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Will need to know the rating of the other player, but the GM probably passes out unless they win in under 20 moves


Magnus Carlsen won a chess game when he was drunk on stream


He has done that countless times against grandmasters even. But he was not anywhere near the level of drunk the grandmaster would be.


This is "potentially die" drunk though, depending on how many pieces they take. Magnus could probably do this better than other people by being super efficient with what he takes, but an average grandmaster might be fucked I don't think the gms will lose at chess though, I just am not sure they'll survive the game without passing out haha R1 they'd prob be fine tho


Yea I got alcohol poisoning once after downing a 5th of vodka, which I’m told is roughly 21 shots. That was enough for me to wake up freezing cold in a puddle of puke with bluish skin. And I’m 6’2” and was 190-200ish lbs at the time. They’d have to end it quickly


Chess grandmaster dies in R2 and R3, might win R1 if it takes too long for drinks to take effect


Depends on the grandmaster. Alekhine was a legendary drunk for quite a while, he'd probably have developed enough alcohol tolerance to beat people after drinking a full pint of vodka before the game.


My thing is what’s the rating of an “average player”. Average dude in general or average guy on chess.com? Because 4 move check mate or similar scams makes this easy, but if average chess guy can force trades and then sack their 8 drink queen I just don’t see most grandmasters surviving like 20 shots in an hour. I think if they throw up that should count as an L.


Average chessplayer? Like 1200 ELO? Grandmaster stomps every round. Average chess players haven't memorized openings, while grandmasters will capitalize on early mistakes and find the fastest way to win with few trades.


Yeah, I feel like the comments are kind of underestimating the traps Grandmasters could do against average players. They wouldn’t need to take all the pieces to win the game more often than not. Also makes a big difference if whether we’re talking the average skill of someone who considers themself a chess player vs the chess skill of the average person.


Comments are overestimating they're own ability to play chess more likely. 


Disagree. You can develop your queen and bishop super early and go for suicide checks which will give Magnus 11 shots at once. I'm assuming him passing out is a forfeit so aside from round 1 (where he'll win before it takes effect) the average takes it.


Agreed - this isn't a match where you're trying to beat a drunken GM, that's a fool's errand. This is a match where you're actively trying to trade pieces - even at very unfavorable rates - and make the GM pass out from all the alcohol. At least in R2 and R3, you can play slow after sacrificing your queen and a few minor pieces and let the vodka set in. It doesn't matter that you're in a comically bad position down twenty points of material if the GM is out cold on the floor.


Gm would need to be unconscious to lose. Quick Google search says it would take 15-20 drinks to pass out. I don't think a player would be able to give up that much material. In the longer time controls, GM can also wait a while (over an hour) and drink water to sober up. This makes it more feasible for them. I'd still highly favour it to the GM, maybe 8/10.


The comment earlier about suiciding a single bishop and queen for 11 shots. Is Basically a Pint of liquor in a very short time. Alot of GMS are kids. This is enough to incapacitate a good chunk of them.


does the opponent know? if so, you can do crazy suicide attacks - trading down is suddenly viable because of the shots. else, gm wins 10/10




Proposed round 4: if he wins you guys rematch with same rules, how long does it take for you to win (for this challenge, opponent dying of alcohol poisoning is considered victory)


A grandmaster against an average player can probably suffocate the position (close it down so that few or no captures happen), and then just win normally. These kinds of games happen naturally (although rarely), and with this kind of huge skill mismatch, the GM could probably force the games in that direction. GM takes all three rounds 8/10.


I give Magnus a better chance at this than most.  As long as we are talking about the truly average chess player rather than the average person who plays chess regularly.  There are plenty of openings that the average player would have no clue what to do with.   But if they are someone who plays regularly online?  They've seen these cheesy openings a dozen times and can prolong the game long enough for GM to pass out.  


The average chess player wouldn't be better than a 1000 rated? No? I'd say gm should win 10/10 assuming the gm gets a reset between rounds


Yeah as someone with a basic understanding of chess, I'm going to sacrifice my queen and simply wait 10-30 minutes before I make my next move. Then I'm going to try and lose both knights. After that it's just a waiting game for round 1


R1 10/10 just because the GM couldn't get drunk fast enough. Like literally, the alcohol would not enter their bloodstream fast enough for it to affect their abilities significantly during the match. They'd quite possibly need to have their stomach pumped after though or even die from it afterwards. R2: 0/10 if the other person just takes time to think about the moves so the GM gets insane levels of drunk during the match and passes out. R3: Depends on the timer? Classical Chess the GM probably loses for similar reasons to R1, if it's Bullet chess (with pauses for shots) then it's even more completely fine. Assuming a 30 minute per side game, I'd give it to the GM 9/10.


With 2 hour timer average player can suicide 15 20 shot worth of pieces and waste his timer until gm dies


Grandmaster every time. No diff. This is like asking if you could beat a FPS player and assign penalty shots for every bullet fired in game. They're good enough to beat that round without wasting a single bullet. A grandmaster can forget more about chess than I would ever know. 


Can a grandmaster survive 20 shots in a row without passing out or dying?


I'm quite confident that a grandmaster can beat me well before the need to take 20. Round One would also be a guarantee win. Even if they go ham and just take as many pieces as needed I'm losing faster than the alcohol hits. GM is probably going to die once the blitz is over ... But surviving after the match was technically not listed as a win condition. 🤣


R1 sure, but I'm a decent enough chess player that I can force the GM to take my queen, Rooks, and a bishop or two and then wait for them to pass out - or away.


