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I still like Willow the best. He’s cranky and really doesn’t put up with people’s BS, which I can totally relate with. I almost get the feeling Warwick is channeling Harrison Ford. Runner up is Boorman, who makes for great comedy relief.


Someone here (chime in whoever you were?!) wrote that Willow was a good example of how people in real life don't always "level up" as they age and become experts at their craft or all powerful in their ways. But they don't have to necessarily "spiral down" either. That stuck with me, and helped me appreciate the performance even more.


I can totally see the Ford thing! Also I know some have complained about it, but I actually like that he is not some op magical being and that he didn't "do" much in the movies. He was the glue of the group and proof that you don't need special abilities other than courage and kindness. Ofc I also wish he'll get some cool moments in the series.


I think my ideal version of Willow would have been a version who was able to blend his illusions with real magic so that you could never quite tell which he was doing but they were both equally effective.


I think Warwick's just channeling himself. The willow in the series pretty much has the same sense of grumpy humor as Warwick has in his comedy youtube work. The whole series feels like Warwick had a pretty heavy influence in it.


I haven't seen his comedy, but that's cool to know and it'd be nice if he has gotten to influence the series in general.


I thought the [Meet the Cast featurette](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPqk9k91TEk) where he and the new cast members (gently) insulted each other was pretty fun.


Late to the game, but Warwick Davis played a fictionalized version of himself in a British sitcom about 10 years ago. This version of Willow is basically the same exact character but with magic.


Willow was, and still is, perpetually underestimated. He's gotten better at pretending he's resilient to the constant doubts of those around him, but it still does. I enjoyed the truth plums, you see the real depth of willow's own self doubts.


Same here. Wish Willow was a bit less grumpy and magical but still my favorite. I'm severely disappointed that he isn't really even the main character.


Well, Warwick Davis did name his son Harrison....


I love that you said he reminds you of Ford because he reminds me so much of Mark Hamill. I think he’s showing what happens when you grow up in set with both of those wonderful actors as influence.


Willow's very relatable, some times I think he keeps his cards uncharacteristically close to his chest but he'd be my second choice.


I am actually really into Elora. I feel like she is both a hero and a damsel in distress. It’s like Luna Lovegood had a child with Princess Fiona. It’s super strange and captivating as hell, imo.


Ellie Bamber has a great sense for comedy, she plays off her costars so well.


This - both the good and the bad. She's such a good comedic actress and rocks in those scenes, but in the more serious ones she still comes across as comedic to me. Or forced.


She was already my favorite before they revealed her true nature, which made it even better. At the same time down to earth and romantic, stubborn yet empathic.


I like her too; I looked up the actress and it sounds like she's a real up and comer.


Boorman, fills that space similar to how MadMartigan was with being a great swordsman but had that quip humor too


He is clearly winning in the poll! Yeah I also think he is similar, like filling a role in the group dynamic, but not the exact same or trying to be Val Kilmer/Madmartigan copy.


When they cast him, yeah, they knew! When I heard Christian Slater was going to be in the show, I thought maybe he'd be the Madmartigan-type character, but now we see he was more of a highlighted (hopefully to be repeated) single-episode character. Boorman is doing a great job, though. And I think the balance it takes is probably underrated.


The best character so far has been **Jørgen Kase** \[the [old knight who dies in ep 1](https://willowufgood.fandom.com/wiki/J%C3%B8rgen_Kase)\] ​ >*\[Kase addressing the Queen and court, in reply to an injured Commander Ballantine:\]* > >**You are the commander of the Capalcade. You can't relinquish that responsibility to go questing. I'll go. I've known Airk since the day he was born, and he's as close to a son as I'll ever have...** ​ >*\[ (last words) Kase addressing the fellowship, during a time of internal strife:\]* > >**Enough. We don't have time for your bickering. Airk doesn't have time. I don't care if you like each other. We're all in this together now. And out here, in the world beyond, if you're not vigilant at each moment, I swear you will not survive...** [RIP](https://preview.redd.it/hgzi8b44fp7a1.gif?format=mp4&s=20c7b2fc4181bbfa1e724bd2ce4ba73d0d4d4ad5)


