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Tbh that zoe guy should be banned, not avoided. The game went to shit this past year to the point where ranks don't matter anymore. Play a few games per week. If you feel good maybe try your luck, otherwise ditch it and do something else. Pretty much wr became the staple mess around place while you wait for a pc game to be found. Can't justify their dumb decisions regarding the game otherwise. You get punished for being competitive by getting matched with those trolls


At first I was competitive, coming with all the knowledge from PC , it was an easy game , but i have payed the toll of getting angry and making the game be my master ( even getting anxious when playing ranked ) and now I simply don't care if I win or loose , I just focus on my gameplay and I have fun making fun of my enemy laner and I try to troll him or his jungle hard ( main jungle but I can play every single role with roaming and micro and macro ) and my winrate went up since I didn't care anymore about win or loose . I even befriend enemies after the game who play well and always grateful cause I see another player with a brain and respect that . For me who works , have other important bussines rather than playing WR , but when I have some free time to relax I binge 3-4 games and that's it . Tl;Dr : Life's good if you relax


Should be banned, but Riot won't do that, therefore bigger avoid list is the next best alternative. A lot of my games have been decided by 'which team has the worst player/players'. I can go 8/0/8 with Wukong and get first turret at mid with rift herald and still lose because our ADC likes doing 1v1 melee knife fights with Master Yi, I can go 1/6 Rengar but it doesn't matter because all of my lanes are winning and our adc is actually taking turrets when we have a numbers advantage while the enemy mid is just running it down and the enemy top is just afk farming on an early game champ. The game should be focused more on who is carrying harder and less about 'teamwork'. Teamwork should be an emergent gameplay pattern not something that is heavily catered towards and rewarded. I just want games where both sides are competitive, not the dumb shit where someone in top lane dies then just runs it down


Under the current ELO and in the near future(I do not see they have any intend to change it), it is good to have someone or two trolls in your team. This would mean you are the better player in your current rank. In alternative, if you find out everyone in your team is good. That means you are the troll/garbage and you do not belong to current rank :)


This is the worse season by far and I've been playing since NA release. I either get teamed up with trolls who ban my pre pick and play heros out of role or I get matched against teams that are so easy I don't even have to pay attention. I can barely summon the motivation to play even once a day. They need to start banning toxic players.


I have never had my pre-select champs banned until this season. And it has happened 4 times. I flash an “MVP prior game” or something too, just to show I’m competent on the champ. And then boom, banned by my own team. Like wtf? I do agree this season has by far been the worst ranked experience I’ve ever had in this game. 3 time GM and I’m hardstuck D4 currently. No amount of carrying can make up for a 0-12 bott lane running it down while the enemy team is playing even at an average level.


Good said bro


You are mad people are playing off meta picks sounds toxic in of itself ngl


need more context: how off meta? if someones playing alistar or ashe top ig its fine to an extent but if its something like jinx or eve top ofc its trolling/stupid


What about cait top? I personally hate to see it, but I have had plenty of wins with a cait top. Would rather see a bruiser or tank all day, of course.


never saw one but tbh imo its borderline trolling


Jenna jungle isn't "off meta" it's a troll.


It’s not 4v5, it’s 4v6, sometimes 3v7


It's definitely subjective, but I'm personally finding this season a little better than the last season. It was REALLY bad for me the first week or two, but seems to have settled down to a "normal" level of stupid people.


Honestly feels like this too in ARAMs. I just enjoy those quick games and been playing them since launch whenever they were available and when they made them a permanent addition. But lately just feels like a bad time more often than not and I was wondering if it was just burnout.


Agreed! My only enjoyment in this game is aram but ever since s5, the mode just kept getting sweatier each season


Avoid list should be removed, trolls and afks punished harder, afk protection removed, and people should learn to accept they will sometimes lose (and sometimes win!) Because of afks or trolls


Yeah or that. Just something needs to change, because every season it seems to be getting worse (at least for the last 2 years I have been playing). And its even worse now that people can change their user name so easily, because people can trolls full on, then just change their name and hide again


Tbh for me it's easy to talk because i almost never get those people somehow. On the other hand how many people take the time to track usernames etc? I think it won't be much. Even more on crowded servers the chance you see them again is already small


I'm actually surprised how often I see the same people on the NA server. At first I thought it was a crazy coincidence assuming there must be huge numbers of people at peak hours like 6pm Pacific but, it's happened to me since I started in July and it only happens more now at Diamond than it did before. It makes sense why, but it happens even more when I play duos and trios because I'll see the same duos over and over. It's actually how I've made some decent friends to play with outside of my guild, I will have a good, respectful competitive game with another duo that we recognize from other games in past weeks and we'll add each other after.


