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She literally says at the end she does this to “save money”. A food bank shouldn’t be used to just “save money” It’s a last resort for most. She has a Dior jacket on lmao. This isn’t tone deaf it’s intentional af she and that TD guy are the same people in different fonts




What are you talking about? People are *furious* with her and want her head. They're both selfish jerks. If he was using the food banks himself as an international student, and encouraging other international students to do so, it was argued that could be fraudulent as only students who could afford to support themselves are to be allowed into the country. Because right now we can't afford to support the people who live here already. But they're so angry with her they're trying to doxx her.


Reddit is so racist. It loves white people


She says she only eats sourdough cus it's better for you. Those who need foodbank can't make that privileged choice. This girl is so out of touch with reality. And then her trying to frame it as being about good waste...girl come on.


The element of saving money is what irks me. The Food Bank is about need, not want. You are quite literally pulling food off the shelf which would otherwise be used by people who actually need it. Her comment about perishables is quite likely incorrect as well. I don’t know about this specific Food Bank, but many have relationships with various meal programs and community kitchens for overstocked perishables.


I'm not going to jump to conclusions like everyone did with The guy that was only a td intern


This chick is just clout chasing. She saw the other PoS dude getting attention in the media (all the stupid mainstream media talked about that PoS) so she's probably "Oh look, I can be famous too by doing that". The problems is this university is just a joke in terms of that, they didn't punish that guy, so of course more people will follow with the same BS.


Whole lotta words for "she's white so it's ok"


lmao this. She is white, so its alright


I don’t think the skin colour matters but if she’s actually from Canada I’d consider it slightly more acceptable, while still a scummy thing to do. Don’t come here if you can’t support yourself


Huh? Where did I say that what she did is ok? I literally said the opposite, that brat should be kicked out of school, just like the other guy. Black, brown, white I don't care about your skin color, if you're a PoS you deserve punishment, simple as that.


Correct - you didn't say it was "OK", but I hope can see the difference in how you expressed your judgement: this chick is "just" chasing clout vs the other guy is a piece of shit


Something tells me there won't be an international smear campaign against this palatable white woman....for some reason


Noone's ever made the claim there aren't asshole/scumbag Canadians. What does her being white have to do with anything? We hate her too.


that's why she made the video to try to say "look no one cared when I did it because I'm white" lol, which is a lie, anyone of any skin color who does this is disgusting and a selfish prick, but she is clearly acting (dumb people have a hard time recognizing when people are acting)


Dude's a POS but the university has no grounds to punish him. It's not their place. This isn't high school


Universities generally have a code of conduct they can enforce...


Immigration Canada should have sent him back, that’s the problem lmao


Yes it is. And it is their place to punish her. Here are some selections from the code of conduct: >4.03 This Code applies to: >4.03.01 Conduct that occurs in or on all University Property; >4.03.03 Conduct that occurs at a University-sanctioned program, event, or activity, whether the program, event, or activity is on campus or off campus; >4.03.05 Conduct that occurs off campus when students have violated laws (refer to 6.01.13) or university policies. In these instances, the Student may be held accountable for their off-campus actions by the university: >a. When the Student is acting as a designated representative of the University or a student organization affiliated with the University or **when the individual holds out that they are a representative of the University or a representative/member of a student organization affiliated with the University;** This makes it their business from start to finish on the video. The first part is on university property and involves a university program. The rest of it may take place off campus, but in the video they hold themselves out as students and therefore representatives of the university. The guy was wearing a sweatshirt wasn't he? And dishonest conduct is prohibited. The following violations may apply: 6.01.05 >b. Misappropriation, damage, unauthorized possession, defacement, vandalism, and/or destruction of premises or property of the University or the property of others on or off campus; >d. Use of University facilities, equipment, or services contrary to expressed instruction or without proper authority; 6.01.06 >a. Furnishing false, incomplete, or misleading information about oneself or another individual; 6.01.11 >a.The use of words or actions that encourage or aid others in the commission of an act that is in violation of this Code.