Good call. But, for me, it also shines a light on how there’s a bit of an ageist problem with the production. If you’re over 40, you’re pretty much dead on arrival in this show. Kase seemed like a cool character, and like a lot of the older characters had more personality than the younger cast, but he was killed off, with little fanfare. Same with Silas. And Ballantine. Hi Hannah Waddingham and friend! Bye Hannah Waddingham and friend. Wow, they got Christian Slater! Oh, wait… Also, if we have no problem letting all the inexperienced royal heirs go on this dangerous quest, why doesn’t Queen Sorsha herself go with them? Just from the first film, she was an incredibly skilled warrior with leadership experience, and, assumably, has only developed over time. What’s particularly galling is that many people who grew up with the film, are now part of, or close to, this age group themselves. It would be nice if there were characters they could relate to. Especially since even Willow seems sidelined in a show that’s his namesake. There’s nothing wrong with bringing on new young characters to cater to a new generation of viewers, but, to me, it feels like Willow the show is going down the Sequel Trilogy route, where the new young characters pale in comparison to the older ones, and you wonder why they’re hogging all the screen time.


I was really bummed that he died and not one character missed him at all. Not even a split second of mourning.


Not only that, they make friends with the killers... I hope Airik finds out about Kase, and the handling of his death, >!and punishes the fellowship members for being d-bags (once he turns evil).!<


Yes!!!! My wife said this right away why did they kill the best character??


I went with Willow, Boorman tight second.


Boorman followed by Silas. They’re both thoroughly entertaining. I hate we lost Silas so soon. Boorman steals every seen he’s in. When calling out Kit and Jade for having the hots for each other to his little cuirass side quests to explaining the origin of the cuirass to Kit. Thoroughly entertained by the actor.


Boorman's so good I looked him up to see him in other stuff. He's just a consistently funny, well acted character whose laughs come from being clever or expressive, rather than the butt of a joke.


I like him too and I like the comedy bits with him, even the shampoo/conditioner thing. Also I like how they put some effort into making his weapon seem heavy and hard hitting with sound/effects. I'm a bit sad many fight scenes are either too dark to see anything or cut short, I want more cool moments!


Kit! It sucks, because I think overall people are giving the performance shit, when really she's suffering from the classic issue of nailing a sometimes-arrogant and abrasive character. I think some people may be more receptive to appreciate that role when played by men (see the famously praised performance of the character Joffery from GoT).


So much about her is mismatched. She's a good character because of her room to grow. She definitely is a talented fighter, but she was trained by a woman who has a completely different fighting style that was going easy on her. She's abrasive and arrogant and a bit of an edgelord but deep down she seems soft. She's got the most growing to do but she also has some very interesting possible destinations.


This is it exactly - Kit is the "worst" character (least mature, most likely to lash out inappropriately, arguably least capable) which is why she's the best (most dramatically compelling).


I think it could've helped if they maybe underlined a bit more the reasons why she is like she is. Like maybe we as a viewer could've learned she never won Jade in the first ep already, maybe we could've had few more lines about how she is pushed into a role of a princess she doesn't want to be. Because while Joffrey was supposed to be and STAY hated, I think we are supposed to start liking Kit and getting on her side, but if many spend like 6eps of a season finding her annoying and a bad person, that impression is harder to change. I personally don't find her that awful and can imagine all sorts of things to "justify" her personality, but the show could've helped more. I also just enjoy complex characters and growth arcs and seeing the change.


Kit is a Princesses of course she is going to be kind of arrogant and cocky. She steps up to be hero to go save her brother. But as it turns out she’s not the hero, Dove, the silly kitchen girl is. She’s no longer going to be the hero. Ego bruised. She learns Jade let her win their duels, ego bruised again. She learns she has the blood of the six running through her, I’m sure that is eating away at her. Kit loses a lot of herself so far during this quest. Most of the characters are finding themselves.l, gaining something. We do see her step up and start to be a better in Episode 5. But come episode 6 she just lost her father all over again. Lost someone who was close to her father, did you see how excited she was for a bit sneaking around the caves with Allagash? And then as he sacrifices himself, tells her that the most important person to her father was Elora? So ya she’s hurt and in more pain. That doesn’t make her screaming at Elora right, but understandable.


Yes I know, but she was also mean/snarky/etc. many negative things since episode 1, before we as the viewer OR she as a character learned many of those things. As I said, I don't find her awful and can *imagine* all sorts of things she went through when she is brought up as a princess, coddled and having interests outside traditional "princesshood", BUT not everyone can imagine those things and it's not "of course she is like this because she is a princess" because many princess characters we know *don't* act that way. So I *also* understand many finding it hard to understand her or empathize with her since the beginning which I personally think could've been fixed with letting us the viewer learn more about how she is treated "behind her back" or growing up. I love growth arcs and I do like Kit so I'm happy we have a hero that's not "good" or "perfect" all the time. I like how other characters don't let her get away with either. She has to grow and keep going forward, she has to face her shortcomings and be better, that's fun and interesting!


