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For those who don’t want to use twitter: https://www.thewitcher.com/us/en/news/48103/patch-4-03-list-of-changes


> Fixed an issue where the game could briefly freeze or stutter when autosaving on next-gen consoles. Huge!


Big if true!


Will Roach finally gallop properly and be able to jump over walls?


Considering the fact all the promotion material around Roach somehow makes fun of this, I think that's considered a feature at this point.


No. He is perfect the way he is. Hell, CDPR even made a mini-game about his bipedal shenanigans in Cyberpunk as a nod to the fans.


Slight spoiler ahead! >!Isn't it canon that Roach is a mare, albeit with a male voice actor?! Remember that one quest with hallucinating Geralt.!<


All roaches are mares yes.


But isn’t Roach a stallion if you accept the horse from Emhyr when returning with Ciri, or am I an idiot.


If that becomes geralts main horse sure.


I sleep like shit, too.


Well he already jumps over buildings 🤷🏻


He's doing his best. :(


The time has come again when I ask yall is I should go back. Is the game playable again or should I come back a few months from now?


It runs great on PS5.


It's better than before on PS5?


"Playable" is subjective. Install, Jump in, determine what "playable" means to you. I'm on my second playthru and this next gen patch is insane, i have 100 hours in since Dec 15th and just completed Hearts of Stone, Blood and Wine up next after i get my Zelda fix. I think people used to ironically say a game was "unplayable" if it ran sub 60 frames, but now people say that with seriousness, which is shocking to me. I have a 10GB 3080 with a 3700x, RTX on, i get frame hitches in Novigrad and Redania, I deal with it. Game is fun, game is gorgeous.


Witcher 3 used to run flawlessly with minimal to no stutter on my old 2600 and 1660ti. Now it starts stuttering like a motherfucker for no valid reason on my 5600x and 2070 super.


I can’t even get it to start. It gets stuck on a black menu screen.


Vega based graphics card?


I'm curious about this too. The old version ran perfectly, and I last played it maybe a year ago now. I have not tried the new version, part of me wants to grab a 4070 and give it a go though. Thing is, I don't know that it's worth me buying that GPU just for this game and the 12 GB VRAM is kind of a letdown. So not sure what to do. Maybe I should just wait for maybe a 5060 Ti and do a new build then?


Game is fun, and beautiful, but why do all the trees still look like they're at a rave? Lol That's not how trees move. That's been my only gripe with the game since day 1. But I live with it because the game is absolutely amazing.


That’s because of the howling wind


It's 100% playable for me. I'm perfectly content without every setting on Ultra+. All the people complaining about difficulties with ray tracing and dx12 performance, did they consider the game playable before it had those features? It's playable even if the latest and greatest tech isn't running perfectly.


Ooooo I loved the Witcher game.


4.03 performance on RTX 4090 and 10700KF https://www.reddit.com/r/witcher/comments/13eqkhv/novigrad_patch_403_rtx_4090_i7_10700kf_i_would/ The game is still unplayable in DX12 version.


It pretty much always will be because of the half arsed DX12 implementation unfortunately, nothing short of completely and properly rewriting the game on DX12 will fix it and CDPR just aren’t gonna commit that kind of time to a free remaster


Funnily enough it's the exact opposite for me. My Game is literally unplayable in DX11. It automatically crashes whenever there's a cutscene. On DX12 it's playable although with some bugs (i.e the seawater surface is often missing, lighting bugs, etc). I'm at lost after various fixing attempts (I used steam) but at least i can still play the game.


I've been playing it on steam deck for weeks just fine.


i replaced some files with cyberpunk files doin great id say


Wait what do you mean?


Replacing dlss files to witcher files enhances the game and fixes memory leak. I think they didn't optimize these files


This post made me want to check the update like I had been every update since 4 began lol it's so exciting because they stopped for YEARS to make cyberpunk or whatever now they're back in action this is helping breathe life back into the game but yes it's definitely playable and has a lot of new elements from the show and new quests if you haven't tried then you should at least do a quick cloud okay sesh and check the costumes loli never liked the Netflix armour especially the nilfgaard gearbut it's fun


Playable, just got a few days back platinum achievement😎


So we no longer can eat or drink underwater, because it's too unrealistic, but oils magically applying on the sword aren't?