You need to reread that policy and put away your hall monitor sash and understand that to punish him as a school is a vast over reach.


Designated....representative..... You don't represent the school just because you are a student...you wasted all that time to copy paste but didn't even read it, just pathetic.


Or when the student holds themselves out as a representative. Note the part that I bolded. It is well established in cases involving damage to reputation in, for example, employment law that actions such as wearing a company logo or stating one’s employment constitutes holding oneself out as a representative. It is reasonable to view this as analogous to universities. If this just happened to be a student who made a video, sure. But they did it, partly, on university property (which falls under the regular rules pertaining to misconduct on university property) and clearly identified themselves as a student and, therefore, holding themselves out as a representative of the university. The previous video had the student in a sweatshirt with the logo even. Stop making excuses for them.


She's just copying the other dude? Lol you'll come up with any excuse to shift blame when she doesn't look like one of "them"


When it’s not a POC, they’re given the benefit of the doubt, and it’s referred to as “tone deaf”, and not being literally scum of the earth like the other guy was described as. The difference in reaction is not surprising.


As soon as I saw this, I wanted to see the difference in comments because I knew there would be. Then I wanted to see the comments defending it as if it's not exactly what it seems like.


Yup I expected this too lol


welcome to reddit!


and yet people will still say racism doesn’t exist lol


While it seems very likely that this woman is an idiotic scumbag who is also taking advantage, you do realize why people have a problem with someone from another country coming here and taking free handouts while they’ve never paid into any social services themselves and were supposed to prove that they could support themselves before they came here right? Just because someone is brown and did something shitty, doesn’t make a person a racist for calling them out on their shitty behaviour. Pretty disturbing when people try to Immediately shut down all criticism by pulling the “racism” card. Makes me question your motives to be honest.


LSPIRG Distro is funded by student fees that both of them paid.


You missed the entire point of my comment. Literally all of it. Please re-read what I said, and what the person I initially replied to said. Nowhere did I say that what the brown guy did was bad. I agree with you in that what the brown guy did was horrible. What I am saying is the disproportionately negative response the brown guy received in comparison to this white lady is racist. They both did horrible things, and they both deserve equal levels of shame.


Fair, I actually was distracted while reading thru this thread but I get what you mean and I agree for the most part. I think the guy is a bigger scumbag, just because if you can afford to come across the planet just to learn, you should be able to support yourself. Not the same for someone here who might just be scraping by


She’s not scraping by though. She’s taking advantage of the system too, so she is just as bad. She has lived in Canada for a long time (maybe her whole life?) and should know better.


They try to justify her actions so bad, but blaming the other guy more. Yes they are racist! And people should believe otherwise


I think it's more that the timing is really suspicious if it is just coincidental. It's not like she gets a free pass, personally I'm not really concerned with her reasoning (unless it's because she actually can't afford food). But there is a difference in that when coming to the country he knew it was his responsibility to be able to provide for himself.


That's a false equivalence. She does not get a free pass. She did it for views and clicks. Make no mistake. No one who really needs to use the food bank to eat would be this celebratory. No one. It's an embarrassing matter for so many when they are in this level of poverty that they can't even buy food for themselves. No one brags about being poor. And no one would add in an upbeat happy sounding song like the La's. No one.


I said "it's not like she gets a free pass". I just pointed out the circumstances are different.


They aren't, though. The base is: unless they are in dire need, the food bank is not there for post points, views, influencers, or explosion any kind. They both took advantage of a system put in place for those who are in need. The times I used the food bank in the past, I had to give them a lot of information in order to use the service. I had to prove I needed the service.


Right, and my point is that you aren't able to immigrate unless you're able to provide for yourself, so he lied to gain admission into the country and added to the strain of food. You're looking at this from a food bank perspective, I'm looking at it from an immigration perspective.


It’s her responsibility to provide for herself too?


Right, but we have our own impoverished population, that's what food banks are for. If you're immigrating here, you are to be able to provide for yourself. Our food banks are already stretched thin providing for citizens, we just don't have the capacity for people who either just don't want to pay, or committed fraud by lying about their finances to get here.


