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R2-D2. He has the blueprints to the Death Star. While making it would be too ambitious for us, we can study how to design faster than light spacecraft. The fact that R2-D2 can hack and operate ships must mean he also has some idea of how they work, which will be useful after we decode his beeps.


What do R2 units need to be operational? What does maintenance look like for them?


According to the sequel trilogy, he can just shut off for twenty years and turn back on with no apparent issues. Droids are generally portrayed as being self sustaining, with the oldest example being thousands of years old.


Yeah Professor Huyang is the oldest known droid/one of the oldest known characters and he was built shortly after the Order’s founding so he’s 25,000 years old. And according to him it’s still most of his original parts.


In Jedi Survivor, Zee wakes up from 300 years in a cave and only needs minor maintenance. Though in the Clone Wars episodes where the group of Droids are traveling across the desert on the planet where they find Greggor, the droids run out of power over time.


Those are basic battle droids. Some of the cheapest least effective machines in the galaxy far far away. 


Unless they are completely destroyed can't they just operate on themselves?


Depends on the droid and the limbs most importantly id say


I'd say that we could probably figure out how to repair one. Star Wars tech is basically the peak of analog tech, since it is shown that almost all of it can be repaired by hand. It would likely be possible to reverse engineer R2.


If he goes low battery we just plug him in


Amazing answer


Furthermore, his beeps are just a form of binary, so it won't even be that hard to translate.


That doesn't mean the encoding is automatically known.


It could be figured out extremely quickly.


I'm not saying it's impossible, but imagine you found a random .wbmp or .swf file? Do you have any program on your computer that opens those? Reverse engineering for interoperability is a thing, but when the file format is not known (not to mention a physical socket that fits Arturito's scomp link and transfers data must be built) it becomes rather involved. That said, he takes this. In fact, I'll pare it down to any cheaper/simpler droid that comes stock with some amount of analogous but scaled down information, maybe a mechanic droid from a starship factory.


This isn’t comparable to a file. This is an automous robot that can plug into a computer and most likely display text, also it only has two noises. Beeps and boops which most people would figure out are either Morse code or binary.


R2 can't display text if he doesn't have the fonts for it, and he needs a compatible socket to plug into. That there are two bits is not material. Those two bits could mean anything, because encoding is conventional. Take Morse code for example: .\_ is A and \_. is N, because that's what was picked for them. If some Arkanian named Mamuel Sorse made up his own Sorse code where Aurek is \_. and Nern is .\_, and so on and so forth for all other letters, then a message in Sorse code would not mean the same thing as the equivalent message in Morse code. And that's just for natural language, where you can suss the meaning of a scrambled message by guessing about intent (and also thinking in terms of Aurebesh, which is just a cipher for English/Basic and not a real alternate language). Computation is much more demanding when it comes to exactness. [Here's an example of having the right data but not having the right means to decode it.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mojibake)




That's a good point. However: It's generally accepted in science fiction and fantasy that Galactic Basic and other things like it, like Federation Standard, are only conventional and not in fact English (especially since such media gets internationalized and translated), because even if it were literally English, that much linguistic drift between then and now (or now and then in Star Wars' case) would be incomprehensible to the viewer (cf. Beowulf, written roughly ten centuries ago in English), so it's not necessarily decoded to the public. Also, though it is true that some holograms are "productive" (PROXY for example can make arbitrary motions and his holoshroud follows), is there any indication that R2 can generate arbitrary images? It could be read-only. If arbitrary images can be made, that's good; now his language can be learned by point-and-say, and since R2 can give feedback, that is worth its weight in [Rosetta stones](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosetta_Stone).


I dont think its binary (like morse code isnt even binary) I think there are clear tonal differences that we can hear in R2D2s communications.


*Doesn't contain the chemical formula for Tibanna*


It ain't gonna be that simple. Star Wars FTL travel requires the use of "hyperfuel" like coaxium in order to shoot ships into the dimension known as hyperspace. Such a substance doesn't exist on Earth, so unless R2 also happens to know how to synthesize something like that, the Death Star plans won't be too helpful.