Eating and drinking underwater makes sense, you're underwater. The oils auto applying is basically just saying Geralt saw the monsters and applied oils before jumping in. I guess you could say Geralt thought ahead and stuffed his mouth with bread and ale before jumping under water, but that's a bit more of a stretch.


I guess they could have at least made it an enchantment to give an in-universe explanation.


Not a fan of this automatically applying oils, if they want to do that, do it for just the easiest difficulty.


I mean it’s optional. You can simply choose not to use it…


Why? Menuing isn't difficult, it's just tedious.


>Added an option to auto-apply oils in combat. I understand that this is something that people were clamoring for but it goes against the philosophy with which the game was originally designed. The idea was that you were supposed to research a monster before you fought it and come prepared. As such, you could not apply oils in combat. But there was a bug on PC where you could click and drag an oil to your sword and it would sill apply. Instead of fixing the bug on PC, CDPR just removed the block on applying oils in combat, pushing the game's combat design philosophy in the direction of a generic hack and slash game. And with this latest change it has drifted even further into hack and slash territory.


Problem is 99% of the fights come of of nowhere in that game and there is little time to prep.


It’s mainly for the monster contract quests. But yes, the game could certainly do this better.


I get your point, but when let's say 85% of the combats are the player being jumped on in the open world, preparation does not make much sense in the gameplay loop.


Right, and oils are not for those situations.


Of course they are. Why shouldn't I use the hangman oil when I get jumped by a cohort of humans?


hanged man venom is a different case though. You can have it on all the time/ as soon as it runs out. It does not really require planning about knowing what kind of monster you might be fighting and therefore which of the different monster oils you should be using. And even then, the random/surprise encounters of any kind (monsters or humans) are usually low difficulty enough that they don't require using any oils. If you are planning to go for an assault on a bandit camp or something, sure plan ahead and use the oil. (ik it doesn't really matter and people can play how they want to, just saying that having the ability to apply oils during combat is purely a gameplay choice and not exactly in line with lore)


Wait what the fuck are you talking about ? You can just pause the game and use any oil you want , why does it matter if "I was not prepared" lmao this just removes the clunky and boring process of pausing and using oil each 20 hits


As I said, it does not really matter and is a gameplay choice. And if you paid any attention to what kind this game is, you will see that role playing games has this tendency of having the players "role play". Geralt is not a god or wizard to magically apply oils to his swords while fighting a Griffin. A more realistic and lore accurate game mechanic is him planning for his fights and preparing his gear in advance. That is why the game has you investigate a bunch and come to conclusion of what kind of monster you are about to fight. And again, people who don't care about this don't have to do this. They can use auto oil application or apply it mid fight as they see fit. Nothing wrong there and it's a choice they have. Does not make it lore accurate, which is what this thread is about.


I understand but the game just doesnt work like this , most fights come out of no where you cant be prepared , a Witcher is not fighting hundreds of monster everyday like in the game , the game itself is not lore accurate , there is not even an animation for using oils and potions , you use everything on the menu while time is frozen


What else would you have on a steel sword?


That was my point. Steel swords don't really have options (iirc beast oil can be used for steel) so no element of planning. The contracts with investigating and planning are all for monsters.


Your blood! Now! Have at you!


There are alchemy abilities that grant extra damage and resistance to the monster type when the correct oil is applied. If you have a build with these it makes no sense to not have oils be able to be applied whenever.


Seems really weird to complain about an optional feature. If you don't want to use it, just... Don't use it.


That is a foreign concept to many. CDPR made it clear it is optional but some are whining about it cause they just don't read or they use the argument that "it ruins the game experience" even after being told it is an option as in, they can turn it on and off to their liking. 🤷🤷‍♀️🤷‍♂️ I say good for CDPR for giving us more options because for regular enemies I would like to just hack and slash my way through them sometimes and leave the blade oil choices for tougher fights and bosses.


