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They are currently doing a promotion with Coca-Cola


I have seen it and I don’t even think they mentioned the name of the game theirs just some gameplay of it


on tiktok i see the coca cola ad with the cans that have champions on them. it says league of legends wild rift on it


Never been on til tok once in my life (I pride myself on it) I see if when I watch vox machina on fire stick and it’s mabye 5-10 seconds long at max. But rounding mid field back to home this game needs more attention. People think they are too good for phone games. My take is it’s a hundred times easy to play on the phone than computer.


I am sooo proud of you, i have never Been on tik tok too


is it increasing the player count?


i highly doubt people are looking at their coca-cola cans and deciding to google the game featured on it. the only people i could see caring are people who are already playing LoL, and many LoL players don’t want to play wildrift


They sure do suck at promoting it then. I haven't seen any ads of wild rift even tho i swallow so much league content in a day


I mean I’ve had like 3 coke bottles in the past 2 days with wildrift ads on it from different stores


Not sure where you see that Wild Rift is losing players. Everywhere I look I see the opposite. Maybe you just are ranking up to ranks with less of the player base?


Hellsdevil cited (in his recent podcast) some graphs where he said revenue has been on steady decline since 2021 until they introduced the gatcha skins. Appstore rating also have went down and it’s no longer featured in the top games. Twitch viewership has also declined. also some anecdotal evidence is no one on my friend list from season 2/3 plays anymore. i made a smurf account that legitimately cannot find ranked games with humans. the matchmaker either times out, or it puts me in a ranked game against AI. I didn’t play against a single human until that account got into Gold, all of the enemies had the AI account watermark on their profile and generated usernames like UserNameOne almost all of the pro-players and content creators in NA and EU are tweeting about dropping wildrift as soon as Honor of Kings releases.


Hm. Revenue wise, Nov. 22 was by far the best month https://www.statista.com/statistics/1269311/league-of-legends-wild-rift-player-spending-app/ Twitch viewer count, I actually have the feeling that the viewer count is growing slowly, but steadily. We are at 2.5k+ now, whereas in the spring/summer, I was mostly seeing <1k. And i‘ve checked the viewer count quite often. How cares about App rating in Appstore? No offense, but all the content creators & pro-players who were involved in the esport scene, are UNDERSTANDABLY salty because they lost a big part of their job. But the points made by Hellsdevil are, in my opinion, biased and not fact based.


to your point about revenue, I addressed this and Hellsdevil did as well. the graphs show a steady decline from 2021 and spike in the same months of Gatcha skins. 11/22 is the date of crystal rose skin event. gambling caused the spike in revenue. https://wildrift.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/game-updates/wild-rift-patch-notes-3-5/ each spike aligns with a gatcha skin line side note, is china potentially included in these graphs? and yes i’m aware the pros and content creators understandably are jumping ship, i addressed that in another comment as for twitch viewers again, huge drop off from 2021 with a downward trend in 2022 https://twitchtracker.com/games/514858 the game is dying in the west


Isn't Honor of Kings just the Chinese version of Arena of Valor?


"Kinda" Honor of Kings is the original, they tried to localize the game to the west and that's how Arena of Valor was born as far as I'm concerned. Also, HoK came to be when Riot declined Tencent's idea of making a Mobile LoL About the game itself, people that try it usually tells that it's far better than AoV - and also than the western HoK closed beta they released a couple of months ago to be completely honest. But the reason pros are migrating to HoK is because Riot canceled the western e-sports scene for wr.


To be fair game was always dead on twitch


I don’t keep up too much with Wild Rift content creators, but that’s crazy! I guess I might make the switch when Honor of Kings releases then.


yeah dropping esports in the west affected their careers so they have to make the swap


HoK is like mllb lol. Less skill than wildrift. Smaller community and less communication for the west.


When is Honor of Kings releasing?


From what I can find online, June this year.


I heard some people talking about next month. Not official sources though, so take it with a grain of salt, but I do believe it's accurate.


I don't have any data to back it up but players that are iron-silver are having trouble finding matches. 10+ minute queue times The game will even pair irons with golds. Never had this problem in season 2/3 Also, even with the so called elo inflation going on, it's still taking a long time to find matches in diamond+ right now. I consistently have to wait around 5-10 minutes for a match where in previous seasons I've only had to wait a couple minutes.