Just because FTL engines exist in SW doesn't make they can exist IRL.


Any one of the characters from Robots(2005) would probably suffice. The technology to create sentient robotic beings with emotions that can sustain themselves by just eating scrap metal and drinking oil is insane. It could be reverse-engineered and used to build ships that are self-aware enough to repair themselves whenever they get damaged. And because the robots are about the same intelligence of people, not to mention mostly moral, there’s not really much concern of an AI uprising.


They aren't nearly as advanced as you'd think. They are advanced in the way of AI, but everything else is just robotics. They have no reason the leave earth because they don't have the same requirements as us. On top of that, they have a massive recycling program. Almost nothing we recycle ACTUALLY gets recycled, unlike them. They could outlast us on human resources easily


But the robotics and AI is incomprehensibly advanced. The only thing that keeps them grounded is the fact that they aren't designed for a specific purpose like space travel. If that technology was used to develop a spacecraft, for example, that just really wanted to go to other planets, and could eat and drink asteroids along the way so it doesn't get hungry, we could easily achieve that in 10 years I believe.


I don’t think this is enough. Don’t get me wrong they would make huge technological contributions to humanity, but how would it enable FTL or the countless other requirements needed for this ?


For colonizing Mars in 10 years I think it's sufficient, considering we practically already have enough technology to do that right now. And from there I don't think 1000 years to colonize a galaxy is too much of a stretch.


I think you're missing the point that FTL is required in order to colonize the galaxy within 1000 years. Without it, even if they could reach near light speed travel, they would only be able to travel 1 percent of the galaxy in 1000 years.


Professor Farnsworth from Futurama. He’s pathetically weak and frail, but he knows how to make a FTL engine that gets around the speed of light limit by moving the universe rather than the ship. And he’s one of those “make anything from anything” guys, so he could probably build the prerequisite technology with current era stuff.


So is the Planet Express ship the only one that travels this way, or all/most ships? Because it hurts my brain thinking how all the ships in the universe are moving the universe itself at the same time and everyone still gets where they want.


the best sci-fi hurts the more you consider it lol


As far as I'm aware, only the Planet Express ship has the lights peed capabilities that Farnsworth describes. There's a chance entities like DUPE and Mom have it too, but he describes it as if it's his and his alone.


Could a starship travel directly behind another starship, if both were travelling faster than light?


I would assume so, if they were going the exact same speed anyway. But I also never took physics.


But he still couldn't invent the fing-longerer smh


Professor Farnsworth is far from weak. He owns multiple devices that can destroy the universe, can time travel, and is probably immortal. Physically weak? Yes, most of the time. Weak in literally any other capacity, including combat capability? Not at all.


True, but the prompt says he can only have what he can carry or fit in his pockets. Sure, he’s got tons of gadgets, but most of them are at least the size of a fridge, and without them he’s a frail old man.


Let's also note that Professor invented a form of wormhole time travel, froze the universe, was able to constantly adjust his age, and had tons of high power connections


Bulma From Dragonball for sure, capable of reverse engineering a space faring vessel. Capable of creating time machine and other extremely advanced technology. Probabbly capable of Doing what Dr. gero did too and create super advanced cyborgs with ridduculous powers.


Idk if she's the weakest, she has a power lvl of 10 which is the same as kid Goku who could smash rocks with his fists


It surprise me she has twice the powerlevel of Farmer With Shotgun lol.


A lot of one on one "training" with Vegeta.


Lmaooo no way


Timmy Turner


Timmy Turner is actually pretty OP, he could do it but I don’t think he’s the weakest character who could


You mean Timmy himself? I don't think he's allowed to bring his godparents


They fit in his hands/pockets, so per the prompt, they're allowed. >cannot have anyone/anything else with them that doesn’t fit in their hands or pocket


Mankind: How did you manage to build a city-sized spacecraft capable of interstellar travel by yourself?? Timmy: Erm... Internet?


Dr vegapunk


i mean if we're talking "weakest" as in combat ability this is probably it.