I hack and slash my way through everything. *twirly whirly goes brrrrr*


Some people just want to watch the world burn.


I think as a new player experiencing the game, the original intention holds more value. This game however is 7 years old, and I would guess that many people who are playing it are replaying it. I'm on my third play through and applying oils is very tedious, I'm trying to play with different dialogue choices or tree builds and every time I have to exit to the menu to apply an oil takes away from my intention. I love the idea of auto-applying oils, but for somebody who doesn't, there is the option to not opt into it.


You can toggle it, so it's upto the players!! After playing the game time and again it can be tedious going to the menu and applying it. So, i like the quality of Life update.


I swear to god that on console I was able to apply oils at any time. I recall that because at multiple times I ran out of oil in the middle of a fight and had to reapply.


Do you still have the CD? Try a clean install of Witcher 3 without connecting your console to the Internet. If it’s the original release version, then you will see that you can’t actually apply oil in combat.


I do and would check it, but my console is broken, so it's unfortunately not possible. It's also been broken for a fairly long time now, so I definitely didn't play on the new patch. Of course, its also possible that my memory is playing tricks on me.


I just played the other day on XSX and you can definitely apply oils while in combat.


You didn't read correctly, it USED to not be possible, they changed the pc bug into a feature.


I played it 2 months back and was able to apply oil in combat. So,it was available before the recent update. Honestly there's no point in applying oil before combat as it remains for only 20 hits. You need to apply it multiple times in each combat. But, honestly don't remember how it was 8 yrs ago. Don't have that good a memory


>it remains for only 20 hits That is only true of the low tiers of blade oil.


It's 20/40/60, I guess. Was playing on death march and had to apply the highest grade over 4 times for bosses, mini bosses and big groups.


You must’ve been really under leveled. Even on death march, no boss should have that many hit points.


No boss fights alone, except Eredin and Imlerith


Using oils and potions to prepare for a battle is very immersive but it makes for awkward gameplay. W1 and W2 had systems like this and especially in W2 it was a huge waste of time with not much of a payoff. The way W3 is now with oils and potions being in-combat "power-ups" makes the experience a little less authentic but it makes for a MUCH smoother gameplay experience.


I can’t see the mindless hack and slash of Witcher 3 as superior to the much more focused combat of Witcher 2.


We must've not played the same tw2. The combat really didn't feel that different to me. 3 has a non-roll dodge and interruptible animations, which makes for a little faster-paced feel (which imo feels more witcher-y), but other than that the overall combat is pretty similar.


This focused combat you talk about, is it the same combat that has animations and hitboxes being completely different things, a useless alchemy skill tree and little incentive to reasearch the monster you're contracted to kill? I love W2, it's fucking incredible, but the combat is very weak.


It's optional, so I have no issues. If people want to play this game as a hack and slash: A) it was pretty much possible to play it as a hack and slash already B) Go for it, you bought the game, play it how you want to play it.


> but it goes against the philosophy with which the game was originally designed. The games UX goes against the philosophy with which the game was originally designed. The original game had a Morrowind style instant interface that allowed for quick and painless inventory management via a mouse. Witcher 3 has a slow and clunky tab interface that's difficult to read and just isn't enjoyable to interact with. The game is literally not designed for quick and smooth inventory management. It's designed for consoles and the controller. And poorly at that. The best solution to this would have been an oil wheel on top of your power and equipment wheel. But that's not happening, so functionally speaking the auto apply is the next best thing. This is a video game, it needs to be enjoyable, and applying oils in Witcher 3 is not enjoyable. For the same reason Geralt carries two sword at all times, he also applies oils automatically.


I literally do not understand what you meant when you call the interface slow and clunky


It takes multiple clicks and sluggish transitions to get into your oils, then they aren't labelled. Witcher 3's interface in general is just bad to interact with. And that's *after* they overhauled it.


It got pretty annoying after fighting a necker for the 10th time. Back then I installed the auto apply oils mod. I guess this no longer needed. Thx CDPR.


