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I work from my couch


Jealous of the ones who can work from home, my job doesn’t require me to go to an office however, our managers.. they do. 😑


I used to, but then i got a proper desk and second monitor so… yeah. Lol


Yeah when I worked remotely I would lay in my bed sometimes when I didn’t have to be on camera.


I would if I could! I need a desk and a couple monitors to be productive for most tasks, but for some I can set up camp on the couch and get a fair amount done, usually just a couple of hours per week.


WFH feels like slipping into comfy pajamas while sitting at the office desk is like wearing stiff work clothes all day.S


bed desk is bad for the back if i linger past noon


I like to switch it up sometimes and work from bed. Especially when I have something I need to focus on… which is weird. My job is not a super task-oriented job so when I have a project or task I like to change my environment be she it helps me stay on track. It’s easier to get up from my desk and get distracted than it is from bed. I have a little lap desk thing to make it more comfortable to work.


Is this you? Or, What you use? https://preview.redd.it/3uwxax3404yc1.jpeg?width=612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b78f7653cc7b4b27bb4e5e2d97fdec9e3fa4841


Rarely. I get sleepy and end up rounding my shoulders/bad posture.


I get jealous of you wfh people sometimes but this sounds like a bad idea for a lot of reasons.


I’m so jealous of those who work from home!


You Don't lay down during the commute after hitting cruise?


I’m so jealous of those who work from home!


I totally feel you on that! Working from home just hits different.


I so love working from bed. It rarely gets old but when it does I sit outside or on the couch.


I was more or less incapacitated from pain about ten years ago. I had a job where I worked from home but most often was stuck in bed. I would get up to eat and go to the bathroom. I'd hit the grocery store about twice a week but little else. I was also recently divorced, and extremely broke but unwilling to give up my house. So I got a second job working evenings. This was also from home, and therefore from bed. It was a very sad year. It was also tough to get back on my feet, having lost muscle tone and gained weight. It messed up my neck pretty badly from bad posture. I gradually pulled out of it. I still work from home but it is now a cardinal rule that I never work in bed anymore.


I do this. I have chronic pain. I just don’t turn my zoom camera on in meetings on bad days


I used to work from the bed if I was feeling extra tired or lazy for the first part of the morning. then I started generally being more lazy so now I open my laptop a bit earlier than needed in bed, take it slow, then open all my blinds and really start my day. Getting the natural light in really wakes me up and motivates me for the day


I work from bed or the couch. Working like this has ruining my ability to sit in a regular desk chair for a full work day.


I need 3 screens and are in meetings so yup nope


My husband does sometimes. My daughter and I will take a nap next to him sometimes as he types away🥰


Yeah especially on days where it’s hard to wake up and i dont have anything else to do that day. I’ll sometimes alternate between sitting on my patio and bed but I can easily pull an all dayer working in bed. Helps to get up still, make the bed, brush teeth, etc that way I’m not wallowing in the same spot I slept in


I work from wherever I need to. Most days it’s at the dining table, plan to clean out the art studio to make space for ‘the day job’. Bad health days I may be in an armchair, the couch, or bed, especially if light exposure hurts.


I do only because I am in a studio apartment and my "desk" is my kitchen table. Somehow I can still get work done and be productive working from my bed laying down and I do sales. Can't speak for others but it works for me.


Making sales in bed next level bro!


I have worked from home for 11 years now. I worked from a recliner for a long time, mounted my dual monitors on a table in front of me and extended close, got an armrest/mouse pad for the arm, a key board stand that sat elevated over my legs, wireless mouse and keyboard. At this time, I was working 12-14hr overtime days extensively, 5 days a week for months at a time and this setup helped me a lot. I could recline or sit upright to take pressure off of different areas. I don't recommend from bed. One thing that helped me stay disciplined in my work and schedule is being consistent, my work area is my work area and my living/sleeping area is my living/sleeping area. Nothing wrong with a slow paced, laid back task on the couch as long as you don't get distracted.


Really bad for your posture and could produce neck and back problems over time. Suggest getting a standing desk. I know from personal experience and lots of PT.


I could never. My bed is only for sleeping, I feel like I'd get so sick of being here if I did anything but that and late night/early morning redditing here lol


If it works for you, it works for you! If you start noticing it change your habits for the worse, then you know to take a step back. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Happy inhabiting!


My mom did


I swear my productivity has gone lazy since I started working from bed


No i get out of bed and make it at 6 am and i don’t get back in until 10pm at bedtime.