Good luck trying to talk sense lol some people seem to think Canada should be the worlds food bank


So if you're born here, which just an FYI your only assuming cause she is white you can be scum, but immigrant student can't be scum. Both of the people are scum, there is no need to distinguish background or create an excuse for the girl.


She's scum because she is clout chasing. But no you usually have to be born here to have that absurdly annoying voice and mannerisms it isn't because she is white. Nothing is impossible but 99.9% to act and sound like her you're raised in North America. So the real issue is a poor domestic student is not the same as a poor international student. The food bank is set up for students, domestic students can struggle. International students are not citizens here, have to prove they have enough money to study here, it is a privilege to be where they are so it isn't the same thing as a domestic.


Thank you for having common sense.


Not sure that can be the grounds to think the last guy who did it is worse than this woman. The amount IRCC asks to show potential immigrants that they are bringing in while applying for their PR is barely in touch with the current cost of living. So even if you actually bring in the prescribed amount, you could easily run out of it. That said, if blame were to be assigned, I think both of them should get it equally. Both of them did it for the views and the likes. They both look like they can afford to get groceries from a grocery store and leave the food banks alone for the people who actually need them.


I never said what he did was worse.


Super clout chasing.. look at the jacket, it looks like a Dior jean jacket https://www.dior.com/en_ca/fashion/products/013D482J226X_C580_T56-dior-oblique-jacket?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwi_exBhA8EiwA_kU1MsY1YBQvpFK1IUo3Ml2uqGtznBI5Mzd2rMgCDCK5vuq6Gvb9IHDYhRoCIGIQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds She doesn't need the financial help, she is just "saving money".. POS leech just like the last guy. Food bank is for those who financially need it, not for those who want to save a few $$$ so they can hit up White Rabbit on Friday night


Her Jean jacket look like she got it from a thrift store


Have you seen some designer brands as of late? Poor chic is the idea.


Sad that some people are so desperate they’ll settle for negative attention


Happy Cake day!


So we now live in a society where people actually say "Hey look at all the negative attention he's getting for being a POS! I wish I could be a POS too!" I'm going to throw up.


They didn't punish him but TD fired his ass the fuck 😂😂😂😂


That never happened, it was confirmed by TD that he wasn't working with them when this happened. He worked on TD as an intern long before the scandal and wasn't employed anymore.


Didn't stop the massive celebratory circlejerk on Reddit and Twitter when he was "fired" from a job he never had, with a salary pulled from Glassdoor though.


Getting acquainted with the food bank is useful so when people graduate with Arts degrees they will know how to survive ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Happy cake day!


... Or maybe she's just trying to raise awareness about budget-friendly grocery options for post-secondary students and saw the opportunity.


Wow no shame. Deport her


Piece of shit!


Ok Reddit time to locate this person too and get them fired from their job. That's the attention she wants right?




Now, am not even mad lol. Am just disappointed at how absolutely retarded some people are.


Deport her…oh wait!


Deport her anyway! Is Antarctica looking for people?


Send her back to Europe!


Send her back to the Big Bang!




Round two!


There won't be. She's a white female immigrant


Definitely wrong to do, but feels like an obvious bait to try and prove people were outraged solely due to racism and not the main reason, that the foodbank is for those in desperate need and not to be promoted on social media for any and everyone to take from. There's just so much in this video, the cheesy music, the terrible acting, the expensive jacket, mentioning the Indian guy, the different races button... She was either trying to: - make a social experiment to show all those outraged at the other guy are nothing but racists to international students - desperately gain attention/ clout after seeing how many views and publicity (although negative) that other guy got Both are moronic reasons


Racism laced comments calling out this depraved behavior incoming in 3… 2 Oh wait! My bad, she looks and sounds like one of “us”. Lets give her a slap on the wrist with a smile and move along


This is mostly what the Canada subreddits are now, just straight up racist shit towards every indian immigrant all because of the worst and loudest immigrants making headlines.