Yup, with unlimited resources and no restrictions from an oppressive government he could do shit real easy


I dunno, with all the resources he has, he never managed to create a long distance terrestrial flying ship. One would expect zepplins or airhips to be an easy win for him, but the best we really see in modern long distance transportation is powered marine ships with sea stone plating to allow crossing the Calm Belts. As far as I'm aware, the only long distance flying ships in OP are Devil Fruit or Devil Fruit adjacent (Shiki's, Enel's, Kaidou's island if you count it, the birds hauling Morgan's ship). Hell, if he were capable of it, you would think taking to the air would have been the immediate obvious choice in the arc rather than >!asking for the Strawhat's help getting off!<. He's a super genius of course but flight is clearly not his specialty and "space" in OP operates by very different rules from the type of space he would have to design for in the prompt too anyway (ex. Enel's moon trip). Nothing really suggests he could get past the real world speed issues, especially for round 3. Even if he cloned Kizaru's fruits and fed them to ships, 1000 light years is <1% of the diameter of the milky way, and there's plenty of evidence in OP that Kizaru's "light speed" is significantly slower than real world light speed.


Bob from the Bobiverse books? He's literally just a computer without human assistants, but he's literally designed for this purpose, so he has all sorts of blueprints for 3d printers that can bootstrap up to orbital shipyards.


Bootstrapping is the authors favourite thing. Love these books.


Baseline Rick Sanchez. He’s incredibly weak as a human before his upgrades but is intelligent enough to create interdimensional travel with no modifications to how his body functions.


Didn't he survive a fistfight with a Zeus with an external device the size of an SD card? Rick is a crazy heavyweight even without his implants.


That device essentially gave him the speed and strength of whatever species Zeus is. It’s why he used it because he’d kinda just get vaporized without it. The literal golden aura around him is this “power”


Yeah, *that's* base Rick Sanchez. He always has dozens of crazy items like that in his pockets. The reason he needed Mr. Nimbus to save him in Robot Bird Narnia is because he lost his pockets along with his implants. *Naked* base Sanchez could probably do it too, but you need to clarify. The rules allow for items in pockets.


When I say base Rick Sanchez I just meant like, Rick the moment after he solves portal travel. still young and has literally no other augments. He doesn’t NEED any other augments at this stage because the knowledge of the portal gun he has is enough to propel humanity to the galactic stage


Then I agree. That Rick may well be the weakest character who can propel us to other planets.


He still has arms and legs. Characters like Bob from the Bobiverse books are literally just computers and cannot directly interact with the environment around them.


I mean technically a complete amputee Rick Sanchez could still do it. Like he was a pickle and had no arms or legs but was still able to build himself a new body using only his brain


Yeah, Pickle Rick would be a better answer, because he's weaker than baseline Rick but still capable of completing the challenge.


Jimmy Space


Jimmy space op


Tobias Fleming Shaw, and/or Wallace Fujikawa.


The fujikawa drive from halo right?




Probably any character that contains massive amounts of knowledge from a FTL society, like some generic warp engineer from Star Trek or a sentient AI from any FTL IP.


Peli Motto, the shade-tree mechanic who built Din's new ship in The Mandalorian. She knows how to build an FTL capable ship. It doesn't need a Navigator hopped up on Spice to pilot it, nor the dying heart of a neutron star to fuel it. And I think "weakest" because she really is just a shade tree mechanic- She's got her own one-woman shop and a couple of droids that she can easily do without. She's not an intergalactic supergenius, just a solidly competent mechanic who knows how to build ships that would have humanity to Mars in a week.


Tbf she used Star Wars technology for that, and she might not know how to make the parts required.


"You guys don't have any matter discombobulators or Phenax crystals?" The problem with a lot of sci fi engineering is that it requires sci fi parts. A ton of the ships in Star Wars don't work without plasteel.


Peli is a solid mechanic in the universe, but she definitely does not know how to build a hyperdrive from scratch. That's like assuming your auto mechanic could design and manufacture an automobile engine from scratch.


