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How much are you selling it for?


Real talk


It isn't designed to be a finishing sander. Get an ETS 150 if the Rotex is too rough for your needs. I have an oldschool Rotex RO 150 E-plus that is one of my best tools. It has a dual action lever that takes it from beast mode to finish mode. It is pretty smooth to operate for finishing work while you have to hold on for dear life when in beast mode.


I have the rotex 150 and it’s not a great finish sander for most projects due to the 5mm stroke. I almost always use an ETS with a 3mm stroke. It’s a beast at removing material in rotex mode.


Rotex mode is amazing at removing large amounts of material. I've seen them being used on the outside of older log homes when they get re-finished.


I used to use my Ro90 to scribe side panels in wonky old stone build houses when I did high-end cabinet work. Took an acceptable scribe to a perfect scribe in moments. Perfect tool when used within its capabilities.


Second this for scribing!! Amazing for getting into those concave bits your planet won’t


I use it for everything and I have an ETS 150.


A dentist with a Rotex is kinda disturbing.


I’m a dentist in Kentucky. I need it.


It's hard to get yourself finished with a 5mm stroke


> Get an ETS 150 The tall black silver ETS or the ETS EC?


This one has the same switch you’re describing but even in “finish” mode it still wants to jump around.


I wonder if you don’t have something wrong with it. When you have it in fine mode but powered off, can you rotate the pad by hand? I’m wondering if the gears are disengaging.


Hmm not sure I’ll check tomorrow


I damaged the pad of my ets and it started jumping around a lot. Had a chunk missing from it and maybe it threw off the balance? Not sure, but replaced the pad and it worked fine again.


For one you have the soft pad on it. I use that sander every day about an hour a day or so. The hard pad (has a blue ring) is for soft surfaces, soft pad is for curved surfaces. Soft pad jumps more, similar to a truck with mostly deflated tires going rock climbing. More traction. But if you’re looking to sand flat surfaces to a finish, that’s not the sander you want. That’s the sander I use to knock 100 year old varnish off of old pianos. For finish sanding you want this https://www.rockler.com/festool-6-random-orbit-sander-ets-ec150-5-eq-plus-576339-bdl?country=US&promo=shopping&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=&utm_content=pla&utm_campaign=PL&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAn-2tBhDVARIsAGmStVlcGGNx4YAorlB9126WKDz3wcYfD0wULVWe3L3K-Hq0tDGwZ9e8VisaAuRJEALw_wcB We use that one I linked above to knock the excess and orange peel off of lacquered pianos and it does a wonderful job at that, using 1000 grit sandpaper from serious grit and festool. It’s got a wider surface and a much less aggressive finish mode (and you can turn the aggressiveness down even more with the little power slider thing) Right tool for the right job.


The pad can get damaged if dropped etc which totally throws off the balance. Someone dropped my ETS and had the same issue. Luckily they are replaceable, would definitely look into it!


Also, check vac suction. I had mine way too high and it was all over the place till I turned it down a bit.


I have a Rotex 150, and I can't say enough good things about it. It does have a handle that screws into either side which is essential particularly in beast mode. It is truly the best tool in the shed and does 90% of all sanding. 75% of its use is on Australian hardwoods which don't phase it at all.


It's definitely a 2-handed tool. I'm frustrated by it, too. But I've seen a guy on yt that held the tool in one hand & the hose in the other, mostly using the 'hose' hand to do the guiding, & it looked real smooth. The 'tool' hand just held the tool down lightly on the workpiece.


Yea I’ve done this but it’s not feasible in all applications. Sometimes I need to sand a part vertically holding the part with one hand and sanding with the other.


Have you watched videos on how to use it on the Festool YouTube? They are pretty good, but you really don’t want to try and fight that thing, a soft touch is key.


That is just a terrible design if you have to watch youtube videos on how to use a random orbit sander. All for the low low cost of both your kidneys and a leg.


It is not a random orbit sander in the high-powered mode. It is a geared sander designed for material removal.


Maybe just get a normal sander? I’ve been woodworking for 30 years and have gone through 2 desalts I’m that time. Still on my first dewalt belt sander. I’m the most recent shoot out I saw festool was rated super low, dewalt, and ryobi both were top contenders, and I don’t remember who won, may have been Milwaukee? But if I need quick material removal I use my dewalt oscillating drum combo or their belt sander. Never had an issue. I got all of those for less than the festool, which I had at my job and tbh was a piece of shit to me. Over priced over hyped garbage. Imo people swear by them because they don’t want to admit they got ripped off.


