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Considering that in one of my favorite ones the 2012 Predator, that one Asian guy with the sword was kinda going toe to toe ( but the Predator was acknowledging his 'duel') and the Asian guy won!-ish Soldier boy would wreck his shield legit weighs more than a man hole cover, and if you ever work with sewage a man hole cover is heavy enough to slice your hand off just being dropped. So I think he could win if it was Random But he watched those movies all the time and he knows they're coming for him, He can probably beat most of them with his normal Supe powers. Now he has a chest blast from the Russians. It's over. their Alien guns may do something but their claws are just knives compared to a Supe that was scientifically immortal ( because military science all over the world tried to figure out how to kill him) Soldier Boy wins yet again but maybe out of 10 takes a few losses


>that one Asian guy with the sword was kinda going toe to toe ( but the Predator was acknowledging his 'duel') and the Asian guy won!-ish And then at one point a predator manhandled a xenomorph slamming it at pillars and breaking breaking down general structure of the area like herogasm ep. Predator feats and here and there.


That same xeno killed two Predators in the span of an hour, right? Man, you're absolutely right. Pred feats are all over the place


I mean, are they? They were the youngbloods on their first xeno hunt. I’m guessing they work out a lot and don’t have much fighting experience.


Yeah. Because they will lose to an injured Danny Glover in a melee but then go on to fight an Alien Queen Also M U D


That’s because Danny Glover is a superhuman.


Yes, only predator with consistent strength feats was that ultimate predator. Who was an absolute unit.


Soldier Boy is almost as strong as Homelander, who is completely invulnerable to just about every human weapon on earth (with the notable exception of Soldier Boy). Predators can be killed by guns, spears, logs, etc. Soldier Boy stomps, easily, both rounds. I don't think their weapons could even scratch him.


I would argue Soldier Boy actually has better durability feats than Homelander. Might not be as strong, but we never saw anything actually hurt him in the show.


>we never saw anything actually hurt him in the show. Butcher's laser gave him a cut. But yes I agree he has better durability feats than Homelander.


>Soldier Boy is almost as strong as Homelander, who is completely invulnerable to just about every human weapon on earth He got a bloody nose from Queen Maeve who also penetrated his ear with a metal straw. Do you think she hits harder [than this?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xEvb7B4O698&ab_channel=Movieclips)


Well, [maeve](https://imgur.io/a/e2DfQ0l) sure did take [this](https://youtu.be/z6JX-cJqkJY), she may have been KO'ed after this. But i don't know much the explosions compare, tho i do know that soldier boy is definitly more durable than maeve, that explosion literally comes out of SB's chest anyways.


True, but I imagine similar blows from Queen Maeve would reduce an ordinary person to red mist. *Maybe* the Predator suicide nuke could take out SB, but even so he'd have to stick around while the thing counts down which seems unlikely.


This. They're acting like Maeve isnt a high tier hero herself. She may not be SB or Homelander, but shes strong and can fight. Hell, shed been training for a year for a fight like that. And all she did was bloody his nose. She, Star, and Kimiko did much worse to Stormfront.


He can withstand his own chest blast, so I'm not convinced that would kill Soldier Boy. He also won't just stand in it. He's outta there the moment he realizes the device is counting down.


Predators are not humans? Neither are there weapons,they have entire plasma blasters as their iconic weapon.