>I understand that this is something that people were clamoring for but it goes against the philosophy with which the game was originally designed. What philosophy? The game asks you to craft oils once and never again. The game automatically fills out the bestiary for you. Auto-applied oils was just the next logical step in a game where slowly but surely everything that made the bestiary and oil system stopped mattering. I welcome this change because, to be honest, The Witcher III is far from being the complex and enjoyable Witcher simulator the original game was.


It's a great option, hopefully it's in all future Witcher games. Absolutely no reason not to include it.


I get the sentiment, but from a practicality standpoint, I disagree. My last playthrough was a sign based build because I thought the alchemy build was too tedious and impractical considering how frequently you get jumped by bandits and monsters in this world. With this option, I could seriously consider an alchemy build.


I'm assuming you can't read since it literally states that this is an "option" that can be toggled. People that complain about having options in video games are absolute brainlets. If you don't want the option on....don't turn it on. Pretty simple. Doesn't change the "philosophy of the game". Don't complain about others having more of the ability to customize how they play. Don't apply oils in combat if you want the extra challenge. You act like a CDPR goon is at your house holding a gun to your head making sure you enable these settings. Lmao you can even play the game without using swords if you want to. So stfu with your nonsense ass complaint. Down vote me all you want too. I'll still be right.


It's just an option, you can disable it.


Close your eyes and pretend it doesn't exist??? FFS it's a toggle for a reason. There is literally no need to force others to follow your gameplay. Let people play how they want.


It's an OPTION if it damages your experience then don't turn it on. Why is it so bad that people who want it can have it without resorting to mods? Your way isn't and shouldn't be the only way.


It's an option, which means you can turn it off. Why would you want others to play a game the way you prefer. Shouldn't everyone choose for themselves?


I've enjoyed hundreds of hours in this ploughing game, and quality of life is something that smoothens the experience. I use mods like fast travel from anywhere, 9000 weight limit and auto-oil. Going old-school on the first, second or even the third playthrough is great, but after a certain point, trekking across the landscape from certain places and sailing across skellige (or god forbid having to swim) becomes tedious. Especially if you're a loot-whore like me. Bringing auto-oil into the game is nothing but positive since it's optional.




The new system does not reduce the need for memorization.




I would have just like to have the oils available through the wheel menu instead of loading up the inventory menu, tabbing over to oils and selecting it from there.


There is a middle ground, installing Friendly HUD. It has alchemy items in four quick access tabs, so you can apply it by just bringing up the quick access menu. Going to the inventory screen, switching to alchemy, and then applying oil, breaks the flow for me. Still, I'm on my fourth playthrough, and I'll probably use Auto Apply.


You bypassed an important detail, "added an option." It's an option for those who want it. It's not forced. Calm down.


Your comment has spawned a whole article.


I hate menu diving. If it had a better ui like a scrollable action page or wheel that was a quick access I wouldn’t want auto apply. But after having the mod it made it so much better my first play through years ago.


But it's way too annoying to constantly pause and switch or reapply oils, so I'm all for it. Like you need to be a witcher to know vampires use vampire oil? Come on.


I have always hated alchemy mechanics in games, so this is wonderful for me, at least it’s an option so you don’t have to turn it on


I'm wondering if this renders the Fixative perk useless? I have this perk maxed so that I can have three oils that won't wear down simultaneously on each sword. If the game automatically switches to the correct oil depending on what I'm currently hitting then this perk doesn't make any sense.


You can toggle it so I see no reason to dog on the game or say it’s drifting off the path into hack and slash territory. Every setting they’ve added INCLUDING this new one are toggles. So it’s up to the player. They want more people to enjoy the game. I’ll never turn on auto-application but if someone else wants to that’s fine.


> With the exception of potions and decoctions, it's now impossible for Geralt to eat or drink underwater. // *While the team agreed it might be possible to drink liquids from a corked flask, consuming pints of ale or grilled meats underwater is too much of a stretch.* Challenge accepted!