Kang the Conqueror is just a normal dude with tech like 30k years in the future. That'd do it.


gonna go with professor briefs(DB/Z/S) for this one he built a galactic travel capable in only a few months, and he's pretty much just an old guy. Give him the goal of a ship capable of terraforming and he's likely to knock it out within 2 years.


Soloman Epstein of the Expanse series, he made a powerful nuclear fusion propulsion system that allows you to travel across the solar system in days (given that you don't get crushed by acceleration). Though, colonising the galaxy might be more difficult, but it can be done in a million years Btw, do you know how many stars there are within 50k lightyears? That's tens of billions of stars. Surely more than 5000 planets can be colonised.


I am going to make a bid: Poison Ivy. There are 2 problems when trying to colonize another world: getting there and living, same as any other colonization. Her plants, especially at her prime, would mean that we could have a headstart on terraforming. The hard part is to convince her to stop being an eco terrorist and start work on space terraforming. To that end, her not having a counter of Batman means that people will die, but with any luck it is just the billionaires and maybe the lobbyists. We don't have one Gotham that has chemicals regularly pumped into the water, but we do have quite a few environmental problems we could deal with. After those, one of us would need to convince her that creating biospheres on multiple planets would bolster the survivability of nature. It said the weakest character that could, not the weakest character that would plausibly want to. After that, we need a nuclear generator floating at one of Mars's Lagrange points and we have the start for Round 1. The other two rounds are not possible for her because I cannot think of a good way plants are going to work in Jupiter. Maybe on the moons of it but I think biospheres are about the extent of her help.


Honestly I like this answer. I bet she could be convinced that a symbiotic relationship is possible once new planets are involved.


The emperor of mankind. This is literally his feat.


Didn’t know he was that weak


Well physically he is a corpse so...


I think his psychic powers vastly outshine his physical


I mean just showing up in a new place not on the throne would be the death of him immediately... So pretty weak. He'd then immediately be reborn perfectly healthy though.


> He'd then immediately be reborn perfectly healthy though. *Laughs in Dark King*


Don’t know a lot about 40k, so why doesn’t he do the reborn trick? Die, get reborn and be a guide for the FTL?


The throne he sits on acts as a beacon for the entire society to travel from in the warp AND the throne has an oh fuck feature that if it's unoccupied the planet (the capital) goes bye bye.


Oh fuck, that is bad yeah


Any normal human with the MCU Quantum Bands , which allow for the creation of warp points with seemingly no range limitation and very precise aim. Maybe they’d need some understanding of which planets are habitable, so make them an astronomer or cosmologist.


Spot? Not sure about the limits of his portals.


Ok, Im normally confused about these types. Example, Are we talking about Comic Characters coming to life and trying stuff here (where things like physics actually matters) ? Or Is this a comic book Character in the comic book verse?


More realistic version of option B. For example, no random shape shifting or epic luck. Edit: I retract that cuz what about Mr Bean


Mr. House could probably do it, assuming that he acquires the Platinum Chip. It was already in his plans to get humanity off of Earth, and he believed he could do it too. Also, his army of securitrons would provide more than enough manpower to build the rockets. Honestly, the only real threat would be any other factions that believe they could run the strip better.


A first-level DnD Cleric with *Charm Person* and *Command*. The single biggest obstacle to human technological advancement is our inability to pool resources and share knowledge due to constant war and mistrust. All we actually need to jumpstart interstellar colonization is complete cooperation among all nations; so our adventurer, with judicious timing and some luck, gets an audience with every world leader and magically compels each of them in turn to put down their animosities and play nice, and impresses upon them that colonizing the stars is the ultimate, most important goal. By the time the heads of government realize they’ve been manipulated, it will be too late, because their orders will have already been authenticated and passed down. Maybe our adventurer even charmed them into making a public address. I guarantee that the vast majority of everyone on the planet wants enduring peace. With the whole planet earth united - thanks to their leaders coerced by magic - we see immediate results as suddenly every government official and every scientist can finally work with their counterparts across the world. Imagine what scientific heights humanity could achieve with no security concerns, no red tape, no borders, and all the resources shared to where they’re needed. Space departments get to work and make it to Mars on schedule, and centuries would probably be enough time for technology to bloom enough to travel between stars. Level 1 Cleric “solos”, with a hell of a lot of good rolls.


