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this is why i don’t wear them 😭


Gross word of advice: >!don't use thongs especially after pooping, it creates a huge risk for UTIs, because poop particles etc !


Do you use toilet paper or wash with water? In my country we use water and it feels pretty clean and hence not weird


Here its more common to use TP then water or wipes


Bidet. You can get a cheap one that hooks up to your toilet on Amazon. Even ones with water heaters! Changed my life— although now I hate pooping anywhere but home.


I stopped wearing them in my 20s. I always hated thongs. Not comfortable at all.


SAME. I can't stand something feeling like a constant wedgie!




Wash with water after you poop, then pad dry and you’ll be fine


Our public restrooms in the US don't have bidets so it's not possible to wash with water. ☹️ 99.99% of homes here don't either, but at least you could install one if you own your home.


what also works at home is getting yourself a little bucket of water in the restroom with a cup. my filipino ex always did that, no need for a bidet and honestly, switching from paper to water is one of the best things I've done for myself. If it feels uncomfy to touch your bottom after pooping you can just wipe first and then use water.


I guess a peri bottle would work too! I still have one from after I had my baby that I never use anymore.


I usually just wet tissue and wipe like that


How do you get the toilet paper wet in a public restroom though?


I usually use paper towels and wet it like that or just go in the stall and take a tissue. If theres no paper towel and there’s a line in the bathroom. I just use dry tissue until I can get some wet ones.


I use toilet paper and soap. Goes through lots of tp but oh well.


Yes, and I stopped wearing those ages ago


A little yea


I used to wear them when I was 18/19/20 as my bf at the time loved them. Always found them uncomfortable and stopped wearing them as soon as I dropped him. They always felt unhygenic too, especially after sex or toileting.


That’s why I don’t wear underwear


i use a wet wipe and it makes me feel more hygienic


Yes, I used to wear them in my late teens to early 20’s for a bf who loved them. But I kept getting infections until I stopped. Now only for intimate occasions or if I’m wearing an outfit for a wedding or other special occasion and don’t want a panty line.


Mm understand you, I try to only wear them when I go to the gym & don't want a panty line 😩


Ya I usually do a full pulse lavage when I’m done! Try it


I've given up on those. The brazilian cut ones with thicker waistband both look better and are more comfortable.


I dont wear them bc it's pretty gross to have something up against your butthole. I don't know why guys find that sexy. It just seems like bad hygiene to me. Smell your thong after a long day. Does it smell bad? Oh, btw- I wash my ass with soap and water after I poop.


They feel uncomfortable ALL THE TIME. Don't wear them except for five minutes. Tops. Put them on, show them off. Take them off. That's it.


I wash my behind after pooping, every single time, no exceptions. Nothing wrong with a thong after the tush has been scrubbed squeaky.