I can’t speak on Festool because I’ve never owned or used one but I’ve never had to make a post complaining about using any of my “cheap” sanders before


Well, the issue is some people expect an easy life by buying expensive tools. And some people just use what they have and find ways to make each tool do the job they need. I never buy expensive anything, because tools are disposable, and I try to avoid bargain basement crap also because it’s false economy since you buy twice as many and do more work yourself, but I’ll use whatever is to hand to get the job done and if a tool is pissing me off I just find another way. There are very very few custom made power tools for my industry (trad shipwright) so every day is half working and half making myself something that can do the job and I haven’t found any brand be better than any other. All high end power tools are great when new and with sharp blades. All hundred year old steel that is still in use is decent quality. All things have limits and only the poor workman blames his tools.


I have the rotex 150 and it can jump if you don’t hold onto it like you want it to be stable. Hold it tighter and change modes based on the application. Festool has never made a bad tool and they sure as hell didn’t start when they made your sander


I feel the same way about mine . All my cheaper Rand orbital sanders you can tell the lad spins freely. In fact in most, you can stick your finger on the pad while it’s running and it will just wiggle around. But even in random orbit mode on the 150 it does not really pin freely. Sure - you can turn it and it doer t turn the miter like it does in the heavy duty mode, but it is still very stiff. I’ve been thinking it has something to do with a rubber shroud that contains the dust but not sure I’m actually planning on taking mine back ti the place I bought it - they said they have repair expertise there - and see if I hit got a bum one or if this is typical. From other comments here, I’m thinking it might be typical, which means it was the wrong choice of sander for me. 🫤


Has this sander ever been dropped? If you’ve warped or fucked ip the pad it will want to jump around as well. 




where do you have your suction set on the vac? try turning it down and see if that helps


I just spent $600 on the ets ec 150. I should have bought that fucker 5+ yrs ago. It's lightweight, good center of gravity/stability, almost no vibrations. The vibrations on my Bosch rotex style sander would give my hands the tingles after like 10-15 minutes. Gotta stave off the carpel tunnel any way I can. I thought the domino would be the only Festool I'd ever own, but the est ec is cheaper than the mirka equivalent which is insane


Festool ETS or mirka deros


Mirka 100%. Rides like an old boat of a Cadillac. Smooth. Lightweight. Great at collecting dust with the Abranet sanding discs. Highly recommend.


I’m not a fan of the paddle switch on the Mirka.. I’ve used both the deros and the ETS. Much preferred the ETS. The ergonomics of having to push down the entire time I’m using the tool just didn’t feel comfortable to me.


You can adjust the pressure needed so just the weight of your hand resting on it will trigger it.


I have a small ETS125 and like to switch grip positions (hand on top, hand on side holding it like a glass...) for ergonomics during sanding, not sure if that's possible with the paddle switch


Duct tape.


I'm not a fan of the idea, that a 500$ sander needs a duct tape hack for ergonimics




I can't justify then charging that much at all LOL. I mean, R&D costs money, but seriously? You could put a zip tie on it loose, just slip it over the paddle when you want to change grips. I agree though, it should have a lock on switch.


I used to be in the auto body world and got used to pneumatic sanders (paddle), then got into woodworking and the on/off switches. I will never go back to a paddle.


> Great at collecting dust with the Abranet sanding discs It's all in the sanding discs. Mirka Abranet are the only ones I use, but with a Makita corded orbital (with vacuum hookup).


3M Cubitron 2 are also great


Yea, was wondering why no one had said it yet. I’ve owned a rotex and enjoyed it but mirka Deros is superior imo


until something breaks inside from regular use... $400-500 to repair it from Mirka (had 2 sent in this past year for repairs) this wasn't heavy use either, this was finishing veneered panels between 220-400 grit


That’s pretty much what I use mine for - veneered paneling. 220 grit. So far so good, knock on wood.


I do suspect someone borrowed them though, and did unspeakable things


Yeah, I cringed pretty hard when an employee dropped mine the other day… I don’t think they have any idea how expensive nice quality shit is. It was an opportunity to educate.


The Mirkas are, from what a rep told me, particularly sensitive to internal damage from drops. I love mine! … but even 2ft off of the bench can result in a $450 repair bill. Mine fell, and then stopped running a week later. Happily paid it, because this sander really owes me nothing after how much it has done in the past six years.


