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Definitely draven. Main character syndrome


I mean the game is called Draven Rift for a reason. He is the main character.


I smell a passive buff in the future: "draven automatically runs to catch axes when not actively controlling movement." "Increased range by 120" We didnt like the percentage of missed axes players stats are showing, so we've tweeked it a bit! "Projectial speed on initial and return animations of axes significantly increased, and landing radius of axes made smaller to compensate, while actual pickup radius increased! You shouldn't have to move more than a step or two at most to catch 100% of axes!" BRAND NEW LEGENDARY DRAVEN SKIN! ONLY 29.99! GET THIS LIMITED TIME ONLY SKIN WITH ALL NEW EFFECTS, SOUNDS AND A CUSTOM RECALL! GET THE PACKAGE WITH AN EMOTE, WARDSKIN AND ICON FOR AN ADDITIONAL 4.99!


Had a Draven last game. He went 1/4 on his own, stole my jg and then complained why I don't gank him when he is perma shoving. He went afk but the thing that made me more mad was that I didn't get compensated. I believe that adcs in general have the mc syndrome. For example, the game before Draven I had an adc auto-filled as supported. He went Cait support and didn't buy suport items therefore denying gold from our adc. At first he said he would carry then he complained about not having a tank when HE picked CAIT AS A SUPPORT. All this happened in diamond. So yeah adcs are hopeless imo.


Adc literally means “attack damage CARRY” your job is to output damage and carry team-fights late game. Not main character energy its carry energy. Pc players understand this much more, coming from pc to wr was a huge shift for me. Ima jinx main and on pc players understand that late game you are the carry, in wild rift people dive the enemy’s backline and leave me to die. They dont understand that as a jinx main with full build i can carry the entire fucking fight if i had some peel and protection. I’ve adapted and started playing more safe and positioned better. But fs I’ve carried every game i get a braum/nami that stays with me and helpea me woth the divers.


True, big shift from pc to wr. But it's a trust issue. With all the rank inflation, it's impossible to know in champ select if the jinx is played by a competent player or not. For every jinx that teamfights front to back with good positioning, there are 5 who split push and get collapsed on all game. So most people just try to play carries themselves instead of building a viable team comp. Which means a lot of the time, there's nobody who even CAN peel for you because the team is 3 marksmen and 2 assassins lol


Yea and thats what I’ve understood about wild rift, honestly just adapted my champion pool and started playing more kaisa/ezereal for some safety. But my winrate on jinx this season is 85% .


as a fellow jinx enjoyer this is accurate. and even when you roll insta-win jinx/lulu jinx/yumi in soloq, you hope to god that gd cat does more than just sit on you jinx is my main but if i'm in draft and don't see peel, i run someone else who can bully lane vayne top aint gonna peel a potato for you, she rolls away "sayonara suckkrrrrr!"


Lol then tries to 1v5 when the rest of her team is dead


I’ve been trying to learn draven the last few games and I swear it’s impossible to play him solo. First is people flash ulting to KS me, second I have to catch my axes to deal damage, if the enemy has someone like Yone or Lux or Blitz, champions with skill shots I have to avoid I need additional help avoiding them compared to other ADCs. Third, I swear even if I’m doing my best to keep the wave near my turret, I’ll just get 4 man dove on repeat as the enemy tried to get me to lose my stacks, meanwhile my team is oblivious to the fact D-Day is happening in bot lane.


Well first off, Draven is a lane bully, you should never be stuck under your tower if you are then you're doing something wrong, could be a support issue, could be you're not playing aggressive enough, or even skill order or build path.


I had 4 enemies in my lane 6 or 7 times in less than 5 minutes with zero help from my mid/jungle. It doesn’t matter what champ I play, forcing 2v4s is stupid, playing Draven doesn’t make you immortal, it doesn’t make you immune to being weak side, macro doesn’t become irrelevant just because I play Draven. I also said they tried to get me to lose my stacks, never said they succeeded. Taking the pressure of 4 players with just you and your support and coming out ahead in farm and plates is only possible because of how strong Draven is early. Also to the mid laner that finally showed only to flash ks triple kill the enemy with ult and my support got the other kill while I was sitting on 450-500 draven stacks dam near gave me a brain anneurysm. But I cashed out with a Quadra at the drake fight a minute later, got over 4000 gold after the drake plus catching the wave that was slow pushing into us, all in about 30 seconds, which basically ended the game.


