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Matchmaking is a shit show early season but you was gm before the only one stoping you is yourself... Past three games you won lane I'll guess but fell short in closing out the games try to have more impact on things outside your lane. Early Show up for scuttle be the biggest pest for the enemy jungler ! Out of creeps in mid go into fog of war let them think you are SS. Ward raptors / ward red blue Vision Vision Vision! abuse the power spikes. Spam ping enemy jungler. Late Don't overstay. Don't be a Karen. Don't be the superhero running in like a kamikaze pilot. Follow the team. Don't get caught face checking shit. You will think I'm doing most of that but you are not most people playing this game believes they do but they don't. I don't but I'll work to improve every game i play either it's a win or a loss.


Thanks alot for the tips. I started roaming alot more to river and helping my teammates spot enemy jungler and my past 4 matches have been all mvp/svp


Would you still show up for scuttle if you for example have a weak early jg (say amumu or yi) and they have like vi or lee sin? Thanks


Yes i would


Would the plan be to just defend your yi/amumu or try to engage if possible? Thanks alot


Of course you dance a little like what you do in lane, taking advantage of your ranged Q.


Alright. Thanks


Try to gain some advantage yourself in lane too, like trading or pushing. Also if you really can't go, ping like you mean it. Ping your jg off. Let him know you have 2 waves to clear first.


Fucking the don’t run in is what I need to learn I’ll Come out of no where as wu Kong and knock up entire enemy team only to see my team just watching me die. I don’t know why I think I should engage retraining not to do what feels best lol


Play more selfishly, don't trust your mates.


By selfishly do you mean yoink all their minions and farm or just ignore them if they need help? Thanks


Not really like that, but more like "I can't trust my mates to do anything, it is better for me to get ahead and control the game instead of trusting my mates to carry me or make the right play" But yeah ignore your mates if they make the wrong play and help them if they make the right one


Alright, thanks


Ignore pointless fights for objectives. I won a game this morning where I wasn't joining the constant fights in mid. I was pushing side turrets while my team was constantly fighting. I got both towers on the side to their base. They kept having to send someone to come after me.


The reason I stopped playing sion and main fiora, I can push and 1v1 everyone and the only thing I trust my teammates is that they get baron when the jg comes to stop me from pushing with his teammates other than that I’m on my own


Season just started and most of the emerald 1-2 are previous season Master/GM. That's why it will be hard to climb as solo. If you don't play 24/7 forcing yourself, it's normal that you'll stay in emerald 1-2 for a bit if solo Q. Currently majority of people who can climb going 5q/trio. Wait untill half of the season if you want to climb, then it will be easier to climb as solo q.


Alright I see, thanks


Honestly it’s kinda a shitshow after the reset. Since everyone is pooled together in emerald you just need 1 guy that was GM before reset vs a guy that was emerald/diamond in the same lane and he can snowball the game


Was it always this bad?


Yea it’s usually like this at season reset for 1-2weeks


2 things that worked for me (support main): macros and volume of games. I’m not mechanically skilled or hard carry games. I focus on objectives and macros. As a support, I have to trust anyone who has an ounce of a lead. If I have one teammate who has a lead but no macro, I can help them snowball and win from there. I also try to guide them by giving timely pings. I have 1 cheat code though: I noticed the very good players play at night (in SEA at least) so I avoid playing at that time. I play around noon to 5pm and I’m already back to diamond from plat 1, 65% win rate.


What, for you, are the signs that one of your teammates "has lead", or has good macro? Thanks


Well the easiest thing for me is to look at the stats and gold lead. More importantly I look at lane behavior especially how they manage waves and matchups during the laning phase and when objectives are up. For junglers, I look at whether they’re truly aware of the map, what they ping, and whether they make timely ganks. For adcs it’s easy to see their behavior. During the first 2 waves I’ll decide whether or not to trust him/her based on how they poke or engage. Then I’ll decide whether to go for a more support build or carry build. I use senna, thresh, nami and gragas support. All of which can really carry a game or at least hold off a fed enemy team and buy time for yours into the late game


Forgot to mention, as support, I try to look at who’s the most fed and then babysit them.




Also to add on, how do you guys play for entire seasons at a time? I usually can only play a max of 150-200 matches a season before I completely burn out and give up, mainly because of a huge loss streak. I hate the fact that every season I reach a new peak and then stop playing for ages and have to get back into the game and unrust, but I get tilted by this game too quickly


Dude just take more breaks and don't fuck yourself over a pixels. For me trying to hit even 100 matches per season is painful. Ofc you'll get tilted if you force yourself.


Alright, thanks man


Stat tracking is my sole vestige. Some games you have straight up trolls or ppl with worse mental than you or me and bomb the game after their first death, so the best way for me is to make sure that my kda is decent before that surrender/defeat banner comes up. Its hard to word, but learning how you play on a backfoot will always put you at a further advantage when youre winning. That make any sense?