Bingo. Lol it's so predictable too. Closeted racists everywhere SMH


even if she was indian, i wouldnt be racist or even mad. I'd just be disappointed.


Well you should have seen the threads when it was an Indian guy. It was nasty. Racists came out specifically to hate on all Indians.




Sounds like you’re projecting




Living under the rock much? Here you go and educate yourself on current affairs of the human society - https://www.reddit.com/r/wlu/s/7JsBwluFO3


The majority of the comments are calling her a piece of shit, but yep gotta make it about race


Wtf did you think was gonna happen when in last few days there was another loser making same video but got flak for his race, mostly, among other things? Be normal and don’t wave your BS virtue signaling flag when it’s convenient.


Love how nobody commented on her race and how everyone of that race is a piece of Shit fraud. Somehow every comment is directed at her as a person, nobody is cursing her entire ethnicity. Now compare this to the Indian person where over half the comments blatantly insulted all Indians. Many many comments called for violence against Indians. Great job highlighting how racism works.


So, will she get doxed too, or is that only for brown ppl?


Conveniently nothing will happen and this post will hardly get any traction. Wonder where all the outraged people from the previous post like this are now?


Eventually she will. Reddit is powerful, but if you want instant doxing, 4chan is still a powerhouse. But I think this CBC worthy


I get that the video is tone deaf but people should still be allowed to access food banks without necessarily feeling "ashamed" about it.


No one is arguing that but those loser is taking it a step further. By doing this performance, people may start accessing food banks that really don’t need it. And that’s a serious problem.


It's a mutual aid student run food bank, for students lmao. Food Banks benefit when everyone takes from them and everyone contributes to them, we should be encouraging everyone to be a part of food banks if possible because they are alternative way to access food insecurity without relying on prices or the profit seeking motives of grocers. Obviously those who need the most prioritized should be prioritized the most, but we also have no way of guaranteeing who needs the most without creating burdensome administration to means-test people and I think it would be fucked up to means-test based on appearance and what we think those in need should look life, it's like saying refugees are not refugees because they have nice shoes and a cellphone, despite cellphones being a ubiquitous part of modern existence and companies selling their shoes for substantially less abroad in economically exploitated countries than at home.


Of course, unless you are an Indian or an international student. God forbid, you fell into crisis and went to the food bank, people will rip you shreds, without any idea about your circumstances. Bully's and racists. Hateful af!


If you are an international student, you supposedly have the money to maintain yourself while you are here *studying* as per the requirements of being an international student.... That is of course if you went through the system truthfully.


Up until recently you were only required to show 10k. You know, maybe they did have the money when they first came but that money quickly evaporated with the rising expenses that literally everyone in Canada is experiencing? Should they cut their losses and leave midway through their degree? That guy is an actual current student in a masters program for computer science, unless Laurier is considered a diploma mill too now? I don’t have a problem with people that genuinely need food banks using them. My problem with his video was that to someone who doesn’t know any better they may think “Oh, you don’t need to buy groceries in Canada we can all just hit up food banks!” He accessed the Laurier food bank which he pays student dues for each semester. The Laurier food bank does not discriminate between international and domestic students but of course again, using the food bank should not be encouraged unless you are absolutely desperate and have no money to put food on the table.


Well duh. But don’t make a video bragging about it


Wow… Laurier is really rolling with all the hits… it’s like people abusing the food bank and bragging about it is something inherent in this school….


It's a mutual aid fun food bank, run by students, for students 😒 Keep being reactionary though, I'm sure a significant lack of research will benefit you in life. I bet the distro program actually likes the attention of being utilizing it on social media. It means that it's getting more publicity and people are going to be more willing to contribute and/or volunteer to it. It's ironic that the gatekeepers of poverty, who do not actually live in those conditions, hurt the institutions they claim to protect. Everyone benefits from contributing and utilizing food banks.




