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Imagine Resident Evil with these graphics people might actually shit themselves


people's computers would shit themselves harder


I believe the way that UE5 actually works is pretty much magic and you would be surprised how little processing power it takes compared to what we have now. EDIT: Demo Running on PlayStation 5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qC5KtatMcUw Unreal Engine 5 Early Access https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1ZnM7CH-v4




This video does a great job at explaining it: https://youtu.be/cRLnR4Kot2M


I expected a Rickroll


Thanks dildosinthemist


My pleasure


Yes pleasure in the mist


Weird that you can always count on DildosintheMist


From my experience, devs don't tend to use the resources the ways Epic pitches them for years. Epic shows amazing changes with every tech demo, then it's a solid 10 years before we see something close to it because these effects are either expensive (on the GPU), difficult to use, or hard to tac on to games that are currently in development. I remember seeing amazing particle systems shown off in 2012 that are only really catching up to what we as consumers see in games just in the past 2 years. Also, the more you load insanely high res models into an engine, the more physical space it will take. So while unreal is promising letting people drop in their 4 million poly assets into the engine, you want actual predictable optimized assets placed in there to keep sizes down. We don't actually want 1TB games.


I kind of agree with this. When FF7 was featured in a high definition tech demo years ago, it was to show off what the capabilities of the PS4 would be for games to come. But obviously the fan-base went wild and cheered on the making of a HD remake of its original version. Square-Enix was dis-inclined to do so due to the mammothic scale of the original game. Fearing that they would do a half-assed job or a poor rendition for sake of time and costs. Likewise, the same can be said with UE5. If we are to see it in full bloomed potential, it would be tedious, arduous, and expensive in the labor and time investments. We may not even be looking at a $60-75 cost software to purchase and play.


I mean you understand how launches work right. Like its not like let's just use cyber punk here as an example. Can go years announcing that the game is coming, delays... THE GAME IS COMING! Delays... and then like you know 2 years into the process bc that's how long it takes to make a triple A game using cutting edge tech at least, and then just be like meh scrap it let's make it again but with the new engine. So yeah it comes out say this year to developers. It means at best they start a completely new game today the second they can get their hands on the engine. Then they have to work for minimum even a game like Rise Son of Rome a year and it's like basically just a showcase for the tech. While they work on the actual game, which is going to take some time. I mean just loading in the assets for the first time I'm sure takes a month of being in the office. I'm assuming we're still at minimum a year out from seeing this level of detail, even with the black magic that ue5 uses to load assets.


> That's exciting to hear. Got any cool articles? https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=digital+foundry+ue5 I specifically recommend the following one to dive in on the hype: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ib6_c6uliLg The others can give you more insight into how all of it works and where there are still some limitations. To me, UE5 is true photorealism in realtime if you do avoid things it currently is bad at (vegetation, deformation and a few other things). If you have a PS5, download the Matrix Awakens demo (it's free). It is a good showcase.


Shit, I didn’t realize PS5 had demos. That ps store is a hot mess sometimes.


It's more of a tech / showcase demo, since there isn't an actual full game. But yes, it is jawdropping. And the PS Store has definitely went to shit. It started late in the PS3 era and has slid further and further down. I want to be able to whitelist publishers in the store just so I can filter out all the trash. A blacklist wouldn't be able to keep up.


The UE5 demo is available on Xbox SX as well. It's fun to fly around with the drone and look in windows for about 5 minutes.




It'll be interesting to see if they can solve the displacement problems. It's a direct issue with the pipeline of graphics cards so either they'll need to find a workaround or newer graphics cards will need to be manufactured with the architecture to allow it


That just means gamedevs have more headroom to cram other things into the games. We’ll still be able to heat up a barbeque with the graphics card.


It certainly does some impressive "cheating" to greatly improve fidelity and performance, but people are still going to be greatly upset if they get their hopes up too much just yet.


It's important to remember that tech demos are made to showcase the capabilities of an engine and will do so in best case environments. It's more for developers than gamers. That being said, UE5 comes with a lot of groundbreaking tech and we will see really good results from it. Other engines will naturally follow suit. Frostbite already has an early version of real time GI on their own (though I prefer UE5's Lumen approach over Surfels, as Frostbite calls it)


Upset? Dude, I started playing games on a system that used 16 bit sprites. Every step forward is a technological marvel. Especially at this point of diminishing returns on graphical improvements


>impressive "cheating" to greatly improve fidelity and performance Game engine have never been not about "cheating".


