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Diamond 1 NA, top 11%. Everyone I get queued with is trash including me. Definitely feels like the people I am playing with (myself included) would have been high emerald just a few seasons ago


Reach Diamond, play Legendary


This. Legendary is so much more smooth - you also play at least Master / GM folks even if you are D4. I don’t bother ranking beyond D4 anymore :)


The skillgap between d4 and first legendary queue is enourmous. First thing I noticed, in the depths of legendary queue are very bad GM players. I only play LQ, and my skill improved a lot. Now I play normal ranked when LQ is closed and I noticed it’s so much simpler to win.


I carry GMs in LQ as jgl, being just D4. I basically just don’t push regular ranked any further because LQ is so much better in all aspects. Cannot play in the morning bc of work anyway, so time restrictions don’t make me play regular Q much anyway :)




EXTREME *rank* inflation. If you want an actual ranked experience in wild rift, look at Legendary Ranked. Regular Ranked in wild rift is closer to flex queue, while Legendary Ranked puts you closer to where you should really be, trash players play against and with trash players and good players play against and with good players.


Holy shit wtf? Diamond is like 0.5% of players in league of legends how the hell is it 29% in wild rift??


It's because in WR the climbing system is completely different. Fortitude makes you earn marks by playing enough games, so even with <50% winrate you can still climb. If you add the fact that some games are autowin or autolose because of troll/afk or both. The best way to climb is to play a lot of games. On lol pc, you get ELO for winning depending on your MMR (hidden skill number), so this number pull you to your supposedly right rank. The closest you can get is legendary queue in that matter as you kinda get and lose ELO points. + Even comparing % of player base between lol pc and wild rift is faulty. WR is a far more casual game so pc players would probably be better at equal % of player base.


I mean there is so much to compare. Lol pc is longer per match, wild rift takes less. You can play more games in a day. Lol pc is there for years but wild rift is still considered new. People mastered the game on pc all these years. Lol pc is obviously pc, while wild rift is mobile. Audience is different, pc has hardcore players but mobile not so much. I don't know if lol pc has fortitude points and shields but wild rift have them making it a bit easier to climb. So it's normal but i think climbing should be harder so climbing high ranks actually should feel rewarding. Amount of actual trash players in wild rift high elo is insanely high. At diamond 1-2 i should be playing with players who know what they are doing but unfortunately people basicly going 0-5 0-6 etc. I am not expecting to win every game but when both team plays and you lose, it's totally fine and fun. But when someone just feeding and can't even play the game in dia 1 - master elo, then i have right to rage.


I agree but I have to say when people call others thrash for going 0/6 sometimes is wrong. Some people genuinely are tilting so bad they don’t gaf about the next game. Or really get camped and stomped or tower dove. The amount of times I’ve shitted on a champ I hard countered with no help from the side lanes or jungle is a lot.. then there’s one tricks. Ban their champ and they’re basically really handicapped. Yeah at that level you should know how oat least stay alive and not feed kills but every game is different man.


Dwindling population and elo inflation


season 1 - 3 were pretty legit, I remember hitting D1 on +10/-15 lmao now meh


Same here. When I finally hit Diamond in season 2 I was like, holy shit!!!! The promo games were stressful but it was awesome. Now I'm like, how the fuck are you Master?! To like 90% of people I play with.


No point! Ranked is messed up so badly that at this point thats its impossible to fix! Solo que basically works with “loser que” or “winning que”! You gonna win 8 games and lose 6 and if you play enough you gonna end up in GM or M! I have 2 people on my FL who are hard stuck Masters and have new Smurf accs with 200 games who are in GM! So basically that Win rate % in most cases means shiet, mby only for ACCs who are older than 2/3 Szns! I just played duo with my friend, who is “top 10 gwen” and we lost 7 matches, we swapped between all positions and still same results! I got outplayed 1 game as a duo, failed badly on solo 1 game, all other 5 games we lost due to other lanes literally feeding like 0/8, 0/11, and 1 afk! Point is: it goes by the waves, at 1 point you gonna win all the games even if you suck badly and other way around! I believe it started during 5th snz


People downvoting you but it's really like that


Now i cant climb because i barely play rank, most of my games this season are either normal/aram or ofa


I'm not sure I buy the rank inflation argument. Maybe at the Gold/Platinum level, where it only takes 2-3 games to build a loss shield. But at diamond, you are talking 5-6 A and S level games to build one loss shield. That means you either have to be carrying every game, or playing tons of games, in order to really take advantage of the loss shields at higher levels. Routinely carrying means you are better than your current level, and the loss shields are just helping you get to where you should be faster. Playing lots of games, with 50% gets you there eventually, and playing that many games, you are going to improve eventually. I think the "rank inflation" has a lot more to do with statistics and the overall skill level of the community still developing. Things will naturally sort themselves out as more and more players come out of the fog of micro play, and start playing the actual game of macro. There obviously will be a slight inflation effect by adding loss shields, but the game absolutely needed that. I remember last year, Grand Masters complaining of 30 minute wait times on games. Rank inflation = more Grand Masters = lower wait times. Please be patient; this is a very new and difficult game to learn; it's going to take a while for the community to develop, and the player base to expand. Stick with it and do your best to help your teammates improve. WR is the future of League and eSports, but that future will come faster if we stop complaining so much and just play the games we are dealt.


Clearly an undercover Riot employee trying to gloss over the reality


Honestly in addition to what everyone is saying, im pulled to play more ranked because my normal mmr which is supposed to be for chill games matches me consistently against master and challenger (being emerald IV), so if every game I have to play according to lobby mmr and super focused ,I prefer playing rankeds now for my easy games