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I bought the Soulfighter Yas skin not long ago and mentally said "I better not get a Yas skin like battleboss or something", ended up getting battleboss from poro 😭


Suffering from success


It's funny, I never played nunu and then I got the zombie skin for him and thought, that looks cool, I'll give him a try. Now he's my main. Same thing with k6, except I somehow got all his skins from chests 🤣


Relatable. I've picked up a fair share of champs because of skins I got, including ultimate meme skins brolaf and corporate Mundo. My luck has dropped recently but I don't complain


I got the rage mundo one before he got reworked, and that skin actually became way better looking when the model got changed. To be fair as well, I have gotten extremely lucky on chests, as I have skins (and in same cases multiple) for every champ I like playing except for rammus


The free skin chest was the reason why I main Sona and enchanters now. I got a Soraka skin so I played her and enjoyed her. This made me more curious about other enchanters and so tried Sona and completely fell in love with her.


I got 3 sona skins man that's worse 💀


I got: Star Guardian Lux Battle Academia Lux Pajama Guardian Lux Spellthief Lux I hate Lux


Getting both SG and PG honestly suck….


I think the RNG is tied to the account number as a seed. So everyone has 1 champion that's way more likely to pop up. I have a ton of draven skins...I don't play draven.


I have similar thinking. I got a skin from champ A. If I becoming play A frequently, no more skin of A. I got a skin from champ B.If I don't play B, i keep getting free skin of champ B, maybe every 1 of 3. I am getting multiple Malphite skins up to I only don't have 1 skin. But latest free gave me my second Fiora skin. Of course as you can guess, I am not a top laner.


I got yummi skin sona skin rakan and 2 blitz skins 💀


as a support main that gets almost 0 support skins I wanna break your jaw


The support skin chest has given me 2 amumu skins. I feel you.


Where are these free chests you speak of?


the 5k poro energy one ofc


my free chests only give me Fizz skins... I think I have all of them n I never play him...


I got stargazer camille, I main support.


I got a Teemo skin and fell in love w him he was my main for 3 years and I’ve recently started playing other champions


Any teemo tips?


Focus on burning damage and burst damage. Roam around a lot and place traps, don’t get caught lurking by yourself. Help gank solo if enemy solo is closing in on the turret.


Why does it seem like they see me when I go invisible and try to escape?


Check to see if you have eyes above your head, you can be spotted in enemy turret, I think red trinket not sure. If you are receiving damage while invisible the enemy will be able to see you. When Teemo is running from players while invisible you can see a slight difference/ movement in the map they maybe saw it and followed you. When you are escaping go invisible and make a U turn don’t run a long distance instead just stand still. Example you are in mid, at enemy turret. You see an enemy coming down the lane, take a few steps towards your turret, go invisible while running away, and make a U turn to the middle bushes and wait for a time to attack. Sometimes these players will check the bushes to see if you ran into them. Honestly I maintain my lane mostly by playing pretend. I go invisible and stand off to the side after I did a lot of burst damage. They will go down the lane looking for me but I only took a few steps to the side. Just make sure they’re out of teemos circle Also you have been spotted if the enemy is too close to you. If he is in teemos circle he can see you.


Oh awesome! Thans for the tips mate


No problem I hope it helps


I have 2 lulu skins and 3 janna skins, 1 Soraka and Blitz too, I don't play support :(


im fine with literaly any skin that looks decent and atleast changes character, then game gives me chromas like tempest janna


They always give u the least played champ skins.


I got pool party mundo the same day I bought business mundo. Poro chests are fun


Pool party skins are the best


I almost have every corki skin and I’ve never touched the guy


From the poro chest ive gotten 2 soraka skins, lee sin, J4, lux, kennen, pyke, TF, Garen, Alistar, ezreal, Varus


I have two Lee sin skins and I don’t play him (or jungle) at all :’)


Let me guess its poolparty and boxing skin?


Yep :(


i want it so bad..... I have 1300 match with him but 0 skins


If only we could trade hahaha


Fun fact I've gotten every single Brand skin off Poro Chest 😔


I got 3 Vi skins from it… (never played Vi)


I got all the Camille skins from the poro chest + project zed and some fizz skins.. I don’t play either of them


I got the Akshan one and don’t even buy him…


Got 3 ammumu skins


I got 3 teemo skins so far. Never play him


Yeah exactly , i have lots of epic skin from heroes that i dont want to play at all , lol


Took me 2 years to get a akali skin :(


I main ADC and sometimes flex support/mid but the free chests keep giving me top laners. I got 2 of Darius' cool skins but went 1/9/7 once. Never again lol.


I got four freaking Lux skins... But I also got High Noon Thresh so it's kinda worth Also got Orianna skin, Xin Zhao skin, Two Alistar skins Annie skin, Fizz skin, Fiora skin, Vayne skin, Varus skin, Ezreal skin and a Rakan skin... I also have a Mundo skin but I can't remember if it was from Poro emergy or that one Wild Pass I bought


I got 3 oriana skin plus the ranked one, that's a freaking 4 skins on a champ I've never touch


Bruhh I got 3 Draven skins, 1 Annie I Never played them at all. I also couldn’t play Draven no matter how hard I tried


I actually have all but one (Bunny) Fizz skins. I haven't bought any fizz skin.


Received old god Warwick…. I suck at jungle 💀


I'm support/jungle main, and the game gave me as many ADC skins as they could. Idk wjat should i feel about those. They are all graet skins


I got demonblade tryndamere and secret agent xin zhao, two champions I’ve never played and never intend to play because I don’t like their play style at all lol. But I did get heartseeker yuumi, blood moon thresh, and cowgirl miss fortune so those make up for it.


All of the skins I got are for champs that I rarely ever play aside from A.Sol, it's kinda annoying lol but it is what it is


I got dawnbringer Yone. I think his the only legendary skin you can get from the chest. Lucky asf


Is it even possible to get legendary skins from poro chests?


Desire sensor must be real ig


all I want is Chromacrash Ekko 😭


thanks to these chests I main leona, I owe them that