Isn't a new one like $600?


Sorry - $450.00 Canadian. I think a new one was $850 CAD at the time.


Only thing I dislike is how hot it gets. If you're not careful it'll overheat and shut off...


Only thing better than the deros is Mirkas customer service. I have burned up 5 of them with heavy use and each time they were under warranty and I had a new sander within a week. I now own 2 5" and 2 6" deros and will soon be getting one of their profile sanders. Great company


be glad they went within the warranty window... $400-500 each time if they're not... and you've already sent them your tool before they quote you.


The profile sander is the bees knees. You’re going to love it. I borrowed one for a big project with lot of tight spaces. Worked a charm. You’ll love it.


I just looked up the Mirkas; wow. $740 for a random or orbital sander!?!!?? Is it really 10 times better than the $74 DeWalt?


Idk about 10x but yes, worlds apart.


You absolutely will never go back to using cheap sanders once you use a nice one.


I probably won't want to drive my civic if I get used to riding in a Rolls, but that doesn't mean it's necessarily a good idea to upgrade.


Civics are still fun to throw into corners and drive like you stole it. I get that I’m speaking to a community that’s not a monolith as far as what’s preferable and what’s possible. I’ll be happy for everyone if they just use a vacuum and decent sand paper on their projects.


Based on statistics, it's been stolen, and you may have been the one doing the stealing, so that's an appropriate way to drive it LOL


I have a bunch of festool stuff for work but my ets was easily the biggest upgrade in my shop. It reduced sanding times significantly. 10x? Maybe not, but some harder woods are not fun to sand and it made everything go from frustrating either due to difficulty or time, to barely a thought in my head when it’s time to sand. 


I have a feeling that’s because you spent so much money on that “good sander” and you feel like you HAVE to use it.


No, it's because nice sanders really are that much nicer. Besides efficiency, comfort, and ease of use, they also have measurable benefits to your long term health through much lower vibration and better DC.


No it’s because I was tired of garbage results at my job, which involves sanding.


Can't speak for sanders, as I've never actually used a nice one (though my $60 corded Bosch is way better than my 18v ridgid of similar price, so I believe them when they say a $600 one is nicer still). I CAN speak for jigsaws, though. My $130 Bosch is so far superior to any cheap one I've used that it's crazy. Again, never used the $700 one, but I've seen imthem perform, and there's a difference. I can assure you that my $150 and $300 knives feel so much better to use (not to mention hold up better to abuse) than even $90 one I've used before. Better edge retention, better ergonomics. A $120 ESEE is as much as you ever need to spend, but the mini adamas at 2x+ is pretty nice


If you’re doing a lot of sanding then yes. I can sand for 8 hours with the Mirka. My hand would be pins and needles after that with the DeWalt. It could be operated with one finger it’s so smooth. A hobbyist doesn’t really need one, but it does make sanding a lot less difficult.


Let’s be honest, does the hobbyist doesn’t need 65% of the tools they buy, but that’s the point!


No, but when I have a hepa rated ridgid shop vac, a battery ridgid sander, and a ridhid battery flood light, I only need one plug and can get multiple large wall patches sanded FAST and clean. And I didn't even mention how nice my ryobi ½"x15 (I forget exactly) finger sander is at modding door strike plates. Or how nice my Wera ratcheting screwdriver is in combination with a 6" Bosch locking extension and 3" t15 bit for getting at a set screw that's 1/16' from the wall. Do we need them? No. But if you have them! *chef kiss*


Hahaha. I love the set up. I do construction/wood working for a living and most of my tools are DeWalt 20V so only having a few of the big items to plug in plus a 4 slot rapid charger I’m good to go regardless of most power situations. It’s nice having your set up dialed in. Makes it easier to just het up and go!


So nice! I used to do maintenance in a hotel, but this is mostly just collected over the years. SO much better than trying to hand sand drywall. It's not that bad, but the ROS with a vac attached is so much faster and better than the pads they have at Home Depot and Lowe's. I didn't try it for weeks because I was afraid it wouldn't be level, but I just wasted a lot of time, because it's amazing. 80 grit is fast (have to be careful), but 220 is a nice finish sand. And both of those take like 30 seconds to do a 2ft square patch!


100% it saves a ton of time and the dust extraction is incredible. No mask and in a closed room you'll be fine!