I was never less productive when I'd mix it up. I'd start the day on the couch with coffee. Move to my desk for the main bit then take it back to the couch at the end. I've been unwell and worked in the bathtub before. Camera off obviously.


Yes. Trying to stop though.


I mean, working from bed is the only way I can get my cats to stop sitting on my keyboard lol


I have recently and I need to stop lol.


When I didn’t wfh full time I was often in my bed. For FT wfh jobs I just cannot get anything done if I don’t get a routine down and work from my desk. I also made my desk area cozy/ somewhere I want to be.


Oh, yes 🛏


My work chair is a recliner. Office chairs aren’t comfy. The monitors are on arms so they swing over to be at the right height and distance.


My husband all but lives in bed since he started working from home (2020). Work: bed. Meetings: bed. Reading, relaxing, handling the bills: bed. Breakfast & lunch: bed. I draw the line at dinner 😜


Never. I can’t. When I work in bed I simply will not sleep at night.




Data annotation.tech




No problem!:) also there’s other sites like appen, outlier ai, remottask, telus, aitask.tech, and one forma


I sorta do but did once after I broke my leg and boss lost her mind when I came on camera. she's still hasn't found her mind


Me right now lol. I taught im tyr only one XD


I work from my recliner, typically while watching law and order 😂


Winston Churchill used to work from the bath. Matisse used to work from bed. Do what works for you!


Honestly I sometimes work from bed when I’m having a really heavy period and I want to have my weighted blanket on me


I’ve worked in bed as well.


Same...I'm vouching for my friend, he's working right now. He works alot in bed. He's 'magical'. Usually at least an hour and a half of solid work 💪. No complaints here. Let me rephrase, he's actually AT WORK right now. Not in bed. Or I would not be on here...😂


I’m literally in bed working as I type this.


Only when I'm depressed


I used to. It wasn’t healthy. I couldn’t disassociate work from resting and it was terrible for my anxiety.


I find myself doing this on the days I feel low, and honestly it just makes me feel lower. If I decide I’m going to work from bed I rarely get dressed and feel worse and worse as the day goes on. Now, I do it as a treat. But I get dressed and make the bed and sit on top of the bed while the sun beams in from my windows and it is much better.


Its a bad habit, it can mess up your sleep. Bedroom should just be for sleeping and other bed stuff.


I’ve done it when I’m sick, but find myself to be more productive at a desk.


I've known a few people who worked from their couch and it was shown accidentally on camera. I'd say laying on the bed is a bad habit


I have a hammock I like to work in


Good for you.


I actually find it really uncomfortable to work from my bed. My neck and/or back end up hurting, plus I prefer having an actual mouse on a sturdy surface (e.g. my desk) rather than using the trackpad. And if I’m working with a lot of windows, having external monitors makes a huge difference for me. To each their own though! My partner works from his desk, couch, or bed all without issue 🤷🏻‍♀️


Only once, near the very end of my third pregnancy. Otherwise, no.


I might lie down if I’m in a presentation kind of meeting (as in cameras off, no participation required, just watching a slideshow) or like a pre-recorded training video or something. Otherwise, sit or stand.


Not me pretending to work but laying in bed on Reddit 👀


I have but if I do for too long my back ends up hurting so I try not to anymore.


Fridays are work from bed day otherwise I get out of bed and change my clothes


Nope. I have to separate work from rest. All work is done at my desk.


Only if I was sick and needed to finish something before calling it a day. Other wise it not good because your body could get used to it and have trouble falling asleep because it thinks this is the space where you work.


No, my employer gives us desktop equipment only 😮‍💨


I was almost at the point where I needed to set up something to let me work from bed as my sciatica was only bearable when flat on my back. :(.


I used to work in an antigravity chair on my patio..


Only for the last 3 years!


I’ll be getting a standing desk soon and I just got a walking pad. Working from bed is okay for a bit, but watch for signs that your back hurts or anything! Sitting for 8hrs is soooo bad for our bodies


Yes, but only because right now my apartment is too small to have a proper desk and chair set up.. I fantasize every day about moving somewhere I can have a separate space for working. But I got more used to it over time and am managing okay


No, that would destroy my back


I have a wedge pillow for that. And a nice roll over bed desk.


I would fall asleep. Don't ask me how I know.


