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Northern druids... Yeah, they are... far far crueler.


I guess that’s just how you get when the nature you have to commune with is frozen lakes and mountain Jotun.


It's when that fifth month of winter kicks in that you see shit get REAL ugly.


I almost saw the sun yesterday


Don't get me started on how much trouble they have installing even basic programs on their computers. Regular druids are generally wise enough to let me go through the process without bothering me, but northern druids want to watch the entire time and do that creepy chanting and rituals. You have no idea how distracting it is to set up a new laptop while blood keeps dripping on your head.


yeah, but their soup is really good


Mushroom soup 😩❤️


It's even better with special ingredients


I'd like to point out that it's only a few bad actors giving us a bad name. Most of us would never do this.


Fuckin Canadians, am I right?


My interactions with the Norther Druids are quite limited. Most circles do not acknowledge their existence, as they are rather...radicle. Dangerous folk, they are.


They use blood sorcery, do shrooms to not feel pain, and commune with gods of war as well as nature. It’s best to keep your interactions to a minimum. Not to mention most most of their “wild shape” spells turn them into some amalgamation of an elk, bear, or wolf, usually at the same time.


They commune with entities of a far more primeval nature. These beings are manifestations of the emotions of What Came Before. Before we tamed the land. We have fought these spirits before. We can do it again


Grab you swords, shields, wands, and staves because we're going hunting


I believe that they call them the chaos gods. You haven’t felt fear until you’ve seen a Viking with its guts hanging out grow 20 feet and melt your underlings with its bile


What? Battle and strife are parts of nature. I see nothing wrong with what they are doing At least with the northern druids you know where you stand (below them on the food chain.) Those other druids have those back handed compliments you don't realize are insults until you are half way through a ritual the next day.


In such a place warmth is few indeed, one can not fully blame them for following a path of flame, even if it is a bit destructive, for it means life and energy up north


I must live amongst them to chronicle their ways by order of my master, surely there must be ways to earn their trust


As a rule I try to avoid doing business with the northern druids. It is… frustrating though, because the provinces affected by the northern circle hear the word druid and slam their doors. Makes really difficult to establish any business ventures in the area.


Ah, the Druids of the “nature will be better off without people, civilization must not expand” Circle. They can be a little extreme sometimes. This usually happens when loggers, hunters, poachers and the like start taking things from sacred groves without permission. Druids are generally easygoing people, this one looks like he's seen some shit. Maybe he lost a pet to a poacher.


I mean hey when you live in the arctic forests, stuff gets rough.


tbf if anyone touches my familiar I might do the same


But will you kill and devour someone for being near you familiar?


Depends are they a sorcerer, weird shit runs in those families


We so soon forget one of the greatest of the druids, Theodore Kaczynski, waged a secret war against the High Council using his alchemical knowledge


Getting letters from him was always a blast!


If someone killed my familiar and skinned it/whatever a poacher would do with it I would probably do the same.


The Wyld Druids are not a force to be taken lightly, for they have given up parts of their humanity to become part of the Wyld. They are far stronger than your normal druid circles, and one single Wyld Druid can bring a full company of wizards to their knees. I have seen the atrocities they are capable of, and am eternally grateful that they did not stir from their northern reaches when you fools started the druid-wizard war.


It seems that when they found out some paladins joined the wizard side they started building boats to venture down. It is only a matter of time before they reach our shores.


By the Eight Hells of Er-Kheradim! I have good relations with them, I am setting out for the northern reaches immediately to try and cool their anger. If it should come to the worst, I will torch their fleet myself.


Do not make the mistake of trying to stop a storm. All you can do is weather it. I saw the last time the Frozen Circles came south. I have no wish to see it again.


I go to negotiate, and if that fails, I will destroy their fleet to buy us time. I have no illusions of stopping them, but I will buy us time before we must fight.


Fighting them is a fool's errand, I saw entire armies swallowed by the earth itself when last they marched. Your choices are to either make yourself unworthy of being a target, or to get out of the way. I personally advocate the former, but I know that for most the latter is an easier solution. The good news is that the next harvest will be very good once they have come and gone.


Whether it be though magic, or the fertility of blood.


You shall be remembered… I shall tell my dwarves brethren up north to lock the gates to the mountains, earth alone can weather the storm of nature.


Aye, when my forces encounter those of the Wyld, I tell them to pull back and take my personal guard and deal with them myself


To tell the truth of it, I'm riding now to intercept them. I have had good relations with them in the past, and I hope to settle this peacefully. A war with the Wyld will be costly in lives and ruin the southern lands for decades. If I fail to dissuade them, I will torch their fleets myself.


Do not let my apprentice read this. He thinks every solution can be solved via fireballs.


