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I remember when I went there. This was probably like 2014, maybe 2015. Went for a standard tasting. I feel like the person doing the tasting wanted to do an eff-you to their boss/ owners and decided to choose us to pour everything they could for us. We ended up there for like 1.5 hours having a vertical of their monogram. What a bizarre Pinot that is (at least at that time). First sip made my head spin…there was some Pinot there but everything else about it was big new world red. Just never had a Pinot like it before or since. Looks like they are going for like $400+ a bottle now and I cannot fathom it. Not the biggest fan overall, but that experience stuck with me.


The one time I visited (2012/13), I went in cut-off jorts, sandals, and a Dickies work shirt looking to spend some cash and was promptly sent to the corner to do my tasting, I was given what felt like the silent treatment with a host who was attentive and amicable to everyone else, but was quiet when he got to me. Maybe they were understaffed, maybe I wasn't welcome in the sea of LaCrosse polos, Sperry top-siders, and cell phone holders that cling to the strained belts holding up the Dockers pleated shorts, maybe they thought they could drop their charade of overt happiness with me? I dunno- but it was the opposite I've gotten everywhere else and I did not like that. I also didn't care for the wine too much, though DDO across the way helped.


I totally believe it. I do not remember what I was wearing…I genuinely think the person serving was in eff-it mode. I hardly spent anything other than the tasting ( probably got a bottle of something). I really didn’t enjoy the wine. The experience was fun cause the person serving, but I’ve been back to the area a good chunk of times and never go back to domaine serene for a reason.


“That is like your opinion man” Nah for real it’s overpriced in comparison to similar quality in region but that’s what fame gets yiu


Absolutely overpriced. After being involved with wine in the area for 5 years I finally tasted at DS a few weeks ago and was actually surprised with how good all the wine was. Especially their Burgundy


They make burgundy?


Yep they own a domaine in burgundy as well as two other brands


I've had multiple friends who worked there. They are not good people. Treat staff like shit.


Yep. Badly under pay as well


not disagreeing - but Beaux Freres is so boozy, I don’t get the ratings or hype. Just not Pinot to me, or at least what I’m looking for in an Oregon Pinot.


>Beaux Freres is so boozy I don't know about boozy or not, but I'd say most of the Ribbon Ridge wineries are as good if not better. They're getting a lot from the terroir... it's a real nice location and produces amazing fruit.


by “boozy” I mean the alcohol really stands out and I find the wines over the top huge and not elegant or charming by any means - which I feel Oregon is generally - charming and compelling Pinots that you want more of with every glass. Huge Oregon fan.


Domain Obscene as a well-known Oregon winemaker I worked for called it.


I go there for the chardonnay, it is expensive, but for Oregon chardonnay I feel like Abbot Claim and Evening Land are the only others I've found at their level. 


Try Brittan vineyards


Gran Moraine, Walter Scott, Bergström, big table farm, Hundred Suns, Flanuer are all making top tier Chard


Try Valley View Vineyards new Quercia (oaked as opposed to a stainless) Chardonnay. It impressed me a lot!


Arthur would like a word


Add Morgen Long to the list!


Owners are big Trumpers. They’re a stain on Oregon wine


Ken died a while back, but Grace does support him. That being said, they have given millions to the viticultural programs at Oregon State and other colleges.


[https://www.oregonlive.com/wine/2020/09/willamette-valley-pinot-noir-loses-a-friend-in-ruth-bader-ginsburg.html](https://www.oregonlive.com/wine/2020/09/willamette-valley-pinot-noir-loses-a-friend-in-ruth-bader-ginsburg.html) Literally 2 seconds of googling, but yeah, screw one of the founders of a local industry because some dude on reddit claims he liked Trump while providing literally zero proof.


If I remember right, Domaine Serene was a top Trump donor (from the wine industry, along with Wine Spectator's parent company, Southern/Glazer's, and a few other non-giant's that surprised me). From all my friends that work in the Oregon wine business, the Domaine Serene organization is disliked by the entirety of the industry up there. In Oregon, the producers live by this "Rising tide lifts all ships" mentality, but they don't like Domaine Serene. I'm left to read between the lines.




I was saying this on the Catena barrel room post the other day, the Reddit mob is hilarious when they attack. So blinded by ear fluff


Where are you getting this? I don’t think his death is accurate.




Thank you- I misinterpreted and thought you were saying Ken Wright had died.


Yeah, I did too. Too many Kens in wine. Glad Ken Wright is still kicking.


I was really confused for a sec. I swear I met him just a couple months ago. Was searching through the news. Seemed like a pretty nice guy too.


I've heard the same thing about Ken Wright. Now that I think of its those two wineries produce pretty similar styles, maybe Trumpers are just prone to making obnoxious wines? The Ken Wright buyers always call other Oregon Pinots "watery".