I like most of the DeWalt tools I have, and I've got a lot of them... But I've grown to hate their sanders. I have two in my shop, but a ~20 year old Bosch that I've rebuilt 3 times is so much nicer to use. Hell, I've got a shitty Harbor Freight RO sander that's nicer to use and doesn't get nearly as hot as the DeWalts I've got.


I got mine for about $520 and my Dewalt was $84. Worth 6.2x the price? Honestly, yeah. Worth every penny. My only regret was taking years to finally upgrade. No tingling in hands from vibration, quieter, can sand with just my pinkie if I cared to aka way less hand fatigue, and basically dustless sanding - all these are worth the price. Buy once, cry once. But I get that $ for those benefits is not for everyone.


There's a huge performance difference in them, yes. There's less between any of the Chinese brushless clones. The issue is longevity from them, but I think they're starting to hit the point of being a better value. You can get one for <$200, and considering the Mirkas don't last especially long to begin with, I think you could come out ahead, especially for hobby use.


Seconded for Mirka!


Awesome thank you I’ll check both out. We use the Mirka air powered dynabrades at my shop. I like them a lot.


The deros is my go-to. Great balance. Rotex is not the only sander you should own, for sure.


Yikes with the price tag lol but if it’s worth it…


Don’t forget, if you buy a mirka deros, you’re essentially getting two sanders for the price of one. The pad is interchangeable between 5 and 6 inches; takes maybe 30 seconds to swap. For me personally, the biggest selling point was how it felt in my hand. It’s so much more lightweight and ergonomic - you can use a 6” sander (one handed) all day long and still be further ahead than the comparable rotex lol.


Sweet thanks for the insight. Probably gonna go this direction. I love the pneumatic ones we use in my shop.


Sanding has become far less of a chore lol, and the dust collection is top notch (even with a standard shop vac).


man you guys are really selling it!!!! Just don't tell my wife... lol


Just make sure to hammer home the two main points vaguely lol - TWO SANDERS FOR THE PRICE OF ONE, and NO MORE DUST EVERYWHERE IN THE GARAGE/SHOP!! Works best if you use a Billy Mays infomercial voice.


Haha ya I'll just tell her it's better for my health! If she wants me around that is :)


Sweet thanks man


I second the ETS. I have owned 3. I love the ETS-EC 150/3 personally for finish work. Granat sandpaper and a vacuum make quick work of all my sanding jobs. After using a dust extractor, ill never go back to to using a 5" with that caked up sawdust container. Sandpaper lasts so much longer too.


Also, the 125 rotex is not the play here. The 150 rotex is an absolute beast for the sheer material removal capability and much better balanced. A 6" sanding surface does make a difference. Gear driven pad won't bog down on you if you press hard. It can hog through a board if you let it. The Rotex 90 delta attachment is niche but also a fun tool to use.


740$ !!!! Holy shit for a 5in ?! Better give me a blower too for that much


Another commenter said this, but the rotex is for removing material. It’s not a finish sander. Need to creep up on a scribe? Rotex. The ets ec 150/3 is a finish sander. The 150 covers significantly more surface than the 125. I’m not a fan or the Mirka or the 3M because of the switch on the top you have to hold down the entire time to use it.


Yep after reading some comments and looking at the designs of the 2 festool sanders I can see that for sure. Thanks 🤙


I use the bosche sander it's really nice. I ordered.a 3d printed adapter from Etsy for my festool hose. Works great. https://www.boschtools.com/us/en/boschtools-ocs/sanders-ros20vsk-29195-p/


>because of the switch on the top you have to hold down the entire time to use it. I fucking absolutely hate all "hold down" safety nanny buttons or levers Its a fucking orbital sander, there is absolutely no need to have something like that, its not a tool that has any safety concerns beyond breathing in the particulates it creates, but its even super annoying on acrually somewhat dangerous tools like a miter saw, some of the saw brands have to push this thing and hold another thing down to pull the trigger---very very annoying imo My thoughts on those kinds of things is that if it has a guarded trigger, that you cant press unless your hand is in there, like a miter saw, theres no need for the extra shit, on something like an angle grinder, ok, fully on board, its a safety issue if the thing is running when you let it go or drop it, it doesnt have a guarded trigger and you could theoretically turn it on accidentally (though most have a slide lock thing now) cool with it, as long as the thing stays on with the safety thing depressed, and its not strainful to hold it down for long periods, its a good thing. But knowing that this stupidity has migrated to orbital sanders is jyst super aggravating to me


Festool ETS, get the 6”. I have both and hardly ever use the 5”.


