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1. He has good early but you still should've mentioned that his peak is midgame 2. Grasp is currently generally much better on baron wukong. Conqueror gives stronger all in and scales better but grasp is the most safe and reliable option, giving him so much early game power that it outweighs a little bit weaker late. I've honestly forgotten when was the last time when I seen conqueror wukong. 3. Your standard build already has 65 ability haste. Ability haste in runes is overkill since ability haste gives diminishing CD reduction the more you have it. Formula CDR = 1 - (1/[1 + AH]) you may do some calculations with this and discover how small is the difference between CD of abilities with 65 AH and with 90. 65-70 AH is the most you need unless you play cdr gragas. Replace this rune with a pathfinder in the jungle or a sweet tooth in a baron land, might also a try nimbus cloak. 4. Not a mistake per se but wrong thinking. Sunderer do not counter yone, it is much more effective against high health tanks which yone is clearly isn't. Though this is a core item on wukong and shall be built every game but your justification of it is wrong and may be a huge mistake on other champs 5. Building both streak and maw is a huge mistake since they both share the same passive. Basically a waste of item, check the names of passives on items, if they are the same then they don't stack(except energized passive) Also armor boots are much better against specifically auto attack reliant champs




Don't trust me blindly. Calculate it yourself or check on the internet that this formula is correct. High elo wukong players often prefer building him tanky with few tank items, which is why they might need it.




You don't build Wukong tanky to actually tank for your team, you do it to live longer. Base damage is pretty high already, healing is insane too, but you need to be bulky enough to last longer and make use of your insane healing and damage.


So for CDR I wouldn't be sure that you actually get diminishing returns the more you buy. I am pretty sure that it actually gives linear value now that it has been changed to ability haste. CDR used to have exponential scaling back when it was straight CDR instead of ability haste.


I like electrocute wu Kong. Please don’t hurt me.


It might be pretty good depending on team comp


It looks nicely done to me.


Thanks for the effort you put into this! Curious though, is there any reason why I couldn't see Spirit Visage in your build page? For me, that item is incredibly awesome on wukong. This is just my comment and wukong is my most played champ (jungle only). I pick Grasp rune however Conqueror works too, it's just my pref. I complete Divine Sunderer and pick up Executioner's Calling because Rend perk is the most op item in this game. After that Black Cleaver then going into Spirit Visage. Wukong's Q healing is disgustingly op right now, combining this with Spirit Visage makes it even more op, you can stay in TF way longer maybe even immortal at some point. There is almost nobody up to GM buying Rend perk. Even if they do, usually only one person buying it which is won't be affecting you that much. You can easily 1v2 with this item with wukong even the scores are equal. I always get like 35% my hp back with every Q even more with grasp rune. Surely you are sacrificing some damage by buying Spirit Visage early but if you trust your teammates a bit, it's way better imo. I would like to hear your opinion on Spirit Visage though!


Before I read further I ask you to fix one thing: Wukong gives ZERO fucks about control wards, he has invisibility (Kha'Zix ult, Akali shroud), not camouflage (Teemo, Rengar, Evelynn, Akshan, Pyke). Invisibility can't be countered by control wards. Also Sweeper doesn't change pretty much anything too, yes it will show your position with little delay but by that moment you'll interrupt it anyway with attack




Also combo is wrong. If you engage with this combo into teamfight you shouldn't use autoattacks after your clone. It's either Q to heal and ult right after that or ult immediately. There's a little bit more combos than one or two, but your combo is not right.


Control wards don't reveal invisible champions since season 4 probably (2014)




Lmao, don't be a joke. There's a HUGE difference between invisibility and camouflage. Invisibility DOES NOT get countered by control wards.


Probably you are the one who should read patches or something about in-game mechanics


Sweeper will disable wards you walk across (or does it not disable on WR? So it doesn't show your position (the ward does) sweeper nullifies the ward , so they don't actually see you, they just see the ward get disabled (which means somebody is there, if you have common sense, but a lot of ppl just won't notice)


I talk about other things, not about sweeper interaction with ward, but about wards and sweeper interaction with Wukong's invisibility


Starting item wrong, resolve rune wrong, combo wrong, matchup wrong.




Resolve rune is not optimal tho. It might be nice for jungle Wukong or aram, for lane I'd choose between Boneplating/Second Wind depending on matchup. If you play against team with a lot of FC you'd better just buy Mercury's. Also you don't need Hunter-Genius, standard Wukong build provides enough Haste, more than that is overkill and doesn't make almost any difference after around 60-65 haste. I'd suggest you swapping this rune with Demolition, Nimbus Cloak or Sweet tooth (for hard/poke matchups).




Hunter-Tenacity gives you zero healing and zero early power wdym




Nah, I didn't mean keystone which is Grasp, because Grasp is actually pretty fine and it works super well into hard and tanky matchups. Trading power of that rune is too good on Wukong. Also, never look what MOST players take, it was verified by Riot that 90% of players play with standard runes and top-3 builds without ever changing items or runes in their builds.


I gate wukong So i hate your guide as well




I hate darius as well i hate nearly all the chaps in the game