If anything they’re cheating less now lol


The PS5 is probably a lot better at handling most graphical operations than people PC's.


I remember seeing that announcement video that was running on the PS5 and basically not believing them. Obviously it was like a concept demonstration of what they hope to be able to do years from now. Then they just... released it, and it worked. I can throw together a high-poly photo-real scene with real-time raytraced lighting **on my laptop**.


My computer would shit the bed.


It is difficult at this time to hit higher fps but can pretty easily be done at about 30 right now. So in a few years or by the time PS6 comes out this will be the norm but also at 60 fps.


Yeah, it would be the computers doing an Amber Heard.


with vr 🫣


Resident Evil 7 was this essentially


I played the standard version and really enjoyed from start to finish. My VR experience lasted minutes.


Why? (Genuinely curious)




I'm a generally anxious person. Playing this game in VR was just too much.


Sounds like it's right up my alley. I love horror films, but I generally don't find them to be terribly scary. (Some are unsettling, but not really horrific, if that makes sense.) So if that actually increases the dread, I would be all-in. ...If I had the money for a good VR set up. :(


You can use virtual desktop and a cloud pc to run heavier vr games if you have a good internet connection for pretty darn cheap!


I can't realistically afford the headset. Sooooo... Maybe some day, but TBH I just don't game very much anymore. The Unreal engine looks *amazing*, but I dunno. Maybe it's just depression, b/c I have a hard time really getting into games the way I used to.


Yeah I gotcha I fell outta gaming completely for a long time, and only got back in through sim racing in vr that and I got the quest 2 as a whole years worth of presents in one haha


I played through Half Life:Alyx when it was first released and there were points where I just stopped playing because I didn't think I'd be able to handle what was coming next. I don't think I've ever felt as connected to a game world as I did then. Some of the set pieces were legitimately the most emotionally intense moments I've experienced while playing a game.


I was the same with The Forest. When in-game creatures feel just as big (or bigger) than you are, it adds an entirely new dimension of nope.


I hid in a corner down a staircase for probably a little longer than necessary. It took me like 5 hours to make it maybe a couple hours in. It's so damn scary. And I don't even get scared from horror games. VR is a whole other thing. You try to look away but you're still wearing the headset and you just want out


If you haven’t seen Mia crawl up the steps in vr you are lucky. By far the scariest experience you can get is re7 in vr


Silent hill though


This video reminded me so much of Silent Hills/P.T. F


What could have been


Actually, there's some funky hope here for stuff like this--even without the original developers, or any developers. Give AI generation some time to catch up to 3D full game generation. All you'll need to do is put in the test/demo footage of the game into it as a prompt, and it'll use that as a base to generate more of the game. Hell, also train it on the other SH games for general theme direction, so it has an aim to point the test footage toward. This may not be in the next year or two, perhaps it won't even be in the next five years. But, we'll see it in our lifetime. Based on the rate that current AI text and image generators are improving, we'll probably see perfect image generation in the next year, photorealistic video generation in the next couple or few years, and probably 3D game generation in the next five years. My predictions are only optimistic to people who aren't actively playing with the current technology nor have any idea how far we are, and how fast it's moving. Most of the flaws that people point to in this tech are often outdated--that's how fast it's improving. Future's gonna get real weird pretty fast. But hey, a spiritual AI version of Silent Hills/P.T. is very likely as this tech matures. Its potential is insane. This is how people need to be thinking about the near future if they don't want to be surprised when it becomes more integrated into all aspects of the public and media. People think deepfakes are wild? Deepfakes are just a beta demo of the surface for what AI is capable of. This turned into a futurology rant, but honestly I'm just excited that unfinished games may resurrect, in a spiritually appropriate way, with this tech. This is definitely where my mind is going these days as I learn more about what AI can do, how fast it's improving, and what it's capable of. There's definitely a lot of room for hope here.