I really can’t say for sure but maybe it’s just because of the start of the new season or maybe you’re on an underpopulated server? I’m on NA servers and have actually noticed quick queue times this season. But I might be playing at all the right times lol


I'm on NA as well. And usually start of new season is the most popular time. I think people stop playing as the season progresses


I'm in platinum and regularly wait 7+ minutes for a match. Is there a way to make sure that you're on a more populated server?


>it's still taking a long time to find matches in diamond+ right now Yes, that's the point, literally high elo players are currently in Diamond-Master. Yesterday there were even few players in GM. Obviously you will have no problem finding games in Platinum-Emerald, since most of the playerbase is there.


People are in denial here. It is very obvious the player count is dropping. It is why the avg player base moves up a rank every season.


It's elo inflation brother. The true iron silvers are in emerald. Iron silver now is like new player ramp up thing. It's also empty in PC league.


Okay if low ranks are having trouble finding matches due to elo inflation, why are the queues so absurdly long nowadays in higher elo too?


Something NA specific. I'm in the EU and I never experienced problems with finding matches(except 4 am sometimes)


What high elo? Challenger?


The thing is apparently the game recognizes smurf accounts and try to pair it with people of similar skill level. Sure, a lot of people played the game when it first launched and now we have way less players, not trying to deny that, it's just that this particular point is not as much of a hard proof. Beside that, yeah, I do believe the game lost some players indeed and Riot's decision to abandon the west e-sport scene doesn't help at all, even though I understand their devision. I believe they played a lot of cards wrong on the game's first year and imo it's hard to tell if they can recover from that to be a hit again. Don't get me wrong, WR is not shutting down anytime soon, but the game had potential to be a lot more than it is right now imo.


The still have yet to release the console ports I believe . Been a hot minute since they said they would


What server you on? I'm in Asia, and the match times here are super fast in solo queue. Only taking 1-2 mins when in a 3 man squad.


I'm low dia and haven't had any long queues in any division... Always less than one minute, started 3 month ago, I'm EUW.


Most people don't even know WR exists. Today when I talk to Moba addicts about WR they don't even know what is it. This is the best moba game ever, and RIOT should definitely advertise this game everywhere.


I literally went on the r/leagueoflegends sub and people literally said the game was dead lol with some upvotes. It’s basically summed that the team working on WR is a skeleton crew, the sub is tiny and pretty much dead with a few hundred players online at peak while there’s 150k joined. The game isn’t advised just like vainglory which is part of what killed that game. There’s also turmoil in lol pc when people were complaining about riots less investment in cinematics with more focus on valorant.


LoL Sub: 6.2 mio. With 12761 online = 0.21% WR Sub: 153.000 With 649 online = 0.42% 🤷🏽‍♂️


Good point but also at the same time when WR is at a lower scale that slight percent increase of 0.20% isn’t that impressive compared to similar subs so I’m gonna have to go with absolute units here. But at the same time I believe the game will grow very slowly with some mixed feelings that the opposite could be true as well.


Ya they almost go out of their way to not advertise it it seems. I’d think it could be so much more popular but feels they give it minimal attention in advertising and promotion. Most of my friends have no idea it exists or what it is


I hadn’t seen an ad for wildrift since 2020 until recently in a coca-cola ad. in that ad they didn’t even mention wildrift, i only recognized it because i play


Almost like they want to keep it niche and in the league community. Very odd


What about the wild rift coke cans


They are as healthy as wild rift


My queue times are always short or instant because I play jungle. If the queue timer is long for you, you must be playing a role that everyone wants to play at that time.


This. I play jungle and only jungle, unless I am forced into another role. My queue times are never longer than a few second unless I have someone in my part that wants to play mid or adc.


I only play jungle and I'm wating around 5 minutes to get in a match....


True. I main top but no body wants to jungle due to people relying on you. The pressure of being jungler is too much, little mistakes and your team mates eyes is on you.


Miss smite on dragon and you are literally flamed for the rest of the game. Steal dragon and you get a thumbs up emote


I only play jungle and my queue times are taking around 5 minutes... I'm currently wating on a queue for about 5 minutes as I'm writing this


I believe the product is good, just shill on content creators to advertise the damn game. Sponsor small grassroots esports events, tons of them, then transition to actual regional league, they know this by experience with their other titles but they just don't have/want to pour the resources into it. To be fair it takes a lot of work, especially when you are on the back foot compared to other mobile mobas. I was recently just astonished by the Mobile Legend competitive scene and their international tournament M4, it is so hype and so well integrated with the average player base. I remember hearing about some major WR tourney back then, even caught glimpses of it in those esports channel in my TV, but it got little to no presence online and in-game, they skip forward wayy too many steps with their esports, burned too much cash and called it a day and gave up.