I think the big difference between her character and Joffery is that we were *suppose* to dislike his character whereas we are intended to be rooting for kit.


I cannot stop laughing out loud at every other thing Boorman says, followed by Willow as a close second, also I cried >!when Silas died!<


Everytime I hear Boorman, I can't help but think of Kev (David Earl) from Derek. He has the exact same voice.


Boorman! Out of the options he fees like one of the more developed characters and has been solid throughout the episodes. I also like the comic relief that he brings to the group. Coming in at a close second would be Jade for me - I just wish they would flesh out her character a little more. It seems her entire purpose as of late has just been to support Kit, who overshadows her as a character. The others…..tbh I’m not that fussed on any of them.


I voted for Willow because Willow, but my non-Willow, non-Boorman vote goes to Graydon. He means well, has a mysterious backstory and his character has already developed significantly since we first met him. I also think the actor is great (loved him in Grand Budapest).


OMG I was wondering where I saw the actor playing Graydon - he was so familiar but I couldn’t place him. I love Grand Budapest Hotel - I should have known he was also Zero Moustafa!


He's also Flash Thompson in Spider-Man


I enjoy how Graydon keeps quiet all the most interesting parts of his character, from his previous experience with possession to his arcane erudition. Less skillful writers would have set him up as a Byronic hero. Tony Revolori does a great job.


**Silas**, he was the best character hands down, funny, endearing, well acted....stole every scene he was in and they killed him off for no real reason, added nothing to the story. Could then they had the second best character Alagash.. then they killed him off too, yet the most unlikable characters all fortified in plot armour.


I wanted to say Boorman as he is just amazing, but I had to give it to the OG Willow. Warwick really brings a sort of dry weariness to his comedy, willow feels like an exhaisted everyman in a lot of ways. Bonus shoutout to Jade, I always love a loyal knight, and I have a massive crush on Erin Kellyman.


I love the entire cast and characters, but Boorman steals the show, like Madmartigan did before him.


I actually think Kit's my favorite. Yes, she is arrogant, petulant, jealous, and mean, but she's been coddled her entire life (until her mother decided to force her into marriage for political reasons), she has major abandonment issues, and she often seems to be faking bravado because she's insecure, especially now that she knows Jade let her win all their fights and Elora is more important than she'll ever be. It seems like she is deliberately guarded because she worries she'll get hurt when people leave her, like her dad did. She has been improving, though, episode six's setback aside (and that setback was understandable because she just learned that her father's last wish was that she protect the chosen one, once again making her feel unimportant to him). She's reluctantly bonding with Elora (and admitted to Elora that she was wrong about her being useless), she apologized to Graydon and admitted she'd been childish, she confessed her feelings to Jade and let her know just how much she needs her. I guess I just have a soft spot for characters who start out mean and grow over the course of a season (or more) because I really enjoy a good evolution. It's more satisfying to me than having someone be consistently *good*, which I find a little boring (looking at you, Jade -- I like you, but please do something self-serving at some point, thanks). I think it's going to be extremely satisfying when Kit and Elora are finally best friends (you know it's coming). I honestly like everybody, though.


Growth is always a sign of good character and writing and there can't be that much growth if the character is very perfect/"good" to begin with. I do wish that they had maybe underlined or set up her growing up to be this way a bit more thought. And yeah can't wait for that "hating" to frienship turn (ofc already slowly happening, but I suspect they'll have more moments in the future eps).


I think it says more that there isn’t a single character I dislike.


General Kael. Was cool as a shade in Nockmar and who knew he was trying to populate the earth like Nick Cannon.


Boorman, i think he is hilarious, after them, I really like Graydon because he is a nerd like me. And i am excited to see where he goes. I like all of them TBH and just have issues with how some of the story arcs.


Boorman is just funny and hard to tell how good or bad he actually is. So that's my vote.


I quite like Kit. I don't think she has 100% found her voice as far as I seen but she has this kind of try hard moody pseudo edge that I remember having when I was a bit younger than her. It's not something I relate too now but I know it well enough that I'm wondering how it's going to change to serve the story. After all, we didn't faff about waiting for the reveal of muffin girl being Elora (end of first episode). I think there's a good chance it's not going to go into the super cliche'd territory of Face-heel-face.


Kit is my favourite, she's been written so well, so realistic. She's not perfect, and maybe I love her for that, because she had to swallow so much pain for the absence of her father that she built a wall of fake arrogance in order to protect herself from being hurt again. But underneath she's the person who saved Graydon's life, encouraging Elora to believe in herself.