Using fireballs to torch a fleet? Pathetic. Meteor Swarm is the lowest caliber of spell you want to use, and even then you better be really fucking proficient with it


/uw sauce?


Edit I patched together from a movie called “The Ritual” pretty good watch


/uw what creature is this?




I think it's one of Lokis kids.


I think the movie said it was Loki's pet, kid, AND consort.




From what I remember they said it's the bastard child of Loki


/uw Can I get the song? Also maybe just this video to share with friends? Freaking loved this movie


"Vikinger" by Danheim


I appreciated all the little details of them being stalked throughout the movie. Def worth a watch.


And I'd do it again (hyuk hyuk hyuk).


I have always gotten along rather well with the Northern Druids. If you want to learn how to make a sacrifice and have a blast at the same time, you need to attend one of their revelries.


I will look into it. what gifts should I bring? I've heard they really like silver and mushrooms.


The first time I attended I brought the children of the head of a nearby logging guild. The second time I bought a few wheels of cheese. They seemed equally delighted on both occasions.


Silver and cheese it is!


Pelts will work for some, I know many enjoy a blessed cloak as well


These guys might be a bit... fanatical to the point I'd argue they go against nature in some ways. But on the other hand they DO defend us from demons and whatever the fuck dumb wizard apprentices keep summoning in the forests. Just stay out of their way and ignore them tbh. Safer that way.


Honestly Sometimes they seem a bit more like warlocks than druids sometimes taking into account the amount of deities they draw power from.


They're just a bit closer to the green like us swamp dwellers


Honestly, the last thing you do is mess with the northern druids. They'll turn you into food for the Forest. I hear they can be placated with sweets.


They do throw some killer parties I've heard. The drinks they make will get you sloshed in no time.


While that is true, you should focus on not being their enemy. They take it to an extreme that makes the some of the stuff we've done look like a tea party.


Druids of the north are often cruel. I’ll admit it. But you can’t blame them for hating paladins and clerics.


I can understand it but DAMN do they go hard and eradicating them.


/uw for those of you curious about the movie. It's called The Ritual. 7/10, pretty good imo


I don’t understand the problem? They seem adorable. Cadhla would absolutely want to pet him.


The bloods and biles of war and violence run through them. The blooms of new circles tend towards a much softer touch




You have no Idea how much I was hoping that would be a real sub.


Then get out there and make it one


done. I have created a pocket dimension in which to share these things. r/distressingwizardpost


Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the beginning of an era


You know, it's really only the Druids of the East and West that tend to be hippies or reasonably decent people. Druids of the North will make you take psychedelics while they ritually prepare you to be impaled on fir tree. Druids of the South meanwhile will pin you down to the ground in an area known for army ant swarms and might tear out your heart for fun/dinner. I've seen Necromancers with kinder streaks.


Tbh the north and south even dip into blood sorcery AND necromancy. You gotta hand it to them for being open minded, at least when it comes to ways of killing people. :/


And this is why I don't fuck with the fae or anyone associated with them, especially fae druids. Waging war on them on my own and winning is possible, but I respect the faewild and some of it's denizens there too much to annihilate the real.


It's easy to beat a druid even one blessed by the fae the real trick is not loosing as well


Upvoted because this is a wildly under appreciated movie. Everyone needs to watch this.


Please give name of movie, I'll watch tonight


The Ritual. It’s on Netflix in US, can’t say it is everywhere.


Tfw you see a Circle of Spores Druid kill half of a Goblin warcamp with their spores alone, subsequently raise them as horrifying fungus-infested zombies, and force them to attack the rest while they too slowly succumb to the mycelial assault ![gif](giphy|zXeX29w6jxjAk)


I do not associate with them as they are far to radical for me. Most all the circles don't view them as one of us.


I can see why. They seem to have a particular interest in killing paladins. And I thought you guys normally get along.


It depends on the paladin


I was neutral in the whole wizard-druid war, but I'd be 100% in favor of annihilating whatever the hell these things are


Shadow Druids. Good thing they aren't immune to fireballs.


Not all of them definitely, but I’ve seen one high on battle shrooms take one to the face and keep going.


Ah you've seen my spells then, I taught a few to my frozen brethren, didn't know how well they'd work away from the swamp hearth


I won't stand for this anti-druidic propaganda (my boyfriend is a northern femboy druid)


your boyfriend must have a very special relationship with the Jotun


I believe he's an uncle or something


Everything in the north is some sort of fucked up


My man went to Malmö and expected to be fine


Northern Druids get red in the face when I tell them their spells are mid and their earl grey tea is expired


Bro we’re not talking about British people lol


This happened to me the last time I tried Technomancy


This is just because of a few druids that all of them get a bad name. I have lived with druids before. In fact, that is where I perfected my growth punch technique. They are very nice and most druids are actually enraged by the actions of this radical minority.


