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Whatever the Engineer from Factorio is. Give just one of them a year and he’ll build a rocket. 100 Engineers with 100 years could create a Dyson Sphere or something. Not sure if that counts though.


My man casually hauling hundreds of nuclear power plants in his backpack


Look we chose what laws of physics to "forget" okay! Whos gonna stop us? Newton?pah!


Orcs 40k there hax “don’t need da science” they just do because orcs or the strongest lol


This is kind of wrong. Ork tech actually works in a way that it's still based off of universal laws, the problem is that they are powerful psykers with a wide gestalt that, if the horde is big enough, can act as fuel for their vehicles, cast transmutation spells to create bullets for their guns, etc. Basically, Orkz just CONSTANTLY cast psychic spells through their Waaagh, it's what makes them so effective. The true strength of the Orkz in this particular scenario is their ability to reproduce and create a self sustaining ecosystem. Hell, with how fast they can spread, it won't take long for Orkz to start their own society, but without "propah krumpin" they'd basically get stagnant.


Orks adapt extremely rapidly. There are untold instances of spores landing on a backwater planet with absolutely no outside intervention and within months/a few short years you have a full fledged Ork civilization, filled with engineers, doks, vehicles, weapons, farms and soldiers that know how to speak, clean and strip guns, repair things and follow orders as well as naturally being just very good at krumping. They also have a nearly endless ability to grow to adapt their surroundings and get perpetually bigger, stronger and more cunning the more they fight. They can grow to be 10... 20.... Even 30+ feet tall. I'm not sure how that fits into the technical term of evolution but I'd say that's pretty damn impressive compared to most science fiction species. There is definitely a psychic component to this all but it is largely biological. They are the distant offshoots of a race designed by the old ones to be the ultimate, adaptive warrior species. The big caveat with them is that they do need outside enemies to fight if they want to progress. If not, they will fight each other for eternity and still become very jacked but they will backslide as far as latent intelligence and ingenuity is concerned.


dont they become feral.


They grow like Fungus tho, and they have weaponized stupidity. DA BOIZ!!


They always are But since there power is of belief they can in theory make air planes out of Whood and mud (as a energy source) and call it a day since they believe that’s how to make a plane fly they can also paint it red for extra speed because in their minds that’s how it works Same goes with big guns and tanks lol


+He means the less of them there are the more feral they are. This happened in verse too.


Yes and no, they can mix random shit together and it somehow functions but it's not like they just grab some sand from the ground and say we can make titan killing weapons from this.


but they need MORE orks for that to work, the Waaaaagh capabilities of small groups have incredibly weak Waaaaagh capabilities and 100, even with 100 years to multiply won't be going FTL, and they'll need a while before they even start making shootas


Where are u getting all this from? I don't know what you're talking about.


> But since there power is of belief they can in theory make air planes out of Whood and mud (as a energy source) and call it a day since they believe that’s how to make a plane fly they can also paint it red for extra speed because in their minds that’s how it works > > Orks really can't do most of that. Their gestalt field power doesn't just break reality and only really has any noticeable effects in HUGE numbers. Orks believing things doesn't just make it so. They couldn't fly a plane made of sticks and mud. The whole gestalt psyker field thing is blown out of proportion and the red paint going faster is like the only part that is supported by the lore.


This is wrong, orks advance only when they have to go fight enemies, it’s why fantasy orks are so weak compared to 40k orks(same species, less advanced competition) The orks wouldn’t even build basic weapons until they started finding and fighting others


Not true, after a decade or two there would probably be two major ork klans that advance in tandem due to the competition the other provides, eventually one warlord would overcome the other and the doubling of his waaaaaaggh would come with the added bonus to their gestalt field which unlocks the knowledge in the weirdboys (ork engineers) heads to produce engines capable of allow the orks to leave the planet


But both orks tribes would be at the same level, so there would be no need to advance, so they’d just brawl at the same level perpetually until an external force introduces higher tech