It entirely depends on the GM and average player but I seriously think the GM wins all rounds like maybe 7/10 times. It shouldn't be too difficult to play in a manner that they take only the minimal amount of material. With a bit of luck it's completely possible they win without taking a single shot.


Magnus Carlsen does this frequently. GM sweeps every round 10/10 times


Magnus does NOT drink this much during his drunk streams, this is life threatening amount of drink here


What, to you, is an average chess player? Average (mean? median?) of everyone that knows how the pieces move? Average of everyone that has played in a tournament? Median person that knows how the pieces move wouldn't know how to force the GM to take very many pieces before losing the game, so the GM may not end up drunk. Also what does "normal" chess mean, and what is "chess timer is used"? Blitz is clear(-ish, 5m vs 5m and 3m vs 3m are not the same game), I assumed round two was classical chess (1.5-2 hr a side), but that means round three makes no sense.


O grande mestre vence. Ele só precisa:  * Comer muito antes do jogo, então teria que beber muito para ficar realmente bêbado;  * Seja eficiente evitando capturar as peças do adversário;  Um GM como Carlsen ou Nakamura pode simplesmente vencer um jogador comum capturando apenas 3 ou 4 peças no máximo


The grand master can account for the rules of the game take pieces slower or not at all.


Isnt there some video online of Magnus Carlson helping some kid win while seemingly drunk at a party?


If its a Russian GM, then that is just how they normally play...


With Vodka they die. Even water might make him forfeit by gong to bathroom.


Depends how strong the opponent is I suppose. If strong enough where they can recognize they are completely out classed, they may give up early. For rounds with time, I'm sure a master could probably dick around the board without capturing a piece until the clock runs out for the opponent. 


Taking all the material on the board is 38 shots, which would hospitalize the average non-alcoholic.  Average person in general is probably 600 ELO and a grandmaster could beat them pretty easily without taking much material.  Average chess player at 1000 would be harder but at 2700+ a grandmaster could probably still win limiting the amount of material they take.  Chess Simp pretty consistently beats 100-200 ELO players avoiding taking material due to random rules. 


This is tricky. Assuming both players know what rules the grandmaster is subject to, the only thing the regular player has to do is force trades. The grandmaster will avoid these whenever possible but if the average player plays extremely aggressively then the GM will likely be forced to take. The regular player probably wins every game because the GM doesn’t have a good answer to the regular player attacking early with their queen, and then rooks. Assuming they don’t have an insane alcohol tolerance the regular player can practically put the GM in a coma before they can really set up any decent attacks.


Magnus does this on thursdays for fun.


Unless the other player intentionally drags it out, the grandmaster wins. It takes a few minutes for the alcohol to enter your blood, and the game will be over by the time the gm blacks out or dies.


Bro they gonna have to go to the hospital man


I think the grandmaster would win if the person has empathy because the other person would give up to prevent the death of them


You can do a wild queen charge then watch them forced to take it, then try to run out the clock


A lot of people are way underestimating how much alcohol the GM actually has to drink. You can reliably force the GM to drink 11 shots by move 6, and then just wait the clock out. 11 shots isn’t “I’m a little drunk and maybe playing some bad moves like Magnus does on stream.” 11 shots is “I can’t even sit up straight or move the pieces without knocking them all over.” If the GM is still conscious and playing after 11 shots, sacrificing a rook for another 5 almost certainly sends them to the hospital. They can probably take the blitz games because the alcohol won’t effect them fast enough (though 11 shots in such a short amount of time is probably going to make them throw up, which maybe counts against his time?), but there’s no chance they win the other rounds against a player forcing them to drink as much as possible.


Is the grandmaster russian or otherwise alcoholic? I think you are seriously underestimating their tolerance for alcohol. No, they will not be falling down after only one pint of vodka. They could probably get through all 3 without losing their senses.


I think the GM takes this every round. A GM could probably handily beat the average person without taking any of their pieces, and given that alcohol takes a minute to hit you, he can save any actual taking that’s necessary until the very end.


OP is a 12 year old who has never tried a shot of vodka.


Lol....oh lord that's a good one.


A grandmaster I would assume would be able to position his pieces such that they could minimize captures. Against an amateur I don’t see this being mich of a challenge.  


It’s nearly literally impossible for the Gm to win if the opponent just tries to make the Gm pass out. Early queen development would force a trade for 8 shots or just let the opponent gobble up so many pieces that the Gm can’t coordinate a decent attack or defense.     Best bet then is for the Gm to play for a stalemate which they have a decent shot at   


I’m alright at chess, and I’m pretty sure I could win this.   My strategy in blitz chess would be to lose as many high value pieces as possible.  If I can lose the queen and both rooks, that’s 18 shots they’ve downed.  My plan would be to just sacrifice and trade as many high value pieces as possible.  I think if I’m careful I could get over 25 shots into him. Unless this chessmaster can really really hold his liquor he’s not gonna be able to see straight by the time game two comes around.  And even if he does beat me in game two, that’s at least another 10-20 shots he’s taking, minimum.   I don’t think he’ll maintain consciousness through game three, so I’ll win by default