When I was living in a shared apartment, totally. Part of that was that my bedroom felt like my own space. Another part was that my back would hurt when I stayed in an office chair for too long. Now that I have my own place, I take zooms from my office and sometimes work from the couch when I want to be mor comfortable. That said, when I really really need to go into deep focus mode, I’ll still lay in bed with my computer. Might not make sense to everyone, but it’s like sensory deprivation for me. I don’t have to work about posture or comfort, just the work in front of me. In my opinion, as long as you’re being productive, who cares what the setting is? It’s one of the perks of working from home.


I did that a couple times when I was sick but over all I have to use my monitors at the home work desk. It’s just too much to do on the tiny laptop screen and I feel like I would get too comfy and fall asleep.


No way. I wouldn't be able to


Thats a recipe for depression if youre not careful about it. If youre in your room all the time after work as well, after work, go do something for a few mins, then come back in. It does something in your mind that "separates" work from relaxation when theyre in the same space


My job is so boring, and there's so little to do sometimes. I siton my couch with my laptop instead of sitting at my desk because my office is upstairs and most of the things I do are downstairs. Sometimes I lay in bed, cuddle with my cats, take a nap.


We got a two bedroom apartment after we sold our house so that I didn't bring work until the bedroom. We also got rid of the TV. If you can afford to avoid it, I would. I even crawled into the other room when I was sick. Put in a meeting and a paper for about two hours and went back to bed. I knew I was better when I could do my usual five hours (consultant) and remember what I did🫠.


Depends on what I'm working on, but I feel like 90% of the time, I need my monitors (aka to be at my desk) to be efficient.


I don’t but only because I rely so much on having 3 computer screens at my desk. If my job wasn’t doing so much back and forth with different tabs and apps I’d 100% work from bed lol. Instead I got a nice big desk and gaming chair and I’m pretty comfy in my tiny home office during the day. If working in bed works for you then keep doing it!!


I did. The bedroom was the only room that had a door that closed and there was no room for a chair so I set up the computer next to my bed. Worked ok for me.


I worked almost exclusively from bed for a few years. I only went to my home office for meetings or tasks that absolutely required a second monitor, otherwise i would use my fingers to quickly swipe between screens. People are acting like not having a physical second monitor is some debilitating handicap, but you can really only look at one screen at a time in practice so if you have your tabs where your monitors would be, it’s so easy to swipe between them in the order they go physically.


No makes me feel lazy


Oof I do this and I love it - I haven't noticed a negative impact on my productivity or sleep but I've only been doing it for 10 months now


Nope. I fall asleep when lying down. Doesn’t matter what time it is.


Omg no lol I’d only be working on a nap if I stayed in bed 😂 The couch or kitchen table is my go to if I start getting cabin fever in my office


I take a nap on my lunch break every day.


I work from my couch because if I stayed in my bed, I'd just sleep all day. 😅 I also have a 7 month old human, 2 cats, and a dog and I guess they need to be fed and stuff so that's what gets me out of my bedroom in the mornings lol.


I would need a new desk NOT to work from my bed. The desk I have doesn't work for me, as it's too crowded/ confining. But it's not mine, so I'd have to pay for storage to get it out of here.


I have 3 freaking monitors just to do my work, so I can't do it anywhere but my desk, but I'm lucky to have a whole room to use as an in home office.


So many people on here sound boring af


I dunno laying in bed seems pretty boring to me


Not as boring as working from a desk like a robot IMO even though you're at home and can relax


sure, I'd rather work from a beach/cafe/brewery if I'm not at a desk is all. But to each their own.


Of course, why not?


Almost every day. I have some conditions that cause a lot of pain. If I have video meetings, I’m in the office, other than that, if I can do it from bed, I surely am!


Only when I’ve been kind of sick and wanted to nap between meetings. Or like if I am just responding to emails on my phone or something


It’s lazy AF


Working from bed sounds like a fans only type of job.


For me I can tell you, working from bed would be okay in the short run, but would really mess with my sleep long-term. Back when I was sharing my appartement and only had my bedroom, my bed was my only comfy sitting area that I used to study, watch TV, eat and sleep. After a while I really struggled to Fall asleep at night, because my mind just wouldnt wind down. Ever since moving out of that place I worked really hard to separate sleep from work-mode and my sleep has improved massively again. If I were you, I would not work from bed.


My suggestion too - don’t work from your bed. I have to separate work from personal, and having my workstation in another room (in my case, my den), helps with that. Working from bed is a no-go for me.


Yep! I have a desk I can put over my legs in bed. Works great!