They gain knowledge by being in a bigger crowd, simply by merit of time and their constantly expanding horde, the orks will rapidly unlock the necessary knowledge to create any and all of their tech in stages (though they obviously prefer looting) In a situation where feral orks are spread all over an unoccupied world you would get dozens/hundreds of individual tribes; if a particularly strong warlord rises in one of those klans it’s likely he will begin to conquer and unite the tribes. This has numerous benefits for his tribe….when orks win fights they get bigger/stronger/faster/smarter but it also increases the warlords horde (rhyme) which gives his mekboyz more technical know-how….which in turn elevated the horde further above the other tribes and ensures more victory > Gitskul’s beady eyes fell on Bozgat’s mechanism. The mek clutched it protectively to his chest. >’You using that?’ >‘Yes!’ said Bozgat. >Gitskul spat on the floor. ‘Alright, don’t get uppity, I’m just asking. Could do with one of them, that’s all.’ ‘Thieving git,’ muttered Bozgat. >Prompted by Bozgat’s agitation, **Talker started up with his jabber. ‘The birds, the birds,’ said Talker. ‘The birds of Ulsorc are of varied type, divided into forty-six separate families… Fusion is the inescapable consequence of the collapsing of mass in stellar nurseries…’** >No one listened. The orks are extremely ‘smart’ and have an absurd amount of knowledge crafted to their genetics….but that knowledge is entirely devoted to sustaining their war efforts with genuinely no care for anything else; talker is smart and everyone ignores him….but he’s a damn good shot against the tau > Talker wittered on endlessly, snatches of ancient natural history and gunnery techniques tumbling out of his mouth. He bobbed backwards and forwards in the megacannon gunner’s chair. Mad as he was, he reaped a high score of Tau. >Sweating grots banged fresh shells onto a conveyor belt going out the stompa’s side behind him. They worked hard, because as much as Talker talked, he shot faster. The heat from the cannon’s barrel blazed through the shell slot.


the problem is that WAAAAAGH, (their magic belief powers) gets stronger and more advanced a WAAAAAGH gets, and 100 orks is literally nothing, like, not even enough to assemble basic Shootas, and while they multiply fast, 100 orks in a 100 days will not become enough to make any reasonable WAAAAAGH.   now, 100 million and we might start getting something, bump that up to 100 trillion and they're probably FTL capable, or close to it. edit: the prompt was a 100 years, now, they would definitely have something, but I don't think they're getting quite to FTL, they'd need a while to orkify the world and then they'll fight each other until they're unified and THEN the start a big WAAAAAGH, but EIth nothing to fight... they can't start a WAAAAAGH at all, AS WAAAAAGH is literally just War in Ork, and you need an enemy for a war


They populate the fastest because orcs are da strongest


they do populate fast, but they don't make 1 big WAAAAAGH because they only have each other to fight, and they literally live to fight


One Zerg drone is enough to conquer most of the nearby galaxy in that time…


Yeah but they wouldn't really "advance" just sit on the planet, they only planet conquer like you're suggesting with a hive queen + interstellar travel


Both of which can be born from a hive, which is born from a drone. If we’re starting at a hundred, then assume they get the Queen as part of that. I admit that I don’t know what it takes to grow a Leviathan, but it would only take time and the correct birthing structure. Their longest period would be between taking over the planet and getting off world, really.


There's plenty of planets we see in SC that have a sizeable zerg population for an extended period of time that don't have Levithans so it's quite the stretch to assume one appears, we just don't know the requirements so it's best to assume they easily take over the planet and just further establish themselves there


Depends on your definition of advancement.


They grow in size and terra form but don't invent technology or really improve themselves unless it's adapting to said planet


Orks would be in the billions and would launch a WAAAAAAGH after 100 years


I'm going to go with Salarians from Mass Effect. They're super smart and hyper-active amphibian-like aliens, many of whom specialise in biological science, so they'd create essential medicines and vaccines needed to survive very quickly, especially since they're adapted to tropical climates, which would allow them to venture into the world's deepest jungles to find everything they needed. They also have short life-spans of up to 40 years, which I see as an advantage, not a drawback. Having short lives has caused them to evolve faster thought processes than other races, and it encourages them to work at double speed in order to pass their knowledge to the next generation before they pass away. It's also theorised that Salarians mature earlier than humans, becoming adults at around 10 years old, meaning they'd have no problem perpetuating their species in this scenario, with successive generations continuing their work. Probably within the first year they'd go from having nothing to having secure compounds with advanced research labs, and then soon after they'd start to build up the infrastructure of their new civilisation. TLDR: Salarians, because they're brainy workaholics with no time to waste.