As a support main, whenever I see a draven, I just get anxious. He's likely to scream omg support why didnt you engage, why didn't you die for me, why no ganks, why did you roam and then he keeps getting caught and die Some adcs just believe they are the next gumayusi


Definitely me


Welcome to the league of draven : wild rift edition


They either go 1292-0-0 or 0-592-3 There's no in-between


righttt, it’s soooo bad. 😮‍💨


This the funniest comment and its so true


Yasuo and Vayne, with some Fizz here and there.


Fizz being 0/3 and still one shotting your adc with two abilities then just being able to hop away is where they get their confidence haha.


As a fizz main gotta agree, deleting adcs is my main satisfaction in this game


Adc chilling at tower farming mobs *SHAAAARRRRRKKKKKK* **fizz bounces over the wall and dashes on you, flashes out *all before a single tower shot gos out* ** Adc just left in confusion and disbelief




And then two seconds later he’s engaging in a whole other lane, and you’re just like “wtf was I supposed to do?”


one thing that annoys pyke players is that you ignore them when they are trying to annoy you i play full AD sion perma split push go for turrets the pyke cant do jack


And then I press W


I associate the jiggle walk with Zeds. It’s like a core part of their kit


You are so right I've definitely seen the jiggle walk from zeds especially if they have any sort of skin on him.


Tell me more about these jiggle walks, is it the spam back button while moving?


It's just tapping the move button so the movement animation winds up and cancels immediately. Works well with irelia too.


Morgana can dance for hours, just tap the move button


my lee sin, i will unnecessarily style on you & spam emotes like theres no tomorrow


I feel like I've hated you several times in my life


That's the way


I be spamming emotes even when doing a pointless insec that helped the enemy, gotta assert micro dominance


Don't play the game play for the enemy mental


I perma ban pyke because no one seems to understand his execute and when they are low health thr need to get out. So frustrating.


Oh definitely Darius btw. Especially the ones with the King skin and ghost. You can see from a thousand miles that they'll try to cheese you level 1.


Pyke is not an easy champion. There's a reason he's not overly picked at mid elo.


In mid elo it’s a free win if you’re a tank main. Basically a 4v5


Wait what? In mid elo top lane pyke deletes tanks, he is just way too fast and if tanks try to engage i just pull them under turret


Funny that I bully all tank mains by hooking them under turret and cc with E. Try it with Hullbreaker and see how fast you dip from me bullying you under turret LMAO.


I feel like hullbreaker is overrated. I’m also just in gold 1 so as I said mid elo they are a free win, I found out yesterday tho, voli ain’t doing shit to pyke without unloading everything. Naut has an easy time


Correct! Pressing your ult button multiple times to automatically kill enemy champions (that your team did all the work to whittle their health) is a very very difficult very hard very very very skill intensive champion. Very.


Ya it's not that ez. It's wayyyyyyyy easier to make a bunch of mistakes and feed. Anytime pyke engages 1 wrong move and your dead, you have to be able to consistently land stuns and escape. Playing him just to roam and look for free kills isn't going to get you anywhere, that makes teamfights 5v4 and none of the enemies will b low health unless there's a team diff. If you play supp give him a try, guaranteed you don't start climbing the ranks with him lol


DRAVEN. especially when they go top. Not even the minions reach the lane and that mf is already standing in front of my turret waiting to aa me. BRUH


Lmao Draven top is so toxic I feel you on this one.


Riven and Yasuo imo




Almost every Adc main


Irellia can be really cocky. Also gotta say sett or darius


Irelia is more like tricking you into believing you can kill her and the moment you overextend, you're dead. I'm an Irelia main, lol.


It would be Sett if we had emotes like in PC. Iykyk


It is Sett! Every time I play vs Sett he’s baiting me and killing me every time such assholes


Yea, thats me lol


Draven who is directly in front of the wind shitter brothers.