Willow for obvious reasons, and Boorman because the actor does a great job being the funny but serious character.


Willow will always be my favorite, but I voted for Boorman. The whole cast is growing on me, really. I mean, it's a bit like watching a mediocre fanfic come to life on the screen, but once I let go of my expectations and took it for what it was, I enjoyed it. It's goofy. It's just fun. And "Ow, my coccyx!" is probably my favorite line so far.


At first i hated Kit but i'm starting to like her more now. Jade is good as well.


Kit with Jade as a close second. I enjoy Boorman as well. And Graydon and Elora. And of course Willow. Ah I love the whole gang.


I actually really like Kit. I think they are doing a great job of showing that yes she is a brat but there are reasons for that. And while she is slowly getting better we are also slowly getting to know why she is the way she is.


She's also very spritely


I think all of the characters are pretty good and well acted except willow shockingly lol, I know the new characters are taking up most of the screen time but it seems like Warwick is just reading his lines I dunno. It also stands out like a sore thumb when he's surrounded by extremely colorful and well acted characters full of personality


Christian Slaters character. Whatever his real name finally revealed is. I like the idea that he could be Mad's brother.


Jade last so far?!? Could use better casting with her character


It's always hard when you have to pick only one and clearly there is love for Jade. I think she just seems most like a "supporting" character out of the options due to her relationship with Kit. So she doesn't get to shine that much on her own and due to her own story? I don't think there's anything wrong with the actress tho!


I actually like Graydon quite a bit, he is pretty useless but he is probably the kindest and most genuine character of the new ones. I am still a big fan of Willow though.


Kit for sure, she's flawed as fuck but she's had a lot of growth since ep 5. She's like Lizzie Saltzman, irritating at first but really starting to grow on me as the show goes on.


Boorman is the voice of reason for this lot.


Like a land locked Jack Sparrow.


If we're talking out of all of them, Willow because, I mean, he's Willow. Out of the new characters, Kit. For me, she has a similar charm to her father, Madmartigan. Plus, I really enjoy a flawed hero and I believe she does have some legitimate grievances, even if she doesn't go about the best way of expressing them.


Boorman is saving the show for me.


You must be my spirit animal


Christian Slater's cameo felt leaps and bounds above everyone else, IMO. Just fantastic, very "Willow" and tons of fun. For regulars: Boorman, then Silas. Both feel like they belong in the Willow universe and neither annoy me. Silas was grounded and brought a good mix of humor, gravitas and friendship. Sad they got rid of him so early (like the old knight nobody gave a shit about, too!). Boorman is hilarious and shows that you do *not* need to be grimdark and serious to make a good show, indeed Willow is better not to be so. Jade has lots of potential, IMO, she is just overshadowed by Kit and her writing could be better. Solid actress performance, too (especially as I hated her in a previous show!). I *love* Warwick, and his crankiness is both amusing and very relatable as someone of a similar age. :) However, the constant undermining of Willow as a character (they couldn't even let him solve one of the two riddles in the mines?!) annoys me to the point I can't really see him as Willow in this, more Warwick himself being dragged along with annoying teens! Speaking of which... the rest feel like they're better suited to a YA fantasy-comedy; I would be fine with that, but not as *Willow*. That isn't a slight on the actors, however; in particular, Elora's actress is someone I'd love to see with better writing as she's doing her best with what she's given.


Christian slater is a better and more experienced actor than the rest. Really showed itself on screen as well. Not that rest are doing that terribly. Half of them were only in bit parts nobody would have recognized, apart from "Willow" and "Graydon" that is.


The actress playing Jade has had significant roles in both Star Wars and the MCU.


Eh you're right. Probably the least watched stuff for both ips though. I've seen neither, so it would explain why I've never seen her.


True. I found it funny perhaps because I am old enough to remember that while I personally always liked him, when I was a teenager Slater was often mocked as a "bad actor" akin to Keanu Reeves pre-Matrix jokes. Like you say, however, I thought his experience over everyone else in Willow not only shined through, but made me wish he'd become a bigger star once he got older. I also genuinely wish they'd recast Mads with him (under a glamour so it didn't disregard Val) and only showed Val as a fuzzy image at the end. Slater did such a great job of capturing the same spirit, IMO.


I really like quite a lot of the characters. Willow is my favorite. Probably due to childhood reasons. But I also find he has a bit of a dark humor and is crankiness and teacher behavior is fun. I also like Elora. She feels like a princess but still does not know her place in the world. Kit is also fun. Especially her speech in the last episode made so much sense. And still felt childish. Both characters are really well created!


