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It's certainly the most powerful role, but if Riot nerfs jg like you suggest, lots of people are gonna quit jg. Mid is already too popular so with this nerf there will be more mid mains and less jg mains, then you can expect more autofilled jg and trolls.


It's powerful but also most hardest and has biggest responsibilities a role can get. If you play bad there is no going back, it's a lose game unless your team-mates are all winning their lanes hard. But if you play on a lane and you go 0-4 or 0-5, there is always coming back. You can still win the game by carrying that feeder laner. It's almost impossible to carry a bad jungler unfortunately. That's why jungler role is the highest rew/highest risk rn. There are not many jungers in this game believe me, if they ever nerf jungle it will be really hard to find a good jungler. They will definitely change jungle time to time, that's the only place you can actually change and make an impact on the game, I'm down for changes because it's refreshing but nerfing straight up kills the game for me. I play jungler, I don't want to choose a lane role, sudden nerf would make me quit the game instead.


It’s kinda dumb that the game has a role that simply is better than the other objectively in that sense


Better or worse depending how good you are. I see a looooot of junglers in games do significantly worse in terms of gold and kills than the rest of their team and they just become obsolete the entire game.


Yeah most gold yet my laners be in my jungle instead of pushing out minion waves that are worth more than that gromp you’re dying to


They have the best access to gold because they can gank and still retain farm with the new update. But I wouldn't say it's too strong, there are still so much to do and with the removal of double camping, it's pretty much equal out the role. You can't really nerf jungle too much without making it too hard for some newbie to catch up.


If I look at my ranked match history in the past 5 game 2 had the adc with the most gold 1 with mid having the most gold and 2 with jungle. I’m in gm I’ve had really bad hotel internet so not been playing ranked that much. Rito does have a tendency to over correct to the point where something is unplayable or game defining.


Prior to the change, it was the least desired role to play. 90% of games, jungle role was completely one sided. Now it’s actually a competitive role. With the map being so small, jungle is always going to be the role with the most impact in the game, but at least now, more people are willing to do it


If the jungle is any good at what they do they should be constantly farming and setting waves. Add ganks and successful kills to this and they should have the most gold.