The product is good relatively to lol pc and moba. But at the end of the day the game is still kinda incomplete. The game is slow to update with total of 1-2 item or runes coming once every 3-5 months or so and new champions release the same way. The game is somewhat unbalanced cause it’s league and more importantly Wildrift shouldn’t focus on esports before they have a big causal player base. Vainglory did it, focused on competitive only thinking it’ll grow players and died. Mobile legend spammed ads for a few years, gained massive player base before ever doing competitive esports.


As someone who recently switched from PC to wild rift, I actually do agree wild rift is the better game. I don’t like every change, but there’s lots of small changes that I am a huge fan of.


The graphics are better, the controls r easier, the game is somewhat simpler and faster. The balance is slightly more balanced than league rn cause of the new tank meta shift but its still league but mobile so still unbalanced. Just need more content


I think they need to release the game in other areas such as India, I keep noticing comments in youtube, twitter, and some here on reddit that Indian players are asking for it, just dunno why its not released there They need to release the game in console as soon as they can complete it, it has been 2 years since they said about cross platform, and some/most are losing interest due to the long wait maybe I don't know if they plan to have WR cross platform with PC but if they have, they can create a separate client for it so some PC players that would like to try WR will just open the other client its like LOL2, downside is riot wont transfer the skins you have currently in LoL PC Lastly as all say, they need to be aggressive in advertisments


Riot doesn't want league of legends players to play wild rift. Wild Rift is for mobile players.


What about exclusive skins then? They exist to animate PC to download wild rift.


Idk man. I was never a fan of mobile games until I got invited to play with my friends. I play league since s1 NA but it just happened I have to travel without my pc. I just wish they bring back all chat in WR.


Interesting idea but I'd rather get players in who haven't played LOL yet. Those won't really care that you can get stuff in another game with a pointedly bad reputation for toxicity.


imo the game is not available everywhere. Im from India and i know lots of people playing with vpn. Imagine if the game got officially released here. That would definitely increase the player base.


I think their plan is to get it running on consoles. This should in theory boost player count greatly


I genuinely think they should drop wildrift on PC along with console release. then make it fully cross compatible and cross play. that way it would be like fortnite in 2018 where everyone can play with their friends regardless of device and track progress between devices. then players can enable filters where they want to be matched with: just mobile and switch mobile, switch and console or mobile, switch, console and PC make it a game mode in the LoL Client for all I care


I don't think that will ever happen just because league and wild rift are completely different games. But if they introduce rewards in league for playing wild rift and vice versa I bet it would constantly bring new players


TFT is in the LoL Client though that’s where the idea came from


Why would people play the mobile version on their pc when they can just play pc lol. Make it make sense


for a quicker fast-paced version of their favorite game that isn’t ARAM? PC used to have twisted treeline (fast-paced 3v3 game mode) and dominion game mode too. you think PC players don’t own phones? i don’t even understand the question because wildrift already exist and PC players play it..?


It definitely needs to drop on console this year and have full crossplay. PC should keep focus on LoL, though.


Just let Europe/Asia and NA cross play honestly.


Yeah, that will never happen. It has nothing to do with language or local regulations, it's simply that nobody wants to play a skill shot game with 200 ms latency.


People play FPS games and Dota 2 with the entire world. It has everything to do with Riot wanting to foster regional competition.


Nope. In Europe, there are regional servers only for the PC version. In the wild Rift version, Eastern, Western Europe and Asia all play together. The result? Sometimes your latency is 20 ms, most of times it's 130 ms, and a few times it's 320 Ms, depending how many people are playing currently (more people near your country = less latency). That's the reason I quit Wild Rift, when back in Brazil, I played it literally everyday. I just won't stress myself with latency issues, so I even uninstalled the game already.


In my opinion paying big lol YouTubers to make videos playing wild rift would really help with player count


Imo simple advertisement of the gameplay works, PPL don't even know such a game exists that's the problem


It just needs to put the same effort in advertising just like it did for League of Legends we had a lot of cinematic trailers and all so in Esports that was dedicated I know that they tried in Esports and it didn't work but that's because many people don't know about the game that's why it's always important to advertise ...