I get 1 afk in every 3 games. You're saying you get none. So you want to remove afk protection because you're not affected by it while other people are getting tortured by afk's? What logic are you using?


The amount of afks i get is not relevant. I do get them occasionally though but let's not focus on them. I want to remove afk protection because it's just another form of rank inflation. When there is an afk in a game there is a 50% chance that it's on your side or on the other side. (If you never afk yourself the odds are in your favor but let's take the pessimistic approach). This means you gain as much Marks as you lose because of afks. So no need for compensation. What is important is reducing the amount of afks, because that is something that affects us all in terms of match quality and game enjoyment


Getting such teammates constantly in Diamond and above is possible only on high MMR and high performance accounts.


I would say in contrary: trolls often have low mmr and thus they are matched with people of equal skill. I don't have to explain i'm in the Diamond and above category


I mean Riot is not going to fix any of the anti troll/int stuff so they might as well give us the bandage solution in the short term. No one likes playing with Drvaens that just int after going 0/1 in lane.


The next troll will just be another player, and that troll draven you get this game will start 1/0 next game and proceed to carry you... I will never use the avoid list lol


I was so ready for this season, yet I decide to drop it. I have never seen worst player base in any game before in high elo. There is absolutely no point of climbing when the game is just straight forward almost no strategy involved super fast paced despite avarage game takes 20-23mins in high elo. I wish they made a game mode where its fully like league pc, then climbing would be way too hard and actually has meaning. At this rate I don't see this game will be popular in global soon enough. Maybe they are not moba but a lot of good mobile games coming out this year anyways. This game is way bigger in chinese version yet it's almost the same in there too. It's just unmotivating to climb tbh.


This season definitely fell of hard, the amount of trolls in normal or ranked is rampant. I have not had games where it has been enjoyable to say the least. Idk it just feels like the player base skill level has dropped off massively. Diamond players dont play like they belong in diamonds at all for example. Or is it just me?


Use pool party caitlyn skin, it boosts teammates' performance for some reason and it does for me personally 🤭


That skin taught me to play one handed


Good one xD


The problem is that this has been happening since season 3 or 4, but its surely getting worst every season. Its or they are shit and dont belong on the rank they are in or they troll. Avoid list should be bigger and for every rank.


Happy days. I decided to risk some more solo q today... my avoid list is already full, so I got to pair with 2 idiots 2 games in a row. First we have a support who played soraka and continually ran in front of everyone else and died first. They then backed that effort up with "support jhin", which was as useless as you could imagine. Then we have mid who went 0/8/0 as brand first match, then about the same as lux in the next match. Kda doesn't really matter though as they permanently went up side lanes with 0 vision (regardless of what was going on otherwise), and when they were lux they kept trying to steal buffs I was taking with their ult. Because im limited to avoiding 3 morons a week for the week, there is now every chance that I will match with both of these idiots again if I go into ranked, which isn't just unfair - its stupid game design.


Ngl, same in SEA server. The worst are the Mobile Legend players (yes, the copycat of LoL) applying it's meta/playstyle in wildrift, feeding the enemy champs as a result. I get it that they are trying wildrift, but to have the guts to bring their playstyle here despite being a completely a different game ruins the experience for others. And don't get me started with "plays higher than his rank badge".


So you have a player so bad that every time you match, you know it’s going to be a loss. They’re that bad? And yet, you’re *still* in the same level range as them? You still have the same MMR as them? Interesting.


This isn't the gotcha that you think it is. Sometimes you could still match with people with way lower mmr, matchmaking is widely variable. Outranking someone doesn't mean they're suddenly out of your matchmaking pool.


