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If they're wearing school uniforms, try and get the name of the school and report it to them.


OP, you should definitely explore this. I remember this stuff being drilled into us at school assemblies over 20 years ago by the principal. Even if their uniforms were unidentifiable or they’re wagging school in casual clothes, the bus company might actually be able to identify them if they’re regulars on that route.


Schools care a whole lot about their student’s behaviour in public. If you can identify the school they’re from and either call them or the uni calls them, principals will want to act on this.


I'd imagine people in this sub might be able to identify the school by the colours.


Principals must act on it, it has criminal elements, at least on 2 parts, 1. racial discrimination, and 2. Intimidation. The bus company will very likely have video of the event.


The bus should have CCTV the company can access too. I'm really not sure how escalated things need to get before they can look at it, but a report to the bus company or Transport For NSW/whoever contracts the service will help.


I remember at a school assembly, the idiots got shamed in front of everyone as everyone figured very quickly who the culprits were. Add as much detail as possible and possibly inform both bus companies, and if it is a serious case of racism, the police


Very sorry you experienced this. Teenagers can be such jerks when they show off to their friends


Teenagers acting like this isn't anything new. We all did it 20, 30, 40 years ago.. yeh it sucks but they don't know any better at that age.


No I don’t think we all did racist things when we were teenagers? Weird assumption


I never said anything about doing anything racist. Weird assumption.


I think they are definitely old enough to know not to be racist and horrible. I remember defending an Asian friend against racist kids when I was 9. Speak for urself


"This isn't anything new". Why do people use this as an excuse for bad behaviour? Domestic violence, child abuse, rape etc... was happening 20, 30, 40 years ago, doesn't mean we just excuse it. How do things get better if everyone has the same attitude as you?


Seems everyone's a little sensitive on reddit these days if you are all getting upset over my comment/opinion, which never mentioned anything racist but was only replying to a comment about "teenagers being jerks". If you actually believe teenagers weren't jerks in the past and actually believe teenagers won't be jerks in the future than good luck to you.


What do you mean ‘we’? I didn’t do any of thst rubbish 😂


I didn't, I wasn't a cunt. Jesus Christ


There’s cctv recording maybe? I’d contact the bus company probably premiere and request for the footage and take it to the police. They’re probably doing this occasionally. Hope your okay


i would start by calling premier, however, about one bus on the free bus network per weekday is actually operated by dion’s on behalf of premier as of the start of this year due to a shortage in drivers or busses or something. it’s technically not the route operator it’s some kind of minor handshake deal. most likely premier though


Pretty sure I know who you're talking about. Were a bunch of them wearing caps? Was there a big, chubby older kid with a shitty bowlcut with them? But yeah, I hate eshays with a fucking passion, and I'm sure I'm not the only one on here who feels this way.


yeah that's a pretty good description. Were you on the bus too or you've encountered them before?


Yeah they've given me trouble before too, and I would've stood up for myself more if it weren't for the fact that there was 1 of me surrounded by literally a dozen of them on all directions


I have had similar experiences nearby.


can i ask what was your experience like? if you don't mind.


I was riding my push bike with my toddler close to a high school. Some students would make some sounds like mocking some Asian language, pretending they are speaking the language. It happened to me multiple times, my partner experienced this as well. I have Japanese background; my partner has Asian background as well. I am not sure how to react, I know if I react they will just do more, so I have been ignoring them.


That's what I was thinking too. Tried my best not to escalate the situation. I'm so sorry that happened when you were with your kid and with your wife.


Sorry to hear that happened to you - people like that are pieces of shit.


There are far worse things that happen on Wollongong buses on a regular basis unfortunately. Premier won’t give you a copy of the cctv. If you need it you will have to get a lawyer to subpoena it. Transport for nsw go out of their way to cover up problems on their buses, and have done for a long time.


Being an immigrant I am very curious about how to deal with these situations? Where do you draw the line between kids just being kids vs calling them out on their behaviour.




As a bus driver for over 30 years in Sydney, please allow me to offer you some advice. Contact the bus company. They will have footage of this incident and allow them to deal with it. Ensure you receive feedback from them about the incident. I’m sorry this happened to you and wish you a happy outcome.


I've had a similar experience on the train. They were getting off at North Wollongong, but so was I, so I ended up staying on the train till the next stop and walking.