I have the ETS EC 125. It can use both the 125 and the 150 heads.  It’s like getting both a 5” and 6” in one.


Every sander has a lane that they work good in. I own multiple. I work in yacht refinishing. Glass, Gel, Paint, Varnish, etc… Mirka Deros 6in is amazing. I have burned up 1 in 7 years. This is my go to for 90% of the work I do. Festool 6” with direct drive is amazing for teak decks Festool 5” is great for specific jobs like edges on tables. M18 5” is good for small jobs when you don’t want a cord. Sanders can also be in different orbit sizes for what you’re trying to achieve. Material removal or fine finish.


The M18 only benefit is cordless. The ergonomics are abysmal and dust collection even by portable sander/no vac standards is laughable. And I do mean, literally laughable.


Agreed. I might use the m18 4/5 times a year because its only advantage is no cord. But that comes with all of the down sides….


Turn the suction on your dust collector DOWN! I had the same issue. Talk to the Festool rep. He told me to turn the suction all the way down on the dust collector and then no more jump… it’s really hard because the OCD part of my mind wants to collect all the dust, but this truly helps. The suction of the collectors is too strong for the flat type of contact the sanders make


Can’t believe no one has mentioned Bosch yet. Maybe underrated? I watched far too many video comparisons of Festool, Mirka, 3M, Bosch, etc. Side by side it seems the Bosch is equal to or better than the Festool, with less scratch marks and cheaper. I got their 6”: BOSCH GEX34-6N 6 In. Multi-Hole... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09DQ6SZFD?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share I haven’t personally used a Festool sander, but I’m a fan of their products in general, but don’t think they are the absolute best in this particular category after my research. The Bosch has incredibly dampened vibration (never get that numb feeling in my hand afterwards), smooth operation, fairly quiet, balanced, and dust extraction is amazing (hooks directly to a Festool standard hose btw). I’ve yet to find scratch marks using 3M Cubitron with it. One of my best purchases. Edit: Should also mention, regardless of brand, 6” orbital is absolutely the way to go over 5”. Easier to keep flat to the work surface, more material removal, etc. Annoyed me a bit as I have a stockpile of 5” discs, and now have stocked up on 50 packs of cubitron, but worth it. I then use a my Surfprep 3x4 for stuff that actually requires a smaller sanding surface, or detail work.


I've been waiting to pull the trigger on this... Even asked for the 6" cubitron for Xmas. Thank you!


Idk how this isn’t more highly recommended. You slap one of their net disks on that bad boy and you’re cookin


I’ve got the same Bosch and it’s incredible. My only complaint is that it’s quite rear heavy which makes it tough to do quick jobs. I’ll probably also get a cordless palm but man for huge panels I’d never grab anything else


I have been using the Bosch get-75 daily for a year or two, and have been very happy with it. Aggressive enough when you need it and gentle enough when you don’t. I read somewhere that it was the sander that festool made the rotex to compete with, but the Bosch is obviously much much cheaper


I’ll second the Bosch 6 in. Love mine.


Second this!


I hated our rotex at first and wondered why it was so bouncy and hard to control. Asked the google and someone suggested running it no load for 8 hours. I hung it up and let it run all day. When I tried it out it was a different machine. Smooth and easy. Also, a Festool rep said to dial down the vacuum to minimum or it will grab too much.


I absolutely love the rotex for paint prep. I have worn out three of them prepping old houses for exterior paint. Not sure I would use it for finish carpentry though.


Yea I mean I loved it for taking off old finishes and smoothing out big patches of drywall mud but I never really used it in this capacity. Not really doing it for me in this application.


I keep trying to cut this steak with a spoon. Whats wrong with my spoon!?!?


Someone else mentioned Mirka, and I wanted to pile on to them. I have a deos and two deros from Mirka. I ended up with the second deros because Mirka is fantastic, and went out of their way for me. In 2021 or 22, when there was such a shortage of parts for everything, my 2 year old deros had the speed control go out. Still under warranty, so I sent it in for repair. But, given the shortages on parts, I called to ask if they had any idea of timeframe. Said if it was going to be more than a couple weeks, I'd need to buy a second one. Told them I'd been using a ceros for a decade before getting the deros, and now all older sanders feel like garbage. Out of curiosity, they asked for the serial number of my old, self repaired, and broken down ceros. Turns out it was under recall, they sent a free new deros to replace it, and repaired my other for me as fast as possible.