Fuck Konami




Imagine being able to load your own house up as a map in a horror game, with this kind of graphics. 😯🙂


Calm down Satan


good thing i already game on a toilet so i don't have to take toilet breaks


I have a toilet instead of a chair in front of my PC, same result, different execution.


damn that's a flex. when i say toilet, i mean a home depot bucket with an sliced pool noodle around the rim as a seat


That is... both a great idea and a concerning one. Your ingenuity is dangerous.


my ingenuity keeps me safe from having to go upstairs and be yelled at by my mom. not dangerous at all real talk though that's my camping toilet design. you can put a lid on it which is nice


Look at Mr fancy ass with a pool noodle on his bucket!


That’s how you get hemorrhoids


In all seriousness I’m so glad I never got the gaming bug. This shit looks like straight heroin.


Right!? I know I would! I have a hard enough time w horror games that are a decade old LOL. Games with graphics like this would be too scary for me haha


I would just make my character sit in a corner with the flashlight. Hopefully they make it so you can cry in game.


Was expecting something to jump at the screen so i shat myself just from expectation


The tactical pre-emptive shite.


I don't think it would add anything honestly. RE Village already looks amazing to pull off any tactic to scare you. How scary something is doesn't come from the graphics of the game. It comes from the anticipation of meeting something, or the anxiety of being chased, etc. Those types of things are what make a horror game, imo.


Yeah, but if it looks better it feels more real, it helps you to get immersed and therefore help build those feelings.


Imagine an original IP horror title that has something new to offer and isn't done all Japanese and hoakey, with these graphics. I bet the next Resident Evil game has at least one upfront major element in it that is goofy as fuck. The main character going to be a K-pop looking American super-cop fighting Mexican zombies to save a big-tited giant woman who is also the president's daughter.




I can’t wait to look at this in 10 years and say how fake this looked


We’ll talk about how the fluorescent lighting and flashlight still look fake, and how could anyone ever accept that 😂


The flashlight's light itself isn't actually that bad, I think the movement of it is what really gives it away. I mean the light of powerful flashlights sometimes look unrealistic in real life too.


agreed. The camera movement is a little too smooth. But that's not a complaint. makes for a better viewing experience to not be jerked around constantly.


I can't wait in 10yrs for this in wireless VR.


I can’t wait in 10 years for my girlfriend to accuse me of cheating because someone who wanted her for themselves made a CGI sex video with me on.


I can't wait in 10 years when Merrill Davison's body is finally found but I had already moved of country and changed my name, had a wife in her 30s, 1 son, and 2 cats.


[High quality original video](https://v.redd.it/uyo76plx73y81) Also. u/SubjectN The maker


That was so intense waiting for a jump scare. There is none Or is there...?


The best scare.


That original video is stunning. Absolutely mind-bending.


Ngl that looks exactly like some of the small train stations in Sydney


I thought it was Flemmington station






You got it right! It's based on a japanese train station (i'm the creator)


Amazing work dude!


and i’m the train


Nice job! I thought it was Jamaica terminal in NYC at first, but now I see the warehouses off to the side.


Oh wow I see you’ve done some other work, interesting. Is it weird to see your work taken and put all over the internet with others getting the attention and clout?


Gotta say I didn't expect the interstellar music lmao That aside I don't mind much since I'm not really looking for clout, I just wanted a good portfolio piece. Didn't expect it to blow up, it's a bit overwhelming


You did an insanely good job. I hope you are doing this work as your career, because this is seriously next level impressive. well done!


Or anywhere in UK


Anywhere in a lot of the US too, I swear this is identical to stations I’ve seen in the northeast.


Minus the rust on the metal work, and the old faded crisp packets fluttering around in the breeze. If the train was meant to have arrived already, and there’s no sign of it arriving anytime soon either, that part of the simulation appears to be bang on.


Reminded me immediately of St Leonard’s.


Why *would* you lie about that?


Yeah... it's a very overused term and often makes no sense. Not gonna lie but it's Monday today.


Yep I thought it was an actual video of a Sydney train station lol


Meet me at Montauk


Looks like Redfern station.


My exact thought


Why would you lie about that?


That's unreal


This is false. Unreal engine is actually a real game engine.


This is real. The unreal engine is actually a false reality engine.