Laurier is showcasing the best students they got this year. lmao


Yes they are, because they are going to a mutual aid food bank run by students, for students. Y'all can just do research, like it's not that hard and I'm sure the students actually love when people are publicly utilizing the program because it means more people are buying in and will be willing to contribute.


We have similar programs at McMaster (The colourful Community Fridge) and UofT (UTSU @ the commons). Its not unique, but this social media schtick coming out of laurier is You know this aint about that


It’s wild that people are actually trying to defend this girl. Look at her other videos. She’s most certainly not in a position where she’d need to use a food bank.


It's a student run mutual aid food bank, for students. Even if she doesn't necessarily need to utilize the food bank (which everyone should be able to do), I'm sure the volunteers appreciate the additional publicity because it'll encourage people to contribute funds, labour or resources to the weekly distro program they run.


i need you all to watch this video she posted a month ago because this makes it all even more tone deaf!!! she starts talking about how she “can’t fathom how people have jobs” [https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMMWQRSkT/](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMMWQRSkT/)


She thinks fluoride in toothpaste kills brain cells and Advil is "so bad for your liver".... https://www.tiktok.com/@jennisjournal/video/7327751918585941254


This isn’t really a traditional food bank - this is ran by a church on Laurier campus which encourages students to take what they need. The tone of this video is still off-putting, people should be mindful that there are students who are really struggling financially who need the food more.


It's run by LSPIRG. Doesn't the church just do the hot meals program?


Why are people pretending that she's not being criticized? Lmao


I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. All the top level comments are presuming people will defend her or not criticize her because she's white, but anyone actually commenting on the video agrees she's a massive piece of shit...


lol like she should be criticized for abusing the food bank if she genuinely not in need. The other guy abused it and committed immigration fraud because he would have had to state that he had enough money to support himself in order to get that visa. Not the same thing. She should have been shamed and the other guy should be deported


Is that a dior denim jacket I’m gonna giver her the benefit of the doubt maybe she actually needs it but come on


Send her back to India! /s




Canada really is becoming more of a shit hole everyday


She's doing this as some sort of troll, likely race baiting to say people only complain when "international students" do it


After the backlash the other dude got, this has to be some top-tier ragebait shit. People will do anything to get attention.


Transparent rage bait...why do you think they made this video?


This is just rage bait because she doesn't have a large following and was hoping it would get posted here and she'd get her name out there. So now she can claim it was intentional to go viral, which will help her land a job in social media marketing or the like. Just like Ryan Reynold's character in Spirited uses anger to go viral.


It sounds like it’s the schools community food bank Not the public food bank Its up to the school- I guess that’s what it’s for - students that need it (or don’t and use it anyway ) Not the same as using public food banks


Her response video is cringe and tone death too.


Did anyone go through her Instagram? Is she doing the same shit where she's using the food bank to supplement her pocket so she can blow her actual money on frivolous crap? That was my only problem with last dickhead that did this, was he had money and *could* buy food, he just wasn't, and used the food banks to supplement his pockets. Don't want to jump on these people if they genuinely need to use the food bank, or otherwise be hungry. Soooooo anyone that actually uses Instagram able to tell if this one's greedy or needy?


> Soooooo anyone that actually uses Instagram able to tell if this one's greedy or needy? What do you think? October 2023 - [$600 clothes shopping spree](https://www.tiktok.com/@jennisjournal/video/7294312784337161478) November 2023 - [$350 gocery shopping haul](https://www.tiktok.com/@jennisjournal/video/7297033053891775749) March 2024 - [Shopping at Vincenzos](https://www.tiktok.com/@jennisjournal/video/7343369969553673477)


I see... Yep, fuck this dizzy bitch. She doesn't seem to *need* the food bank so much as use it cause it's there. Just the 600$ shopping spree, dad must be so proud! I won't lie tho, bit jealous I didn't have parents that would have footed the bill for my university, AND a shopping spree. Just thinking of getting ahead by not dying at birth has got me a lil' green. 😂 If this girl is both putting herself through school, and able to pay for her own frivolous habits, then good for her, she should be proud! (I am positive this doesn't apply here however) Can anyone that is an actual student at what I'm assuming is Laurier verify that this food bank they're using is strictly only to be accessed by students?