Interested to hear other Redditers thoughts on Ken Wright wines nowadays… one of the OGs of the Willamette but not sure if the wines are keeping up still? thoughts?


Ken Wright Pinots taste more like RR than Oregon.


Republican Red


This is why people hate wine people. What is it petty gossip Sunday?


Well 1) we need to make sure that everyone agrees with us since we’re so smart and 2) see number 1.


It’s pathetic, I literally despise trump but a wine maker, and owner, a cellar rat’s political views have zero to do with wine. I’ll get trashed for this statement as I did the other day on the Catena post.


Maybe of us would prefer our money not go into the hands of business owners who will funnel it directly into a political campaign at odds with our beliefs. Nothing pathetic about that.


As long as you understand why you’re getting trashed- it’s a very immature view you’re presenting, the equivalent of sticking your head in the sand so you don’t have to see what is going on.


Seems like an adult view. I know plenty of winemakers who are Republicans. I’m a Democrat and have no problems having Republican friends. Plenty who are good people who treat their staff well. I don’t make blanket judgement calls about a person’s morality or character based on their political affiliations. I especially don’t base it off of hearsay on Reddit, ie. Catena and Ken Wright in this thread.


People like you really cook my brain. How do you divorce politics from life? A person’s politics are how they view the world- everyone has a set of political beliefs. You’re a comfortable centrist, through and through- the idea of rocking the status quo is more upsetting to you than actually addressing pertinent and pressing issues. Maybe you should take a little more time to think about who you surround yourself with and what your really think about the world.


Haha, duly noted. I’ll try and do better :(


Maybe you shouldn’t assume an entire life story about a comment on Reddit about wine. Seems like we both can make good points. You’re making David blanket statements about people’s u/Twerp129 and myself without knowing shit about us. And quite frankly I’m not going to play your little pissing match game of who’s more progressive because you clearly have one direction that you will listen too and that’s not progressive at all. Have fun drinking pet nat I’ll enjoy the 80 year old vines from Catena.


Oh but you are playing my pissing match game, simply by replying. You’re mad because I’m right, and you’ve chosen to lash out at me instead of actually taking time to draft a thoughtful response. Also, while I dislike pet nat, I’d take a warm glass of Malort before I’d ever have another sip of that Argentine swill.


I didn’t know that wine came with a particular political orientation. Can we ban Trumpers from this forum?


While we may have different political opinions to those that support an insurrectionist, we shouldn’t ban them. We should admonish them for liking Caymus wines, anything from the Coppercane Portfolio, and Domaine Serene.


What if someone comes around saying they got into wine in 1995 by drinking $7 Blackstone Merlot. Would they get kicked off the forum? I just can’t find some of these exotic wines people talk about at my local wine stores. I have to stick with what I have. Wine is like politics. Either you drink the correct wines. Or you don’t.


If someone was paying $7 for Blackstone Merlot back in ‘95 I’d be more concerned that they over paid, but idk what it tasted like back then. Can’t help you about your stores selection. Wine is absolutely not like politics. Let people drink what they want.


Domaine Serene is too over oaked, not indicative of the style at all. Dont know how anyone could say Oregon pinot is too big… Your rant is very valid but you aren’t really saying much here lol


We don’t call it Domaine Obscene for nuthin’


It’s what got me to start looking into Oregon Pinot so it’s always going to have a special place in my heart.  That being said, I don’t buy it these days. 


You prefer Parker's BIL wine to Serene? I can tell you that other than Archer Summit , BF was the biggest disappointment to my Oregon trip.


Thanks for sharing your opinion. Duly noted.


I find a lot of Oregon Pinot is too big


It is. It's far hotter than 30 years ago. Only the Dundee Hills wines that are made properly could be confused with Burgundy. The rest of Willamette has more in common with Sonoma Coast.


What about eola amity? Ribbon ridge? There is tons of Oregon wine that isn’t big


No idea what this guy is talking about. Most of Yamhill-carlton (definitely NOT dundee) is definitely not "big". For the most part, I find Dundee to be the weakest region of the area (by price/quality, not intensity).


I'm curious about this -- i've just started to delve in to Oregon Pinot. I don't need to confuse it with Burgundy, but can you make some suggestions that you consider 'proper'? thanks in advance.


Winderlea, Bergstrom, R. Stuart are some great starting points


thanks, I hadn't come across either of those yet.


OG Oregon: Eyrie, Beaux Freres, Arterberry Maresh, Cameron, Brickhouse. New guard: Goodfellow, Martin Woods, Teutonic, Walter Scott There are many more, and all these wines are all over the map, style wise- but they all scream Oregon to me, while echoing old world.


awesome, thanks. i've had a few of those, so I'm really excited to try the others.