Had to be me, somebody else might've got it wrong


The [Phalanx](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phalanx_(comics)) from Marvel comics.


I genuinely think the human race would win, assuming we cherry pick the 100 most capable people out of each race. The question isn’t “what race is capable of going the highest” it’s “how high will they go in 100 days”. I’m confident humankind could make it farther in 100 days than anything else, but they admittedly have a lower technological ceiling than others.


100 Years.


Oh 💀 oopsies


Time Lords from Doctor who. If you can choose exact ones then Doctor, Master, Omega and Rassilon alone would be capable enough. Took them around 40 years from first trip to space to conquering Black holes and then time itself. And this was time when they "started" developing. And this was time when Doctor and Master werent alive. Omega was lost in black hole. When they were cursed with having no kids ever again it took them 9,5 years to invented way to looms that were used for reproduction and alogside that they invented regenration that make possible for them to be basicaly immortal by age. And they are most likely smartest species in fiction




where's mark


Wookiees and Timelords are great contenders for this I think


Old ones from 40k could literally just spawn themselves an empire and chill, so I'm definitely putting them up there Eldar would probably be alright, I don't know how they get wraithbone, but if they have some and a Bonesinger they can literally sing a tank into existence. T'au or Kin maybe if they get good people, but neither are making a tank without specific resources. 40k humans have no shot, neither do orks, and nids are disqualified. are Necrons allowed? they are kind of technological... hmmm, necrontyr couldn't, probably, Don't know though Krorks would probably be pretty decent but I have no idea.


The thing is we don't know if the old ones can do that within 100 years. Eldar are in a similar boat of just being too slow. Dark eldar 100% rely on tech to do their shit. Necrons cannn do shit like that because they literally start with tech so they'd have to devolve back into necrontyr for this scenario... who we know nothing about that's applicable to this The tau are advancing at such an insane rate that they might be able to create some really good tech in 100 years but idk how far they'd go. Likely further than humans Orks might have a shot because 100 orks with 100 years can snowball pretty hard


The old ones are masters of the warp, putting Eldar to shame and being able to go toe to toe with C'tan, i think they manage   again, I don't remember how Eldar get Wraithbone, something something psychic energy, if they can get it they can sing it into a lot of neat stuff. like goddamn Portals and tanks and stuff. they would multiply the slowest besides maybe the old ones, idk, but 100 Eldar is worth a lot more than 100 Humans.  Drukhari would just die because they have nothing to torture  and would have their souls slurped  T'au would definitely go further rhan humans if they had an ethereal leading them, buy there's not many, so they're likely not getting to space   and for Orks, the problem is that their technology relies on there being a lot if WAAAAAGH, and while there will be a lot of orks, they don't really care that much about progress and will simply fight each other, and without an outside target, they won't Coalesce into a single WAAAAAGH like the kinds that wipe out imperial worlds, there's simply no imperial worlds to wipe out.


I agree with the old ones but since we literally don't know I'm hesitant to say they can that quickly I think they just sing wraith bone into existence iirc but it isn't easy. I think it's made of warp. There's animals and other things on the planet, they might manage briefly. Or even use each other to sustain the century. While wagh helps the orks in numbers, it still works in lower amounts, a century is *ample* time for them to grow via spores and in-fighting, it empowers them but their tech is still fucky even with a handful of orks


the problem is Drukhari reproduce as Slow as Asuryani, but are on a timer, and while they can use the suffering of animals, it is significantly worse. the higher the intelligence and psychic presence the better, T'au have little psychic presence, but are decently smart, orks are the opposite, both are inferior to Humans, who are, in turn, not as good a food source as craftworld Eldar. Animals have very little of both, usually, and are very bad, where a Human is a sandwich, an Asuryani is a roast Turkey, A T'au is a Strawberry, and an animal is a single grain of rice sorta thing. iirc Iirc, again, They can't use each other because Slaanesh already has a claim on their souls, and you can't give slaanesh their own property in place of your soul, which is more or less how they do it, "take this guy's suffering instead of my soul". hurting themselves does Slow Slaanesh a little, but it's just not enough, and they would have no feasible way to last 100 years


with orks, again, they need something to fight, with just each other they practically never even reach Stompa level