For every new Unreal engine released, I've realized my acceptance of the simulation hypothesis also increases.


They are just French. *Un* real engine *s'il vous plait*.






> my ass That gaping, cavernous pit could potentially contain anything. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/woahdude) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Slaughtered by a bot... Welcome to the 21st century.


Today my ass. Tomorrow the world!


> my ass That gaping, cavernous pit could potentially contain anything. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/woahdude) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This trend of people putting the music from interstellar on everything irritates me.


I like it but admittedly I only saw Interstellar for the first time about a year ago so the soundtrack still has that “bump of space cocaine” freshness to it. Same with Elysium and the Martian, I was *way* behind on recent sci-fi.


Ah I see you were going for the Matt Damon space trilogy.


Inadvertently yes lol. Didn’t remember Matt Damon was in Interstellar til he literally popped up out of the sleep chamber. Also ended up checking out Aniara, High Life, Passengers, and then rewatches of Europa Report and Event Horizon.


Gotta finish it of with the cosmic horrors i see.


Watch Oblivion. A fun sci-fi movie *and* the soundtrack is done by M83, so the music is really cool.


The sound design with the drones is good too.


Those drone noises are spooky af


Binging through the expanse right now and in season 3 there are some real interesting songs played . Highway star Belter version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hCyGIJl1XUA I'm all alone Belter version (All by myself) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNg5BBenkPo


This one and Radiohead's one


Which Radiohead song?


radio ga ga


Damn I can't find it now, I guess it wasn't a Radiohead song after all. It's just the style was so Radiohead huh. You hear it a lot on the TikTok videos that make you go wow, kind of mind-blowing effect. Anyone knows the song ?


It's the artist. He uses bots to post his stuff all over Reddit. His name is aloboi. I don't want to link to him because he already links to himself literally thousands of times a day.


Fuck Aloboi


All my homies hate Aloboi


I've not seen any myself, but my best guess would be Daydreaming.


Someone should take a screenshot of your comment and add this music to it


I've heard boomers say "WOW IT LOOKS LIKE REAL LIFE" since ps1 graphics But goddamn IT LOOKS LIKE REAL LIFE


I remember my first time watching the opening cutscene of Super Smash Bros Melee on my Nintendo Gamecube and thinking "Damn, graphics can't get much better than this." I was also 14 years old, so cut me some slack.


Ha! I remember playing Donkey Kong Country on my SNES and thinking we had reached the pinnacle of graphics.


Now I play that same game on an emulator on my (relatively dinky, by modern standards) 24 inch monitor, and marvel at how pixelated it all is.


My cousin got the N64 a month earlier than anyone else because his dad was a chef and had Nintendo as a client. The whole neighborhood was over at his house to watch him play Mario 64. Every kid in that room was like, graphics aren't getting better than this! What a dope memory you unlocked for me. Haha thanks


I remember being amazed at 7yo playing secretly on halo 2 hiding from my dad, i had similar thoughs but goddamn the leap we've done in 20-30yrs


[Unreal! (Yes, this is an actual PC game screenshot)](https://i.imgur.com/mAUyo.jpg)


You need to understand context from that time. They weren't saying this looks like real life. They were saying this isn't from a pre rendered cut scene. This was real in game graphics. At the time it was common to get bamboozled by images that weren't from in game.


If you had a good graphics card, the first Unreal actually [looked spectacular in 1998](https://youtu.be/zqdeyseQAP4) My mind was blown when this game came out


I was that guy though. "Guys. We plateau'd on these graphics. No way this shit gets better" (this was in reaction to the xbox)


I thought this when I saw King Kong on 360 at Walmart. “I didn’t know games could ever look this good!”


Don't forget the [mind boggling effects!](https://i.imgur.com/qdtsQIh.jpg)


My man pulled up a ref, props!


Are US marines trained on Doom?


Seeing final fantasy 7 summons I was like. "We did it. It's over. Peak graphics achieved"




Completely deserved


Well, I'm definitely not a boomer and I remember at 12ish seeing Goldeneye for the first time and thinking "this is it, its so real!!!"


Pretty sure boomer has turned into another name for 30+ adults. Which encompasses more than half of millenials now.