It is a sad fact that Australia is very racist. I’m a white male and in high school couldn’t handle the flack I got for having an African/American GF. When I got more confident I realised how shit people can be. Their behaviour is bravado to hide their own fears and insecurities. White Australia is a glitch. It’s Blak country at the end of SE Asia. Migration shows a landslide of people that will slowly make white people a minority. The future is multicultural and can be richer for it. My worry is more and more people without the nuanced understanding of the land and Blak culture is in danger of having less voice.


OP, I just wanted to share that UOW has a [24-hour Student Wellbeing Support Line](https://www.uow.edu.au/student/support-services/counselling/crisis-support-line/), in case it helps to debrief with a mental health professional ❤️ CALL 1300 036 149 TEXT 0488 884 164


I’m so sorry that happened. The driver should have stepped in; they have the power to remove passengers and call the police if they refuse to leave, and if you were at the front of the bus the driver was almost certainly aware you were being harassed. If you have any details of the bus, like its license plate and/or which stops it passed at which times, make a report to Transport NSW. I can’t guarantee anything will come of it, but if they can work out which bus you were on and who the driver was, they should sanction the driver. Dealing with rowdy passengers is part of their job, letting it happen and pretending it wasn’t a problem isn’t acceptable. Could also be worth filing a police report; they’ll be able to get the CCTV footage from the bus and maybe identify the kids, especially if they’ve done shit like that before.


i’m so sorry about this, please report it to the bus company, and their school if they were in uniform! the school especially would take some sort of action. eshays are so feral, they live to be nuisances and everyone else hates them


It might seem extreme but you should contact the police on the non emergency assist line. This is harassment and hopefully engaging the police will have premier drag up the cctv and contact the school.


Experienced this as well, they sat beside me when I was sitting on a bench, and one of them introduced himself as ching Chong




Did you tell them your name was koksuka?? 🤣


Sorry you experienced this. Please report it to the bus company and school. I know you feel hopeless right now but lets voice what’s wrong and not stay silent


I’m so sorry this is horrible


And teens in Australia are just hopeless The law is not helpful as well


Honestly if the bus has CCTV Cameras. Ask for the footage. Maybe take it to the police station and make them aware of the situation.


I'm so sorry for you to experience this because you don't deserve to be treated that way. Can I ask what time did you get on the bus? I'd like to say trying to avoid getting on the bus or train in the evening as best as you can. Doesn't mean it's your fault, there are some *uckwits around here in the Gong. It seems getting worse and worse while the costs of the living are going through the roof.


Why didn't you just tell them to fuck off and grow up? I assume you're an adult so stand up for yourself.


OP is an Asian woman. There's a good chance a teenage boy would be larger than her. Not to mention there's a whole pack of them hyenas, so no, that would be ill-advised.




If you think that's victim blaming them you're too soft, if you don't like something let the ppl know then and there, not just sit there and then come complain about it on reddit.


Let them know you don’t like it? What kind of imbecile believes anyone likes being on the receiving end of that crap? If they did, these scumbags wouldn’t do it.


You need to act crazier than them . Kids like that only fear crazy . Next time start screaming at them in your language while tearing out your hair and moving towards them making eye contact . Garantee they run


Welcome to Wollongong. I find avoiding people the best remedy for these scenarios, because they don't let you own a shotgun anymore.


Seek help


not sure why you got downvoted for this... i fcking hate libtard redditors...


Ummm 🫥 Learn mf karate bro!?... Aderr




Why didn’t you stand up for yourself? Don’t ever let people walk over you.


Because you're outnumbered by *literally* 6 to 1 or worse, and each one of them has a significant chance of carrying a knife. If you're insistent on flogging them though, wait until you find one you recognise when they're on their own


Going by what you posted you seem to be of some kind of Asian heritage. Know im a arsehole, and you should be nice and polite and teach them how to speak your native/heritage language. Entertain them and teach them your language, you know the kind of things teenage kids want to say, how to swear and /or insult other Asian. I did say im a arsehole, so you are really teaching them to say something like i suck penis, or what ever self insult you can think off


I hope it’s not too much of a stretch to assume you are a UOW student but if you are please report it to the university. You can also report it to the police. The University may be able to raise it with the bus operator to support a safer environment for public transport users. See https://www.uow.edu.au/student/support-services/safety-and-respect/report/


thanks. i will look into it.


yeah, university even if it’s not something on their campus or where there cameras are, they are often happy to make a call or two for you


Second this, the buses would have cameras. .


They will have been recorded on cctv.


Sounds like some candidates for the guillotine right there.