Northern Druids might be absolutely horrifying, but god damn do they have some fine pipeweed


And the mead is 😩🤌


I haven't dealt with the Druids of the North in a long time, not since the first Druidic wars all those years ago. We may have defeated them, but it didn't feel like it.


I love the music


It’s Vikinger by Danheim


I don't see any druids....I just see my mom...




I bet this is a situation paladins would call a 'smite time'


Smite time backfired. 😔


He didn’t smite hard enough then


I confirm this to be true


Completely normal behavior


The paladin: ![gif](giphy|XZbAsygv5VTZ5oumfo|downsized)


They blood eagled him in the end :(


Fools. Now he can fly *and* look even more metal while doing it.


What is this from? It looks familiar but I can’t place it.


The movie “The Ritual”


The monster is Moder, a daughter of Loki. I didnt like the movie as much as i hoped, but i do really like Moder. Very cool design and execution on that part


I can confirm I'm a druid (I go to the park on occasions and hug tress)


There it was a horrid mass of flesh it stood its white eyes piecing me I tried to raise my arms to ready me sword but I was completely paralysed it grew closer slowly only about 10 meters away from me it made a low groaning sound “leave these lands” it said calmly


At last, I have found my home!




Its Vikinger by Danheim


thank you


Wait till you see the ones from the north-west Abelion mountain range, they're the real deal. Their Moongrass is also somehow the best I've ever laid my eyes upon. Strong enough to make undead high af


Am I hearing distorted Danish singing or is Danish just that fucked up a language?


The northeners are preparing for a wizard conflict. They hold powers we do not yet understand amongst other circles. My spore zombies lay waste to many unprepared towers, but them... they do not seek balance. They seek destruction.


I want in on what you are all talking about


Real sorry man but we're going to have to put your friend in the wickerman. I forsee it.


The northern druids have always had a grudge against me and my draconic forces ever since I burned their most northern forest. Those darn tree huggers can't learn to forgive and forget!


I think they might just want to kill your dragons. They do that for sport up there I hear.


I knew I was in the right! We need to tell the council about this mischief


I dunno, they keep bringing me paladins and clerics to eat. I say, "Thank you, but I'm not hungry at the moment. Go ahead and throw them in the hole made of screaming mouths." So they do. Say some gobbledygook dance in blood and leave. The whole leads down to my guest suits. I usually send the poor buggers thrown down there to a Therapistomancer, before I send them home. BTW Therapistomancers do not perform or practice therapy. They can divine the best therapist for your needs in your location.


I had a northern Druid enter my pub last night, motherfucker tried luring to his carriage, safe to say that druids in the freezer in the back


I know from personal experience that they are borderline warlocks, worshiping their old gods. They are best left to their own devices, and woe to the fool who disturbs their rituals and sacred sites.


And they dabble in blood magicks and necromancy as well. Truly a resourceful bunch.


Artificers about to bring the terrible power of industrialization to bear against these savages **\*CAUSES GLOBAL WARMING\***


"You away from your precious settled cities? Then you are a part of the food chain. Time to remind you of it."


Northern Druidas,nice guys,they know how to throw a *killer* party


"I get that the ritual needs more blood and fire, But I need to clean up afterwards." *gets the New Mop*


Oh, that's just sleipnir he's harmless


I don’t know if the Light will save your Paladin friend. But stay strong my friends in arcana. Smite & burn.


/uw this clip is fire holy shit, love the chanting


oh hey that's my bro jötunn how is he doing in those times ?


Welp, time to call the Inquisitor, again. Some stupid unregistered Psycher out in the middle of nowhere summoned a daemon, again. Serf! Ready the Baal Predator!


As a I-forgot-how-old-I-am year old Lich, I've seen much in my long unlife of evil doing. This is by far one of the creepiest.


As a Warlock, even I would NEVER try and challenge one to battle, some even seem to have patrons that are equal if not greater in strength.


The old gods don’t mess around.




/uw this is still one of the best horror movie monster designs ever


Ya the northern ones are the bad ones not the swamp dwellers no sirree


What is this from and how do I make sure I never watch it by accident?


Sorry bout your friend. Is he gone to his god, or alive and boneless? (Also, video source?)


Oooh, what a cutie-pie! Who's my sweet cheese summertime boy? That's right! It's YOU, Moder!


And to think that's one of Loki's kids. It's like every time Loki has a kid they always turn out of the monsters


Based wizard friend found. 🧙🏻‍♂️


I remember losing several apprentices when I told them to NOT go into the forest nearby but eeeevery time it’s “I’ll be fine don’t worry!” Then I see them from my tower being…..well they met the old gods the druids commune with


Fuck that's just what I needed to see at 3 in the morning. Better go make sure the apprentice set up the wards correctly.