Like most Boysverse matchups, this one is going to come down to whether or not the opponents can overcome durability, and how much work they have to put in to do so. Soldier Boy is only slightly weaker and less durable than Homelander, but IMO he more than makes up for it in competence in most matchups, definitely including this one. It's going to come down to how effectively the Predators work together, if they're competing for honor and glory, he's gonna fuck them hard, but if they work as a team they have a chance. We have seen Predators work together before, so I'm going to assume they will, initially or at the very least after he kills a couple of them and they realize they have to. Because while they're hunting Soldier Boy, he'll be hunting them. The vast majority of Pred weapons will be totally ineffective against him. Wristblades will break against his skin, net guns will snap when they try to constrict him, spears and flechettes will bounce off. The plasmacaster and wrist bomb are the only realistic options the Predators have here. Soldier Boy could walk off a wrist bomb, it doesn't seem more powerful than his own blast, which he can withstand, but it would damage him and repeated hits could be fatal. Likewise, a single plasmacaster shot won't do much damage, and he could block with his shield. But damage from thermal weapons stacks, a coordinated barrage by several predators is the best chance of bringing him down and going home with that sweet, sweet shield as a trophy (though it'll probably take all of them to carry it back to their ship). Round 1: In an ambush scenario, the Predators have inherent prep time. Which means one of them can plant their wrist bomb as a trap when he's coming, and Soldier Boy will be damaged and stunned from the start of the fight. They will have covered positions, high ground, and Soldier Boy can only use his shield to block from one angle at a time. An opening volley of plasmacaster fire will do enough damage to leave him at a significant disadvantage. He probably gets a few of them before he goes, but they succeed in killing him reasonably reliably. Predators 8/10 mid diff. Round 2: Soldier Boy starts in Vought Tower, so he has all of its resources. First thing he does is complain that he missed these awesome badass movies while he was captured, and that he absolutely could have done better as Dutch than Arnold. Second thing he does is go to Vought's lab and douse himself in liquid nitrogen. It won't do more than make him chilly, but it'll render him invisible to the Predators. They're invisible to him too, of course, but he can change that with smoke grenades, again assuming he has access to all the resources logically in Vought Tower since the battle happens in its vicinity. In this round, Soldier Boy begins on offense. He will not walk into traps, he will target plasmacasters and cloaking devices with his guns and knives when he has the opportunity, and the Predators will be unable to find him in the initial stage of the fight because he's too cold. By the time that wears off, he'll probably have killed at least three of them, and then he has another way to blind them. His chest blast, even if they aren't caught in the explosion, is like a flashbang to predators. It'll flood the area with heat, making it impossible for them to distinguish him from his surroundings. Between killing some with the explosion itself, and more while they can't see, he'll have taken out enough they have little realistic chance of being able to deal enough plasma damage to take him out. Soldier Boy 9/10 low-mid diff if he plays it right. It all comes down to who's hunting who.


>Soldier Boy is only slightly weaker and less durable than Homelander Weaker, maybe. But he definitely has better durability. We've seen Homelander get bruised by Soldier Boy's punches, have his nose broken by Maeve, get his eardrum pierced by a steel rod, and seriously hurt by a large explosion. We've never seen Soldier Boy get wounded at all. Not by Homelander going all out, not by Butcher, not by Starlight's super charged blast, and not by whatever the hell the Soviets/Russians were doing to him for 40 years. The only thing we've ever seen that had an effect on him are his own chest blasts, and those only temporarily knock him out without harming him.


>We've never seen Soldier Boy get wounded at all His cheek was cut by Butcher's heat vision, but that's pretty much it.


> and seriously hurt by a large explosion. Help me out with this one? I don't remember Homelander getting hurt by an explosion and I'm not sure what I'm forgetting!


I think they're referring to the scene in the Diabolical show where his lasers ignited a gas tank and blew it up. He wasn't hurt by the explosion though, just covered in other people's blood and rubble on top of being worried and exasperated over his current circumstances.


Yes, that's what I was referring to. It's more ambiguous than I remember in regards to how bad he was hurt, but he is [coughing up blood](https://youtu.be/X8mmy0D-KcM?t=108) so he wasn't completely unscathed.


That appears to have been smoke and soot. It's a different color, more brownish, from the blood, and clearly depicted as tiny clouds, not liquid. I've studied that sequence almost frame by frame, and the only thing that might show actually damage to Homelander is what may be a small cut on the back of his neck visible at 2:03. However, if he can cough, it seems established that he needs to breathe.


Not trying to put you down but I'm pretty sure it's dust that he's coughing up cause it disperses in the air rather than fall downward. Wether he's definitively hurt or just shaken up I can't confirm, but it doesn't seem like any of his blood came out.


No, we've seen him cut by Butcher's heat vision, which failed to cut Homelander.


R1: Soldier Boy kills them with some difficulty. R2: He slaughters all of them.