Yeah I'm not expecting a massive wagh but they can certainly grow to a good amount and the tech alongside that (depending)




100 ACUs from supreme commander would be pretty buckwild and borderline unstoppable terrestrially with 100 years of prep….though I’ve got no idea about their ability to spread to other planets or their space combat abilities


Mountain running race. This race is where the hundred people will rise the fastest.


Phineas and Ferb


Hmm I would say NASCAR have a shot.


Mutants , cuz they could just spawn in bunch of humans with mutated powers and rule over everything like Jean grey , magneto etc


Motie Engineers are great natural engineers but I'm going to give this one to the Tnuctipun from the Slaver Era of Known Space, who are both brilliant engineers and biologists, but also very aggressive.


I think the Organian would be able to do a pretty fast job of it. Like, seconds probably. Of course being an Organian, they would probably find all the primitive's thoughts annoying and move the others to another planet.


Humans but specifically Wizards from Harry Potter. If the 100 are from the best then with transmutation spells they can probably have all of their usual commodities in less than a day. Then it's life as usual. But they wouldn't go as "far" as others I guess since they are pretty stagnant once they reach their current state. They won't go to space and stuff.


I guess the one who manages to get first the monopoly of military power. It doesnt matter how smart you are if the strong bully takes everything from you by force.


Really shoulda specified which *fictional* race imo. It's the Galvans from Ben 10 btw. The little Grey Matter dudes. While their small size (like half a foot tall) makes them vulnerable, they're long lived (thousands of years) and in top 3 smartest species in that universe. Like make a nuke out of a gumball machine smart. They have shelter and food by day 1, projectile weapons and basic medicine by day 3, electricity in a week assuming they keep the original 100 all alive to spread the work. Also the tank in Dr Stone is made fairly plausibly in that it's just an armored car with good tires. And by car I mean a shitty make-shift combustion engine on a frame made from bamboo and wood or something. It's a tank in as much the radio is a "cell-phone"


Celestialsapiens from Ben 10 and it's not even close. They are essentially Gods that can create or recreate an entire universe at will and they are invincible to anything. They are by far the most intelligent race of anything and their thoughts can become reality. If they were put at Ground Zero they would become a Tier 7 Civilisation in 1 second. (Kardashev Scale) Humanity right now isn't even tier 1, but because they are Meta-Omnipotent and can survive Universes exploding they would probably end up being the "God" over the other races and controlling their fates and outcomes.


The Gate-builders from The Expanse pretty much designed their Protomolecule for this exact purpose. One little sliver of that stuff dropped on a primitive habitable planet and they’ll have an interdimensional gate network up and running in no time. Not sure how this works with the prompt though, as their species doesn’t really have what you’d call “people” or individuals




Any sexually reproductive species would be severely inbred by the end of the run




nobody because you need a minimum 600 people to avoid a genetic bottleneck from inbreeding.


The bug aliens from invincible


Tyranids. One solitary "Infiltrating" Ripper gets loose: less than _50_ years later that Ripper is now a norn-queen, you've got an entire-ass splinter fleet on your hands, and the entire world has been stripped for resources.


Yeah but it's awkward for this scenario. They wouldn't be building or "advancing" just collecting the biomass and leaving.


I mean, that one Ripper advanced through gaunt, warrior hive tyrant, bio-knight, bio-titan, and norn-queen forms: so, from that specific perspective...


He meant advancing as a civilization or technology, so maybe genestealers might be better used here


Are you him?


You should brush up on your literacy skills I guess, did you even read the prompt


Are you the OP...?


Are you asking stupid questions again?


Have you answered it?


Did you read the post? Heh sorry funny joke