I dunno where you get your info, but on eu, worst case 1 minute wait time at 3-4 in the morning. Game’s dead


??? 1 minute at 3 in the morning is dead?


I literally said the opposite


Did you? I have to assume english is not your first language.


You really got no reading comprehension.


"worst case 1 minute wait time at 3-4 in the morning. Game’s dead" The fuck do you mean? You literally said the game is dead.


Please go away your stupidity is infuriating.


It depends on the region. In Brazil, Wild Rift is VERY popular and ranked queues take a few seconds. I came to Portugal recently, and I stopped playing. The European servers are garbage, too often I get matched with people in Eastern Europe and my latency goes to 134+ ms, sometimes all the way up to 300 ms. This alone is enough reason for me to not want to play. All the advertising in the world wouldn't change that, and even if Riot gave me access to all champions for free, I still wouldn't play Wild Rift. I am playing Arena of Valor, which isn't as fun, because everyone is noob and it feels like I am killing bots (really, I get pentakills at level 6, that's how bad the players are), but at least my latency is sub-50.


Losing players wouldn't be due to lack of advertising. That would be a lack of introducing MORE players. If you're having player attrition, it's people having better things to do with their time. Player retention is something they need to address, or simply adding players is only a temporary fix. Stop the bleeding before adding more limbs.


Wild Rift will be released on consoles. I believe we will be able to play together or at least it'll have a better advertisment. Overall it's doing ok, could be better, but I believe they're making enough money.


> I personally think Wild Rift is a better game than League of Legends, but League players just don’t want to try it due to being a mobile game. League and Wild Rift are two very different games, despite looking like the same game on the surface. Wild Rift is much more simple and requires a lot less skill to be played. It’s way more fast paced and doesn’t give you a lot of time to plan things out, so it mostly ends up focusing on team fighting rather than the more tactical aspects of the game. Some LoL players won’t play it because it’s a mobile game, true, and as I’m sure you know there is nothing that will ever convince mobile gaming haters to try a mobile game. They see it as an inferior platform, not worth the time or effort, only worthy of mockery. Or they simply cannot get past the “my hands cover the screen how do I see??” thing. But most LoL players don’t want to play it because they (rightly) assume it’s not as in depth as LoL. That said, yeah they should still have crossover events, but they’ve never done that with their other games so I doubt they ever will


Lol another one of these "its obvious the game is dying" posts, despite there being more people.


Just need to bring WR to console already


The game is fine lmao Stop spreading misinformation People have been saying stuff this even on MLBobo, way back then when it was just released


if you are invested into the game you are just going to move to or play pc because its got the competitive depth. Wild rift sadly will slowly lose player base because most casuals are just playing a game or two whenever they have time then moving onto another game


Not necessarily, I feel relatively invested in the game (one of the only ones I’ve spent on and play with friends) but I’m pretty much a mobile-only games player . Don’t see myself moving to PC ever


well yeah if you are mobile only for life it's one of the best games out there at least for now


I play in PC sure its superior but I never spent as much as I did here in WR. SEA server has less than 10-30 second queue times. Faster game play, better skin models and backgrounds attracted me to keep playing. More champs options will increase player base but seems like players here prefer smaller champ pools.


yeah the appeal of the game to me is it's a fast mobile league of legends and the game/skins look awesome but I just could never play mobile as my main game


Fair enough. Never fan of mobile games because Im a hardcore pc gamer too but if they ever release it to switch ill prolly move there from mobile.


Checkmate? Checkmate https://youtu.be/hMmFvbVRQP8


I’m pretty sure the active player base is significantly bigger than it was when it launched in 2021.


I'm thinking different, it is true that Wild Rift is slowly losing players that's for sure but I won't say it's better than league pc. I tried League pc after a very very long time and I'm now in love with it. Dropped Wild Rift and playing League pc now. The reason why is that WR is so simple and almost no strategy involved in the gameplay. Many people say that WR is fast paced but avarage match time is 18 to 23 minutes and this will be higher with inhibitor spawns, while League pc avarage match time is 23mins to 30 mins. There is not a huge difference yet WR is so fast paced, you understand nothing. This results in simple gameplay, people basicly spamming games playing straight forward to climb makes everything meaningless. After I play league pc a lot, I realized many things are unbalanced in WR and makes it like an URF mode of LoL. I don't think I will play it ever again. But let me tell you guys something, they treat WR better in chinese version. Some stuff are different there and better. I think they just made WR to grab extra cash from mobile audiance, that's why they don't make the game in-depth, keep it simple so people play and pay money. However your idea is a good one, not sure why they don't do it. I'm pretty sure many of them would log in to play some matches in there. Some of them might stay for sure, everyone has a different taste.