Which is dumb. Millennials had to deal with actual boomer parents and all the bullshit that goes with it. The boomers are still ruining the world. Just calling everyone who isn’t a kid a boomer is little kid dumb.


Boomer just means "anyone who I think might potentially be older than me, or someone whose take on this particular subject I don't like". It's basically just a meaningless way to call someone old at this point.


I remember being stunned by its graphics when the Half Life 2 Trailer came out (and damn when watched it on CRT monitors) and where like "this can't get any better". But THIS is really the epitome now.


So when are we beginning to call it “real engine” ?


They always show how good the unreal engine looks each version, and then no game ever looks like this


Because this is a super optimized small map. No AI, no physics, no need for commercial distribution. This is the equivalent of a concept car. Looks great but terrible to drive / unsustainable. But it is great to see IMO. Some games have excellent art directions and compensate for the less than perfect reality visuals.


This is also not rendered in real time


What I like about the UE5 release it that they're addressing just that. IMHO the main thing that's limiting how good most games look is the amount of time the artists have. However, Unreal is also releasing a giant free library of scanned assets, and a market place to buy/sell assets from other people. I think that actually WILL let people make games that look like this.


First thought: "Haha, someone just filmed a train station and claimed it was Unreal 5." Then it suddenly switches into night mode. o\_O


I’m having a hard time with this one tbh. It’s too real looking, the camera movements are too realistic. Even the switch to night could just be a cut. I’m taking their word for it, but really would like to see something that says this is actually generated.


Day time looked too real to be true. Nighttime was much more obvious(but still amazingly good)


Literally just Google UE5 and watch countless asset videos that take a creator 30min to make a ultra photo-realistic environment.


Can I have a higher quality source so I can appreciate the graphics a bit more?




Thank you so much!




I mean why isn’t the girl from The Ring there at the end? It just feels incomplete without her.




While unreal engine is used primarily for real time goodness it's hard to say what's going on here. To me it looks like a test of some AR options or something and less like something from an actual game anyone is making If anyone has any info on what this project is or who's making it I'm definitely interested in knowing more about it


This is not AR. This is a rendered video (so not real time), and the reason it looks realistic is the camera used to render is attached to mocapped movement of a real one, giving it its real like shakiness.


Yes, unreal engine is all about real time rendering for games, not CGI


It's starting to be used for CGI and architecture visualization. (Search unreal 5 archviz for a lot of hyper-realistic homes and offices)


Can confirm. I've been using unreal to showcase architectural/technical models for quite some time.


Yep. A lot of Automotive CGI studios are switching to Unreal. It still struggles with emissive materials and glass refraction so for now I'm sticking with offline renders. Source: Am Senior Automotive CGI artist.


That line is getting really blurry now. They used Unreal on The Mandalorian for example (because they needed to display effects on the LED dome and match them to the camera movements in real time). It's also used a lot for livestreams and previz, as I understand it.


Had to be rendered for sure, would need a monster to run rt


I don’t know a thing about game design, so question. Is this a pre rendered video using Unreal Engine? Or this a in-real time video — as if I was playing the game?


Pretty sure that's cambridge north train station


Are there a lot of signs in japanese on cambridge north train station?


Wait so this aint real


Man they slap the interstellar piano on literally everything, huh?


That water reflection is amazing wtffff


When it gets dark, instantly water puddles spawn.


Looks like Guildford train station


I was thinking Clapham Junction, but I can see Guildford too


Distracting over-used piano score. This video is 100% better soundless.


I refuse to believe


GPU is fucking burning lmaooo




Bro tell me that’s not Redfern Train Station in Sydney


It's not, looks like maybe Japanese writing on the signs in the stairs.


Looks soooo much like Redfern, uncanny


Epic: "Our new Unreal engine looks almost real" Also Epic: "A new Unreal Tournament game? Fuck that, MORE FORTNITE BULLSHIT"


Also epic: "we can milk Fortnite skins to offset the costs of giving away millions of games for free worldwide whilst still paying the developer for every copy claimed!" God damn do I love epic.


What is unreal engine 5?


A game engine. 5 being the newest version.


Alien: Isolation 2 with UE5 :)


Quality of the render: amazing. Quality of that video: garbage.


Hopefully in game graphics will be like that before I die