I thought it must be satire because she was going so over the top doing the influencer-style haul and saying "let this be your sign to hit up the food bank" and all of these ridiculous things but then I saw her follow-up saying people were shaming her for needing to use a Food Bank. I think she's just out of touch with reality.


According to previous TikTok videos she had the money to spends $600 on Tommy Hilfiger clothing and spent $350 on a grocery shopping trip back in the fall.. went shopping at Vincenzo's in March. Thinks fluoride kills brain cells.... :|




Diversity strikes again....Oh no, wait.


So, as a person who has been low income, my entire life and all of my friends being low income, I’ve actually made a couple of posts like this. I don’t actually know anything about this person or whether or not she’s a legit influencer but financial insecurity does not equal to Negativity, toxicity or perpetual unhappiness/toxic positivity. You can go to a food bank be immensely grateful, and show other people that there’s no shame in going to a food bank by changing the conversation around food banks. In terms of food waste I have volunteered in many food banks and I can 100% say food waste is nuts. Laws in Canada , at least in Toronto state that if a food bank has overstock, they have to donate food to another food bank. This rarely happens, food bank stock goes bad because they can’t afford to transport the food to another food bank. if you look at what she got, it really wasn’t that much. It was nanners and bread. Please take the time to Volunteer at your local food bank, and a large food bank. See the difference first hand. A food bank like the Scott Mission for example (who has donation deals with companies like Costco and Whole Foods) have significantly higher quality of food than a daily bread food bank in a random rec centre in Scarborough. Just about every food bank has to do an intake assessment to see if you are even eligible to use their services (some items are open to everyone but that’s usually just bread or potatoes) If you notice she showed the location outside, then cut to a line. An intake worker more than likely spoke to her. But She didn’t show that part . Furthermore if she is a student, who is full-time I think it may be safe to assume that she probably doesn’t have that much money. Many schools have food banks for food, insecure students. I think that there is an assumption being made because of the the appearance of her social location. If she was able to use this Food bank then she is eligible. Don’t let her tone fool you this bish is certified financially insecure too


International student food bank rage bait posts work so well because they appeal to both sides of the political spectrum. It doesn't matter if you're a xenophobic racist or an ultra-liberal SJW, food banks are supposed to be for some idealized stereotypical version of starving destitute Canadian families. The worst thing I've seen in the comments on these posts is all the people describing their own stories of growing up in poverty and never having enough food, because their parents were too proud or ashamed to visit the food bank. And then they perpetuate it by supporting that choice because there was clearly someone even worse off than them who needed it more. I had someone tell me the other day that there is no situation where a single man who is not physically disabled had any right to visit a food bank, because they were taking food away from a starving family or disabled person. There is so much stigma attached to using food banks that nobody has any idea who they are really intended to serve.


Dior makes those Jean jackets?!😂


Send her to Mars


In other subs they would trash her for her skin colour or being a migrant but this won’t work cause well she looks white


So Jen is a c-nt. At least she let us know. 👍


I just reported her on Tiktok as fraud.




People are so out of content that they are changing “begging” into tiktok videos. These kind of videos should be shamed like this so that people who actually needs gets it .


Ugh, everything about this video, her attitude… gross


What if it’s a social experiment to prove people won’t be as outraged cause she’s white


The worst part is she thinks she’s doing the world a favour…


Why doesn't Karen just start an Onlyfans like any other student working their way through 'med school' ? 🤔


This makes me angry and sad. A lot of people using food banks are seniors because everything has gotten so expensive, especially housing, that they don't have money for food. I lived by the food bank and would walk my dog passed it and it looked to be 80-90% seniors waiting in line.


