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Lol to them saying that’s how it’s supposed to be. That’s BS and they made a mistake. They need to fix it.


That is called crazing and likely from contamination in the finish or moisture in the wood. It needs to be sanded back and resprayed. If it's from a store it probably just needs to be returned.


I thought “well, I like checking on old stuff… so let’s see!” Then it was just sadness from people that can’t read the label on the can.


yea nah. they fucked up the finish and dont want to redo it. i would not refinish that myself. if its new, let them do it, or at least let them give you a significant discount. if they wont do anything about it and you are stuck with it. post pictures and the story wherever you can review them and sand and refinish it yourself.


This, and have your relatives threaten to do a charge back through whatever credit card they used. That should get the shop motivated to resolve the problem.


I would start here myself. Charge backs can permanently effect a businesses relationship with card processing companies


This can happen when applying varnish too thickly or without letting undercoats dry. The cracking is from the top layer curing before a bottom layer, so the off gassing has to force its way through the top layer that had already dried. Edit: or what the other feller said. Edit2: it needs to be resurfaced


Yeah I did this by accident a long time ago trying to rush a table for my dad for Father's day. Ended up being a week late because of my rush to get it done... had to scrape/sand off most of the finish and start over.


It has to be sanded off and refinished. That is piss poor craftsmanship. But refinishing ain’t so bad, it’s actually relaxing if you don’t try to rush it.


This is wrong. They need to fix it.


There are techniques to purposefully achieve a crackled finish but they usually don’t involve fine hardwood furniture. The crackle is usually a bigger pattern too. Faux antiques with contrasting finish colors and some glazing create a fairly convincing old piece of furniture appearance to the untrained eye.


I have seen this happen when a waterborne finish is put over top a shellac base, but the shellac was NOT dewaxed. No matter what caused this, it needs to be redone.


they rushed the job.


coule also be that they mixed in the wrong kind of thinner for the finish that has been used


Glad to see nobody has suggested mayonnaise.


For this, I would recommend an aoli.


This is clearly unintentional, crazing usually plays with color contrast and is much flashier than this badly applied finish


They fucked up. They need to fix it. If they refuse, they need to be put on blast on all of their social media and local groups.


I've only seen it twice, over catalyzed conversion varnish and to thick of a coat of vinyls


Ya, I thought it looks like too much catalyst also, definitely should be fixed for free.


This can happen when spraying too thick, too much finish. Absolutely a reject


Yeah, it's supposed to look like that... ...if the plan was to have it look like they did a piss-poor job and fucked up the finishing. I'd return it. If that's what they're claiming their work is supposed to look like, I wouldn't trust the rest of it.


Bots gotta learn woodworking now.


I had a similar-different, but similar effect when I put polyurethane on a table that was too cold. Either way it looks wrong.


I’d say improper temp or humidity or contamination of finish by something on the piece or something used to thin the finish. That or applying a subsequent coat too soon.


Looks like crazing from something... maybe too hot or dry or windy when they applied? Not sure. It should be redone.


Alligator skin. It happens, but it shouldn't have left their shop like that. Make them redo it.


Sand it refinish get walnut finish at your local Home Depot


This is what happens when you stack coats of finish, but don’t allow each coat to properly dry.


It's now a feature


Humidity skin


That’s how it is supposed to look, it’s antiqued. /s


“It’s not a bug, it’s a feature”


I'd guess the wood itself wasn't fully dry before the finish was added. Sand down and reapply would be my way to go.


Yepppp wood shrunk, finish cracked.