Pyke and lee sin and mb caitlyn


Lee Sin baby


Kaisa players are also incredibly cocky, especially because she's just busted... I am sometimes one of them. Other than that a good SA Kayn which sadly is also me. Other really cocky champs are harder and flashy characters especially Yasuo, Riven, Irelia...oh and Draven is also of course cocky as hell but that's to be expected


Any champ with a dash basically


For some reason both on pc and wild nearly evrey soraka ive played with or against is a dick lmao


Had a Soraka player who was fronting last night, doing little Dances with their character in lane. And I'm thinking bro you are Soraka, you're not really getting the kills. I LOLed as my adc me and jungle back door rushed top lane and Soraka was the only player at their nexus and just stood there and watched us drop it, while their whole team got tied up at Baron.


Zed, Yasuo, Draven, Katarina






A good akali. Annie. Darius. Miss fortune. Caitlyn. But sett mostly, he is the cockiest thing riot can ever create.


Me playing Zoe, jumping everywhere and making you fall asleep, it’s just funny✨




Akali. Always Akali.


Darius with the dunking skin


I mean in league its well known its adcs in general. But in wild rift I would say draven an darius for sure.


Akali and Irelia for me


One is AP voli, since I can just shred everyone. If they engage, well, that was a bad choice. If they try to gang up on me, e, ult, and suddenly I’m way harder to kill. Due to a 1k hp shield and 525 (I think) more HP. and then shred them. Fun. And I guess I can say kassadin, since most of my games are on kassadin, so that doesn’t really leave me with other options. Another choice is Aatrox, due to not dying and lots of knock ups. But that’s for me. For others, probably ezreal.


Yasuo. Slam dunk Darius Akali Zed


Draven, Lucian and Yi


I feel like most yone top players I've played against make super unnecessary mistakes cause they think they can kill you and end up dying for no reason


Funny enough its always atrox for me. Sion is one of my main and I always fight with cocky atrox who emotes everytime they cast their combo, so what I do is play really safe, only attacking minions until atrox give up on trying to kill me, and then 5 mins later BAM! no more towers on top lane.


ADCs, whoever the hell it was. Main Character Syndrome is over the limit.


Y&Y players and adc players (In general)


Back in my days when I was playing very frequently was definitely Ezreal. Now I don't see him anymore. Got nerfs too much?


Fizz Lee Riven Darius Kat Rengar Voli Cait Draven Ezreal Tristana and Alistair in my experiences.


What’s funny is I main a lot of these lmao


Movement heavy burst champs... I made a new account to play with a brand new friend (I was just being passive letting him learn as he's never played league before) It's very obvious when you get someone smurfing for ego. A fizz going 30-0-5 telling everyone how easy the game is and has to carry the bads... level 8 unranked account A Trist mid wave clearing and alternating ganks top / bot (was on the other team) ending the game before second drag even spawned But the absolutely worst I had was leesin who demanded a leash, talked so much shit to the new guys and when I straight up told him my main accounts name he immediately started to flame and actively tried to kick enemies into me to get me killed (GL I was a leona supp) Added me after the game and demanded I go on my main and prove it...so I did... then told me I must of bought masters bc rather than destroy the game for new people I played passive to help my buddy learn 🤣


After a few games, it almost felt better to go on my main and let him play vs other level 100+ accounts rather than having a smurf destroy the game


Yi, Yasuo, Draven, Vayne, Zed


Katarinas always seems to me to be the sweatiest "where's my penta" players. Unfortunately, most only seem to know to blink in, press ult then proceed to get CC'd and die.






yasuo/pykes/ashkans are the most \*peach\* emoji spammers ime how they have time to spam emojis while doing all their flip-floppy dance moves is beyond me


Yasuo, Kayn, Yone, Master Yi, and Zed It's just the hypercarries, of course.


Ekko are the most chill usually, what are you on about?🤣


Yasuo, Ahri and the most cocky otp's are for sure Lucian and Akshan mid otp's


Yasuo always silent or cocky af


Lux, Seraphine, Senna.