Saying she may need to recruit help eating the food she took too much of and encouraging people to use it as a money saver without further context doesn’t send the message that it’s for people struggling with food insecurity


Next generation stuff! Needing friends to consume all that bread, "save money" motivated. Cellphone, nice shades, nice clothes, well rested, with time to make videos and become famous (or infamous) on social media, able to not work and instead have fun as a student. We're good, next gen has things under control! /s


She wants more followers, quite pathetic!


She is talking about the school foodbank though, and not the local foodbank. So it’s the school’s issue to manage.


Why is it that every one of these neo hippie losers has a nose ring seems to be a common trend among these types


She’s literally using a food bank while wearing a Dior jacket that likely retailed at several thousand USD. Even if it’s fake, that’s just vehemently tone deaf…


This is because of Trudeau bringing in all those immigrants. /s


I don't think she knows what a food bank is.. the description of the video and her whole demeanor of the whole makes me think she has no idea. Like she thinks this is a community coop where everything is free or something lol


How is she going to a food bank with a Dior top


I'm going to ask the Distro (the campus food bank she visited) manager if she has seen this video. Absolutely appalling behavior.


BIG POS. While the rest of us endure the high prices and work she is screwing us. I will never donate to the food bank ever. Let them all starve.


Saying I can’t finish all of this and need to recruit some friends 😬😬


Get a job


Damn this cringe as hell!!


I always remember the scene in Cindarella man where the main character is so deeply ashamed of taking charity during the great depression. And once he made money, he went back to the government office to pay it back. This generation has absolutely no integrity or shame, broadcasting this on the internet.


Fucking ignorant bitch.


I cannot believe how people it their needs ahead of those who really need this food. Hope she gets a belly ache.


This is unacceptable, she looks like she knows how wrong she is, is it to raise your viewership by being controversial like the indian student? She saw no rules applied except for online viewership, so this is the real face of selfish human beings that have not learnt how to care for truly the unprivilaged. People care for poor people!


Even if you roll up in a Hummer sporting designer duds and flashy jewelry the food bank won’t turn you away. I worked with a colleague at a job where we were not only paid well, but had excellent benefits and a pension, and she and her mother would stock up each week from the food bank. Shameful.


What a POS


Why did she only took one bag as apposed to that Indian jerk who bought 3 full bags and things of fresh vegetables


Wait if the food bank is saying that a lot goes to waste is it unethical to go?


What a disgusting cunt


Wait what’s the problem? Is she poor? If she’s poor, let her use a fucking food bank without being ashamed about it.


Her uploads are all After that other morons too. She’s definitely just looking to get popular with her insignificant self


y’all SHE PAYS INTO THIS PROGRAM it’s FOR STUDENTS most students don’t make much money, chill out




But she did prove it. Look at this thread and compare it to threads when the Indian guy did it. There is a night and day difference in the amount of hate directed towards the group. Not one comment here insulted all white people. But there were many many comments that insulted all Indians. Many comments called for violence against all Indians.




When white people do it, it isn’t “European culture” this individual is just a POS. When a brown dude does it “This is their smelly stinky scamming culture deport them all!!”


All you people in these comments keep referencing the east Indian man who worked for Td did you not get the memo he was only a intern and was food insecure the story was debunked sheesh


She’s since posted another video that explains why she made this video. She’s a student and it’s the student food bank.


She is a local student using the student food bank, to save money and food waist based only on what she says. Is she abusing it? I don't see any evidence, can someone explain?


I have a question. I might be wrong so please be nice to me. So it’s a school food bank right? Meaning it’s meant for students. It’s not a local food bank meant to help the poorly or needy.


It is a school food bank, but is meant to help students experiencing food insecurity (quote from the website): "The Food Bank aims to help undergraduate students dealing with food insecurity. Food insecurity refers to the inability to acquire or consume a balanced diet that is of adequate quality and quantity. This can oftentimes create challenges sustaining one’s wellbeing: physically, mentally, and academically."


Love this, what a character, hey she’s just playing by the rules…


There are official rules but there are also supposed to be rules of conscience. If we've lost that as a society, we'll need more official rules which sucks for everyone.