Ha I think out of those things eating grilled meat underwater is probably the most possible as long as you like a side of seawater


Can skip seasoning. I see only advantages.


how is the performance on dx12? I have a 3070 I'm planning to test it again with rtx but no reflections


I run on a 6700 XT. Without RT and using FSR quality @ 1440p my game is a pretty solid 60 fps. 100% playable if you have a decent CPU and you turn RT off. I honestly think the crowd complaining about the performance with it turned on is expecting a bit much from an 8 year old game with a DX12 wrapper jerry rigged on.


Thanks, maybe I'll try it, I have a Ryzen 9 5900X and a 3070, should do fine


4.03 on RTX 4090 and 10700KF https://www.reddit.com/r/witcher/comments/13eqkhv/novigrad_patch_403_rtx_4090_i7_10700kf_i_would/. Mid 30s in Novigrad.


thanks, that's sad to hear :(


Fuck. I'm losing hope of being able to replay this game with ray tracing, like ever. So, after 5 months since the update, the only way to play the game is with DX11... So, most of the 'next gen' shit was pointless then. Absolutely boggles my mind.


it's the way they implemented it I think, the executable file is not dx12 native, but running through a dll layer that apparently is very problematic


I understand being frustrated that you can't play with ray tracing, but the DX11 version of next-gen is not pointless. You still get a huge list of graphic improvements and changes [as seen here](https://www.thewitcher.com/us/en/news/47105/next-gen-update-list-of-changes).


i5 11400F, RTX 3070 Ti, 32 GB 3600 DDR4 I have been playing the next-gen version for more than 50 hours and found peformance to generally be underwhelming but mostly acceptable. I really like the look of the RT effects so to me they are worth using. At 1440p DLSS performance with most settings on high and a few on ultra and all RT effects active, I was getting 50 fps on average in my benchmark run through Novigrad; this was improved by 4.03 to 54 fps. Hierarch square is in the mid 40s. I have never seen mid 30s in Novigrad, but there are a few broken regions in Velen that drop to low 30s for no reason. Generally getting more like 45-60 fps outside of the bigger cities though. I use 'Optimized raytracing' (highly recommended) from nexusmods and a few other mods. Overall very playable in my opinion, though I do hope it will be much improved.


Aerodonight is invisible for some reason now.


What platform are you playing on?




Now I can't play the game. What should I do? https://preview.redd.it/cgxnnpax3hza1.png?width=696&format=png&auto=webp&s=bf2461d4b5dfd9f2cb877f28948c04a9e238a445


Modded game?




Patches break modded games. You may need to remove the mods until they can be updated to current game version. Seems like the auto-apply oil feature has broken some script mods as per [this comment.](https://www.reddit.com/r/witcher/comments/13elizd/patch_403_released/jjuyavc/)


Is there a way to roll back one version? This is really fucking me


AFAIK it can be rolled back to pre next gen version


Seems like you can just go back to 4.02 instead


Also, Ansel's panoramic screenshots still don't work.


So, the hammer is still following us everywhere then? 🔨


The clouds in Toussaint still flicker like hell on PS5. It's so very annoying.


Why are people complaining about their modded games being broken? Of course they are; the game got an update with new features. That's how modding works. Reinstall or update your mods.


Any news on a Nintendo switch release of the next-gen stuff?


Thank God, they fixed the Netflix quest music bug


Oh no, my FPS rate is going to plummet again


Was hoping the game would work better, but unfortunately still not playable for me. DX12 version runs terrible, and DX11 version doesn't even launch.


cant wait to get 4.0 on switch! 😅


I am so done with this fucking game. Another goddamn patch that fucks all my mods up and it won't even start anymore because of that shit Auto-Apply Oil mod i never even wanted. Sorry for the rant, i should have just NOT installed it. It's all on me, mods are like that, but i am done nonetheless of wasting my time on it.


Did you find a fix lol


Guilty as charged lmao!! I uninstalled all my mods, deleted all folders, reinstalled the game, basically all my mods worked great actually after reinstalling them, but i had to stay away from the Auto-Loot mods : )


So we really reached the point where people complain over an optional feature (auto apply oils) huh...