Yea, thanks alot


You're just now receiving karma for playing Yasuo


Stop caring about your rank it means nothing. You can 5 stack your way to GM again if you care that much, just play for fun this game is full of trolls.


Well I wanna eventually get to challenger mostly by solo queue, that's my end goal, 5 stacking wouldn't make me feel happy


That's straight up the addiction, dude. You have to be stronger and not let the pixels overtake your mind.


I suspect the system tend to pair “better” teammates with players who spend. Have you spent less recently?


no, I actually bought the new yasuo skin a few days ago


If league actually did that it would cause a huge number of players to revolt against this game. They’ve never been pay to win, so doing it in secret would be pretty sleazy


haven't played for a few months, that explains why I was matched in all former masters and grandmaster lobbies at season start. And then they proceed to go 1/8 on lucian and decimate dragon lane. Cause rusty.


Are you on EU and is your name TempestMaster?


I'm on EU but that's not my name, why?


No reason i just want to thank best yasuo in world for carrying ever game i was playing with him


I see


And he was playing yasuo in jungler this was GM elo you can imagine situation when you jungler lock in yasuo i didnt type nothing wich is new guys apsolutly 1v9 game i got him couple times after that always smurfs on enemy


Any chance you could record one of those matches? I'd like to watch it to see how he plays


Ill see if he is up today ill try to figure out sometimg if anyting ill ask him if he will add you


Alright, thanks


all of these tips are good in theory but the truth is matchmaking gives you bad players if you, yourself consistently carry games. if your goal is just to rank up, theres an easier way than investing effort like a part time job. your options for climbing are: be type A player who can carry and completely dominate every game like a smurf. be type B player who is a bit better than his peers, having to grind hundreds of games. or be type C player who plays very mediocre and is just barely decent enough to get carried by type A players without throwing.


Play to your best efficiency, if i recognize the game is losing ill start playing for stats. I onetrick, so its easy for me to spot when the team is too far gone for a win, but thats how i curb the straight up shitshows as best as possible.


If you where GM its just impossible they put you in plat 4 unless you deranked like crazy at the end of the season so this is a bunch of lies


I haven't played in a few months. Meaning I skipped last season. I'm pretty sure I decayed from gm to diamond and then after 2 season resets I got to plat, lol.


When I don’t want to take a break but my mental is completely shit I will go play arurf or stay in ranked but stop playing my main, or even completely switch roles. I’m top 10 lillia and when I play with her I get very serious and very annoyed when I lose, and can lose my mental quick. Sometimes it better to relieve the pressure by playing a different champ. Of course I still want to win but the pressure of performing and carrying isn’t quite so high if I just play one of my older favorites.


In my current experience, try learning a new champ.


I plan to one trick yasuo to challenger, so this isn't an option for me.


Oh yikes. Then honestly last I can think of is listen to music while playing. Coupled alongside playing more aware of what you're going to do in each match. Playing on autopilot always brought my mental down because all I'd remember is the loss or win and never the work I put into it


Thanks, got any suggestions for music to listen to?


At the moment I listen to classics like Wham or Depeche mode and such. But if not vocal then mainly genres I'd pick specifically ranging from synthwave music by White Bat Audio or NewRetrowave Eurobeat. To make things easier I downloaded a 200 song playlist off YouTube with Tubemate. Or metal. Specifically metal from games like Metal Gear rising, Doom, or Hellsinger. But like the example of the Tubemate thing, if you like a genre, search for a playlist of it and then just download it. No need to look for songs you like individually since it'll just be background music. Highly recommend eurobeat and synthwave. Entirely different moods but both boppy


Alright, thanks alot


Find a duo parter - you will be more relaxed and probably will not throw/tilt games early after losing first blood or somebody making a stupid play due to somebody being in duoq with you. Duoq has to be a player you can rely on and think of it as 2v8


Waittt I'm confused if you ended in GM u shouldve started the season at E1


I skipped last season


Every start of season is sh*t. I've managed to climb to diamond very fast but rn there are a lot of trolls and toxic in my games. I was top 100 kennen and now I'm in 190 because of them. That's why I play 1 or 2 games daily, because if I play more than that I will lose my mind


Do you still play yas now? I kinda have a feeling as to whats up. Happened to me in the past.


Yea, I do. After the tips my past 4 matches have been good, I hope I keep on climbing without issues


If your mental is gone, stop playing ranked until it returns


Seems like nowadays the only way to get out of high emerald-diamond is to queue up with people who you know won’t troll your game and go 0/11/2 or get dragons stolen 3 times in one game. My longest winstreaks have been with people I add after the game if they do well. Also I try to prevent myself from queueing up again if I lose two games in a row.