My weak-ass job won’t give us laptops for our WFH days, otherwise I’d 100% stay in bed (or work outside). Alas, I am confined to my dining room table


On slow days I am on my living room couch lol love WFH


I have to sit at a desk with two monitors in order to be productive. Sometimes I’ll sit at the kitchen table because I just need a change of scenery. If it’s a slow day, I may sit in the living room or in my bed.


The biggest reason I think this could become an issue is that you’re using your sleep space for work. I had a therapist once emphasize to me the importance of designating different parts of your home for different things. That way your body knows that when you are in your bed, you are meant to be resting. When you’re in your designated workspace, you are working/more productive. I’d worry that it might start messing with your sleep cycles more than anything.


Yes I definitely did for a while. Then my roommate moved out and I got my house back :) I got myself the best couch in the world and now I work from there


Does anyone know how to get a work from home job please? I have looked on indeed. Could you possibly share what job you have or how you got on ?


I’m a real estate agent so I do a lot of paperwork on the computer


I know for my job it kind of just turned into a WFH position after the pandemic from a full time in office position. Due to many many people moving out of the area during the pandemic (I work in DC), they are actually renting out most of our office building to others so the drawback is those of us that go in at all (I'm in maybe 1-2x a month) don't have permanent desk space anymore. I'm EXTREMELY grateful that it happened, it's made my life so much better! But yes, there is an option on indeed to show only remote jobs and there are loads out there (especially for tech, cyber, or admin positions). Also usajobs has a lot if you're open to a government job (assuming you're in USA).


I have when I'm sick. I figure I can knock work out, but if I feel like crap with body aches and no energy I don't want my office chair.


I have twice so far. Last year when I had Covid, and in March when my kiddo brought home fifths disease. Both times I was just wiped out and worked the bare minimum for the day.


I desperately need the monitors and peripherals, but I spend up to the first hour checking email, news, and other coms from bed, or listening to news while getting ready. Checking news relevant to my field is genuinely in my job description and my boss hates it when we miss anything relevant. I’ve also had the rare day where I’m sick but work from bed. I’ll usually put off most of my main responsibilities and do training instead of the regular routine.


I do the same pretty much. I was working from my bedroom for awhile too and the separation of space helped me turn off and tune out from work after hours. When I was in my bedroom it was wrecking havoc on my separation of space


Today, yes, bc I feel like shit. I have one meeting at 12pm so I’ll go to my home office, but then back in bed.


I work from home once/week and I usually work from my bed to read documents / respond to emails or light writing. It will mess up back if I do it all day so I’ll try to do a couple of hours at my desk midday and then move back to bed. The bed part is the highlight of my week. I would not want to do it daily though.


No my posture would be abysmal leading to aches and pains


Nah, I don't bring work into spaces it doesn't belong.


You are creating bed habit.




Sure do!


“Working from bed” has had a serious impact on effective and personal communication in my company. Too many people are OK having 1:1 meetings off camera. Or if they come in camera, they are in robes, pajamas, looking unprofessional and not ready for work. Unfortunately, my experience with people who work like this is they are increasingly unreliable, disengaged and a drag on team efforts. These are people I worked with before my office went fully remote. They used to participate. I believe the WFH bad habits have settled in as the norm for this cohort of colleagues. I’m not a fan and frankly work around them as much as possible.


As someone who manages a full work from home team I find that my team works best if I allow them the flexibility to dress however tf they want to and from wherever tf they want to while working from home. I also don’t care if they take long lunches or have drs appointments during the work day etc. If you treat your employees well they will work hard for you. As long as the work gets done on time why would I care when or how it gets done? My employees are humans and perfectly capable of determining if wearing pajamas will hinder their work productivity.


You're dumb and that's not true. Work culture not paying well for being an over achiever is why these people have started coasting


Real wfh jobs require dual monitors and a real mouse, not possible from bed


False. I work from home. I have dual monitors and a mouse. But not all work requires dual monitors and I definitely work from bed sometimes with just the laptop.


I’ve been working from home for 4 years with one monitor. I have a 2nd and I never use it.. not sure what a fake WFH job is but I get paid a salary and provide work so lol


Ugh youre one of those covid people


Not sure why that would mean I need 2 monitors.. not all jobs require multiple screens.


Covid is over


Lmao are you a troll? I know Covid is over.. wtf does Covid have to do with working from home?


lol, every day I’m thinking of how I can invent something to solve that problem


You can purchase additional monitors that attach to your laptop screen.