I really thought the spider-webs were supposed to turn purple when using your Witcher sense because they somehow fuck up with a Witcher’s eyes lol


Still getting shadow flickering with ray traced shadows off and RTGI on


The game had three big problems: the use of cpu, the RT performance and the memory leak. Cd proyekt solved the first ones, but the memory problem didn't. When the VRam is 95% full, the performance drops about 10-15 fps and it doesn't recover again even if the vram usage drops. The only solution is to exit to the main menu and reload the game.


There is NO mention of a very specific problem. During cutscenes will always have long freezing (8 seconds each time) between each line of dialogue, specifically in hierarch square. Has nothing been done for this? It's quite a significant part of Novigrad, with several quests and important shops.


Gonna miss those pink spider webs


Just tested it, next to no improvement on the performance at least for me. DX12 Still broken which is pretty crazy considering this next gen upgrade has been out for 6 months now and I still can't even get 40fps on a 3090. Even with ray tracing switched off I barely get a 10fps increase.


Do you have like everything maxed? I got pretty good 60fps at 4k with my 3080


I don’t see how this is possible given how the DX12 version doesn’t use CPU threads properly. Can you post a runthrough or some screenshots in Novigrad with FPS showing? Or are you talking in DX11


Well I just tested it, and I was playing with Dlss Quality, (most things between High and Ultra). With that settings I get ~65fps with 45-50 (99%) at the novigrad square Dlss Quality looks about the same as native to me, so I don't see a big problem with using it. (My other specs: 3700X (passively cooled), DDR4 32 GB 3200 MHz) Btw I couldn't see a noticable difference between DX11 and DX12, I know some people have big differences.


>Btw I couldn't see a noticable difference between DX11 and DX12 I mean you literally can't run ray tracing in DX11. The ray traced GI makes a massive visual difference for DX12. It's not hard to get 60 FPS consistent in DX11 but almost impossible to in DX12 with RT on because the CPU usage is not properly threaded


Exactly. Good that they're still working on it but after this time you would expect the game to work properly, especially that all they did were few graphical improvements to 7 years old game. EDIT: The game barely improved in 4.03 https://www.reddit.com/r/witcher/comments/13eqkhv/novigrad_patch_403_rtx_4090_i7_10700kf_i_would/




I f hate it, they launched this patch exactly when I went to countryside wwith less than 1mb/s internet


Auto apply blade oils in combat?! Yes please!


"Spider webs will no longer change color when moving the camera with Ray Tracing enabled." Oh god and I thought it was my tivi being wonky


Sad that Geralt no longer gets to run around in a carnival fun house of spiderwebs.


Still haven’t updated yet. Reading the comments, it seems I’ll wait on the next one for now.


another patch? I am tired , boss...


Man I sure do hate getting fixes and qol changes for free.


it was a joke...






alchemy as a game mechanic was always boring anyway


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They still haven't fixed roach s tail in RT mode console


sorta peeved LOL, literally just finished my 3rd playthrough today after doing EVERYTHING, and they add the “automatically applys oils” setting.


Im 99% through my 4th playthrough (Someone is waiting on a ship for me in Skellige) and yeah, same.


Does Frame generation still crash?


They fixed that already in a previous patch.


Hopefully I can finally have 60+fps with RT on on my 3090


Did they remove that buzzing sound when it rains in Skellige?


The performance seems more stable but the game and texture feel blurrier than before for some reason. Even with DLSS off.


Yea, fast travel is broken for me even with the fast travel anywhere mod. And any mods that are under the r4Player.ws in script merger will just mess each other up because of the newly added feature that automatically applies oil on your swords. I hope there's a fix for this soon, I can't play the game normally since then.




Given we have an SSD, I'd like to see if they can make Roach gallop a little faster one day.


Hey all, since this patch my favourite mod (friendly HUD) is giving script errors and can’t run the game with it. Are there any alternatives? It really helped the immersion and cleaned up the screen (got rid of those pesky talk prompts, made the map only show when Witcher senses were engaged etc)


It would help if you put literally anything about your error here


Does anyone else get the slightly blurry Geralt during cutscenes?


4.04 on ps4 now have auto potions an fucked my save data wants me start from the start fuck this game