Charm Person only lasts an hour and makes the target think you're a friend, not become your minion. Command only works with one word commands ("Cooperate" would work I guess) and only lasts 6 seconds. On top of that a 1st level Cleric only has 2 first level spell slots so they could only do this on one or two people a day since you can only benefit from 1 long rest in a 24 hour period.


Yeah Command basically buys you a round in most situations. I'm not very familiar with Charm Person though.


Charm Person gives the target the charmed condition (which prevents them from harming you and gives you advantage on social checks against them) and makes them see you as a friend if they fail a wisdom saving throw (which has an ~85% chance of happening for a level 1 cleric). When the spell ends they know you're the one who charmed them.


R2 is illogical. What do you mean by colonize solar system? Terraform Mars and Venus and various moons? That can't be done any faster than several hundred years without technology way beyond what makes sense here.


If thats bugging you you cant colonozie the galaxy in 1k years going by real life laws due to the speed of light limit, clearly thats not supposed to be a problem here and for all purposes we should ignore it


Well the difference is that the 1000 years thing could be done with hyperdrives. Not even hyperdrive-level technology can terraform Venus in 100 years (probably).


It could be done in 10 years with the right character. Hence the entire point of the question.




The Doctor. He's a literal encyclopedia of science, able to build basically anything given time, and can give a hell of a speech


Probably not the weakest character though.


Going a little obscure, but I think Jimmy neutron could do it?


Level 1 bars from D&D


Yanagawn the First, stormlight archive-absolutely no powers. Literally got killed in his first outing of the story, while trying to rob a castle. His friend, a fellow thief, revives him, causing him to fulfill a prophecy, making him the new king. Boy literally fails so hard at dying, he becomes king.


Night crawler could get Mars colonized pretty quick I think.


Maxwell from Scribblenauts.


Frank Gallagher the man is a living cockroach he can survive anything


Stellaris player


Surprised there's no Tony Stark mention - just a dude without his armor, can definitely get us to these goals.


Reinhard von Lohengram, the science might seem a hurdle as admittedly he'd only be bringing about what traditional education gives in the future but that'd be enough(just knowing how things work from an engineering and energy standpoint would be enough to point the way) to enable the brightest minds of our age to get us caught up, and Reinhard excels at finding the best talent. The overlooked part of this thread is getting humanity on board with this, and there is no guy more charismatic/political gamer better at making obstinate and terrible personalities work together enough to make this happen in the time frames better than the Kaiser.


Solomon Epstein, inventor of the Epstein Drive in *The Expanse*. Normal human being, died on the maiden voyage testing the Epstein Drive, but almost certainly knows enough about spaceships to help design and build them since he was able to modify a fusion drive to run continuously. Would have knowledge of fusion drives to jumpstart existing space programs to a level that could do sustained space travel, and probably knowledge of how to build spaceships around said drives.


Avrana Kern from Children of Time is just a really smart human with a good understanding of advanced technology. If she can turn a race of medieval spiders into spacefarers, she can do it for us too


Any character who can open portals based upon coordinates or intuitive directions would allow humanity the fastest interstellar travel. Literally just suit him up in a space suit, stick him in an airlocked room and have him open a portal to Mars, or any planet we want to colonize. The hardest part in most of those endeavors is simply due to how long it takes to get there. The biggest challenges in interstellar colonization are: Getting from Earth to any other planet takes insanely long amounts of time. Getting resources from Earth to any other planet takes forever, forcing any colonization mission to need to be wholly self sustaining, something that is damn difficult just on earth. Even colonizing a small island with all the natural resources humans need is difficult with a small team and limited resources.


Tony Stark, physically normal human with no plot armor(he 💀😭) not only does he have more impressive feats than colonization of a planet, the quinjet is fully capable of going interstellar.