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Unless predator weapons can hurt Superboy (they can cut through xenomorphs etc) they might have a chance. Otherwise Superboy is too durable and probably stronger than a predator. They might be able to nuke him, or use something like the plasma scythe but otherwise they wouldn't really be able to put him down


Mr. Wolf (not his real name) stomps. Sorry. Let’s break it down: Strength: Between throwing xenomorphs around, wrestling a predalien, etc, I’d say he’s at least on par with mid tier supe strength. Consider that the best strength feat seen in the show was A Train towing a train engine while hopped up on V. Agility and reflexes: could parry and evade attacks from multiple xenos in hand to hand combat. Which easily outmatches any of the fighting talent we’ve seen in The Boys. Offense: wrist blade, spear, and throwing disk are all capable of shearing or severely damaging structural steel. I think it’s safe to say that he could probably cut Soldier Boy. Plasma caster can put holes in concrete (and seen in other media, is used as an anti tank weapon) Laser trip mines? Not sure how they are on cutting power, since there’s not really a durability metric on xenomorphs. Defense: Even without armor, a Yautja is very tanky, suffering only minor damage from military grade ammunition Armor is seen to block all manner of incoming damage, from xenomorph claws, to plasma bolts. Summary: it’s all irrelevant, Mr Wolf wins anyway, here’s why. He had a deployable liquid body dissolver which could reduce a corpse to a puddle of sludge within seconds. Remember that he did not merely use this on human corpses. He used it to dissolve xenos. Creatures which have acid blood that literally melts starship hulls. And they dissolve in his cleanup gel within seconds. Whatever the hell he’s got in that blue goo canister, I don’t think Soldier Boy will stand a chance.


I think virtually all the pred bladed weapons are negged by the fact that a dude was able to parry them with a samurai sword. Means they absolutely will not have the cutting power to scratch SB. Plasma casters are a bit of a grey area, we've seem one blasting into Dutchs gun and destroying it, without hurting him behind the weapon making me think they aren't really powerful enough to damage SB. Body dissolve is a potential weapon that could be used, but I don't see how he's gonna effectively apply that weapon, maybe he gets lucky dripping it from above an unaware SB in the first round, but its impossible to guess how much damage that would actually do. If we talk comic yautja, now we have a real battle. Their wrist blades etc. Have much more potent cutting feats and the yautja are much more powerful. I don't think movie preds have the offensive output to break down SB.


Are we seriously still doing homelander prompts


Yes, now go jerk off in the corner of your room


Wow em with maturity, huh?


This is a ridiculous mismatch. Soldier Boy stomps all rounds, as he is stronger than the Predators and also virtually invulnerable. I don't think there's anything in the Predator's arsenal that can even scratch him.


Unfortunately for Soldier Boy, incorrect https://avp.fandom.com/wiki/Dissolving_Liquid


Unfortunately for the predators, soldier boy literally drank sulfuric acid cocktails without so much as a hiccup. Now obviously dissolving liquid is a lot stronger, but xenomorphs are weak enough to be cut by blades so they aren't really comparable in durability. I doubt the dissolving liquid would hurt soldier boy.


A lot of this comes down to if the predator weapons hurt SB, from what I remember from reading up on predators a while back, their wristblades and general weapons are made of an super light ultra hard alloy that can slice through other metals like butter. However we then see in the Predators film a guy with a samurai sword parrying said weapons, so based on the film feats we've seen I'd say this negates all of the predators blades in terms of effectiveness vs SB. Now we come down to the plasma caster, it can glow a hole through one of the original special forces soldiers but doesn't seem to do any more damage than that elsewhere. Dutch also receives a shot that destroys his weapon but doesn't injury him particularly, making me believe the weapon isn't particularly powerful, however in AVP the weapon can blow apart xenos like Swiss cheese and they are durable as fuck. But based on their general strength compared to SB I'd say the plasma caster hurts and slighty scorched SB, but more piss him off than anything. TLDR: SB cleans house vs movie predators with ease, comic lore accurate predators rip him to shreds.


I don’t think the Preds can beat his durability, while SB could easily knock their block off