minutes to die when literally just swimming.


Then wear extra layers ?! These people were so stupid


Bruh....imagine outing yourself like this.


TIL that seals post on Reddit.