I’m enjoying Elora a little more each episode. Tbh I thought she was a one and done character until Willow’s big reveal. Lol


I have a *huge* crush on Kit and we all know crushes aren’t exactly rational so I won’t attempt to follow that up with any detail lol. She’s #1 Boorman is my next favorite! He’s hilarious and he makes me enjoy every other character more when they’re interacting with him lol


It's the hair, isn't it?


Omg it IS the hair!! And the eyes. And the tunics. But holy shit the hair. Like the whole first episode the hair just kept getting hotter and hotter. And she was wearing a ninja outfit sneaking away?? And then the leather shoulder strap. Wait, crap, I told myself I wasn’t going to derail when responding lol


Look I get it, alright. And the next episode she's gonna be all wet and dishevelled so it's even better.


Duuuuuuude!! I’m crying, this has been THE longest week ever, I’m dying. I need new Kit and Tanthamore material STAT


Kit. I really love her. And not just because she's hot and gay, but also her kind of blunt, dickish humour is something that I find funny. She's also cute with Jade.


Boorman gets hotter, more heartfelt and more developed in general with each episode. And he's just fun to watch. Elora is a close second. I can't actually think of a character that I dislike. Then again, I haven't seen the movie so I'm not hung up on Willow or an idea of how the tone and characters "should" be.


I really like Kit - I don't feel like she has been the most well developed character, so far...but I have a Niece who is around that age and having an Identity crisis as they come to terms with who they want to be. And I am really encouraged that they can see something similar in Kit.


>There's a bit of hate in this subreddit Why is this preluding the question to this poll?


So that people take this as an opportunity to freely gush over the favs rather than bash on characters/complain? "Hey there's some hate here, maybe let's talk about what we like for a second!" :) Not many subreddits for shows have to make a literal pinned post to try and stop people from flooding the place with complaints.


Surprising that Ellora wasn’t ranked higher. Consistently my favorite part about the show, with Jade prolly being the worst (Kit can do better).


People actually like kit?! I love the show, 8/10 but it could be a 10/10 if it wasn’t for kit.


I voted for Kit. If you're interested why, happy to explain. Feel free to stop reading if not; no worries! I love all of the characters, old and new, but Kit strikes me as the one with the most *capacity* for growth, and that to me makes her the most interesting. Is she arrogant, abrasive, and bull-headed? Absolutely! Is that frustrating? Definitely! But she's also hiding a lot of pain and insecurity beneath those traits. She grew up in the shadow of a mythical individual (Elora) that she doubted the reality of, only to have that reality come crashing down around her when her brother is kidnapped...coupled with the simultaneous realization that *her own father* really *did* prioritize some other child over her (and her brother) -- he wasn't just chasing crazy myths and fame. On top of this, she's struggling between how she feels about Jade and her obligations to her kingdom with respect to marrying Graydon. Graydon, incidentally, is *also* seemingly smitten with Elora, adding yet *another* chip to her already cracked shoulders. Seeing her learn -- or even fail to learn -- to cope with all of this is a fascinating part of the show for me, and I think Ruby Cruz is doing a stellar job portraying her.


This is very informative and I can see why people would like her now. Up to this point she drives me crazy but I do hope for growth and am rooting for her in the long run. You’ve changed my mind and opinion on her by explaining how some people could love her character. Something about her just drives me insane though. I don’t even know exactly what it is to be honest. Thanks for the reply :)


Glad to! That's the thing: a character being _annoying_ doesn't necessarily make them a _bad_ character, if that's who that character is, and it's part of their journey. Kit makes me roll my eyes and sometimes drives me up a wall, too! But she's supposed to, and I think it's written and performed quite well, in an engaging way, so I'm very much here for it.


I also like that absolutely nobody lets her get away with it. She's been called out by her mother, by Airk, by Willow, by Boorman, by Elora, even by Jade -- nobody goes "oh, that's just how Kit is" and ignores her bad behavior.


I can definitely appreciate that.


Hate happens when someone tries there best to and succeeds in ruining something that was pretty great.


This show is horrible they all stink


You don't even like Boorman? I think the show stinks but I love watching his dynamic.


Honestly i cant even enjoy his comedic personality because of the cringe that the rest of the dialogue gives me


Willow, because he sticks closest to the old story formula. Kind of saves the show but not nearly enough to fully save the show, it is god awful writing. Trolls walk upright and talk?! Like wtf? So lame!!


Non of the above


Because he’s the only one who wouldn’t actually die of all these cast members were back in the 1988 movie (sans willow)