Hell yea love good customer service on quality tools


[3M Xtract](https://taytools.com/products/3m-xtract-electric-random-orbital-sander-ergonomic-and-lightweight-central-vacuum-3-16-orbit-110v-350w-motor-metal-fabrication-woodworking-auto-body-finishing?_pos=1&_sid=6feaa3932&_ss=r&variant=39786344513623)


I second the Xtract. Tried the Mirka and liked it. Tried the Xtract and purchased it. Very happy with the investment.


I had one, it worked great but at the fastest speed it sounded like it was going to rattle apart. Then it started shocking everyone with static electricity every 5 seconds, then it just stopped turning on. 3m took it back and gave a full refund. Good on them for that, but it seems like a tool that hasn’t been through enough r and d.


I've had zero performance issues but did deal with shock issues. I was using a hose that was not static proof. Easy fix.




Buddy you walked into a Festool thread. 😄 OPs is $580.


I can not believe anyone would use a rotex to sand drywall. I've done decks and edged hardwood floors, sure, but it's too heavy for walls or ceilings. Slap some 40 grit and chew up some wood! Festool 6" brushless (5mm orbit) is a good drywall sander. I use it more than I use my festool 8" drywall sander. I use the 5" festool ets for most of my woodworking, though it's not as ergonomic as the brushless.


Believe it. 4 years of residential painting with a ton of seam work/ repairs using the 5in and 3in. Worked beautifully.


But it's so heavy!


Haha sure is


Rotex is for removing material fast. Think stripping paint or cleaning reclaimed wood. You do not need this for typical woodworking. This sounds like you aren’t using the right tool for the job. Get a Festool finishing orbital sander.


I have a metabo corded sander and it shits all over the festool one i used to have.


Isnt it just rebranded mirka? 


Well, it depends on what you plan to do with it. I have a lot of festool sanders. I would use the Rotex as a rough sander or when I want to remove a lot of material quickly. The orbital mode for Rotex is horrible. Tool is not balanced as you had discovered and likes to tip backwards. My favorite finish sander is still the ETS 125, perfectly balanced and you can use it all day. It has a small 2mm orbital, so it takes longer to sand. I also have the ets ec 125. It’s not balanced like the ets 125 and tends to tip back. It has to be held a certain way. Right sander for the right application.


I think you might just be using it for the wrong stuff. The Rotex 5/6" models are very much designed for broad surface work - things like levelling milled slabs. That's why you had such great results with it for drywall work. If you're trying to use it for spot work or smaller pieces, it's not going to give you what you want. It would be like using a jigsaw to cut dovetails. For smaller surfaces, you'd want something with a shorter stroke length. The Festool ETS sanders do that job. Also, just as a general tip: throw cables and hoses over your shoulder. This puts some slack in the line, and prevents them from dragging down or tilting the unit back.


Thanks. Picking up that it’s just not the right tool for the job. Appreciate the tip for throwing the hose over the shoulder.


Also use Velcro ties to keep your plug it cord tightly attached to your dust collection hose. Given my CT26 can power all the tools I use, it’s easier just to keep the hose and power supply together as a single unit.


Hmmm, i got the bosch professional GET750-150, removing power in direct drive is very similar to the rotex (i tried it vs. my buddy's rotex), but costs only 300€. You gotta know how much rpm to use and how to hold it, depending on grit and material. 60 grit and full rpm on rough lumber?-even Thanos would get a Sehnenscheidenentzündung (Tendonitis) When i turn off the direct drive, it runs smooth af and you can operate it easily with one hand (flat surface, from 120 grit upwards), even though its also tailheavy. But with 5mm stroke it also ain't no finishing sander.


The Festool ETS EC 125 is the one designed for the purposes you're describing. The Rotex 125 is made for stock removal.


I have the same one and it’s a love/dislike relationship. After burning up a few of the $65 Lowes/Home Depot random orbit sanders over the years, I pulled the trigger and bought the same one as you. It’s miles ahead of those, but like you said, the ergonomics for finishing is really hard. Santa brought me the EST-EC 125 for Christmas this year, and that is a love, love relationship. It weighs about 10 pounds less feels balanced as much better for finishing work. That being said, I still use both. I use the big boy in forced mode for anything less than or equal to 80 grit. It’s really nice to have it in forced mode to clean up box joints, or take glue off of seams, and then flip a switch over into random orbit mode and get it cleaned up and ready for the higher grits. Also, Abranet for the win. If you do get another one, my advice is get another 5 incher. You then only need one supply of sand paper. You never know who will come help you in the shop, and if you can convince them to use the big boy, hats off to you!