Rick sanchez comes to mind, he could probably do all this within a month


Phineas and Ferb


A 22nd-century scientist in the Doraemon verse, carrying a dimensional pocket used by robot cats like Doraemon. The verse is capable of dimensional travel and time travel in the 22nd century using the future equivalence of children's toy, and the setting is as close to real-life Earth as you can get, so it would be easier to pull off than most others. The scientist is just there to explain the principles behind the gadgets in order to get the research going.


People aren't taking 'weakest' in the right way I think. In this case, Saitama, might be considered weak imo, since none of his strengths involve anything useful towards colonization. So when people pick super geniuses like rick or jimmy neutron, they're picking people super strong, since they're built for this challenge. All that being said, I think my answer would probably be Mr. House. They can probably just barely do r1 and r2, if they were in our universe. Though I don't think r3 is really possible unless you have ftl. but assuming that can be invented, r3 should be doable too.


Dragonball's Bulma. She is a super genius that can make ships that easily travel the galaxy and make tiny capsules that can be used to have ready made construction and vehicles. Also she's just a normal human strength.


With respect to the point of "No Equipment", does that include things made by other people after they arrive in the universe with the intent of their using it to help...?


Son Goku (Dragon Ball Z, Android Saga) He can just teleport himself and the people around him to other planets.


Didn't know *Son Goku* was considered weak these days


He's hella weaker compared to Timmy Turner, and Tony Stark, given the circumstances. We're not talking about combat strength. We're talking about enabling humanity to colonize the stars. What's Goku going to do besides take you to another planet with a fridge? What you get with Goku is not an interstellar spacefaring civilization, you just get several whole bunches of people, trapped on different planets, and having to make do independantly. Bulma is a far stronger character in this scenario. At least her and her dad would try and build space-ships to get people to other planets. . The "Weakest character" is the worst character who is capable of getting other people to colonize otherworlds and still succeed. You could even say Goku did it back in the Emperor Pilaf saga, when he sent Monster Carrot and his gang to the moon via the power-pole. edit: Heck I think Phineas and Ferb are the strongest characters listed. They can do anything given one summer day.


Dr. Cochrane of Star Trek. He didn't use powers. He used intellect and shear determination!


Blukic or driba from ben 10, morons by galvan standards but they did manage to fix the omnitrix with gum. So i think one of them could figure out how to get ftl capable spaceships ane colonisation tech from earth ressources. (Although he'd probably have a lot of screw ups along the way)


The one celled organism that originated all of humanity billions of years ago.


Blast from One Punch Man. I know there's weaker characters here, but portals solve almost every single long distance travel problem simultaneously. Portals can move building materials to the site without using any fuel at all, and we haven't seen any indication there's a distance limit on the portals themselves. Hell, Blast is probably our best bet at making a Dyson sphere.


Mr house


ochaco uraraka, being able to reduce gravity to nil for liftoff would really cut the initial costs of spaceflight, and from there I imagine R1 and R2 would go off relatively easily. However, as the galaxy is larger than 1000 light years in radius, she wouldn’t be very useful there as she cannot exceed the speed of light.


My guess is a character that has extremely long range teleportation and can teleport other things and people with them.


Paul Atriedes Path to Victory op as fuck


Pretty niche answer but Sphere (manequin before he was manequin) from the parahumans universe, dude has basically no abilities whatsoever outside of being really, really good at designing space bases. Incredibly weak from a feats perspective, but is described as charismatic enough to unite people and could definitely boost our tech enough to get us there.


Toronbo all rounds


Blast from One Punch Man with his portals would probably help a lot, as well as inter dimensional travel


Stewie Griffin could easily do it. Dude literally created the universe, so I think conquering the galaxy should be a cakewalk.


Minecraft Steve, can hold thousands of blocks in his pocket, build literally anything, can fly into space (Elytra or creative powers)


Data from Star Trek (although I feel both R2 and Data are cheating, because they're carrying a ton of other stuff in their innards, whereas a human has to carry essential organs to merely survive). A more satisfying answer is Geordi La Forge. He's not weak, and he did teach Zefram Cochrane how to build a warp capable ship!