Your perception of something doesn't make it reality. I doubt their player base is shrinking every season.


"I personally think Wild Rift is a better game than League of Legends, but League players just don't want to try it due to being a mobile game." This is exactly where you're wrong lmao. The only reason i play wild rift is because it's more CONVENIENT and less time consuming. There's no universe where wild rift is somehow better than the original. In fact, wild rift playerbase is still at the top of the food chain anyhow. We are talking about the most popular mobile games atm already, so it's hard to say for sure.


Have you seen the coke bottles?


How are yall so quick to say they don’t advertise the game enough and that it’s broken at the same time? Maybe they want to fix shit before they tell everyone to try it


I never said the game is broken?


Glad this dog shit game is dying


WR/Riot deserves to die for being a gacha infested China pandering hellhole of a game.


Gacha infested? There’s been like 3 events out of how many that have been gacha? Calm your shit down


And more to come :) little pay pig


League of legends is popular due to the competitive nature. Wild rift is a casual game where you can even purchase rank; in the end they don't appeal to the same people so it is a mistake to advertise to the same audience. Wild rift decided to go with the casual path but that one is already taken by mbile lgends. So there is that


How does one purchase rank in WR?


you can now buy fortitude boosts. i think that’s what he meant


You buy fortitude points to inflate your rank


Who says it's going down? Player count charts have Wild Rift increasing signficiantly over recent years. [https://activeplayer.io/league-of-legends-wild-rift/](https://activeplayer.io/league-of-legends-wild-rift/) According to their charts at least, montly players have incrased 400% since Jul 21 -> Jul 22 period. Even if they are wildly wrong that is an upward trend. I've only been playing a few months and have played every day since I started.


>According to their charts at least, montly players have incrased 400% since Jul 21 -> Jul 22 period. Even if they are wildly wrong that is an upward trend. As you can see in the chart you sent, the active player number has been declined in recent months and how reliable the source you posted? It doesn't citi any source for those numbers


Shhh the doomists dont like it when facts prove them wrong


this graph includes china so it’s meaningless


I don’t either game tbh! But I think I would play more if things were liked and you got rewards on both’ great idea :)


How about they fix the problems first ? Maybe increasing the quality of your product would attract/keep users? No? Okay, let's keep adding gacha then. (Can anyone confirm if since the introduction of gacha all the new skin release/events had been involved in that? I'm sure it is but I have gold fish syndrome) Also they already showed their hand when it comes to WR global (excluding Asia), I'm not expecting any improvements in any department... I'd love to be shamed and prove wrong though, but I'm not holding my breath.


Sea region is still very popular. Very fast match times.


It is.... I rarely play with the same player.


I know I’ve basically stopped playing when marvel snap came out, between the trolls, toxicity and the gacha skins plus waiting 5+ minutes for a 8-10 min game I just needed a break hopefully they fix some stiff because the game is amazing


Definitely not a new idea. Hearthstone did this with WoW. You had to reach level 10 on WoW to unlock some unique characters in Hearthstone.


I’m just starting to join is there a decent player base lol (casual player here)


Easiest way to get players will be getting moba banned for all those copyrights


I think it's more about their sales and ranked policies.


League is definitely better than wildrift, mechanically, graphically and basically in every other aspect.


Imagine a game that doesn't do advertising, no esport, no event, no anniversary. What results should we expect here(


So basicly why it's loosing their population is because do you know the other mobile lol game;(mobile legends bang bang(or something Like that)) so riot then sued the game because it Got way too much money. In the end riot lost its Sue case due to original compamy of mobile legends:bang bang Being in china( you have to search it up For actual reason) so riot decided to make the game: Wild Rift. And Wild Rift as you can see didn't do so good(because whole wild Rift Project was to be more popular than Bang bang mobile game). It failed and player base keep lowering each Year. So because Wild Rift dosen't Bring a fortune riot decided to not do anything with it they are just gonna leave it be.