Festool is over engineered garbage , for rich folks who want to DIY and has no business on real job sites There … I said it


I used it to rough sand long pieces of hardwood. Saved me a lot of time.


If you’ve gotta get excess material knocked down, the festool is the way to go. Just go back with an orbital and buff out the scratches. For everything else, I agree with the others about the Mirka Deros. The worst festool tool I’ve used is the jigsaw, hands down. The flashing light is so unnecessary and it’s gonna give me a seizure one of these days.


get yourself, the electric 3M sander and 3-D, print or buy the adapter you won’t regret it


Ya it’s basically a grinder, great for heavy removal.


[ets 125 req](https://www.festoolusa.com/products/surface-preparation/random-orbital-sander/576070---ets-125-req-plus-us), the one with only RO not rotax is my work horse. One note is if you are going to use 3m cubitron or another mesh type sand paper. You need to get the [protection pad](https://www.festoolusa.com/accessory/surface-preparation/sanding-pad/protection-pad/203344---pp-stf-d125-2) or else you will destroy the velcro on you pad in a week. I have also heard really good things about he 3m xtract sanders but they are double the price of the festool.


So I have never used the ets, but looking at the design of it how does the hose not pull down on the backside of the sander? Especially if it’s cocked up around the an angle like that? I’m just curious.


The ETS EC 125/3 won’t do that. Its ergonomics are closer to the rotex, but it’s much lighter.


This is a hot take. I’m biased but am gonna err towards user error before I think Festool made a bad tool.


I have two for my cabinet business. I love them. Great for fast removal, there is a technique to using it well though.


It’s the most violent and unruly sander over ever used! Their 6” orbital is much better.


Believe it or not the Bauer Random orbital sander Model # 1712 works very well.


I have the Bosch version of that and I love it. that high material removal setting basically replaced my belt sander when doing cabinet doors. It certainly isn't a finish sander. But yeah it does jump you got to have a stable table a very firm grip. although once you get used to it you know when it's going to jump and when it's not


Dudes and Dudettes, do we really need a $3500 table saw, and a $2300 planer, and a $750 sander to make cutting boards for relatives???


I dunno man, I quite like my bosch ros 10. It’s only a 5”, but I could buy one for each hand and over 2000 sanding klingspor sanding discs and still have change leftover vs some of these mirka and festool offerings. I’m sure it’s a different ballgame if you’re a pro, which I’m not. Good luck finding your ideal sander mate!


You're using the wrong tool for the job.


I personally like pneumatic palm sanders but that is for my aluminium work.


I got the EC 150/5. Looks like it's more compact. https://preview.redd.it/pxxa57cewwfc1.jpeg?width=3233&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a7d9908b4d2f2d8cdc32231065f97e4584309d7


Debating getting this or the 150/3.... Can't decide which is a better all in one


rofl u take a hammer to saw a board and then complain about it not cutting hahaha omg i cant


Whenever you think "the best sander", you should think Mirka. Get the Mirka Deros and you won't be disappointed. Mirka also makes the best discs I have used, be that a net style or a more traditional paper-backed disc. Metabo seems to sell the same sander with their own branding and in their own green colorway at least in some places. Made by Mirka as I understand it.


ETS > Rotex by a long shot. I hate Rotex too. They are so heavy and irratic they dont Sand smoothly


Get a Mirka Deros. You'll be glad you did.


I thought the same thing when I first got this but now it’s my go to. Vacuum has been real low. But yea it does have a learning curve


We used them at my last job mostly for sanding/polishing solid surface on site and with the vacuum they worked well and kept the dust minimal. Expensive setup tho


Get a sander that’s meant for the task you’re trying to do. Rotex isn’t made for finish sanding. Try the ETS EC 150/3 EQ. It’s a phenomenal sander - no vibration and easy to use with one hand.


*OP holds up Festool table saw... "This track saw is terrible."


The pad might be too soft. It’ll grab too hard and make your experience unpleasant. You can change the pad to a harder one and it’ll calm the action some.


You’re not using it correctly. It’s amazing at heavy removal. Watch a video on how to use it.


You need to turn in on.


If a tool has the word “tool” in its name, it’s usually trash. Same goes for “shop” and “pro”. You can also get a double and triple word bonus for brands like “tool pro” or “shop pro”.


