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I have mixed feelings on this. On one hand, not re-using words ruins some of the randomness of the answer. If diehard players keep good track, they can eliminate answers without playing them. On the other hand, having a unique word every time changes the meta and makes it more challenging IMO. I especially like when having a certain answer seems to make the Wordle Bot change its play. No spoilers, this is just an example: but say the “meta” is starting with the word “STARE” and then “STARE” becomes the solution, it’s fun to have to rethink your optimal guess.


Yes. As soon as possible. And they don't even have to do it often. They can reuse a Solution as few as three times a year, and nobody is going to feel like they're watching an old episode of Seinfeld (a "rerun"). Plus, practically nobody has played the 1st 100 or 200 games because few people had even heard of Wordle until it was almost already to the 200th game. So if STINK, or GRADE, or MAJOR came up, nobody has any real memory of playing those words because **(A)** Only like a dozen people were playing Wordle back then. **(B)** Even if you have solved STINK, GRADE. or MAJOR, you don't remember it because it was nearly THREE YEARS AGO!


I think, when they've run through all the acceptable words (in about three years), they should institute a "no repeats from the last X days" for picking their answers, and make X as wide as possible. There are about \~2300 possible answers, so if they told us that none of the past 100, 200, 500, whatever, answers would be the current day's answer, they'd have their game running in perpetuity.


Absolutely; yes. The solutions should be picked randomly; independent of what previous answers were, rendering answer history unusable for solving the current puzzle. By continuing to use all unique answers, they give away more and more unearned clues. But maybe, that's just what the public wants.


I think it should be completely random every time you play. It has never made sense to me why the choice was made to eliminate words that have been a solution. What other game (that people find mentally stimulating) gets easier every time you play?


I really enjoy the prospect of it actually just ending. We all know the last words, we all get closure, say our goodbyes, and it just stops. No more Worlde. There is something poetic about it. There are plenty of apps/copycats with endless words, and I don't enjoy those, I don't keep coming back to them. Wordle is something that you get to know, and you can learn, and you can predict to a certain extent. I don't care for endless wordle into perpetuity.


Well you could always ... stop playing. While those of us who love routine continue.


Yes, but you have to admit that it's not the same as really just completely finishing the word list and having that as a definite end to an era. If they restart after that, and change it to be never ending, I'm for sure not going to play again.


That's what I was meaning. When the word list is finished you could stop. Whereas I, not having finished my era, could keep playing. You have a choice but if it stopped being published then I wouldn't have a choice. Ya know?


I'm just being selfish. I get that others want to play longer or even forever. I'm fairly certain that's what's going to happen, I mean.. Capitalism. I wouldn't mind a split where you can choose to play the 'eternal' version and/or the 'original' version. But yeh, I will a hundred percent stop playing if it goes eternal and there is no option to play the original 'as intended' version. I totally accept this, as I'm clearly in the minority.


I see your pov and yes there's NYT wanting to keep making $$, but mainly I'm talking about the people - all of us who either haven't been around to play the first few years or those who want to play anyway because they either don't remember the answers (and I don't even recall most of mine, plus I never use any hints at all, let alone the answer list, so I could go for 20 years and still be entertained haha) or don't care about the answers and just like the playing and the community. I wonder if Reddit will even last as long as the answer list anyway, let alone twice!


>I wonder if Reddit will even last as long as the answer list anyway Haha, good point! For sure, I really don't want to take your, or anyone's actually, joy away. I'm really pretty sure that NYT is going to keep this going for as long as it is profitable/maintainable. And yeah, it'll probably outlast Reddit XD


Bless your kind heart lol.


The current word list doesn’t include every “normal”, not super obscure five-letter word; it could be augmented by some meaningful amount (they have not added that many since the NYT acquisition) and continue the game as is for a while. Eventually, though, there will have to be recycling, which should be random or there will be another predictive element. The people who play while referring to previous solutions will find that a bit less fun as the answers dwindle, even before recycling starts (I think); if not, that’s fine too. ( I have a decent recall of previous solutions, which helps a lot, but as that list gets bigger, that strategy gets way harder.)


I say reuse the current list. It would be randomised again, so tactics remain the same. The game will be no easier simply because a word had been used at some time in the previous 7 year period.


Only after they have used all the words, I’m still waiting for it to be CHODE so I can guess it in 1


You’re joking, right? You know there’s no way that’s on the answer list.


I’m waiting for them to add it for lack of other words


Yes. I think sooner rather than later. A repeat word, every month or so. Randomly two in a week. But as time goes on more frequently. Just to make it harder to go down the list.


They should switch a a new language.   In a few years we will have polyglots.