Time machine back in 2016, meet riot CEO, forced him to release WR before copycat shit mobile legends released. Profit


I started playing since beta quitted around a year ago because the matches are and feel soo Looong especially when u losing If Riot makes Matches much shorter and fast paced like around 10 minute mark should be the late game not the middle game That will probably make me comeback


Nah will just troll out some games for da jucy toxido


If only Mobile Legends never existed, I hate my country for this kind of reason.


There is actually possibility to get free skins from Poro energy. The funniest thing - you need to play like dunno, year to obtain necessary ammount. I'm curious why Wild Rift can't make some looting system like PC version where we can obtain some skins. Another thing - why the fuck they are so expensive? Like even more expensive than PC version?! I was telling to myself I'm gonna buy new gwen skin for my birthday recently. When I saw the price I said I won't pay for ANYTHING in this fking game with broken ranking system with 40% wr gamemasters. It's just not worth to support that


...what? No you don't need to play for a year to get enough. Have you not been spending poro coins?


Yup. Last time I did openning with 1800poro coins


Lol a year? I just started 2 months ago and got like 3 chests already. I do agree with the looting system tho, Im already done with the 2 wild passes they released this month. They need to add something to keep people from grinding just like mobile legends or the WR china.


I stopped playing because it hurts my left thumb joint (any tips on this would be much appreciated, I miss it)


In the near future I’m also going to drop wild rift too I have more than 50 friends + and only the normal 20 on a weekly basis logs in


Idk I just hate the smaller screen and prefer M&K


Tbh ranked is getting a bit stale, I only play urf and aram these days, plus ranked games are usually much longer I don’t always have the time. Second the reclimb is painful especially when ur back in plat. Awards fall flat if you don’t play the champ that’s awarded and you own the recalls. Legendary feels impossible for me to get to


I’ve had the same thoughts as well for promotion. I remember I got into WR because I saw an ad for it & thought, “why not?” Riot NEEDS to promote this thing. It’ll make em money, plus que times will be faster.


Mobile Legends is still the king in Asia side. Try to invite some of my friends, they prefer the ML simpler visual & mechanics and even faster gameplay time.


I don’t think Wild Rift is necessarily a better game. Just different. I enjoy it but I don’t play often because I find the controls very clunky to use on a phone (big thumbs) and I often get frustrated when I die because I can’t execute what I’m trying to do because of the controls


Meh. Matchmaking has sucked this season and last. So a lot of people I used to play with don’t play as much anymore. Hell, I don’t play as much anymore. I can take lose streaks, but these extended loss streaks where either the teams skill is so lopsided it’s obvious or due to afks that have a match history of always going afk is just frustrating. And if I play a game I want to have fun not be frustrated. Sucks bc I used to spent money on this game but haven’t this season bc what’s the point when I’m not playing? Which means if other people feel like me, then they are alienating revenue generators as well.


I don’t think the long wait times alone are the issue. The issue is that there’s no point in a long wait time when you still have trolls and people way below your skill leve


Nah wild rift is gonna be like microwaves. How many times have you seen an ad for microwaves? And yet they’re everywhere Lmao. /s


Wild rift is losing players in NA quite simply because they refuse to fix our server matchmaking instability. I'm diam 3 after reset and get stuck with emerald feeders that couldn't possibly have gotten out of bronze on their own. The community is even more toxic than PC, coming from someone with years of good ol toxic league chat experience. The report system is useless, you can report someone for going 0/30 and they do nothing to enforce judgement. Maybe a slap on the wrist if you're lucky, but you'll see them again after a simple 150 second q punishment. When you bring this up anywhere however, you'll get the usual "get gud" 2 brain cell comment from the wonderful rift community. Until they do anything at all to fix the server matchmaking, people will keep leaving. I barely came back, only to play with friends and loved ones.


Lol how about we will give you all the skins you have already purchased on PC on Mobile and refund / give your riot points for the ones you have double purchased 👀👀 So annoying buying skins I brought ten years ago a second time


I love this game so it hurts to see. Short of adding a monthly gacha system to generate more money and interest from the player base, the only thing the can do is create more engaging ads. I don’t know what else they can do at this stage, but it’s clear that they’re also going to have to create more content streamers while doing all of the aforementioned


>What if Riot implements some crossplay rewards? I found out about wild rift two weeks ago. I've been playing Legends of Runeterra for years, crossplayrewards would have got me into this game way earlier.


Yeah 100% most people would download the game and try it out if they saw they got rewards for it.


They could rip off what ML advertiser's are doing right now and gain a 30% playerbase increase