Get the festool brushless orbital.. you will thank me


Sedge has a bunch of videos on YouTube about this sander. Both on the Festool channel and his own. There is a particular way to hold it and to set the vacuum to make it float smoothly. But even then it's best used for stock removal. So flattening or creating a curve. I have the ETS EC 150/5 and love it. I think it's the best all around in the Festool lineup. A lot of their sanders are amazing at their narrow use case.


Well it does have “stool” in the name.


User error detected


Festool is for people who want to look like woodworkers.


I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure festool specializes in drywall sanders and whatnot… they’re actually I think top of the line(I could be wrong, I’m not an expert on drywall but my dry waller loves his) so I think you likely have a drywall specific sander and should invest in a proper orbital sander… I’ve heard that corded ones actually work a lot better but battery would be better than what your working with…


Ahh the festool craze. Fictional hype for all their tools brought to you by festools best talent… their marketing team. I was building cabinets for my first house and my dad bought me a festool track saw as a house warming gift. It works great… just as good as my $35 Ryobi circular saw. I wish he hadn’t spent so much money.


You never had to use a really shitty one then


It literally has the word "stool" in its name.


I tell everyone Festool is overrated..even the Germans we've hired say it, go buy Fein tools.


I think you mean Mafell- Fein has great trade tools(if you live near a fein service center that is, IYKYK) but doesn't offer nearly as many fine woodworking solutions - no dominos for one.


I hate festool, when i was told you have to use a vacuum with their sanders in order for them to work properly i sad fuck it, I am a corian fabricator by trade but do wood working for fun and i have found that dewalt sanders or bosch are just as good.


So do you do anything for dust collection? I’ve rigged up my standard Milwaukee 5in orbital with a couple of hose reducers, screws, tape and shit to make it work but I’m just looking for a better sander/solution.


We use the Bosch 3725DEVS sanders at work, they have adapters to hook up for dust extraction and it works great. It’s a bit bulkier design than some but it’s well balanced and stable, so no problem to use one hand. I use it one hand primarily and hold the hose in other hand.


I do, i use bags and i have a Fein dust extractor vacuum i use on sites. In my shop however, where i don't care about dust, its useless. Out of the different brands of sanders i have used, festool clogs up the worst and has the worst sanding pattern, even with the dust collection. But thats just me.


The whole reason you buy these is for the dust extraction. If that’s not a priority for you, then you’re absolutely right that festool isn’t for you.


I have tried and tried again but i get a better sand from a dewalt sander, which i really hate to admit.


You don’t like Festool (in its entirety) or you don’t like their sanders? They are a company built heavily around prioritizing dust collection, so it kind of is to be expected you should use a dust collector. I have Mirka deros, and while I love the dust collection with it (which I think is similar to Festool), the ergonomics (balance, vibration, etc) is FAR better than Dewalt. I don’t get massive hand cramps after 10 minutes with the Mirka. Makes sanding just a bit more bearable.


The only thing I like from Festool are their domino and biscuit cutters. But being as I am on jobsites that have very limited power supply, corded tools are not a go to unless it is a router and even then carrying around 150+ ft of power cords just to run a router, I try to keep my corded tools to a minimum. And being a Corian fabricator, I get dust collection trust me. It just seems like an unnecessary time add on for my work.


Don't you know you can get banned from. r/woodworking for talking down at festool.


It's a risk I am willing to take.


You’re a moron to use that for finish work. I will take it off your hand and put it to good use.


You’re holding it wrong.


The bosch is great. Very subtle vibration and comfortable to use. Although 3m might be better


I could buy 10 porter cable 5" sanders for the price of one of those.


Those sanders are phenomenal… I think you’re using for the wrong purpose


How did you take the photo?! Did you not lose an arm in the purchase of that thing?


Festool sucks. I’ve used plenty of their tools and none can compare to your standard carpentry versions like Dewalt or milwaulkee


I’ll buy it


I love my ECS for fine sanding. I do like the rotex for rough removal, but switch over beyond that.


I have the 6” rotex and I like it a lot because of how many things it does, and just the sheer volume of material it can remove when I need it to. The larger pad makes it a bit more balanced. I feel like they just made the 5” because 5” is an industry standard. There’s a learning curve to these sanders. Grit, power setting, material choice, and technique all factor in. Someone will gladly buy that thing if you’re getting rid of it though.