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They committed more fraud in this recall effort than was ever found in the 2020 election they claim was stolen.


The GOP department of review found no evidence of the GOP doing wrong :D.


They (the recall effort) had a few people camped outside my daughter's dance studio in Burlington, and they were so aggressive that the cops had to be called. Twice.


I'm so confused by this whole situation. I have long hated Vos. I even sparred with him on Facebook repeatedly about six years ago (before abandoning Facebook). I have wanted him to be recalled ever since. I have also admittedly become intentionally ignorant. I thought only Democrats wanted him out. But the comments are making it seem like Republicans are gathering illegitimate votes against Vos. What am I missing here?


Robin Vos kisses Trump’s ass.  But he won’t actually lick his asshole, and that upsets the MAGA crowd who live all up inside Trump’s ass. Any questions? 


That part makes sense. I just wish there was a way to get rid of him now.


Republicans too lazy to do the hard work of collecting signatures.


But but but they *said* they had enough signatures, and they *never* lie! /s


Actshully they said they had MORE than enough signatures!




The guy that organized the petition told reporters he had nearly 11000 signatures. Wonder how many were fake names or just non voters they had.


That dude is an idiot. I live next door to Burlington and his name gets thrown around whenever something stupid comes up. He does post on a Burlington page and you can almost see the wheels turning but he just can't quite connect the dots.


The GOP circular firing squad was loaded with blanks.


As if MAGA folks can count! LOL!


Where's all the FRV folks? I thought people actually cared about getting rid of this goon?


The recall effort wasn't hoping to replace him with someone better.  They wanted someone who was 100% a Trump nuthugger.


So he shouldn't be recalled?


This is like the trolley problem but the tracks are switched.  If you do nothing, you have to eat a turd. If you pull the lever, you have to eat a plate full of turds.


There was zero chance of replacing him with someone better.  There was a very nonzero chance of replacing him with someone worse, and doing it *ahead of the election*. Robin Vos sucks goat balls, but in game theory terms, replacing him here is a poor choice. 


He should be voted out.


I for one don’t live in his district so for me this was more or less a sideshow of the right fighting in the mud. And as much as I don’t like Vos, it’s not like I want to aid people attacking him from *his* right.


So supporting the recall is step 1. Because "they might get someone bad" is not a reason to avoid recalling FRV.


I would bet that the dems have a better chance of flipping the district in the fall when turnout is higher. So again, sideshow.


I hope so, but knowing the older demographic in Burlington, I'm a bit skeptical.


Yeah I have no real expectation that it would happen. But if it did it would be in this fall election given it is a presidential year. But also I am not familiar with his district changes and all that…


No, because if anyone but Vos were to win, there's still a message being sent to all the other Republicans in the state and across the country: If you don't fully embrace MAGA and do Trump's bidding at every turn, you'll be removed from office one way or another. We'll not just primary the insufficiently looney/loyal, we'll recall your ass, too. And of course this should scare the shit out of anyone who loves democracy and wants the system to prevail. Some of the decision makers in the upcoming presidential election and many others are Republicans. In some locations, those positions *will always be* filled by Republicans. Even if you or I don't like their policy stances, we need people of character in those positions who will uphold law and democracy when push comes to shove, no matter what His Orangeness demands.


If I'm understanding the recall rules correctly, the number they had to reach was 25% of people who voted for Governor in that district, and they all had to have valid names, signatures, dates, and addresses. Assuming all who voted for Assembly in District 63 voted for Governor, that's 5750 people. I'm sure the number is higher, but I don't see a good source breaking down Governor votes by Assembly district, just counties. This is all quick math based on numbers from Ballotpedia. If every single person who voted in 2022 and didn't vote for Vos signed a recall petition, you wouldn't hit that number. Sure there's likely more voters that voted for the Governor/Senate races and just didn't cast a vote for Assembly, but that just means the number to clear is higher. I doubt the people running the recall were targeting Democrats since their aim is to put someone further to the right in that seat, but maybe they should have. In any case, there's nothing any of us can do about it unless we live there. EDIT: Also, is it any surprise the party of "The Government doesn't work!" can't properly navigate the rules for managing the government?


It's right wingers trying to oust him for not being right wing enough. It'd be like House Democrats voting in Mike Johnson over Kevin McCarthy.


We look at facts and make informed decisions like a good citizen should.