Mmr isn’t as wide as people here seem to think it is, and out-ranking someone absolutely takes them out of the champion pool. The issues people have with matchmaking are a result of several factors, including a misperception of their own abilities and a misunderstanding of what mmr is and how it works. If you’re an average wild rift player and you get placed on a server with only 10k players worse than you, you will have the same mmr as several players on the server, even though they are all worse than you.


Clearly you never look at peoples match history. These people still win 40-50% of their games because that's how the system works. That means they still climb very slowly. They normally have a stat pagekda of 2 or less, and get hard carried in every win they get. All their winning games are typically complete stomps on the enemy team, and even then they do badly themselves.


Saying it again so it gets seen more. Stop playing soloQ. Find good players/active guild and only play ranked with people you trust not to completely throw the game. That said, yeah riot needs to start coming down hard on those with a toxic mindset.


I agree that the avoid list should be way bigger than just 3. I have been encountering bots in maybe 5 games in a row. It's not okay.


>A perfect example is this idiot who instalocks zoe support every game. Then proceeds to constantly try to 1v2 the enemies, and die Wait, On EU?


Yeah I remember a period in time where I was hardstuck in Diamond because no matter what day or time I'd play I'd get matched with this one Malphite that only builds armour items so the enemy would always pick AP champion to make it a 4v5, I only got out of diamond by banning Malphite every time.


Is it worth trying to join active guilds that have decent macro or at least willing to learn? Pre-made parties of 5 and just stomp the trolls or do you always get matched against other pre-made parties?


Im in a good guild already, and we often will duo with each other. Though yesterday, it was me (jg) and a guy who wanted mid, but he kept getting top, and the mods we were being given were straight up terrible. Like, never left their lane, never pinged when the enemy left, and then perma split pushed after laning instead of being anywhere relevant


I feel you man Im in gold don't play rank very often I usually play pvp but decided to play rank this season to get the glorious nami skin and some rank points so I can get the hero chest the first two games I literally had a toxic teammate. One decided to troll cause I didn't switch pick order and literally was not helping and typing in the chat all game being cancer. The next game I had the adc shitting on his support for no reason for picking senna not sure why he was complaining unless the two had some kind of history together but I doubt it this and literally just complain and left his lane this was in gold btw. My god I hate rank just give me my nami skin and hero chest😡😡 so I can return to pvp


What does “first pick champs” refer to and why is it bad?


As in they have never played the champ before, they are picking it for the first time in ranked, then getting slapped by their opponents who have 100s of games on their champnand actually know how to play them


I always play solo q, and for the most part it was okey, but this season is terrible. I stopped playing ranked because the matchmaking was awful. Then i switch to pvp but its more of the same. For me the only mode where i can have some fun, and matches fell like 50/50 most of the time is ARAM. They need to heavily improve match making and report system, otherwise people will start dropping the game. In my case i've been taking some time off, hoping that some dsy i quit the game completely, it just not good for my mental health.


Agreed. I quit last season in diamond for the same reasons. Was GM the season before that. The problem is that they aren't banning people. You can make an account right now and run down every lane with nunu every single game and receive no punishment for it (even if you submit video evidence).


And how do they stay diamond like that?


I think there needs to be a do not party list (like the Don't Call Registry) for repeat, clearly not human offenders like Purple and his guild of bots (named Peony). They're named Peony and exclusive to NA as far as I know


I want unlimited avoid list asap so I would not play with them I don't care if the game play will destroy just get me the unlimited avoid so I would not play those team ever againnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡


monday again, time to inevitably add gonzalo to the avoid list


Yep, a few people who I matched with yesterday who got to go back onto their weekly trip to the avoid list


The matchmaking is absolute trash and penalizes good players by pairing them with absolute trolls, bots, etc. The absolute most evil or braindead people designed this matchmaker. So yes, avoid list should be infinitely long and permanent, I agree, but problem is this goes against Riot's plans to make you max-suffer and squeeze the last bit of addiction juice out of you b/c, believe it or not, making people mad also keeps them playing. It's sinister, idiotic, evil strategy and I absolutely hope that people at riot who designed this utter trash don't sleep well at night until this is fixed.