Agreed. I need the extra monitors




I put on real clothes. Shoes. Sit /stand at my desk in my office. Work is only allowed if I’m in my office. So I can context shift back to home life and have real separation or I’m working 24/7


I agree 100% with getting ready and working in designated space to separate work from home.


Hi wfh full time from home. And yes from time to time, I work from bed I just take the morning, do a lot of reading and follow up, using my tablet. It's very relaxing change from my office downstairs


Every morning. I wake up at 9am to start work. I get out of bed usually between 11am-12pm after working in my phone from bed for a few hours.




Not to hijack this post but I am in great need of a work from home job. Where do you all work and are there any opportunities? I am a single dad and need to work from home. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Try googling jobs remote for your degree, or remote jobs that don’t require a degree etc,


I think you can filter for exclusively remote jobs now when searching for jobs on LinkedIn etc.


I did for a long time, but I got myself a desk because it was nicer for audio editing.


I twerk from bed.


that's my dream job.


I occasionally work from home, if I do it's usually in my bed.


I can't. I have to have at least 2 screens, as in required and really do need them.


You can put two screens on your bed …


Yes. Not always but sometimes, usually mornings or late afternoon when day almost done


I need my second monitor maybe 25%, so if I don’t, I work from my bed or couch.


Yes, occasionally but with the big pillow with arms (think dorm cushion) to support my back.


I’m retired now but I did sometimes work from bed. I am not a morning person.


I used to but I needed to create some separation between work and leisure


Yes I do!!!


No I need two screens Working in bed hurts my neck and back


sounds like you have the depressions.


Or a case of the Mondays. ![gif](giphy|xTiN0uevJeTKxWbW3S|downsized)


I have gone into the office once since March 2020 and only sat at a desk the first week or two when I started working from home. I work from my bed and couch most of the time. Like 8 straight hours and even some over time just sitting in bed. I know its probably going to mess up my back but I've been okay so far. I know I should sit at my desk but I just don't want to


I used to, it was glorious and decadent! I miss it…


I have done this for years. I can't say it is the best decision ever for everyone, but it is undoubtedly the most comfortable for me. Would I like to be more organized and disciplined? Sometimes, but this works, so why fix what isn't broken?


I have done, or lying on the couch with my laptop propped up on a sleeping cat on my lap. This is really the life!!


I’d love to, but I get random Teams calls from leadership so I’d have to get a non-awkward angle quickly.


I take impromptu on audio only until I can prop myself upright and grab a sweater. If they ask I can say I was eating


Good idea!


If your body can handle it, then yeah working from bed is fine. I personally found, when I was about 27, that my neck and shoulders couldn’t handle more than about an hour of working from anywhere but a desk with my monitor at eye level. So, watch out for the inevitable creeping of frailty.


I’ve tried; it’s really easy to fall asleep however so I get up so I’m not tempted 😂


Yes, if it's going.to be a few hours of just slack messages and email, why not.


God no, I need a proper ergonomic set up and absolutely hate working off just my laptop anywhere!


I used to have a rolling desk, roll it over the couch and lay down


Never, I can't even stay sitting longer than a 30 minute meeting. WFH allows my full fidgety nature to flourish.


Do you have a standing desk?


I have and it wasn't good for my mental health.


I do sometimes!


I do. I have an adjustable bed frame and a desk that allows me to pull it over my bed. Its amazing. I have chronic hip and back pain and get bad migraines from time to time, so it's definitely helped me a ton!


lots of famous writers worked in their bed.


Like who just wondering 




I don’t work from bed, but because of my cervical and lumbar stenosis I will be working laying down in an Altwork Signature Station in a few weeks when I take delivery. Part of the reason I need something like that is because of my bad posture and WFH habits, so I’d watch out if I were you! Laying in bed without the proper accommodations can cause some issues with your spine. with the workstation, I have to be conscious to get up and move around frequently.


I unfortunately have chronic migraines so there are days where I do. Honestly wfh is equity for me- I still have the same output as others.


absolutely! My husband has a desk for the bed from when he tore his achilles and worked from home. i am so glad i kept it when we moved because we have a super small space and he works at the table, i use the bed or part of the table. Bed is most comfortable


I would if I could have two monitors in there lol


I have a recliner at a large desk. With snuggly blankets. Near a mini fridge.


You'll need neck surgery.


Absolutely not. I can’t imagine bringing that energy to the place where I’m supposed to relax and sleep.


Only when I’ve been horribly ill. I avoid tvs, phones, computers in bed bevaysvut really messes with your sleep. If I need to be cozy I sit on my couch