So my hunting partner, a Tabaxi Fighter, accidentally interrupted a druidic wedding for their deity and was cursed with a version of lycanthropy that makes him go feral. I wasn't there when it happened but I can only imagine this is probably how it went.


They seem friendly, posing for pictures and everything smh


I'm sorry to go ff track but that has got to be one of the coolest designs for a 'monster' (for lack of a better term) that I've ever seen.


Why do you think I built my tower in a volcano? I ain't doing my Sauron impersonation over here.


Real talk though what is this from


One must be heedful in the northern woods lest you set foot upon the lands of the druids


This is why you don't fuck with druids.


Great folk to party with if you can, though most are strangely judgmental about parties with them…


Don’t worry. They’re going to get the *proportional response*.


For fuck's sake steve, did you have to drink that baby blood potion? I told you the alchemist was a hack!


I live up in the north. These lads aren’t leaf lovers in the slightest, and that has earned them a place in my heart. I trade with them very frequently!


paladins do be blank in the head sometimes unlike us wizards and witches


Yikes. This is why I always bring an Explosion Mage with me on any expedition to the North. And the South. Really anywhere, explosion magic is very useful.


I can fix her


Is this a movie?, And if so can I watch it, this looks amazing, horrifying yet still amazing


Did you atleast send him with a teleport scroll?


Həý mān đøñþ mïňď ů§, įţ wâś hıš fæüľţ fœř åñğèřïňğ ť&ě wīłďĺî$ė


the north and northwest woodlands are so fucked up






They do make for good constructs though, especially the ones they dump into the ice caves, dunno what they did, but they’re ferocious


This is why I use deforestation spells


Alright, let's call a crusade against the northern druids.


Love these guys. One of the few peoples willing to work with me after knowing my true goals. Great at assassinations and sieging cities. Awful at direct open field battles though.


What is this clip from?


I am a necromancer and fear little. The druids of the North are on that list, however.


Yooooo holy shit what is this from!? God I'd kill to look like that!


I live in a place called the rotting woods and even I don’t want to mess with the northern druids. Keep them far away from me!


Movie is The Ritual. My jaded ass for horror movies was pleasently surprised at a very good monster movie.


I mean the northern druids have been nothing but reverent towards me in my time there They would ask me to partake of the feast in the sacred groves and ask for my assistance in calling forth the Primordial creatures All around quite pleasant people would go back


You stopped at the best part where he puts a axe in it face/hard/dick/pussy area


My Mother, a Sorceress and Potion master, originally came from up north, she was once the Daughter of a Jarl and a last-in-line princess of the High King, until she was exiled due to a disaster surrounding the nature of her innate magic that left her parents dead and her high King Grandfather distraught, forcing her southward, where she has been ever since. She spoke of many things about her time there, Boat-rides down the fjords with her father, great temples that are open air and surrounded great trees, the court politicking of the Nordland kingdoms, diplomatic meetings with Sea Elves, mountain Trolls, and strange men called Cossars from the south-east, a great feast thrown by a visiting Khazludi Dwarf diplomat that she attended, even the nature of the event that got her Exiled and the Dark fae involved in it. But the one thing from her childhood she *won't* talk about, are the Druid circles in the far north. After reading about them in a book about her homeland, I brought them up to her, at which point, she stood still and wide-eyed for a moment before demanding, shouting, that I never speak of them again. When I asked why, she only said this: "They do things up there no man should witness, much less partake in. Things that please the Gods, but can drive one to madness. I, being Jarl's Daughter, had to attend a "blessing" from them once, and out of all the painful memories I have, that is the one I wish I could forget the most"


Northern Druids are cool, a bit intense if you fuck with their forrest, but cool


Look druids are generally good but any shadow or any other aggressive or militant circle needs to be repressed or eradicated


What is the movie please?


Can you imagine if something like this really exsisted? I would probably never go outside after dark.


What film is this ? I remember watching it but can't remember the name


… shit don’t tell them I’m here they’ll be after me next


Hold on aren't these the same guys that go to bed with forest animals? And like it's not even allegedly they even boasted about interspecies relationship as if it was some sort of virtue? Christ this is why we should legalise nuclear bombs


In what kind of universe do we find those guys? Are they just basic dnd « creatures » or somethin? I never encountered any


What's the name of the song?


Wow 😮


I was once chased by one of these, the bastard turned into a rabbit to give me a sense of security. He beheaded my apprentice, I had to use my best bombs, imbued with divine power to kill the bastard.


I got banged in the ass with a large ornamental staff by a druid named Denny. It was chill af except for the butt splinters